The official Python binding for the Fonolo Call-Back Service.
Before using this library, you must have:
- A Fonolo Account; visit for more details.
- a valid Fonolo Account SID and Auth Token, available from the Fonolo Portal
- Works with [ 2.6 / 2.7 / 3.2 / 3.3 ]
pip install fonolo
import fonolo
client = fonolo.Client(<account sid>, <auth token>)
res = client.callback().start({
"fc_number": "14163662500",
"fc_option": "CO529c5278b2cefeabc984506e785d8cb0"
except fonolo.FonoloException as err:
Full API documentation is available from the Fonolo developer site.
- Added support for the /optin and /optins endpoints for viewing call-back opt-in requests.
- Added support for the pending call-backs view (/pending endpoint)
- Fixed a bug in the /calls endpoint when passing URL arguments.
- Added support for the realtime and scheduled call-backs view.
- Added support for the timezones endpoint.
- Initial release.