[1653793843] [INFO ] Watcom Disassembly Tool (wcdatool) [1653793843] [INFO ] [1653793843] [INFO ] Command line: [1653793843] [DEBUG ] wcdatool.py -od /home/deevus/projects/reverse-engineering/wcdatool/Scripts/../Output /home/deevus/projects/reverse-engineering/wcdatool/Scripts/../Executables/FATAL.EXE [1653793843] [INFO ] [1653793843] [INFO ] Parsing wdump output: [1653793843] [DEBUG ] Generating output for file '/home/deevus/projects/reverse-engineering/wcdatool/Scripts/../Executables/FATAL.EXE'... [1653793843] [DEBUG ] Running command 'wdump -Dx -a /home/deevus/projects/reverse-engineering/wcdatool/Scripts/../Executables/FATAL.EXE'... [1653793843] [DEBUG ] Writing plain output to file... [1653793843] [DEBUG ] Processing output (10003 lines)... [1653793843] [WARNING ] stray line: 'Open Watcom Executable Image Dump Utility Version 2.0 beta May 29 2022 01:14:32 (64-bit)' [1653793843] [WARNING ] stray line: 'Copyright (c) 2002-2022 The Open Watcom Contributors. All Rights Reserved.' [1653793843] [WARNING ] stray line: 'Portions Copyright (c) 1984-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.' [1653793843] [WARNING ] stray line: 'Source code is available under the Sybase Open Watcom Public License.' [1653793843] [WARNING ] stray line: 'See http://www.openwatcom.org/ for details.' [1653793843] [INFO ] Identified sections: [1653793843] [DEBUG ] DOS EXE Header [1653793843] [DEBUG ] DOS/16M EXE Header - BW [1653793843] [DEBUG ] DOS/16M EXE Header [1653793843] [INFO ] Decoding section data... [1653793843] [DEBUG ] Section 'DOS EXE Header'... [1653793843] [DEBUG ] Section 'DOS/16M EXE Header - BW'... [1653793843] [DEBUG ] Section 'DOS/16M EXE Header'... [1653793843] [INFO ] Merging numbered sections... [1653793843] [INFO ] Final sections: [1653793843] [DEBUG ] DOS EXE Header [1653793843] [DEBUG ] DOS/16M EXE Header - BW [1653793843] [DEBUG ] DOS/16M EXE Header [1653793843] [INFO ] Writing parsed output to file... [1653793843] [INFO ] [1653793843] [INFO ] Extracting DOS/4G(W) stub / payload: [1653793843] [DEBUG ] Offset of DOS/4G(W) payload: 0x26654 [1653793843] [DEBUG ] Opening input file to read data... [1653793843] [DEBUG ] Reading DOS/4G(W) stub data (offset 0x0 - 0x26653)... [1653793843] [DEBUG ] Reading DOS/4G(W) payload data (offset 0x26654 - EOF)... [1653793843] [DEBUG ] Writing DOS/4G(W) stub data to file (157268 bytes)... [1653793843] [DEBUG ] Writing DOS/4G(W) payload data to file (799707 bytes)... [1653793843] [DEBUG ] Re-Running wdump parser for DOS/4G(W) payload... [1653793843] [INFO ] [1653793843] [INFO ] Parsing wdump output: [1653793843] [DEBUG ] Generating output for file '/home/deevus/projects/reverse-engineering/wcdatool/Scripts/../Output/FATAL.EXE_split_dos4g_payload.exe'... [1653793843] [DEBUG ] Running command 'wdump -Dx -a /home/deevus/projects/reverse-engineering/wcdatool/Scripts/../Output/FATAL.EXE_split_dos4g_payload.exe'... [1653793843] [DEBUG ] Writing plain output to file... [1653793843] [DEBUG ] Processing output (62061 lines)... [1653793843] [WARNING ] stray line: 'Open Watcom Executable Image Dump Utility Version 2.0 beta May 29 2022 01:14:32 (64-bit)' [1653793843] [WARNING ] stray line: 'Copyright (c) 2002-2022 The Open Watcom Contributors. All Rights Reserved.' [1653793843] [WARNING ] stray line: 'Portions Copyright (c) 1984-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.' [1653793843] [WARNING ] stray line: 'Source code is available under the Sybase Open Watcom Public License.' [1653793843] [WARNING ] stray line: 'See http://www.openwatcom.org/ for details.' [1653793844] [INFO ] Identified sections: [1653793844] [DEBUG ] DOS EXE Header [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Linear EXE Header (OS/2 V2.x) - LE [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Object Table [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Resident Names Table [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Fixup Page Table [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Fixup Record Table [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Nonresident Names Table [1653793844] [INFO ] Decoding section data... [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Section 'DOS EXE Header'... [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Section 'Linear EXE Header (OS/2 V2.x) - LE'... [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Section 'Object Table'... [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Section 'Resident Names Table'... [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Section 'Fixup Page Table'... [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Section 'Fixup Record Table'... [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Section 'Nonresident Names Table'... [1653793844] [INFO ] Merging numbered sections... [1653793844] [INFO ] Final sections: [1653793844] [DEBUG ] DOS EXE Header [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Linear EXE Header (OS/2 V2.x) - LE [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Object Table [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Resident Names Table [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Fixup Page Table [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Fixup Record Table [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Nonresident Names Table [1653793844] [INFO ] Writing parsed output to file... [1653793844] [INFO ] [1653793844] [INFO ] Extracting linear executable stub / payload: [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Offset of linear executable payload: 0x2aa8 [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Opening input file to read data... [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Reading linear executable stub data (offset 0x0 - 0x2aa7)... [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Reading linear executable payload data (offset 0x2aa8 - EOF)... [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Writing linear executable stub data to file (10920 bytes)... [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Writing linear executable payload data to file (788787 bytes)... [1653793844] [INFO ] [1653793844] [INFO ] Reading and decoding fixup/relocation data: [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Determining fixup tables offsets/sizes... [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Opening input file to read data... [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Seeking to offset 0x2def... [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Reading fixup data... [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Writing fixup data to file (192944 bytes)... [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Decoding fixup page table... [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Decoding fixup record table... [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Calculating source offsets relative to parent object... [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Decoding import module name table... [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Decoding import procedure name table... [1653793844] [WARNING ] String 1 is empty [1653793844] [DEBUG ] Writing decoded data to file... [1653793846] [INFO ] [1653793846] [INFO ] Disassembling objects: [1653793846] [INFO ] [1653793846] [INFO ] Preprocessing objects, modules, globals and fixups: [1653793846] [DEBUG ] Preprocessing objects... [1653793846] [DEBUG ] Preprocessed 2 objects [1653793846] [DEBUG ] Preprocessing modules... [1653793846] [WARNING ] No module info present in wdump data [1653793846] [DEBUG ] Preprocessing globals... [1653793846] [WARNING ] No global info present in wdump data [1653793846] [DEBUG ] Preprocessing fixups... [1653793846] [DEBUG ] Preprocessed 23171 fixups [1653793846] [DEBUG ] [1653793846] [DEBUG ] Analyzing fixup references... [1653793846] [DEBUG ] Added 4345 globals for fixup references (4345 globals total) [1653793846] [INFO ] [1653793846] [INFO ] Building data maps for code objects: [1653793846] [DEBUG ] Building data map for object 1... [1653793846] [DEBUG ] Data map for object 1 has 1 entries [1653793846] [DEBUG ] Checking consistency of data map for object 1... [1653793846] [DEBUG ] Data map of object 1 is consistent [1653793846] [INFO ] [1653793846] [INFO ] Generating plain disassembly for code objects: [1653793846] [DEBUG ] Generating plain disassembly for object 1... [1653793850] [DEBUG ] Size of plain disassembly: 138064 lines, 7232976 bytes [1653793850] [INFO ] [1653793850] [INFO ] Analyzing plain disassembly of code objects: [1653793850] [DEBUG ] Analyzing branches... [1653793851] [DEBUG ] Added 11414 globals for branches [1653793851] [DEBUG ] Analyzing access sizes... [1653793854] [DEBUG ] Added 2800 access sizes for globals [1653793854] [INFO ] [1653793854] [INFO ] Generating disassembly structures for all objects: [1653793854] [INFO ] Generating disassembly structure for object 1: [1653793854] [DEBUG ] Adding object start... [1653793854] [DEBUG ] Adding modules... [1653793854] [DEBUG ] Added 0 modules [1653793854] [DEBUG ] Adding hints... [1653793854] [DEBUG ] Added 0 hints [1653793854] [DEBUG ] Adding globals... [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Added 12068 globals (0 functions, 12068 branches, 0 variables) [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Adding bad code sections... [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Added 52 bad code sections [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Adding object end... [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Finalizing structure... [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Named 12068 structure items and 12068 globals [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Sized 11413 structure items and 11413 globals [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Structure: object: 2, branch: 11414, reference: 654, bad code: 104, total: 12174 [1653793860] [INFO ] Generating disassembly structure for object 2: [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Adding object start... [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Adding virtual size padding start... [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Adding modules... [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Added 0 modules [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Adding hints... [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Added 0 hints [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Adding globals... [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Added 3691 globals (0 functions, 0 branches, 3691 variables) [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Adding virtual size padding end... [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Adding object end... [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Finalizing structure... [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Named 3691 structure items and 3691 globals [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Sized 3690 structure items and 3690 globals [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Structure: object: 2, variable: 3691, virtual padding: 2, total: 3695 [1653793860] [INFO ] [1653793860] [INFO ] Building data maps for data objects: [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Building initial data maps from object and modules... [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Data map for object 2 has 1 entries [1653793860] [DEBUG ] Extending data maps based on size information in structure...