Using Go
▶ go install
From git clone
▶ git clone
▶ cd Frizz
▶ go build frizz.go
▶ chmod +x Frizz
▶ ./Frizz -h
Basically, what you need to do is, specify the header value of what you are trying to inject using crlf ->
OBS: The url need protocol, http, https.
$ echo "" | frizz -payload "crlf=injection"
$ cat targets.txt | frizz -payload "crlf=injection
$ echo "" | frizz -payload "crlf=injection" -H "Customheader1: value1;cheader2: value2"
$ cat targets | frizz -payload "crlf=injection" --proxy "http://yourproxy"
$ cat list.txt | frizz -payload "crlf=injection" --only-poc
Nilo - Checks if URL has status 200
AiriXSS - Looking for xss reflected
Jeeves - Time based blind Injection Scanner
This project is for educational and bug bounty porposes only! I do not support any illegal activities!.
If any error in the program, talk to me immediatly.