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Update eslint options.
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fnando committed Mar 19, 2016
1 parent a01728c commit 7f8960d
Showing 1 changed file with 38 additions and 10 deletions.
48 changes: 38 additions & 10 deletions files/home/.eslintrc
@@ -1,46 +1,74 @@
"ecmaFeatures": {
"modules": true
"root": true,
"parserOptions": {
"sourceType": "module"
"env": {
"es6": true,
"browser": true
"globals": {
"require": true
"rules": {
"camelcase": 2,
"array-bracket-spacing": [2, "never"],
"arrow-body-style": [2, "as-needed"],
"arrow-parens": [2, "as-needed"],
"arrow-spacing": [2, {"before": true, "after": true}],
"block-scoped-var": 2,
"brace-style": [2, "1tbs", {"allowSingleLine": true}],
"camelcase": [2, {"properties": "never"}],
"comma-dangle": [2, "never"],
"comma-spacing": 2,
"comma-style": [2, "last"],
"computed-property-spacing": [2, "never"],
"consistent-this": [2, "self"],
"constructor-super": 2,
"curly": [2, "all"],
"eol-last": 2,
"eqeqeq": 2,
"indent": [2, 2],
"indent": [2, 2, {"SwitchCase": 1}],
"keyword-spacing": [2, {"before": true, "after": true}],
"linebreak-style": [2, "unix"],
"max-nested-callbacks": [2, 2],
"new-cap": 2,
"no-alert": 2,
"no-cond-assign": [2, "except-parens"],
"no-confusing-arrow": 2,
"no-console": 2,
"no-debugger": 2,
"no-dupe-keys": 2,
"no-empty": 2,
"no-eq-null": 2,
"no-extra-semi": 2,
"no-inline-comments": 2,
"no-invalid-regexp": 2,
"no-irregular-whitespace": 2,
"no-lonely-if": 2,
"no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs": 2,
"no-multi-spaces": 0,
"no-multiple-empty-lines": [2, {"max": 2}],
"no-nested-ternary": 2,
"no-param-reassign": 2,
"no-obj-calls": 2,
"no-param-reassign": 0,
"no-plusplus": 2,
"no-self-compare": 2,
"no-shadow": 2,
"no-spaced-func": 2,
"no-throw-literal": 2,
"no-trailing-spaces": 2,
"no-undef": 2,
"no-underscore-dangle": 0,
"no-unused-vars": 2,
"no-void": 2,
"object-curly-spacing": [2, "never"],
"one-var": [2, "never"],
"quotes": [2, "double"],
"quote-props": [2, "as-needed"],
"quotes": [2, "double", "avoid-escape"],
"prefer-rest-params": 2,
"prefer-spread": 2,
"semi": [2, "always"],
"space-after-keywords": 2,
"space-before-function-paren": [2, "never"],
"space-in-parens": [2, "never"]
"space-in-parens": [2, "never"],
"spaced-comment": [2, "always"],
"template-curly-spacing": [2, "never"]

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