diff --git a/administration/monitoring.md b/administration/monitoring.md index 59ea8053..def01a85 100644 --- a/administration/monitoring.md +++ b/administration/monitoring.md @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ The following definitions are key to understand: | fluentbit\_filter\_bytes\_total | name: the name or alias for the filter instance | The number of bytes of log records that this filter instance has successfully ingested | counter | bytes | | fluentbit\_filter\_records\_total | name: the name or alias for the filter instance | The number of log records this filter has successfully ingested | counter | records | | fluentbit\_filter\_added\_records\_total | name: the name or alias for the filter instance | The number of log records that have been added by the filter. This means they added into the data pipeline. | counter | records | -| fluentbit\_filter\_dropped\_records\_total | name: the name or alias for the filter instance | The number of log records that have been dropped by the filter. This means they removed from the data pipeline. | counter | records | +| fluentbit\_filter\_drop\_records\_total | name: the name or alias for the filter instance | The number of log records that have been dropped by the filter. This means they were removed from the data pipeline. | counter | records | | fluentbit\_output\_dropped\_records\_total | name: the name or alias for the output instance | The number of log records that have been dropped by the output. This means they met an unrecoverable error or retries expired for their chunk. | counter | records | | fluentbit\_output\_errors\_total | name: the name or alias for the output instance | The number of chunks that have faced an error (either unrecoverable or retriable). This is the number of times a chunk has failed, and does not correspond with the number of error messages you see in the Fluent Bit log output. | counter | chunks | | fluentbit\_output\_proc\_bytes\_total | name: the name or alias for the output instance | The number of bytes of log records that this output instance has *successfully* sent. This is the total byte size of all unique chunks sent by this output. If a record is not sent due to some error, then it will not count towards this metric. | counter | bytes |