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Instance Annotations (#926)
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Formerly #865 

Major Code Changes/Features Added:

Added Target trait as replacement for Named
Added TargetToken as token in building Target
Added GenericTarget as a catch-all Target
Added CircuitTarget, ModuleTarget, ReferenceTarget, and InstanceTarget
Added ResolvePaths annotation
Added EliminateTargetPaths (and helper class DuplicationHelper)
Updated Dedup to work with instance annotations
Updated RenameMap to work with instance annotations
DCE & ConstantProp extend ResolveAnnotationPaths
  • Loading branch information
azidar committed Oct 31, 2018
1 parent 1e89e41 commit 0a4bcaa
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Showing 30 changed files with 2,872 additions and 341 deletions.
200 changes: 84 additions & 116 deletions src/main/scala/firrtl/Compiler.scala
Expand Up @@ -4,121 +4,23 @@ package firrtl

import logger._
import annotations._
import scala.collection.mutable

import firrtl.annotations._ // Note that wildcard imports are not great....
import firrtl.Utils.{error, throwInternalError}

object RenameMap {
def apply(map: Map[Named, Seq[Named]]) = {
val rm = new RenameMap
def apply() = new RenameMap
/** Map old names to new names
* Transforms that modify names should return a [[RenameMap]] with the [[CircuitState]]
* These are mutable datastructures for convenience
// TODO This should probably be refactored into immutable and mutable versions
final class RenameMap private () {
private val underlying = mutable.HashMap[Named, Seq[Named]]()

/** Get renames of a [[CircuitName]]
* @note A [[CircuitName]] can only be renamed to a single [[CircuitName]]
def get(key: CircuitName): Option[CircuitName] = underlying.get(key).map {
case Seq(c: CircuitName) => c
case other => error(s"Unsupported Circuit rename to $other!")
/** Get renames of a [[ModuleName]]
* @note A [[ModuleName]] can only be renamed to one-or-more [[ModuleName]]s
def get(key: ModuleName): Option[Seq[ModuleName]] = {
def nestedRename(m: ModuleName): Option[Seq[ModuleName]] =
this.get(m.circuit).map(cname => Seq(ModuleName(, cname)))
underlying.get(key) match {
case Some(names) => Some(names.flatMap {
case m: ModuleName =>
case other => error(s"Unsupported Module rename of $key to $other")
case None => nestedRename(key)
/** Get renames of a [[ComponentName]]
* @note A [[ComponentName]] can only be renamed to one-or-more [[ComponentName]]s
def get(key: ComponentName): Option[Seq[ComponentName]] = {
def nestedRename(c: ComponentName): Option[Seq[ComponentName]] =
this.get(c.module).map { modules => => ComponentName(, mname))
underlying.get(key) match {
case Some(names) => Some(names.flatMap {
case c: ComponentName =>
case other => error(s"Unsupported Component rename of $key to $other")
case None => nestedRename(key)
/** Get new names for an old name
* This is analogous to get on standard Scala collection Maps
* None indicates the key was not renamed
* Empty indicates the name was deleted
def get(key: Named): Option[Seq[Named]] = key match {
case c: ComponentName => this.get(c)
case m: ModuleName => this.get(m)
// The CircuitName version returns Option[CircuitName]
case c: CircuitName => this.get(c).map(Seq(_))
import firrtl.RenameMap.{CircularRenameException, IllegalRenameException}

// Mutable helpers
private var circuitName: String = ""
private var moduleName: String = ""
def setModule(s: String) =
moduleName = s
def setCircuit(s: String) =
circuitName = s
def rename(from: String, to: String): Unit = rename(from, Seq(to))
def rename(from: String, tos: Seq[String]): Unit = {
val fromName = ComponentName(from, ModuleName(moduleName, CircuitName(circuitName)))
val tosName = tos map { to =>
ComponentName(to, ModuleName(moduleName, CircuitName(circuitName)))
rename(fromName, tosName)
def rename(from: Named, to: Named): Unit = rename(from, Seq(to))
def rename(from: Named, tos: Seq[Named]): Unit = (from, tos) match {
case (x, Seq(y)) if x == y => // TODO is this check expensive in common case?
case _ =>
underlying(from) = underlying.getOrElse(from, Seq.empty) ++ tos
def delete(names: Seq[String]): Unit = names.foreach(delete(_))
def delete(name: String): Unit =
delete(ComponentName(name, ModuleName(moduleName, CircuitName(circuitName))))
def delete(name: Named): Unit =
underlying(name) = Seq.empty
def addMap(map: Map[Named, Seq[Named]]) =
underlying ++= map
def serialize: String = { case (k, v) =>
k.serialize + "=>" +", ")
import scala.collection.mutable
import firrtl.annotations._
import{Circuit, Expression}
import firrtl.Utils.{error, throwInternalError}
import firrtl.annotations.TargetToken
import firrtl.annotations.TargetToken.{Field, Index}
import firrtl.annotations.transforms.{EliminateTargetPaths, ResolvePaths}

/** Container of all annotations for a Firrtl compiler */
class AnnotationSeq private (private[firrtl] val underlying: List[Annotation]) {
def toSeq: Seq[Annotation] = underlying.toSeq
object AnnotationSeq {
def apply(xs: Seq[Annotation]) = new AnnotationSeq(xs.toList)
def apply(xs: Seq[Annotation]): AnnotationSeq = new AnnotationSeq(xs.toList)

/** Current State of the Circuit
Expand All @@ -145,15 +47,45 @@ case class CircuitState(
case None =>
throw new FIRRTLException(s"No EmittedCircuit found! Did you delete any annotations?\n$deletedAnnotations")

/** Helper function for extracting emitted components from annotations */
def emittedComponents: Seq[EmittedComponent] =
annotations.collect { case emitted: EmittedAnnotation[_] => emitted.value }
def deletedAnnotations: Seq[Annotation] =
annotations.collect { case anno: DeletedAnnotation => anno }

/** Returns a new CircuitState with all targets being resolved.
* Paths through instances are replaced with a uniquified final target
* Includes modifying the circuit and annotations
* @param targets
* @return
def resolvePaths(targets: Seq[CompleteTarget]): CircuitState = {
val newCS = new EliminateTargetPaths().runTransform(this.copy(annotations = ResolvePaths(targets) +: annotations ))
newCS.copy(form = form)

/** Returns a new CircuitState with the targets of every annotation of a type in annoClasses
* @param annoClasses
* @return
def resolvePathsOf(annoClasses: Class[_]*): CircuitState = {
val targets = getAnnotationsOf(annoClasses:_*).flatMap(_.getTargets)
if(targets.nonEmpty) resolvePaths(targets.flatMap{_.getComplete}) else this

/** Returns all annotations which are of a class in annoClasses
* @param annoClasses
* @return
def getAnnotationsOf(annoClasses: Class[_]*): AnnotationSeq = {
annotations.collect { case a if annoClasses.contains(a.getClass) => a }

object CircuitState {
def apply(circuit: Circuit, form: CircuitForm): CircuitState = apply(circuit, form, Seq())
def apply(circuit: Circuit, form: CircuitForm, annotations: AnnotationSeq) =
def apply(circuit: Circuit, form: CircuitForm, annotations: AnnotationSeq): CircuitState =
new CircuitState(circuit, form, annotations, None)

Expand All @@ -170,6 +102,9 @@ sealed abstract class CircuitForm(private val value: Int) extends Ordered[Circui
// Note that value is used only to allow comparisons
def compare(that: CircuitForm): Int = this.value - that.value

// scalastyle:off magic.number
// These magic numbers give an ordering to CircuitForm
/** Chirrtl Form
* The form of the circuit emitted by Chisel. Not a true Firrtl form.
Expand All @@ -178,7 +113,7 @@ sealed abstract class CircuitForm(private val value: Int) extends Ordered[Circui
* See [[CDefMemory]] and [[CDefMPort]]
final case object ChirrtlForm extends CircuitForm(3)
final case object ChirrtlForm extends CircuitForm(value = 3)
/** High Form
* As detailed in the Firrtl specification
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,6 +151,7 @@ final case object LowForm extends CircuitForm(0)
final case object UnknownForm extends CircuitForm(-1) {
override def compare(that: CircuitForm): Int = { sys.error("Illegal to compare UnknownForm"); 0 }
// scalastyle:on magic.number

/** The basic unit of operating on a Firrtl AST */
abstract class Transform extends LazyLogging {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -246,6 +182,12 @@ abstract class Transform extends LazyLogging {
state.annotations.collect { case a: LegacyAnnotation if a.transform == this.getClass => a }

/** Executes before any transform's execute method
* @param state
* @return
private[firrtl] def prepare(state: CircuitState): CircuitState = state

/** Perform the transform and update annotations.
* @param state Input Firrtl AST
Expand All @@ -254,7 +196,7 @@ abstract class Transform extends LazyLogging {
final def runTransform(state: CircuitState): CircuitState = {"======== Starting Transform $name ========")

val (timeMillis, result) = Utils.time { execute(state) }
val (timeMillis, result) = Utils.time { execute(prepare(state)) }"""----------------------------${"-" * name.size}---------\n""")"Time: $timeMillis%.1f ms")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -296,10 +238,23 @@ abstract class Transform extends LazyLogging {

// For each annotation, rename all annotations.
val renames = renameOpt.getOrElse(RenameMap())
for {
anno <- newAnnotations.toSeq
newAnno <- anno.update(renames)
} yield newAnno
val remapped2original = mutable.LinkedHashMap[Annotation, mutable.LinkedHashSet[Annotation]]()
val keysOfNote = mutable.LinkedHashSet[Annotation]()
val finalAnnotations = newAnnotations.flatMap { anno =>
val remappedAnnos = anno.update(renames)
remappedAnnos.foreach { remapped =>
val set = remapped2original.getOrElseUpdate(remapped, mutable.LinkedHashSet.empty[Annotation])
set += anno
if(set.size > 1) keysOfNote += remapped
keysOfNote.foreach { key =>
logger.debug(s"""The following original annotations are renamed to the same new annotation.""")
logger.debug(s"""Original Annotations:\n ${remapped2original(key).mkString("\n ")}""")
logger.debug(s"""New Annotation:\n $key""")

Expand All @@ -321,6 +276,19 @@ abstract class SeqTransform extends Transform with SeqTransformBased {

/** Extend for transforms that require resolved targets in their annotations
* Ensures all targets in annotations of a class in annotationClasses are resolved before the execute method
trait ResolvedAnnotationPaths {
this: Transform =>

val annotationClasses: Traversable[Class[_]]

override def prepare(state: CircuitState): CircuitState = {

/** Defines old API for Emission. Deprecated */
trait Emitter extends Transform {
@deprecated("Use emission annotations instead", "firrtl 1.0")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -406,8 +374,8 @@ trait Compiler extends LazyLogging {
def transforms: Seq[Transform]

// Similar to (input|output)Form on [[Transform]] but derived from this Compiler's transforms
def inputForm = transforms.head.inputForm
def outputForm = transforms.last.outputForm
def inputForm: CircuitForm = transforms.head.inputForm
def outputForm: CircuitForm = transforms.last.outputForm

private def transformsLegal(xforms: Seq[Transform]): Boolean =
if (xforms.size < 2) {
Expand Down

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