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Changes to factories and default arguments
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- remove default arguments for defconstrainedrecord
- fix positional ->* factory to only accept exact
  arguments for defconstrainedtype and defconstrainedrecord
- fix defconstrained record ->* factory to have positional
  args like the clojure.core version
- add contracts to defconstrainedrecord map->* factory
- merged changes with defconstrainedrecord docstring
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frenchy64 committed Apr 1, 2012
2 parents dd1da43 + 12560e4 commit 8980afa
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Showing 2 changed files with 80 additions and 50 deletions.
68 changes: 49 additions & 19 deletions src/trammel/core.clj
Expand Up @@ -224,32 +224,62 @@
~(str (:doc mdata))

; clojure/core_deftype.clj
(defn- build-positional-factory
"Used to build a positional factory for a given type/record. Because of the
limitation of 20 arguments to Clojure functions, this factory needs to be
constructed to deal with more arguments. It does this by building a straight
forward type/record ctor call in the <=20 case, and a call to the same
ctor pulling the extra args out of the & overage parameter. Finally, the
arity is constrained to the number of expected fields and an ArityException
will be thrown at runtime if the actual arg count does not match."
[nom classname fields invariants chk]
(let [fn-name (symbol (str '-> nom))
[field-args over] (split-at 20 fields)
field-count (count fields)
arg-count (count field-args)
over-count (count over)]
`(defconstrainedfn ~fn-name
[~@field-args ~@(if (seq over) '[& overage] [])]
~(if (seq over)
`(if (= (count ~'overage) ~over-count)
(new ~classname
~@(for [i (range 0 (count over))]
(list `nth 'overage i)))
(throw (clojure.lang.ArityException. (+ ~arg-count (count ~'overage)) (name '~fn-name))))
`(new ~classname ~@field-args))
{:contract ~chk}))))

(defmacro defconstrainedrecord
[name slots inv-description invariants & etc]
(check-args! name slots inv-description invariants)
(let [fields (->> slots (partition 2) (map first) vec)
defaults (->> slots (partition 2) (map second))
ctor-name (symbol (str name \.))
factory-name (symbol (str "->" name))]
(let [fields (vec slots)
ns-part (namespace-munge *ns*)
classname (symbol (str ns-part "." name))
ctor-name (symbol (str name \.))
positional-factory-name (symbol (str "->" name))
map-arrow-factory-name (symbol (str "map->" name))
chk `(contract ~(symbol (str "chk-" name))
[{:keys ~fields :as m#}] ~invariants)]
(let [t# (defrecord ~name ~fields ~@etc)]
(defn ~(symbol (str name \?)) [r#]
(= t# (type r#))))

~(build-positional-factory name classname fields invariants chk)

(let [chk# (contract ~(symbol (str "chk-" name))
[{:keys ~fields :as m#}] ~invariants)]
(defconstrainedfn ~factory-name
([] [] (with-meta
(~ctor-name ~@defaults)
{:contract chk#}))
([& {:keys ~fields :as kwargs# :or ~(apply hash-map slots)}]
(-> (~ctor-name ~@defaults)
(merge kwargs#))
{:contract chk#}))))
(defconstrainedfn ~map-arrow-factory-name
([{:keys ~fields :as kwargs#}]
(. ~classname ~'create kwargs#)
{:contract ~chk})))


(defn- apply-contract
Expand Down
62 changes: 31 additions & 31 deletions test/fogus/me/invariant_tests.clj
Expand Up @@ -12,55 +12,55 @@
;; remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

(:import (clojure.lang ArityException))
(:use [trammel.core :only [defconstrainedrecord defconstrainedtype]])
(:use [clojure.test :only [deftest is]]))

(defconstrainedrecord Foo [a 1 b 2]
"Foo record fields are expected to hold only numbers."
(defconstrainedrecord AllNumbersRecord [a b]
"AllNumbersRecord record fields are expected to hold only numbers."
[(every? number? [a b])]
(toString [this] (str "record Foo has " a " and " b)))
(toString [this] (str "record AllNumbersRecord has " a " and " b)))

(defconstrainedtype AllNumbersType [a b]
"AllNumbersType type fields are expected to hold only numbers."
[(every? number? [a b])])

(deftest test-constrained-record-with-vector-spec
(is (= (:a (->Foo)) 1))
(is (= (:b (->Foo)) 2))
(is (= (:a (->Foo :a 42)) 42))
(is (= (:b (->Foo :b 108)) 108))
(is (= (:a (->Foo :a 42 :b 108)) 42))
(is (= (:b (->Foo :a 42 :b 108)) 108))
(is (= (:a (->Foo :a 42 :b 108 :c 36)) 42))
(is (= (:b (->Foo :a 42 :b 108 :c 36)) 108))
(is (= (:c (->Foo :a 42 :b 108 :c 36)) 36))
(is (thrown? Error (->Foo :a :b)))
(is (thrown? Error (->Foo :a 42 :b nil))))
(is (= (:a (->AllNumbersRecord 42 108)) 42))
(is (= (:b (->AllNumbersRecord 42 108)) 108))
(is (thrown? ArityException (->AllNumbersRecord)))
(is (thrown? ArityException (->AllNumbersRecord 12))))

(defconstrainedtype Bar [a b]
"Bar type fields are expected to hold only numbers."
[(every? number? [a b])])

(deftest test-constrained-type-with-vector-spec
(is (= (.a (->Bar 1 2)) 1))
(is (= (.b (->Bar 1 2)) 2))
(is (thrown? Error (->Bar :a :b))))
(is (= (.a (->AllNumbersType 1 2)) 1))
(is (= (.b (->AllNumbersType 1 2)) 2))
(is (thrown? ArityException (->AllNumbersType)))
(is (thrown? ArityException (->AllNumbersType 1)))
(is (thrown? Error (->AllNumbersType :a :b))))

;; testing default clojure pre/post maps

(defconstrainedrecord Baz [a 1 b 2]
(defconstrainedrecord Buzz [a b]
"Baz record fields are expected to hold only numbers."
{:pre [(every? number? [a b])]}
(toString [this] (str "record Baz has " a " and " b)))
(toString [this] (str "record Buzz has " a " and " b)))

(deftest test-constrained-record-with-map-spec
(is (= (:a (->Baz)) 1))
(is (= (:b (->Baz)) 2))
(is (= (:a (->Baz :a 42)) 42))
(is (= (:b (->Baz :b 108)) 108))
(is (= (:a (->Baz :a 42 :b 108)) 42))
(is (= (:b (->Baz :a 42 :b 108)) 108))
(is (= (:a (->Baz :a 42 :b 108 :c 36)) 42))
(is (= (:b (->Baz :a 42 :b 108 :c 36)) 108))
(is (= (:c (->Baz :a 42 :b 108 :c 36)) 36))
(is (thrown? Error (->Baz :a :b)))
(is (thrown? Error (->Baz :a 42 :b nil))))
(is (= (:a (->Buzz 42 108)) 42))
(is (= (:b (->Buzz 42 108)) 108))
(is (thrown? ArityException (->Buzz)))
(is (thrown? ArityException (->Buzz 12))))

; map->* factory

(deftest test-map-factory-for-defconstrainedrecord
(is (= (:a (map->Buzz {:a 1 :b 2})) 1))
(is (= (:b (map->Buzz {:a 1 :b 2})) 2))
(is (= (:c (map->Buzz {:a 1 :b 2 :c "a"})) "a"))
(is (thrown? Error (map->Buzz {:a nil})) "a"))

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