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System Configuration

This article describes Fluentd's system configurations for the <system> section and command-line options.


System Configuration is one way to set up system-wide configuration such as enabling RPC, multiple workers, etc.



type default version
integer 1 0.14.12

Specifies the number of workers.


type default version
time 0 1.15.0

Specifies interval to restart workers that has stopped for some reason. By default, Fluentd immediately restarts stopped workers. You can use this option for stopping workers for a certain period of time.


type default version
string nil 0.14.11

Specifies the root directory.


type default version
enum "info" 0.14.0

Specifies the log level e.g. trace, debug, info, warn, error, or fatal.


type default version
bool nil 0.14.0

Suppresses the repeated stacktrace.


type default version
time nil 0.14.0

Specifies the time value of the emitting of error log interval.


type default version
time nil 1.10.2

Specify interval to ignore repeated log/stacktrace messages.

See also Logging article.


type default version
time nil 1.11.3

Specify interval to ignore same log/stacktrace messages.

See also Logging article.


type default version
bool nil 0.14.0

Suppresses the configuration dump.


type default version
bool nil 0.14.12

Logs event verbosely.


type default version
bool nil 0.14.0

Invokes fluentd without input plugins.


type default version
string nil 0.14.0

Specifies an RPC endpoint. Refer to the RPC article for more detail.


type default version
bool nil 0.14.0

Enables to get dump.


type default version
string nil 0.14.0

Specifies the process name.


type default version
bool false 1.9.0

Allows Time object in buffer's MessagePack serde. This is useful when the log contains multiple time fields.


type default version
string nil 0.14.0

Specifies the file permission in the octal format.


type default version
string nil 0.14.0

Specifies the directory permission in the octal format.


type default version
bool nil 1.8.0

Parses config values strictly. Invalid numerical or boolean values are not allowed. Fluentd raises configuration error instead of replacing them with 0 or true implicitly.


type default version
bool nil 1.12.1

Force disable the shared socket which is for listening a same port across multiple worker processes. When the shared socket is enabled (it's the default behavior), a socket is always created to enable workers to communicate with the supervisor. On Windows, it consumes a dynamic (a.k.a ephemeral) TCP port. If you don't prefer it, set this option as true. When it's disabled, you may not use plugins that listen a port such as in_forward, in_http and in_syslog.

enable_jit (experimental)

type default version
bool false 1.15.2

Enable JIT for worker processes. Internally, this configuration enables Ruby's --jit command-line option.

<log> section


type default version
enum text 0.14.20

Specifies the logging format e.g. text or json.


type default version
string %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z 0.14.20

Specifies time format.


type default version
enum or integer 7 1.13.0

Specifies daily, weekly, monthly or integer which indicates age of log rotation.

By default, Fluentd does not rotate log files. You need to specify rotate_age or rotate_size options explicitly to enable log rotation.

NOTE: When enabling log rotation on Windows, log files are separated into log-supervisor-0.log, log-0.log, ..., log-N.log where N is generation - 1 due to the system limitation. Windows does not permit delete and rename files simultaneously owned by another process.

Please see also Log Rotation Setting.


type default version
size 1048576 1.13.0

Specifies log file size limitation.

By default, Fluentd does not rotate log files. You need to specify rotate_age or rotate_size options explicitly to enable log rotation.

NOTE: When enabling log rotation on Windows, log files are separated into log-supervisor-0.log, log-0.log, ..., log-N.log where N is generation - 1 due to the system limitation. Windows does not permit delete and rename files simultaneously owned by another process.

Please see also Log Rotation Setting.


type default version
bool nil 1.14.0

Specifies whether measuring input metrics should be enabled or not.


type default version
bool nil 1.14.0

Specifies whether measuring record size metrics should be enabled or not. It can be useful for calculating flow rate on Fluentd instances.

Fluent::SystemConfig::Mixin Methods


Returns Fluent::SystemConfig instance.

For code example, please refer to api-plugin-base's .system_config description.

.system_config_override(options = {})

Overwrites the system configuration.

This is for internal use and plugin testing.

For code example, please refer to api-plugin-base's .system_config_override description.

Command-Line Options

  • -s, --setup [DIR=/etc/fluent]: Installs sample configuration file to the directory.
  • -c, --config PATH: Specifies the configuration file path. (Default: /etc/fluent/fluent.conf)
  • --dry-run: Verifies the fluentd setup without launching.
  • --show-plugin-config=PLUGIN (obsolete): Use fluent-plugin-config-format command instead.
  • -p, --plugin DIR: Specifies the plugins' directory.
  • -I PATH: Specifies the library path.
  • -r NAME: Loads the library.
  • -d, --daemon PIDFILE: Daemonizes the fluentd process.
  • --under-supervisor: Runs the fluent worker under supervisor (this option is NOT for users).
  • --no-supervisor: Runs the fluent worker without supervisor.
  • --workers NUM: Specifies the number of workers under supervisor.
  • --user USER: Changes user.
  • --group GROUP: Changes group.
  • --umask UMASK: Specifies umask to use, in octal form. Defaults to 0.
  • -o, --log PATH: Specifies the log file path.
  • --log-rotate-age AGE: Specifies the generations to keep rotated log files.
  • --log-rotate-size BYTES: Sets the byte size to rotate log files.
  • --log-event-verbose: Enables the events logging during startup/shutdown.
  • -i CONFIG_STRING, --inline-config CONFIG_STRING: Specifies the inlined configuration which is appended to the config file on-the-fly.
  • --emit-error-log-interval SECONDS: Suppresses the interval (seconds) to emit error logs.
  • --suppress-repeated-stacktrace [VALUE]: Suppress the repeated stacktrace.
  • --without-source: Invokes fluentd without input plugins.
  • --use-v1-config: Uses v1 configuration format (default).
  • --use-v0-config: Uses v0 configuration format.
  • --strict-config-value: Parses the configuration values strictly. Invalid numerical or boolean values are rejected. Fluentd raises configuration error exceptions instead of replacing them with 0 or true implicitly.
  • -v, --verbose: Increases the verbosity level (-v: debug, -vv: trace).
  • -q, --quiet: Decreases the verbosity level (-q: warn, -qq: error).
  • --suppress-config-dump: Suppresses the configuration dumping on start.
  • -g, --gemfile GEMFILE: Specifies the Gemfile path.
  • -G, --gem-path GEM_INSTALL_PATH: Specifies the Gemfile install path. (Default: $(dirname $gemfile)/vendor/bundle)

If this article is incorrect or outdated, or omits critical information, please let us know. Fluentd is an open-source project under Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). All components are available under the Apache 2 License.