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Stephen Oliver edited this page Apr 8, 2018 · 1 revision

ModifyPeer modifies settings for a given peer of your Freenet node.

See Peer for the corresponding response.

In case the of an invalid node identifier, the node replies with an UnknownNodeIdentifier message.


NodeIdentifier=[UB] UberNode


Field Possible values Mandatory Default Description
NodeIdentifier <name>/<identity>/<ip>:<port> Yes The node name, identity or IP:port pair of the peer to be modified.
AllowLocalAddresses true/false No not set The peer identified by the given NodeIdentifier is set allowLocalAddresses or not accordingly.
IsDisabled true/false No not set The peer identified by the given NodeIdentifier is enabled or disabled accordingly.
IsListenOnly true/false No not set If set, the peer identified by the given NodeIdentifier is set ListenOnly or not accordingly.
IsBurstOnly true/false No not set If set, the peer identified by the given NodeIdentifier is set BurstOnly or not accordingly.
IgnoreSourcePort true/false No not set If set, ignore the detected source of the peer identified by the given NodeIdentifier.
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