- Install neovim 0.5 -
brew install --HEAD neovim
- Install python3 -
brew install python
- Install python2 -
brew install python@2
- Enable python interface -
pip install neovim
- Enable python3 interface -
pip3 install neovim
- Install vim-plug - Go to [https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug] for installation instructions
- Install iceberg nvim and iterm2 color themes
- Install fira code nerd font patched https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/tree/master/patched-fonts/FiraCode/Retina/complete
- Clone this repo to ~/.config/nvim
- Run nvim and do :PlugInstall
- Close and run nvim again, there should be no warning messages anymore
- Locate and change directory to tern_for_vim plugin and run
npm install
- Install tern -
npm install -g tern
- You might want to have
in your home directory
- Install tern -
- Install prettier -
npm install -g prettier
- Install silver searcher -
brew install the_silver_searcher
- ctags req - brew install automake
- ctags req - brew install pkg-config
- Install universal ctags
- steps:
git clone https://github.com/universal-ctags/ctags.git cd ctags ./autogen.sh ./configure make sudo make install
- steps:
- Install jsctags -
npm install -g git+https://github.com/ramitos/jsctags.git
- Run :CheckHealth and fix if any
- You might need powerline fonts installed for your terminal
- Go to [https://github.com/powerline/fonts] for installation instructions
- For iTerm2 users, go to Profile, Text tab, and set BOTH font and non-ascii text to use powerline font
- Marvim (for saved macros)
- Create a symlink to your home directory called ".marvim" and point it to `$HOME/.config/nvim/plugins_data/marvim`
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MIT © Felipe Apostol