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138 lines (110 loc) · 5.51 KB

Changelog for Polyglot v2

Version 2.1.2

  • Moved addNode/updateNode logic into Polyglot removed from polyinterfaces
  • Added update script to run on all future upgrades to automatically upgrade polyinterfaces
  • Added change nodeDef call if nodeDefId is changed for a node
  • Added change API for ns to change nodeDefId if necessary
  • sendResult bug fix where sometimes node.start() wasn't called
  • Documentation updates

Version 2.1.1

  • Upgraded to Angular 5 for Frontend interface
  • Migrated from Paho to MQTT.JS for Frontend MQTT Client
  • Fixed Angular 5 Modal
  • Added Uptime/Started At Frontend messages
  • Fixed MQTT inconsistencies with Aedes
  • Completely re-wrote the db calls
  • Moved to ISY Keep-alive for increased speed
  • Increased overall speed roughly 3000% on adds/driver updates
  • Dropped CPU/mem usage by roughly 60%
  • Drivers automatically sync to ISY on node add for 'initialization'
  • Drivers automatically sync to ISY on startup from previously save values
  • Restructured database, no breaking changes at the moment, eventually moving to multi-add interface
  • Allow HTTP non-secure configuration option
  • Specify IP to help with Docker builds

Version 2.1.0

  • Fixed graceful shutdowns and error catches to properly (and cleanly) shut down.
  • Binaries moved to UDI AWS S3 bucket. Removed from github completely
  • Fixed update node not pulling the new version correctly
  • Fixed uninstall nodeserver failing
  • Restructured most of the project in prep for unit testing
  • Added check for ISY firmware > 5.0.0
  • Changed to read profile directly instead of
  • Moved from Mosca MQTT Server to Aedes
  • Major update to startup/shutdown and data flows
  • Added NodeServer self-service addition button
  • Added documentation link to github repo for each NodeServer

Version 2.0.36

  • Binaries moved to S3 (will remove from git completely in 2.1.0)
  • Dynamic lamdba Store and added NodeServer version support (thanks xKing)
  • Fixed per nodeserver queue for stability and rate limits
  • Re-wrote majority of functions into es2017 async/await structures
  • Re-wrote startup functions
  • Re-structured dependencies
  • Overhaul of all intrinsic mqtt functions to be more efficient
  • Changed store layout
  • Added customData for nodeserver storage
  • Removed auto-reboot functions as they are no longer necessary

Version 2.0.35

  • Moved to UDI github Repo
  • Completely re-wrote the addnode functions to not be terrible, moved to ES7+ async await
  • Added NodeServer customdata API
  • Implemented inQ's per NodeServer to throttle inbound traffic
  • Implemented outQ to ISY for concurrency to help connection stability
  • Started code cleanup and unit testing
  • Restores deleted ISY nodes on NodeServer restart
  • Handles retries to ISY for connection errors

Version 2.0.32 - 34

  • Worked on duplicate node bug

Version 2.0.31

  • Added custom certificate ability, see README
  • Fixed addnode bug where duplicates were possible
  • Fixed removenode callback bug
  • Multiple primaries can now be added (requires polyinterface 2.0.6+)
  • Dynamic updates to drivers by allowing overwrite adds to nodes

Version 2.0.30

  • Fixed spacing on NodeServer Store page
  • Skip Auto-Detection of ISY if ISY_HOST is defined in .env
  • Added prompt to update profile and reboot on NodeServer git update
  • Cleaned up some frontend message parsing

Version 2.0.29

  • Fixed customParams deletion of last key from frontend
  • Verified port override works in .env
  • Added better connection handling to frontend
  • Prominent disconnect notice from backend
  • Better reconnection and recovery mechanism for Frontend
  • Added shortPoll/longPoll configuration items
  • Renamed Custom Params to Configuration to house all future frontend config options
  • Added fix for mongoose and mogodb 3.6.0+ $pushAll deprecation
  • Added OSX binary and instructions
  • Cleaned up localStorage from frontend
  • Fixed ISY HTTPS connection issues
  • Fixed issue with NodeServer 10 not getting commands properly
  • Added delete call from Polyglot to NodeServer to allow for cleanup if necessary
  • Added Automated In-Place Upgrade process
  • Moved to NodeJS 8 for binary packaging

Version 2.0.28

  • SSL Generation bug addressed for some users. TLS x509 v3 Subject Alternate Name Type 7
  • SSL Generation bug ended up being type 7 ip instead of type 7 value
  • Added development environment document

Version 2.0.27

  • Added Automatic NodeServer controller ST variable updates into Polyglot itself upon connection/disconnection to reflect realtime state in ISY
  • Cleaned up some for loops and moved to the more efficient array.find
  • Cleaned up database field names to proper camelCase
  • Fixed multiple files in bug

Version 2.0.26

  • Moved polling mechanism for NodeServers from client to server side
  • Created NodeServer template for python2/3
  • Added shortPoll/longPoll initial configurable timers in server.json
  • Fixed frontend bug finds
  • Updated polyinterface to be python2 and 3 compatible
  • Added 'localhost' to certificate SANs for Python2 compatibility

Version 2.0.25

  • TLS/SSL End to end by default.
  • Certificate generation on initial startup with hostname/IP
    • Stored in database and written out to ~/.polyglot/ssl/ on startup to protect against deletion
  • MQTT IPC and Frontend <> Backend encryption by default with TLS/SSL client/server certs
  • Implemented Automatic authorization for MQTT between IPC/Frontend with MQTT
  • Normalized Secure Websockets to same port as HTTPS for ease of administration for frontend.
    • 3000 by default
  • Added prominent warning if ISY not connected on Frontend.
  • Started changelog...