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107 lines (89 loc) · 8.22 KB

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107 lines (89 loc) · 8.22 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Added pure_records getter in the impl_parameter macro. #54
  • Implemented Deref and IntoIterator for StateVec for additional vector functionalities of the StateVec. #55
  • Added StateVec.__len__ and StateVec.__getitem__ to allow indexing and iterating over StateVecs in Python. #55
  • Added SegmentCount trait that allows the construction of parameter sets from arbitrary chemical records. #56
  • Added ParameterHetero trait to generically provide utility functions for parameter sets of heterosegmented Helmholtz energy models. #56


  • Changed datatype for binary parameters in interfaces of the from_records and new_binary methods for parameters to take either numpy arrays of f64 or a list of BinaryRecord as input. #54
  • Modified PhaseDiagram.to_dict function in Python to account for pure components and mixtures. #55
  • Changed StateVec to a tuple struct. #55
  • Made cas field of Identifier optional. #56
  • Added type parameter to FromSegments and made its from_segments function fallible for more control over model limitations. #56
  • Reverted ChemicalRecord back to a struct that only contains the structural information (and not segment and bond counts). #56
  • Made IdentifierOption directly usable in Python using PyO3's new #[pyclass] for fieldless enums feature. #58

[0.2.0] - 2022-04-12


  • Added conversions between ParameterError and EosError to improve the error messages in some cases. #40
  • Added new struct StateVec, that gives easy access to properties of lists of states, e.g. in phase diagrams. #48
  • Added ln_symmetric_activity_coefficient and ln_phi_pure to the list of state properties that can be calculated. #50


  • Removed State from EntropyScaling trait and adjusted associated methods to use temperature, volume and moles instead of state. #36
  • Replaced the outer loop iterations for the critical point of binary systems with dedicated algorithms. #34
  • Renamed VLEOptions to SolverOptions. #38
  • Renamed methods of StateBuilder and the parameters in the State constructor in python to molar_enthalpy, molar_entropy, and molar_internal_energy. #35
  • Removed PyContributions and PyVerbosity in favor of a simpler implementation using PyO3's new #[pyclass] for fieldless enums feature. #41
  • Renamed Contributions::Residual to Contributions::ResidualNvt and Contributions::ResidualP to Contributions::ResidualNpt. #43
  • Renamed macro impl_vle_state! to impl_phase_equilibrium!. #48
  • Removed _t and _p functions in favor of simpler interfaces. The kind of specification (temperature or pressure) is determined from the unit of the argument. #48
    • PhaseEquilibrium::pure_t, PhaseEquilibrium::pure_p -> PhaseEquilibrium::pure
    • PhaseEquilibrium::vle_pure_comps_t, PhaseEquilibrium::vle_pure_comps_p -> PhaseEquilibrium::vle_pure_comps
      The PhaseEquilibria returned by this function now have the same number of components as the (mixture) eos, that it is called with.
    • PhaseEquilibrium::bubble_point_tx, PhaseEquilibrium::bubble_point_px -> PhaseEquilibrium::bubble_point
    • PhaseEquilibrium::dew_point_tx, PhaseEquilibrium::dew_point_px -> PhaseEquilibrium::dew_point
    • PhaseEquilibrium::heteroazeotrope_t, PhaseEquilibrium::heteroazeotrope_p -> PhaseEquilibrium::heteroazeotrope
    • State::critical_point_binary_t, State::critical_point_binary_p -> State::crititcal_point_binary
  • Combined PhaseDiagramPure and PhaseDiagramBinary into a single struct PhaseDiagram and renamed its constructors. Properties of the phase diagram are available from the vapor and liquid getters, that return StateVecs. #48
    • PhaseDiagramPure::new -> PhaseDiagram::pure
    • PhaseDiagramBinary::new_txy, PhaseDiagramBinary::new_pxy -> PhaseDiagram::binary_vle
    • PhaseDiagramBinary::new_txy_lle, PhaseDiagramBinary::new_pxy_lle -> PhaseDiagram::lle
    • PhaseDiagramHetero::new_txy, PhaseDiagramHetero::new_pxy -> PhaseDiagram::binary_vlle
      which still returns an instance of PhaseDiagramHetero
  • Changed the internal implementation of the Peng-Robinson equation of state to use contributions like the more complex equations of state and removed the suggestion to overwrite the evaluate_residual function of EquationOfState. #51
  • Moved the creation of the python module to the build_wheel auxilliary crate, so that only the relevant structs and macros are available for the dependents. #47


  • Removed the utils module containing DataSet and Estimator in favor of a separate crate. #47


  • Updated pyo3 and numpy dependencies to 0.16.
  • Updated num-dual dependency to 0.5.
  • Updated quantity dependency to 0.5.

[0.1.5] - 2022-02-21


  • Fixed bug in predict of Estimator. #30


  • Add pyproject.toml. #29

[0.1.4] - 2022-02-18


  • Fix state constructor for T, p, V, x_i specification. #26


  • Added method predict to Estimator. #27


  • Changed method for vapor pressure in DataSet to vapor_pressure (was pressure of VLE liquid phase). #27

[0.1.3] - 2022-01-21


  • Added the following properties to State: #21
    • dp_drho partial derivative of pressure w.r.t. density
    • d2p_drho2 second partial derivative of pressure w.r.t. density
    • isothermal_compressibility the isothermal compressibility
  • Read a list of segment records directly from a JSON file. #22

[0.1.2] - 2022-01-10


  • Changed ChemicalRecord to an enum that can hold either the full structural information of a molecule or only segment and bond counts and added an Identifier. #19
  • Removed the chemical_record field from PureRecord and made model_record non-optional. #19

[0.1.1] - 2021-12-22


  • Added from_multiple_json function to Parameter trait that is able to read parameters from separate JSON files. #15


  • Updated pyo3 and numpy dependencies to 0.15.
  • Updated quantity dependency to 0.4.
  • Updated num-dual dependency to 0.4.
  • Removed ndarray-linalg and ndarray-stats dependencies.
  • Removed obsolete features for the selection of the BLAS/LAPACK library.

[0.1.0] - 2021-12-02


  • Initial release