A little library for making url requests in C++ based on unix sockets.
warning: do not use embeddedRest on iOS if you are gonna post your app to the App Store - embeddedRest doesn't have IPv6 support so your app will be rejected.
It allows to send synchronous HTTP 1.1 requests and gives pretty simple interface to specify request parameters such as
- HTTP method
- get parameters
- post parameters (json)
- port
- HTTP headers
embeddedRest is a lightweight header-only library designed especially for mobile apps (iOS and Android) but it also can compile at any platform familiar with C++11.
For example we need to request cities from api.vk.com
Url = "http://api.vk.com/method/database.getCities?lang=ru&country_id=1&count=1000&need_all=1"
#include "UrlRequest.hpp"
UrlRequest request;
const auto countryId=1;
const auto count=1000;
request.addHeader("Content-Type: application/json");
auto response=std::move(request.perform());
cout<<"status code = "<<response.statusCode()<<", body = *"<<response.body()<<"*"<<endl;
cout<<"status code = "<<response.statusCode()<<", description = "<<response.statusDescription()<<endl;
We need to register a user and pass some arguments (login, email, password and age) to body as a json object.
UrlRequest request;
const auto login="Deadpool";
const auto email="dead@pool.com";
const auto password="dead_mf_pool123";
const auto age=24;
request.addHeader("Content-Type: application/json");
auto response=std::move(request.perform());
cout<<"status code = "<<response.statusCode()<<", body = *"<<response.body()<<"*, user is registered!"<<endl;
cout<<"status code = "<<response.statusCode()<<", description = "<<response.statusDescription()<<endl;
Just add "*.hpp" files from root folder into your project header directory and #include
them. Also embeddedRest
has dependency - rapidjson json-processor. rapidjson
is also a header-only library so it is very easy to include it to your project.
Every UrlRequest
instance has 30 seconds default timeout. If you want to change it just assign .timeout
value to your request.
UrlRequest request;
request.timeout={10,0}; // 10 seconds and 0 microseconds..
property has struct timeval
type. This type is declared in C standard library and represents time with microseconds precision.
Passing array as get parameter
If you want to pass array to url as get parameter using square braces notation (example: jako.online/api/v1/subscribes/my?lang=ru&type[]=vk&type[]=company) you have to pass std::vector of your values to uri member function arguments. Example:
UrlRequest request;
}).addHeader("Content-Type: application/json");
Request url will be parsed to jako.online/api/v1/subscribes/my?lang=ru&type[]=vk&type[]=company