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Anatomy of a Pod

A little bit of history

The 80's with chroot

During the 80's, the chroot Unix system call is created, to give a process and its children a root filesystem different from the system root filesystem. This way, the processes are not able to access, by their name, files outside of this new root filesystem (but, and that's another story, there exist some indirect ways to access files outside of this new root filesystem).

This isolation is specifically useful for two use cases:

  • you want to test a new system, based on a fresh new filesystem, without the need to reboot your computer and kernel,
  • you want to run a service on a system with the guarantee that the service will have access to a part of the filesystem only.

To experiment, we will create a very small system, based on the busybox tool.

  • be sure the busybox is installed on your system, for example on a Debian-based system:
$ sudo apt install busybox-static
  • create a new directory and create the necessary files to be able to run some commands:
$ mkdir newroot
$ cd newroot
$ mkdir bin proc
$ cd bin
$ cp $(which busybox) .
$ ln -s busybox sh
$ ln -s busybox ls
$ ln -s busybox ps
$ cd ..
# mouting the proc virtual filesystem is required
# to run the ps command
$ sudo mount -t proc proc ./proc/
$ sudo chroot . sh
  • we are now in a shell for which the root filesystem is newroot:
# ls /
bin   proc
# ls /bin
busybox  ls       ps       sh

Note that we still have access to all the processes of the system:

# ps
  • If you open a new terminal and run a command:
$ sleep 10000
  • then go back to your chroot environment and try to stop this process:
# ps | grep sleep
 9550 1001     sleep 10000
# kill 9550
  • the process started outside of the chroot environment will stop:
$ sleep 10000


The Pod is the master piece of the Kubernetes cluster architecture.

The fundamental goal of Kubernetes is to help you manage your containers. The Pod is the minimal piece deployable in a Kubernetes cluster, containing one or several containers.

From the kubectl command line, you can run a pod containing a container as simply as running this command:

$ kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 nginx --image=nginx

By adding --dry-run -o yaml to the command, you can see the YAML template you would have to write to create the same Pod:

$ kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 nginx --image=nginx --dry-run -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  creationTimestamp: null
    run: nginx
  name: nginx
  - image: nginx
    name: nginx
    resources: {}
  dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
  restartPolicy: Always
status: {}

Or, if you extremely simplify the template:

-- simple.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: nginx
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx

You can now start the Pod by using this template:

$ kubectl apply -f simple.yaml

Or, if you are a Go developer, you can use the client-go library to run the Pod (complete sources are on the simple/ directory):

pod := corev1.Pod{
    ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
        Name: "nginx",
    Spec: corev1.PodSpec{
        Containers: []corev1.Container{
                Name:  "nginx",
                Image: "nginx",

podsClient := clientset.CoreV1().Pods("default")
_, err := podsClient.Create(&pod)

In this introduction, we have seen three ways to create a Pod:

  • with kubectl run
  • with kubectl apply
  • with the client-go library.

The Pod created is ready for production ... if you are not very fussy. Otherwise, the Pod offers a long list of parameters to make it more production-ready. We will examine in this document all these parameters.

Pod specs

Here is a classification of the Pod parameters.

  • Containers parameters will define and parameterize more precisely each container of the Pod, whether it is a normal container (Containers) or an init container (InitContainers). The ImagePullSecrets parameter will help to download containers images from private registries.

  • Volumes parameter (Volumes) will define a list of volumes that containers will be able to mount and share.

  • Scheduling parameters will help you define the most appropriate Node to deploy the Pod, by selecting nodes by labels (NodeSelector), directly specifying a node name (NodeName),
    using Affinity and Tolerations, by selecting a specific scheduler (ScedulerName), and by requiring a specific runtime class (RuntimeClassName). They will also be used to prioritize a Pod over other Pods (PriorityClassNameand Priority).

  • Lifecycle parameters will help define if a Pod should restart after termination (RestartPolicy) and fine-tune the periods after which processes running in the containers of a terminating pod are killed (TerminationGracePeriodSeconds) or after which a running Pod will be stopped if not yet terminated (ActiveDeadlineSeconds). They also help define readiness of a pod (ReadinessGates).

  • Hostname and Name resolution parameters will help define the hostname (Hostname) and part of the FQDN (Subdomain) of the Pod, add hosts in the /etc/hosts files of the containers (HostAliases), fine-tune the /etc/resolv.conf files of the containers (DNSConfig) and define a policy for the DNS configuration (DNSPolicy).

  • Host namespaces parameters will help indicate if the Pod must use host namespaces for network (HostNetwork), PIDs (HostPID), IPC (HostIPC) and if containers will share the same (non-host) process namespace (ShareProcessNamespace).

  • Service account parameters will be useful to give specific rights to a Pod, by affecting it a specific service account (ServiceAccountName) or by disabling the automount of the default service account with AutomountServiceAccountToken.

  • Security Context parameter (SecurityContext) help define various security attributes and common container settings at the pod level.

Container Specs

The most important part of the definition of a Pod is the definition of the containers it will contain.

We can separate container parameters in two parts. The first part are parameters that are related to the container runtime (image, entrypoint, ports, environment variables and volumes), the second part are parameters that will be handled by the Kubernetes system.

The parameters related to container runtime are:

  • Image parameters define the image of the container (Image) and the policy to pull the image (ImagePullPolicy).

  • Entrypoint parameters define the command (Command) and arguments (Args) of the entrypoint and its working directory (WorkingDir).

  • Ports parameter (Ports) defines the list of ports to expose from the container.

  • Environment variables parameters help define the environment variables that will be exported in the container, either directly (Env) or by referencing ConfigMap or Secret values (EnvFrom).

  • Volumes parameters define the volumes to mount into the container, whether they are a filesystem volume (VolumeMounts) or a raw block volume (VolumeDevices).

The parameters related to Kubernetes are:

  • Resources parameter (Resources) helps define the resource requirements and limits for a container.

  • Lifecycle parameters help define handlers on lifecycle events (Lifecycle), parameterize the termination message (TerminationMessagePath and TerminationMessagePolicy), and define probes to check liveness (LivenessProbe) and readiness (ReadinessProbe) of the container.

  • Security Context parameter help define various security attributes and common container settings at the container level.

  • Debugging parameters are very specialized parameters, mostly for debugging purposes (Stdin, StdinOnce and TTY).

Pod Controllers

The pod, although being the master piece of the Kubernetes architecture, is rarely used alone. You will generally use a Controller to run a pod with some specific policies.

The different controllers handling pods are:

  • ReplicaSet: ensures that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any given time.
  • Deployment: enables declarative updates for Pods and ReplicaSets.
  • StatefulSet: manages updates of Pods and ReplicaSets taking care of stateful resources.
  • DaemonSet: ensures that all or some nodes are running a copy of a Pod.
  • Job: starts pods and ensures they complete.
  • CronJob: creates a Job on a time-based schedule.

In Kubernetes, all controllers respect the principle of the Reconcile Loop: the controller perpetually watches for some objects of interest, to be able to detect if the actual state of the world (the objects running in the cluster) satisfies the specs of the different objects the controller is responsible for and to adapt the world consequently.

ReplicaSet controller

Parameters for a ReplicaSet are:

  • Replicas indicates how many replicas of selected Pods you want.
  • Selector defines the Pods you want the ReplicaSet controller to manage.
  • Template is the template used to create new Pods when insufficient replicas are detected by the Controller.
  • MinReadySeconds indicates the number of seconds the controller should wait after a Pod starts without failing to consider the Pod is ready.

The ReplicaSet controller perpetually watches the Pods with the labels specified with Selector. At any given time, if the number of actual running Pods with these labels:

  • is greater than the requested Replicas, some Pods will be terminated to satisfy the number of replicas. Note that the terminated Pods are not necessarily Pods that were created by the ReplicaSet controller.
  • is lower than the requested Replicas, new Pods will be created with the specified Pod Template to satisfy the number of replicas. Note that to avoid the ReplicaSet controller to create Pods in a loop, the specified Template must create a Pod selectable by the specified Selector.

Note that:

  • the Selector parameter of a ReplicaSet is immutable,
  • changing the Template of a ReplicaSet will not have an immediate effect. It will affect the Pods that will be created after this change,
  • changing the Replicas parameter will immediately trigger the creation or termination of Pods.

Deployment controller

Parameters for a Deployment are:

  • Replicas indicates the number of replicas requested.
  • Selector defines the Pods you want the Deployment controller to manage.
  • Template is the template requested for the Pods.
  • MinReadySeconds indicates the number of seconds the controller should wait after a Pod starts without failing to consider the Pod is ready.
  • Strategy
  • RevisionHistoryLimit
  • Paused
  • ProgressDeadlineSeconds

The Deployment controller perpetually watches the ReplicaSets with the requested Selector. Among these:

  • if a ReplicaSet with the requested Template exists, the controller will ensure that the number of Replicas for this ReplicaSet equals the number of requested Replicas (by using the requested Strategy) and MinReadySeconds equals the requested one.
  • if no ReplicaSet exists with the requested Template, the controller will create a new ReplicaSet with the requested Replicas, Selector, Template and MinReadySeconds.
  • for ReplicaSets with a non matching Template, the controller will ensure that the number of Replicas is set to zero (by using the requested Strategy).

Note that:

  • the Selector parameter of a Deployment is immutable,
  • changing the Template parameter of a Deployment will immediately:
    • either trigger the creation of a new ReplicaSet if no one exists with the requested Selector and Template
    • or update an existing one matching the requested Selector and Template with the requested Replicas (using Strategy),
    • set to zero the number of Replicas of other ReplicaSets,
  • changing the Replicas or MinReadySeconds parameter of a Deployment will immediately update the corresponding value of the corresponding ReplicaSet (the one with the requested Template).


Anatomy of a Pod






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