We visualize the flow of individuals between parental wealth positions and their own wealth positions with a focus on racial differences in these flows and the reproduction of racial gaps across two generations.
- Reported in "index.html" and
- Contained in
- "Animations/1-mobility-rates.html"
- "Animations/2-wealth-structure.html"
- Reported in "supplement.html" and
- Contained in
- "Animations/s1-models.html"
- "Animations/s2-quartiles.html"
- "Animations/s2-terciles.html"
- "Sankey/1-sankey-mobility-rates.html"
- "Sankey/2-sankey-wealth-structure.html"
We thank Abhraneel Sarma for his excellent research assistance and Adam Pearce for making available some of the javascript code behind the visualizations reported in Badger et al. (2018). Our work on intergenerational wealth correlations has been supported by a grant from the Russell Sage Foundation and the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. The collection of PSID data used here was partly supported by the National Institutes of Health (R01 HD069609) and the National Science Foundation (1157698). Any opinions expressed are those of the authors alone and should not be construed as representing the opinions of the funding agencies.