Efficient Cardiac MRI T1 T2 Mapping with the Levenberg-Marquardt method
- fittingCodePy: Includes the c++ code. You can build it based on the cmake files provided. This will produce a command line executable (it only works on nifti files). It will also produce a dynamic library, linked to python linked to python via boost library. The main fitting code only depends on the eigen C++ template library.
- pythonScripts: 'pyImage' is the python toolbox that I use to fit images. It can import dicom files directly. This folder also includes testing scripts in python: 'T1mappingResults.py' runs the fitting algorithm to all subjects and slices. It sorts out the series numbers and inversion times automatically. 'plotResults.py' plots the fitting results and compares them to MRmaps output 'showFitCurve.py' implements an interactive tool to check the fitting quality in each pixel you select with the mouse.