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Farscape is a hypermedia agent that simplifies consuming Hypermedia API responses. It shoots through wormholes with Crichton at the helm and takes you to unknown places in the universe!

Checkout the Documentation for more info.


API Entry

There are various flavors of configuration that Farscape supports for entering a Hypermedia API. These all assume a response with a supported Hypermedia media-type and a root that lists available resources as links.

A Hypermedia API

For a interacting with an API (or individual service that supports a list of resources at its root), you enter the API and follow your nose using the enter method on the agent. This method returns a Farscape::Representor instance with a simple state-machine interface of attributes (data) and transitions (link/form affordances) for interacting with the resource representations.

agent ='')

resources = agent.enter
resources.attributes # => { meta: 'data', or: 'other data' }
resources.transitions.keys # => ['', '']

# Alternate
agent =

resources = agent.enter('')
resources.attributes # => { meta: 'data', or: 'other data' }
resources.transitions.keys # => ['', '']

A Hypermedia Discovery Service

For interacting with a discovery service, Farscape supports follow your nose entry to select a registered resource or immediately loading a discoverable resource if known to be regsitered in the service a priori.

agent ='')

resources = agent.enter
resources.attributes # => { meta: 'data', or: 'other data' }
resources.transitions.keys # => ['', '', 'next', 'last']

drds = agent.enter('')
drds.attributes # => { total_count: 25, items: [...] }
drds.transitions.keys # => ['self', 'search', 'create', 'next', 'last']

agent.enter('') # => raises Farscape::Agent::UnknownEntryPoint

# For Services (and APIs) that support application/json-home
drds = agent.enter(:drds)
drds.attributes # => { total_count: 25, items: [...] }
drds.transitions.keys # => ['self', 'search', 'create', 'next', 'last']

API Interaction

Entering an API takes you into it's application state-machine and, as such, the interface for interacting with that application state is brain dead simple with Farscape. You have data that you read and hypermedia affordances that tell you what you can do next and you can invoke those affordances to do things. That's it.

Farscape recognizes a number of media-types that support runtime knowledge of the underlying REST uniform-interface methods. For these full-featured media-types, the interaction with with resources is as simple as a browser where implementation of requests is completely abstracted from the user.

The following simple examples highlight interacting with resource state-machines using Farscape.

Load a resource

resources = agent.enter
drds_transition = resources.transitions['']
drds = drds_transition.invoke

Reload a resource

self_transition = drds.transitions['self']
reloaded_drds = self_transition.invoke

Apply query parameters

search_transition = drds.transitions['search']
search_transition.parameters # => ['search_term']

filtered_drds = search_transition.invoke do |builder|
  builder.parameters = { search_term: '1812' }

Transform resource state

embedded_drd_items = drds.items

drd = embedded_drd_items.first
drd.attributes # => { name: '1812' }
drd.transitions # => ['self', 'edit', 'delete', 'deactivate', 'leviathan']

deactivate_transition = drd.transitions['deactivate']

deactivated_drd = deactivate_transition.invoke
deactivated_drd.attributes # => { name: '1812' }
deactivated_drd.transitions # => ['self', 'activate', 'leviathan']

deactivate_transition.invoke # => raise Farscape::Agent::Gone error

Transform application state

leviathan_transition = deactivated_drd.transitions['leviathan']

leviathan = leviathan_transition.invoke
leviathan.attributes # => { name: 'Elack' }
leviathan.transitions # => ['self', 'drds']

Use attributes

create_transition = drds.transitions['create']
create_transition.attributes # => ['name']

new_drd = create_transition.invoke do |builder|
  builder.attributes = { name: 'Pike' }

new_drd.attributes # => { name: 'Pike' }
new_drd.transitions # => ['self', 'edit', 'delete', 'deactivate', 'leviathan']

For more examples and information on using Faraday with media-types that require specifying uniform-interface methods and other protocol idioms when invoking transitions, see Using Farscape.


Following you nose is great, but if you have been there and you want to get back quickly, bookmarks are sweet (particularly since Farscape can cache prior requests using rack middleware). A bookmark is simple hash that allows easily reloading a prior state of a resources (of course things may have changed since you were there so you must temper your assumptions).

drds = agent.enter(:drds)

self_transition = drds.transitions['self']
drds_bookmark = self_transition.bookmark

drds = agent.invoke(bookmark: drds_bookmark)

With bookmarks, you can decorate links in UI applications to make it simple to enter state on the backend when interacting with the UI links and forms.


See CONTRIBUTING for details.


Copyright (c) 2013 Medidata Solutions Worldwide. See LICENSE for details.