- CPU: MSP430FR5969 (TI MSP430 16-bit)
- FRAM: 64 KiB
- SRAM: 2 KiB
Install some Debian packages.
$ sudo apt-get install libgmp-dev gcc-msp430 msp430-libc mspdebug:i386
Also install tools related to msp430, using Code Composer Studio (CCS). And check location of libmsp430.so file.
$ ./ccs_setup_linux32.bin
$ ls ~/ti
CCSExternalReferences/ Code Composer Studio 6.0.1.desktop* ccsv6/ xdctools_3_30_03_47_core/
$ file -b ~/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base/DebugServer/drivers/libmsp430.so
ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, not stripped
$ cd ~/ti/ccsv6/install_scripts
$ sudo ./install_drivers.sh
Install ATS2 http://www.ats-lang.org/.
$ wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ats2-lang/ats2-lang/ats2-postiats-0.0.8/ATS2-Postiats-0.0.8.tgz
$ tar xf ATS2-Postiats-0.0.8.tgz
$ cd ATS2-Postiats-0.0.8
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ export PATSHOME=/usr/local/lib/ats2-postiats-0.0.8
Compile the ATS source code for MSP430.
$ cd msp430-ats/examples/ats/blink
$ make
$ file app.elf
app.elf: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, TI msp430, version 1, statically linked, not stripped
Connect MSP430 board to your PC using USB cable. And run following commands.
$ ls -l /dev/ttyACM0
$ crw-rw-rw- 1 root dialout 166, 0 Sep 11 05:28 /dev/ttyACM0
$ make write
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/kiwamu/home/kiwamu/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base/DebugServer/drivers/ mspdebug tilib "prog app.elf"
MSPDebug version 0.22 - debugging tool for MSP430 MCUs
Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Daniel Beer <dlbeer@gmail.com>
Found FET: ttyACM0
MSP430_Initialize: ttyACM0
Firmware version is 30401000
MSP430_VCC: 3000 mV
Device: MSP430FR5969 (id = 0x011d)
3 breakpoints available
Chip ID data: 69 81 30
Writing 1102 bytes at 4400 [section: .text]...
Writing 112 bytes at 484e [section: .rodata]...
Writing 128 bytes at ff80 [section: .vectors]...
Done, 1342 bytes total
Release: 20140602
BSP430 is a set of C language adaptation layers simplifying cross-MCU library and application development on Texas Instruments MSP430 microcontrollers.
The target audience is experienced embedded systems developers who need full control over the microcontroller but are willing to trade a small amount of performance for improved component re-usability and rapid prototyping.
BSP430 features:
- A configuration infrastructure allowing you to include only those resources and capabilities required by your application;
- A set of abstraction layers enabling efficient identification and manipulation of peripheral capabilities at both register and functional levels;
- A callbacks callback infrastructure allowing unrelated capabilities to share resources including port and timer interrupt handlers;
- A platform model that enables rapid development on common hardware solutions including six TI experimenter boards as well as custom boards;
- Integrated support for watchdog and low power mode execution
- A build infrastructure designed to simplify creating new applications, currently focused on the MSPGCC toolchain in a POSIX command-line environment supported by GNU Make
Please see the documentation, issue tracker, and homepage on github. Get a copy using git:
git clone git://github.com/pabigot/bsp430.git
or by downloading the master branch via: https://github.com/pabigot/bsp430/tarball/master
Copyright 2012-2014, Peter A. Bigot, and licensed under BSD-3-Clause.