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Install docker compose. Create a network for the bots and run compose up

docker-compose up --build
# Production:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up -d

WebUI: http://localhost Gameserver interface: http://localhost:5000

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If you want to work on the application, continue reading.

App components

The subdirectories gameserver, gitserver, scoreserver and webserver are independent applications which serve different purposes. Please see in each directory to learn how to set it up.

  • gameserver: RPC server. It allows to execute a single match between bots with an API call
  • gitserver: Contains a bare repo for each participant. Triggers builds when new software is pushed
  • botbuilder: Builds a docker image for a bot. Triggered by gitserver. Shares a docker volume with gitserver
  • scoreserver: Regularly triggers new matches. Stores the scores and calculates an ELO score
  • webserver: Provides auth to create new accounts. Contains frontend. Shows past games and scores.

Architecture overview


The frontend is intergrated in the webserver service. The webserver uses redis as datasource.

scoreserver and gameserver

The scoreserver triggers matches on gameserver which manages contianers of bots. The scoreserver uses redis as datastore.

gitserver and botbuilder

The gitserver requests a build at the botbuilder. The botbuilder builds the image for a bot.

Development setup: gameserver

Use pipenv (pip install pipenv).

cd gameserver/
# install dependencies
pipenv sync
# run tests
pipenv run nosetests
# format code
pipenv run black .
# check style
pipenv run flake8

Build the "pyrandom" docker image:

cd gitserver/bot-templates/python
docker build -t localhost/bot/$(printf %s "pyrandom" | shasum -a 256 | head -c 32) .

gitserver: adding new accounts

docker-compose exec gitserver newbot username python "ssh-rsa AAAAB...."
git clone ssh://username@localhost:2222/git/username.git