DEPRECATED: permanently moved to
Phoenix application to rate tech companies according to how diverse friendly they are. Inspired by
This project is Docker friendly from day one. To start working on it:
- Setup the diversity_in_tech container with
docker-compose build diversity_in_tech
- Install dependencies with
docker-compose run diversity_in_tech mix deps.get
- Create your database with
docker-compose run diversity_in_tech mix ecto.create
- Migrate your database with
docker-compose run diversity_in_tech mix ecto.migrate
- Install Node.js dependencies with
docker-compose run diversity_in_tech sh -c "cd assets; npm install"
- Start the application with
docker-compose up
This step assumes you already followed instructions from previous paragraph.
- Create your testing database with
docker-compose exec diversity_in_tech env MIX_ENV=test mix ecto.create
- Migrate your testing database with
docker-compose exec diversity_in_tech env MIX_ENV=test mix ecto.migrate
- Run the test suite with:
docker-compose exec diversity_in_tech env MIX_ENV=test mix test
Please see CONTRIBUTING for more details. Here you have the alphabetical list of contributors of this repository.
This project is part of the folkswhocode organization. This means that it adheres to its core values, code of conduct and contributing guidelines, and uses an equivalent license.