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@filipw filipw released this 27 Nov 20:05
· 1085 commits to master since this release


This release contains a C# REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop). The REPL mode ("interactive mode") is started by executing dotnet-script without any arguments.

The interactive mode allows you to supply individual C# code blocks and have them executed as soon as you press Enter. The REPL is configured with the same default set of assembly references and using statements as regular CSX script execution.

Basic usage

Once dotnet-script starts you will see a prompt for input. You can start typing C# code there.

~$ dotnet script
> var x = 1;
> x+x

If you submit an unterminated expression into the REPL (no ; at the end), it will be evaluated and the result will be serialized using a formatter and printed in the output. This is a bit more interesting than just calling ToString() on the object, because it attempts to capture the actual structure of the object. For example:

~$ dotnet script
> var x = new List<string>();
> x.Add("foo");
> x
List<string>(1) { "foo" }
> x.Add("bar");
> x
List<string>(2) { "foo", "bar" }

Inline Nuget packages

REPL also supports inline Nuget packages - meaning the Nuget packages can be installed into the REPL from within the REPL. This is done via our #r and #load from Nuget support and uses identical syntax.

~$ dotnet script
> #r "nuget: Automapper, 6.1.1"
> using AutoMapper;
> typeof(MapperConfiguration)
> #load "nuget: simple-targets-csx, 6.0.0";
> using static SimpleTargets;
> typeof(TargetDictionary)

Multiline mode

Using Roslyn syntax parsing, we also support multiline REPL mode. This means that if you have an uncompleted code block and press Enter, we will automatically enter the multline mode. The mode is indicated by the * character. This is particularly useful for declaring classes and other more complex constructs.

~$ dotnet script
> class Foo {
* public string Bar {get; set;}
* }
> var foo = new Foo();

REPL commands

Aside from the regular C# script code, you can invoke the following commands (directives) from within the REPL:

Command Description
#load Load a script into the REPL (same as #load usage in CSX)
#r Load an assembly into the REPL (same as #r usage in CSX)
#reset Reset the REPL back to initial state (without restarting it)
#cls Clear the console screen without resetting the REPL state
#exit Exits the REPL

Seeding REPL with a script

You can execute a CSX script and, at the end of it, drop yourself into the context of the REPL. This way, the REPL becomes "seeded" with your code - all the classes, methods or variables are available in the REPL context. This is achieved by running a script with an -i flag.

For example, given the following CSX script:

var msg = "Hello World";

When you run this with the -i flag, Hello World is printed, REPL starts and msg variable is available in the REPL context.

~$ dotnet script foo.csx -i
Hello World

You can also seed the REPL from inside the REPL - at any point - by invoking a #load directive pointed at a specific file. For example:

~$ dotnet script
> #load "foo.csx"
Hello World

#load with Nuget support ("Script Packages")

On the heels of our #r from Nuget for referencing Nuget packages, we are now introducing #load with Nuget support. It allows you to reference a Nuget package containing not assemblies, bur other CSX files and consume them directly against your script.

Script Packages

Script packages are a way of organizing reusable scripts into NuGet packages that can be consumed by other scripts. This means that we now can leverage scripting infrastructure without the need for any kind of bootstrapping.

Creating a script package

A script package is just a regular NuGet package that contains script files inside the content or contentFiles folder.

The following example shows how the scripts are laid out inside the NuGet package according to the standard convention .

└── contentFiles
    └── csx
        └── netstandard2.0
            └── main.csx

This example contains just the main.csx file in the root folder, but packages may have multiple script files either in the root folder or in subfolders below the root folder.

When loading a script package we will look for an entry point script to be loaded. This entry point script is identified by one of the following.

  • A script called main.csx in the root folder
  • A single script file in the root folder

If the entry point script cannot be determined, we will simply load all the scripts files in the package.

The advantage with using an entry point script is that we can control loading other scripts from the package.

Consuming a script package

To consume a script package all we need to do specify the NuGet package in the #load directive.

The following example loads the simple-targets package that contains script files to be included in our script.

#! "netcoreapp2.0"
#load "nuget:simple-targets-csx, 6.0.0"

using static SimpleTargets;
var targets = new TargetDictionary();

targets.Add("default", () => Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!"));

Run(Args, targets);

Note: Debugging also works for script packages so that we can easily step into the scripts that are brought in from Nuget

NuGet.config support

Inline package references now respect a local NuGet.config file. You can now create a NuGet.config file in the same folder as your CSX script and the inline packages will be installed using the sources from the NuGet.config.

Other features, changes and improvements

  • the exceptions from compiling and running the scripts are now shown in red in the console PR: #184
  • when running in debug mode and using the inline package references, we now print out the entire generated csproj file that was used to restore the packages from Nuget PR: #180
  • the -c|--configuration parameter was removed from the CLI - it wasn't used PR: #173
  • installation script now ensures we install dotnet-script machine-wide PR: #176
  • the included Dockerfile bumped to .NET Core 2.0 PR: #172

Bug fixes

  • implicit assembly references are now not as aggressive, resulting in less runtime assembly conflicts PR: #182. The recommendation is to use an inline #r "nuget: NetStandard.Library, 2.0.0" assembly reference
  • fixed assembly reference bug when loading native dependencies PR: #169