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File metadata and controls

290 lines (215 loc) · 17.2 KB

5.0.0 - Unreleased

4.9.0 - Released (Quesnelia R1 2024)

The primary focus of this release was to add new Batch Transactions API

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  • MODFIN-350 - Use the batch API for the release/unrelease encumbrance endpoints
  • MODFIN-349 - Implement a new endpoint for currency exchange calculation
  • MODFIN-346 - Implement unrelease encumbrance endpoint
  • MODFIN-344 - Implement functionality to recalculate budgets based on conducted transactions
  • MODFIN-342 - Add restictByLocations flag to Fund in acq models
  • MODFIN-337 - Add locationIds to fund schema
  • MODFIN-334 - Update RMB and vertx to the latest version
  • MODFIN-333 - Add donor info to Fund
  • MODFIN-320 - Create batch endpoint to update list of transactions at single request

Bug Fixes

  • MODFIN-363 - Missing ledger-rollover interface dependency in module descriptor
  • MODFIN-357 - Missed declaration of backend permissions

Tech Dept

  • MODFIN-327 - Replace FolioVertxCompletableFuture usage
  • MODFIN-248 - Refactoring : Replace extra RestClients with one
  • MODFIN-232 - Logging improvement


  • Bump rmb from 35.0.1 to 35.2.0
  • Bump vertex from 4.3.4 to 4.5.4

4.8.0 - Released (Poppy R2 2023)

The primary focus of this release was to add possibility to filter expense classes by fiscal year id

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  • MODFIN-329 - Add missed permissions to module descriptor
  • MODFIN-324 - Add missing required interface to module descriptor
  • MODFIN-322 - Update to Java 17 mod-finance
  • MODFIN-317 - Add possibility to filter expense classes by fiscal year id
  • MODFIN-316 - Provide proxy endpoints to add and delete ledger rollover error in the business layer
  • MODFIN-296 - Update dependent raml-util

Bug Fixes

  • MODFIN-308 - Maintain displaying "Available" as a negative number for group and ledger


  • Bump java version from 11 to 17

4.7.0 - Released (Orchid R1 2023)

The primary focus of this release was to restrict search/view of Fiscal year records based upon acquisitions unit

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  • MODFIN-293 - Restrict search/view of Fiscal year records based upon acquisitions unit
  • MODFIN-286 - Logging improvement - Configuration

Bug Fixes

  • MODFIN-299 - Group and Ledger summary for Net Transfers do not include Rollover transfer amounts.
  • MODFIN-264 - Optimistic locking ignored when changing expense class and adding group

4.6.0 Nolana R3 2022 - Released

This release contains RMB upgrade and implement new business API


  • FOLIO-3604 - FolioVertxCompletableFuture copyright violation
  • MODFIN-279 - Upgrade RAML Module Builder
  • MODFIN-270 - Define and implement Business API : Ledger Rollover Logs
  • MODFIN-256 - Define and implement Business API : Ledger Rollover Budgets

4.5.0 Morning Glory R2 2022 - Released

This release contains RMB upgrade and fixes for updating budget metadata when transferring between funds

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  • MODFIN-254 - Upgrade RAML Module Builder to 34.1.0

Bug Fixes

  • MODFIN-250 - Budget metadata not updated when transferring between Funds

4.4.0 - Released

This release contains updates for supporting transactions cancel

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  • MODFIN-230 - Allow PUT for payments/credits to cancel invoices

4.3.0 - Released

This release contains implementation of two new endpoints for deleting encumbrances and retrieving combination of funds info

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  • MODFIN-207 - Create business API for removing Encumbrance transactions
  • MODFIN-199 - Create API for retrieving combination of fund code and expense classes

Bug Fixes

  • MODFIN-201 - The fiscal year is successfully saved with wrong date

4.2.0 - Released

The focus of this release was to update RMB up to v33.0.0 and fix rollover procedure

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Bug Fixes

  • MODFIN-197 - "Request-URI Too Long" error occurs when attempting to view a ledger when there are more than a few budgets
  • MODFIN-195 - Unable to complete fiscal year rollover

4.1.2 - Released

The focus of this release was to fix issue with many budgets for ledger

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Bug Fixes

  • MODFIN-197 - "Request-URI Too Long" error occurs when attempting to view a ledger when there are more than a few budgets

4.1.1 - Released

The focus of this release was to fix Unable to complete fiscal year rollover issue

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Bug Fixes

  • MODFIN-195 - Unable to complete fiscal year rollover

4.1.0 - Released

The focus of this release was to update RMB, support ledger fiscal year rollover. Add financial summary for the fiscal year, ledger and budget.

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Technical tasks


  • MODFIN-188 - Verify fiscal year start date and end date, Times
  • MODFIN-187 - Align fetching current fiscal year to FOLIO's timezone
  • MODFIN-183 - Update API with addition call to order-transaction-summaries
  • MODFIN-175 - Support PUT for the Budget
  • MODFIN-173 - Update /finance/group-fiscal-year-summaries API to include more summary information
  • MODFIN-170 - Update business API for retrieving fiscal year by Id with financial summary
  • MODFIN-168 - Update logic with financial detail in the Ledger summary to improve the users ability to manage financial activity
  • MODFIN-166 - Restrict search/view of Fund records based upon acquisitions unit
  • MODFIN-162 - Define business API for starting building Error Report
  • MODFIN-161 - Add fields to the group expense classes schema
  • MODFIN-159 - Update logic for calculating group expense classes totals with encumbered and awaiting payment
  • MODFIN-158 - Define business API for retrieving rollover status/progress
  • MODFIN-157 - Define business API for the ledger fiscal yea rollover

Bug Fixes

  • MODFIN-194 - Field "allocated" must be required In the shared budget schema
  • MODFIN-189 - Incorrect calculation total finance information for Ledger
  • MODFIN-174 - Incorrect Group "Decrease in allocation" value
  • MODFIN-165 - Some transactions are not considered when calculating group expense-class-totals

4.0.1 - Released

The focus of this release was to fix logging issues

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Bug Fixes

4.0.0 - Released

The primary focus of this release introduce shared allocations and net transfer logic for budgets and groups. Also major versions of APIs were changed for finance.transactions

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  • MODFIN-153 Implement PUT /finance/invoice-transaction-summary
  • MODFIN-151 When creating budget add expense classes from previous budget automatically
  • MODFIN-146 Create business API for retrieving current active budget for fund
  • MODFIN-145 Define and implement PUT /finance/pending-payments/id API
  • MODFIN-143 Calculate ledgers totals on the fly
  • MODFIN-142 mod-finance: Update RMB
  • MODFIN-141 Implement API for getting expense classes for fund
  • MODFIN-139 Migrate mod-finance to JDK 11
  • MODFIN-138 Update /finance/budgets POST and PUT APIs
  • MODFIN-137 Define and implement GET /finance/groups/id/expense-classes-totals API
  • MODFIN-136 Define and implement GET /finance/budgets/id/expense-classes-totals API
  • MODFIN-134 Create PUT /finance/order-transaction-summaries/id and PUT /finance/encumbrance/id APIs
  • MODFIN-131 Create the pending-payments API
  • MODFIN-130 Define and Implement Business API for the expense class

Bug Fixes

  • MODFIN-112 Shouldn't allow negative payments or credits

3.0.1 - Released

Hotfix release to fix budget's totals calculations

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Bud Fixes

  • MODFIN -147 Budget allocation calculation out of sync with transaction log

3.0.0 - Released

The primary focus of this release was to implement exchange rate API and bug fixing. Also major versions of APIs were changed for finance.transactions and finance.invoice-transaction-summaries

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Bug Fixes

  • MODFIN-129 - Mod-finance calls api without requesting permissions for it.
  • MODFIN-122 - Module started to crash after introducing rate of exchange logic

2.0.1 - Released

Bugfix release to fix error message upon budget deletion and fix raml to return json wherever possible

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Bug Fixes

  • MODFIN-117 - Return meaningful error message upon failed budget deletion
  • MODFIN-64 - Fix raml(contract) to return application/json responses wherever possible

2.0.0 - Released

The primary focus of this release was to implement releasing encumbrances and payments\credits API.

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*MODFIN-113 Add invoiceId and invoiceLineId to the awaitingPayment schema *MODFIN-106 Add fiscalYear query arg to GET /finance/ledgers API *MODFIN-99 Update groupFundFiscalYear when fund is updated *MODFIN-86 Restrict adjustment of budget's allowableEncumbrance and allowableExpenditures *MODFIN-83 Create release encumbrance API *MODFIN-71 Create transaction APIs - Payments, Credits

Bug Fixes

*MODFIN-108 Get current fiscal year should include the start and end days in the period

1.1.0 - Released

This release contains changes to the schema in ledger adding fields restrictEncumbrance, restrictExpenditures

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1.0.1 - Released

Bugfix release to fix group-fiscal-year-summaries API and ledger totals calculation

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Bug Fixes

  • MODFIN-102 GET /finance/group-fiscal-year-summaries pagination bug
  • MODFIN-98 Ledger not displaying correct allocated total

1.0.0 - Released

The primary focus of this release was to update the finance API according to significantly updated schemas.


  • MODFIN-99 Update groupFundFiscalYear when fund is updated
  • MODFIN-97 Update groupFundFiscalYear when budget is created
  • MODFIN-95 Use JVM features to manage container memory
  • MODFIN-94 Add series field while creating a FiscalYear
  • MODFIN-93 Create an API to fetch the current FY for a ledger
  • MODFIN-88 Create order_transaction_summaries API
  • MODFIN-82 Create awaiting-payment API
  • MODFIN-81 Create awaiting_payment schema
  • MODFIN-79 Fund API updates: PUT/DELETE
  • MODFIN-78 Fund API updates: GET by id/GET by query
  • MODFIN-77 Fund API updates: POST
  • MODFIN-76 CompositeFund schema
  • MODFIN-73 Implement the GET /finance/group-fiscal-year-summaries API
  • MODFIN-70 Create transaction APIs - Allocations, Transfers, Encumbrances
  • MODFIN-69 Implement basic Fiscal Year API
  • MODFIN-68 Implement Groups API
  • MODFIN-65 Provide currency when creating Fiscal Years
  • MODFIN-63 Define and implement the GroupFundFY API
  • MODFIN-61 Define and Implement Budget API
  • MODFIN-60 Implement basic Ledger API
  • MODFIN-59 Define and Implement Fund/FundType APIs
  • MODFIN-58 Create API Test Skeleton
  • MODFIN-52 mod-finance project setup

Bug Fixes