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VirPool: Model-Based Estimation of SARS-CoV-2 Variant Proportions in Wastewater Samples

Please cite as follows:

Askar Gafurov, Andrej Balaz, Fabian Amman, Kristina Borsova, Viktoria Cabanova, Boris Klempa, Andreas Bergthaler, Tomas Vinar, Brona Brejova. VirPool: model-based estimation of SARS-CoV-2 variant proportions in wastewater samples. BMC Bioinformatics 23, 551 (2022).


conda install -c conda-forge mamba # mamba is used to speed up the installation
mamba env update -f requirements.yml -n virpool

Test run on a minimal toy example:

conda activate virpool
python3 src/virpool -g examples/minimal_example/genome.fa -v examples/minimal_example/variants.tsv examples/minimal_example/reads.sam


Simplest case

conda activate virpool
python src/virpool -v variants.tsv -g genome.fa -m masking.vcf -o results reads.bam

This will determine the proportions of variants presented in file variants.tsv among reads in file reads.bam. The output will be stored in directory results, with three files:

  1. estimated_weights.yaml - a YAML file with estimated weights for each variant in the variants.tsv file
  2. posterior_coverage.svg - a plot showing the coverage by reads with high posterior probability of belonging to a particular variant
  3. significant_positions.tsv - a plot showing the coverage by reads on positions with significant changes betweeen a given variant and the rest.

All options available

usage: virpool [-h] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-v VARIANTS] [-g GENOME] [-s SUBST_RATE]
               [-t THREADS] [-n TRIES] [-cs CLIPPING_START]
               [-ce CLIPPING_END] [-m MASKING_VCF] [--percentile PERCENTILE]

positional arguments:
  reads                 SAM/BAM file with reads from a mixed sample

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Output directory (default: 'results-YYMMDDThhmmss')
  -v VARIANTS, --variants VARIANTS
                        TSV file with variant profiles (default:
  -g GENOME, --genome GENOME
                        FASTA file with the virus genome (default:
  -s SUBST_RATE, --subst-rate SUBST_RATE
                        Substitution error rate (suggested value: 0.05 for
                        ONT reads, 0.001 for Illumina reads) (default: 0.05)
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Number of threads to use during posteriors
                        computation (default: 10)
  -n TRIES, --tries TRIES
                        Number of reruns of the optimisation (default: 5)
  -cs CLIPPING_START, --clipping-start CLIPPING_START
                        Number of ignored bases from the start of the ref.
                        sequence (default: 0)
  -ce CLIPPING_END, --clipping-end CLIPPING_END
                        Number of ignored bases from the end of the ref.
                        sequence (default: 0)
  -m MASKING_VCF, --masking-vcf MASKING_VCF
                        VCF file with positions to be masked (e.g.
                        homeoplasic sites or primers); the sixth column
                        should contain keyword 'mask' (default: -)
  --percentile PERCENTILE
                        Punish gaps with coverage < `percentile` quantile for
                        the given variant (default: 0.0)

Example of usage on wastewater data from Nice, France (Rios et al., 2021)

# download reads from Nice, France by Rios et al. 2021 (FABRON, JAN 2021)
wget -O reads.fastq.gz --retry-connrefused

# align reads to genome using minimap2
minimap2 -ax map-ont -t 4 data/genome.fa reads.fastq.gz | samtools sort -o reads.bam

conda activate virpool
src/virpool -v profiles/niw_2019-01-01_2021-03-31.tsv -g data/genome.fa -m data/ont-short.masking.vcf reads.bam

See examples/ for examples of usage.

Variant profiles

A list of provided variant profiles in directory profiles/ (the date range of GISAID sequences used to create the profiles is denoted in the filenames):

  • synthetic_2019-01-01_2021-01-31.tsv - variant profiles used in the synthetic and in vitro experiments with data from Fall 2020 (Figures 1 and 2; Tables 1 and 2) (variants B.1.1.7, B.1.160, B.1.258, B.1.177)
  • alpha-delta_2021-04-01_2021-06-30.tsv - variant profiles used in synthetic experiments of determination of a minor variant between alpha and delta (Figure 3) (variants B.1.1.7, B.1.617.2)
  • delta-omicron_2021-11-01_2022-01-31.tsv - variant profiles used in synthetic experiments of determination of a minor variant between alpha and delta (Figure 4) (variants B.1.617.2, B.1.1.529)
  • austria_2020-11-01_2021-03-31.tsv - variant profiles used in analysis of Austrian wastewater data by Amman et al. 2022 (Figure 5) (variants B.1.1.7, B.1.160, B.1.258, B.1.177, B.1.351)
  • niw_2019-01-01_2021-03-31.tsv - variant profiles used in analysis of Nice, France wastewater data by Rios et al. 2021 (Figure 6) (variants P.1, B.1.351, B.1.221, A.27, B.1.474, B.1.367, B.1.177, B.1.160, B.1.1.7)

Composition of a variant profile file

Each line describes the frequency of a particular base at a specific position in a specific variant. E.g. these four lines describe the frequencies of alpha variant at position 18537 (0-based):

B.1.1.7	18537	A	11
B.1.1.7	18537	C	0
B.1.1.7	18537	G	82100
B.1.1.7	18537	T	35

The columns are tab-serarated. Numbers don't have to be normalized to sum up to 1 for each position and variant (e.g. here we are using numbers of sequences in GISAID with such mutation without any normalization).

Creating a custom variant profile

Download GISAID data

From GISAID, download metadata and sequences, both are distributed in tar.xf files. Place them in profiles folder. Run script as indicated below, to extract a sample of the data and do necessary preprocessing. This will create files gisaid_sample.fasta.gz and metadata_sample.tsv. The fasta sequences then should be aligned to the reference genome by minimap and converted to cram format by samtools.

../src/gisaid/ metadata_tsv_2022_04_25.tar.xz sequences_fasta_2022_04_25.tar.xz metadata_sample.tsv gisaid_sample.fasta.gz

minimap2 -a -x asm5 -t 8 ../data/genome.fa  gisaid_sample.fasta.gz | samtools view -S -C -T ../data/genome.fa - > gisaid_sample.cram

Estimate a profile

First, put your preferred list of variants into a file, e.g. profiles/variant_list.txt:


Then, the profile is calculated by a following command:

conda activate virpool

cd profiles
python ../src/ variant_list.txt aliases.json metadata_sample.tsv gisaid_sample.cram \
    --reference ../data/genome.fa \
    -o profile_name.tsv \
    --date-min 2020-01-01 \
    --date-max 2022-12-31

Synthetic data used in the paper

See generate_synthetic_data folder.


Tool for Model-Based Estimation of SARS-CoV-2 Variant Proportions in Wastewater Samples






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