Open dataset of MCPA paper "Tackling Mobile Traffic Critical Path Analysis With Passive and Active Measurements", to appear in TMA 2019 conference.
A Jupyter notebook to display/plot/compare performance indicators (e.g., Page Load Time, Above-the-Fold Time, Trasport Delivery Time, ..) for the mobile apps and webpages used in the paper. Based on the logs in ./performance_metrics. -
A Jupyter notebook summarizing critical path information for the mobile apps used in the paper. Based on data in ./critical_path_info. -
A Jupyter notebook generating network waterfalls for mobile apps used in the paper. It uses the logs in ./waterfalls. -
Part of MCPA code for the processing of pcap mobile-traffic traces. It partitions traffic into activity windows. For each interval, it computes performance metric(s) and reports statistics on the network waterfall and on the Critical Path.
- Python 2.7+
- Haralyzer (, Harparser (
- NumPy
cd tool/
python -p ./examples_app-startup/com.facebook.katana.pcap -c critical_domains_app-startup.txt
-p : Input pcap file.
Examples can be found in ./tool/examples_app-startup for app-startup traffic and ./tool/examples_app-click for app-click traffic
-c : File containing the set of critical domains of the mobile app.
Use ./tool/critical_domains_app-startup.txt for app-startup traffic and ./tool/critical_domains_app-click.txt for app-click traffic