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21 lines (15 loc) · 1006 Bytes

File metadata and controls

21 lines (15 loc) · 1006 Bytes

Notice: Documentation Moved

New documentation:

If you are viewing this file on GitHub in your web browser, you are using an outdated link to the SecureDrop documentation. The new and improved documentation is available at

This document (the Install Guide) has been split into a series of smaller, more manageable documents; you can see the Table of Contents for the installation documentation here:

This document is a temporary placeholder to help redirect users who still have links to the old-style SecureDrop documentation hosted on GitHub. Please update your bookmarks. If you came here from another website, please file an issue so we can follow up with the website maintainer.

Finally, note that this placeholder will eventually be removed, and that removal may happen without warning and at any time.