This is a link to the official REALPHY website.
The manual for REALPHY is available here.
The developers of the REALPHY give permission to you and your institution to use the REALPHY software for internal, research purposes, on the following conditions:
- The REALPHY software will be used by you and/or your institution solely for non-commercial purposes, except with express permission from the authors.
- You may provide us with feedback on the use of the REALPHY software in your research, and we are permitted to use any information you provide in making changes to REALPHY.
- Any risk associated with using the REALPHY software is with you and your institution.
- The REALPHY software should be cited in any publication(s) reporting on data obtained by using it as:
Frederic Bertels, Olin K. Silander, Mikhail Pachkov, Paul B. Rainey, and Erik van Nimwegen. Automated reconstruction of whole genome phylogenies from short sequence reads. Molecular Biology and Evolution; Published online 5 March 2014