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FAS (Fedora Account System) 3.0


Xavier Lamien, Pierre-yves Chibon, Ricky Elrod


The Fedora Account System is a community oriented accounts system which aims to provide a self-driven and self-controled management to its registered users.



Python Version

FAS has been tested on Python 2.6 and 2.7 only at this time.


FAS can be installed as follows:

% python install

If necessary, the --install-data option can be used to configure the location in which the resources (res) and example· files (docs) should be installed.

Migrating FAS from release 2.x


work in progress

Getting involved


If you want to enable fonts that match with Fedora logo usage guideline:

If you are running a Fedora or RedHat/CentOs's OS, here are dependencies' packages to install:

% sudo dnf install -y python-virtualenvwrapper libffi-devel openssl-devel \
        GeoIP-devel libyaml-devel redhat-rpm-config libjpeg-turbo-devel


Add the following to your ~/.zshrc or `~/.bashrc`:

% export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
% source /usr/bin/

and reload your shell by sourcing its rc's file or closing and opening your terminal back up.

And if you want to use system fonts:

% sudo dnf install -y aajohan-comfortaa-fonts abattis-cantarell-fonts

Then run the boostrap helper script:

% ./

And finally, load the virtualenv created:

% workon fas-python2.7

Initialize the database

% fas-admin -c development.ini --initdb --default-value

Run the test suite

% python test

Add fake data (People and group)

% fas-admin -c development.ini --generate-fake-data -n 1200

Run the web app

% pserve development.ini --reload

Hacking with vagrant

Quickly start hacking on FAS3 using the vagrant setup that is included in the FAS3 repo is super simple.

First, install Vagrant, the vagrant-sshfs plugin, and the vagrant-libvirt plugin from the official Fedora repos:

sudo dnf install vagrant vagrant-libvirt vagrant-sshfs

Now, from within main directory (the one with the Vagrantfile in it) of your git checkout of FAS3, run the vagrant up command to provision your dev environment:

vagrant up

When this command is completed (it may take a while) run the following command to start the FAS3 server on the vagrant virtual machine:

vagrant ssh -c 'pushd /vagrant/; pserve /home/vagrant/development.ini --reload'

Once that is running, simply go to http://localhost:5002/ in your browser on your host to see your running FAS3 test instance.