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Building Oryol

Oryol uses the fips build system, which is actually the former Oryol build system moved out into its own project. All build tasks are controlled through a python script 'fips' in the Oryol root directory.

NOTE: on OSX and Linux, invoke the 'fips' script with './fips', on Windows, simply run 'fips'

TL;DR: how to build and run the samples

You need:

  • python 2.7.x
  • cmake 2.8.11 or better
  • a working C/C++ development environment for your platform


First make sure all required 3rd party tools are present:

> cd oryol
> ./fips diag tools

Install any tools that are not found.

Building and running the samples:

> cd oryol
> ./fips build
> ./fips run Triangle
> _

Using IDEs

To open Oryol in Visual Studio or Xcode:

> cd oryol
> ./fips gen
> ./fips open

Besides VStudio and Xcode, other IDEs that can load cmake projects are also supported (like QtCreator or CLion), but not currently through './fips open'.

Read the docs

More detailed information about fips can be found here:

Building for 3D-APIs other than OpenGL:

Oryol has support for non-OpenGL rendering backends on some platforms which can be easily selected via fips build configs:


Building with D3D11 support requires at least Windows7 and a recent Visual Studio version (VS2013 or VS2015). Select any of the following build configs:

  • d3d11-win64-vstudio-debug
  • d3d11-win64-vstudio-release

For example:

# to build and run on command line:
> fips set config d3d11-win64-vstudio-release
> fips gen
> fips run Triangle
# to build and debug in Visual Studio:
> fips set config d3d11-win64-vstudio-debug
> fips gen
> fips open
Metal (OSX and iOS):

Building with Metal support requires OSX 10.11 and Xcode7. For iOS, a Metal-capable iOS device is needed running at least iOS9.

Use any of the following build configs to build for OSX:

  • metal-osx-xcode-debug
  • metal-osx-xcode-release
  • metal-osx-make-debug
  • metal-osx-make-release

...and those build configs for iOS9:

  • metal-ios-xcode-debug
  • metal-ios-xcode-release



To build and run the samples for emscripten, first setup the emscripten SDK:

NOTE: GNU make is not supported on Windows, please use the 'emsc-ninja-release' config instead, which uses a pre-compiled ninja build tool included in the fips build system distribution

> cd oryol
> ./fips setup emscripten
> ./fips build emsc-make-release
> ./fips run Triangle emsc-make-release
> _

Running the Triangle sample will start a local web server and launch the sample in the default web browser. It may be necessary to manually refresh the browser page (F5).


To compile and debug Oryol directly in Xcode (provided iOS development has been setup in Xcode):

> ./fips gen ios-xcode-debug
> ./fips open ios-xcode-debug
> _


NOTE: on Windows, please use the build config 'android-ninja-release' instead of 'android-make-release', since GNU make is not supported on Windows

> cd oryol
> ./fips setup android
> ./fips build android-make-release
> _

See the fips documentation for more details about Android development with fips.

Building the Web Samples HTML page

To build the complete samples web page (provided you have a working emscripten installation):

> cd oryol
> ./fips webpage build
> ./fips webpage serve