Federica Arrigoni, Willi Menapace, Marcel Seelbach Benkner, Elisa Ricci and Vladislav Golyanik. Quantum Motion Segmentation. ECCV 2022
This folder contains the code for the above paper. It is structured into three parts:
- QuMoSeg-MATLAB This folder contains the Matlab code for generating synthetic datasets, creating QUBO and comparing to non-quantum state of the art. Examples of synthetic datasets can be found in the folder QuMoSeg_Data. For questions about this part, please contact Federica Arrigoni federica.arrigoni@polimi.it
- QuMoSeg_Demo.py This script contains the python code for running our quantum methods on D-Wave Advantage 4.1. For questions about this part, please contact Vladislav Golyanik golyanik@mpi-inf.mpg.de
- datasets This folder contains our new dataset, comprising 6 images with multiple planar objects. Original images, keypoints locations/descriptors, matches and ground-truth labels are available, together with the python code used to compute them. For questions about this part, please contact Willi Menapace willi.menapace@unitn.it
More details can be found in our paper, supplementary material and the project page: https://4dqv.mpi-inf.mpg.de/QuMoSeg/