# Version 1.8.1 # If enabled = false the plugin will not do anything enabled: true # Performance mode # if enabled not every new chest is directly saved to the disk. This can be useful for big servers and servers with HDD # drives. !But his may lead to data loss if the server crashes! performance: false # only used if performance mode is set to true. Autosaves after set interval (in minutes) autoSaveInterval: 5 # animation configuration animation: # If true items are being animated. If false no animation will be drawn enabled: true # If true all items are being animated. If false only one item will be animated (only used if enabled = true) animateAll: false # move items when they are moved into a sender chest by a hopper or another sender chest. # This feature could be not safe to use! Enable with caution. # keep in mind that setting this to true can imply a small loss of performance. sendFromHopperOrSender: false # allows shulker boxes to be used as sender and/or receivers. # Breaking shulker boxes without deleting them from a sender/receiver system will result in errors. allowShulkerBoxes: false # allows the use of Regular Expressions in sets # example: '.*_log' to match all things that end with "_log" enableSetsRegex: true # defines whether user can break chests which are defined as sender and/or receivers # if set to true users CAN break containers registered by this plugin, if set to false users CANNOT break them. # keep in mind that setting this to false can imply a small loss of performance. allowBreakOfChest: true # ability to enable/disable certain chat messages chatMessages: # sends a message to a player or the console after sorting, containing which and how many items are sorted sorted: true # sends a message if shulker boxes are disabled and a player tries tu use them disabledShulkerBoxes: true # sends a message if a player tries to break a sender/receiver chest breakingChests: true # sends a message if a chest is defined as a receiver but does not have an item frame attached to it noItemFrame: true # sends a message to a player if items will be sorted into an 'air chest' sortinToAirChest: true # sends a message to a player or the console if no receivers are configured for a sender noReceivers: true # sends a message to a player or the console if a chest is full after the sorting is completed fullChest: true # define sets if you want similar items to be moved to just one chest # look at the examples if you want to add a new set. # define a new array by beginning the line with - [] # separate the items by commas. # you have to use the so called 'namespaced IDs'. You can find those in the minecraft wiki for almost all items. # example nanespaced IDs: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Flower#Data_values sets: # example 1.1: Move all wool colors to the same chest (using explicit all ids) # remove the '#' in the next two lines if you want to move all different colored wool blocks into one chest # - [white_wool, orange_wool, magenta_wool, light_blue_wool, yellow_wool, lime_wool, pink_wool, gray_wool, # light_gray_wool, cyan_wool, purple_wool, blue_wool, brown_wool, green_wool, red_wool, black_wool] # example 1.2: Move all wool colors to the same chest (using regex) # remove the '#' in the next line if you want to move all different colored wool blocks into one chest - ['.*wool'] # example 2: Move all flowers to the same chest # remove the '#' in the next two lines if you want to move all different flowers into one chest - [dandelion, poppy, blue_orchid, allium, azure_bluet, red_tulip, orange_tulip, white_tulip, pink_tulip, oxeye_daisy, cornflower, lily_of_the_valley, wither_rose, sunflower, lilac, rose_bush, peony, lily_pad] - [diamond, diamond_block, emerald, emerald_block, lapis, gold, gold_block, redstone, redstone_block, 'obsidian.*', iron_nugget, iron_ingot, iron_block] - [coal, charcoal, coal_block] - ['.*sword', '.*pickaxe', '.*hoe', '.*axe', '.*shovel', '.*bucket.*', '.*rod', flint_and_steel, '.*bow', '.*arrow'] - ['.*chestplate', '.*leggings', '.*boots', '.*helmet', shield] - ['.*door', '.*stairs', '.*fence', '.*plate', '.*torch'] - ['.*glass.*'] - ['dirt.*', '.*granite.*', '.*sand.*', 'gravel.*', '.*diorite.*', '.*stone.*', '.*andesite.*'] - ['.*seeds', kelp ] - [apple, 'baked.*', 'raw.*', 'cooked.*', sweet_berries, salmon, cod, chicken, rabbit, beef, porkchop, bread, carrots, beets, wheat, sugar, sugar_cane, 'pumpkin.*'] - [paper, book, bookshelf, books] - [pufferfish, rotten_flesh, spider_eye, bone, feather, '.*hide', leather, '.*slime.*', egg] - ['.*log', '.*planks'] - ['.*bricks', '.*brick'] - [gunpowder, flint] - ['.*door', '.*plate',stick]