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Embedding #findthemasks donation sites page

Steve Mattingly edited this page May 26, 2020 · 21 revisions

A #findthemasks donation site map & list can be embedded easily on any webpage. You can view this embed here:

Examples of our embedded map

How to embed the map

Add a iframe tag to your website:

<iframe style="width: 100%; height: 1000px; border: none;" src=""></iframe>

The page has 3 core parts:

  1. Map of donation sites
  2. Filters
  3. List of donation sites

Some of these can be independently turned on or off via query-parameters:

  • ?hide-filters={true/false}
  • ?hide-list={true/false}

There are several types of filters that you can apply to the list and map:

  • state
  • accepting
  • orgType

All filter params should be URI encoded and you can use any filter you see in the dropdowns at

To target only one specific state, accepted items, or org type include:

?accepting=homemade masks

Filtering for multiple items

To target multiple states, accepted items, or org type use comma separators:

?accepting=homemade masks,gloves
?orgType=hospital,public health facility

Setting the default map view

You can also initialize the map at a certain location using either:

?q={place or address like you would type into Google maps}


?coords={lat,lng}&zoom=12 (note, zoom is optional and will default to 11)


To translate the page into a supported language, include: ?locale=fr

Combining parameters

You can combine each parameter using & like so: