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renamed: compile -> compile_local
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smolkaj committed Sep 9, 2015
1 parent b688846 commit 4f53f6f
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Showing 9 changed files with 34 additions and 38 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions async/
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ let current_compiler_options = ref { Comp.default_compiler_options with optimize
let compile_respond pol =
(* Compile pol to tables and time everything. *)
let (time, tbls) = profile (fun () ->
let fdd = Comp.compile ~options:!current_compiler_options pol in
let fdd = Comp.compile_local ~options:!current_compiler_options pol in
let sws =
let sws = Frenetic_NetKAT_Semantics.switches_of_policy pol in
if List.length sws = 0 then [0L] else sws in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ let handle_request
Cohttp_async.Server.respond `OK)
| `GET, [switchId; "flow_table"] ->
let sw = Int64.of_string switchId in
Comp.compile ~options:!current_compiler_options !policy |>
Comp.compile_local ~options:!current_compiler_options !policy |>
Comp.to_table ~options:!current_compiler_options sw |>
Frenetic_NetKAT_SDN_Json.flowTable_to_json |>
Yojson.Basic.to_string ~std:true |>
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions async/
Expand Up @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ module type CONTROLLER = sig

module Make : CONTROLLER = struct
let fdd = ref (Frenetic_NetKAT_Compiler.compile drop)
let fdd = ref (Frenetic_NetKAT_Compiler.compile_local drop)
let current_compiler_options = ref (Frenetic_NetKAT_Compiler.default_compiler_options)
let stats : (string, Int64.t * Int64.t) Hashtbl.Poly.t = Hashtbl.Poly.create ()
let (pol_reader, pol_writer) = Pipe.create ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ module Make : CONTROLLER = struct
Hashtbl.Poly.set stats qname stat)
>>= fun () ->
(* Actually update things *)
fdd := Frenetic_NetKAT_Compiler.compile ~options:!current_compiler_options pol;
fdd := Frenetic_NetKAT_Compiler.compile_local ~options:!current_compiler_options pol;
Upd.BestEffortUpdate.set_current_compiler_options !current_compiler_options;
Upd.BestEffortUpdate.implement_policy !fdd

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions async/
Expand Up @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ let main (of_port : int) (pol_file : string)
let pol_str = In_channel.read_all pol_file in
let pol = Frenetic_NetKAT_Parser.policy_from_string pol_str in
let compiler_opts = {default_compiler_options with field_order = `Static (List.concat layout)} in
let fdd = compile pol ~options:compiler_opts in
let fdd = compile_local pol ~options:compiler_opts in
let _ = Tcp.Server.create ~on_handler_error:`Raise (Tcp.on_port of_port)
(fun _ reader writer ->
let message_sender = send_message writer in
Expand All @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ let fault_tolerant_main (of_port : int) (pol_file : string) "Starting OpenFlow 1.3 fault tolerant controller";
let pol_str = In_channel.read_all pol_file in
let pol = Frenetic_NetKAT_Parser.policy_from_string pol_str in
let fdd = Frenetic_NetKAT_Compiler.compile pol in
let fdd = Frenetic_NetKAT_Compiler.compile_local pol in
let topo = Frenetic_NetKAT_Net.Net.Topology.empty () in
(* let topo = Frenetic_NetKAT_Net.Net.Parse.from_dotfile topo_file in *)
let _ = Tcp.Server.create ~on_handler_error:`Raise (Tcp.on_port of_port)
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions async/
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ open Async.Std
open Frenetic_NetKAT

module Controller = Frenetic_NetKAT_Controller.Make
module LC = Frenetic_NetKAT_Compiler
module Comp = Frenetic_NetKAT_Compiler
module Field = Frenetic_Fdd.Field
module Log = Frenetic_Log

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ type command =
* default - Uses the default ordering as specified in NetKAT_LocalCompiler
* f_1 < f_2 [ < f_3 < ... < f_n ] - Given two or more fields, ensures the
* order of the specified fields is maintained. *)
| Order of LC.order
| Order of Comp.order
(* usage: remove_tail_drops
* Remove any drop rules at the end of each flow table. Toggles setting.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,14 +170,14 @@ end
let compose f g x = f (g x)

(* TODO(jcollard): The cache flag here is actually a problem. Changing ordering won't work as expected. *)
let current_compiler_options = ref { LC.default_compiler_options with cache_prepare = `Keep }
let current_compiler_options = ref { Comp.default_compiler_options with cache_prepare = `Keep }

let set_field_order ord : unit =
current_compiler_options := { !current_compiler_options with field_order = ord }

(* Prints the current ordering mode. *)
let print_order () : unit =
printf "Ordering Mode: %s\n%!" (LC.field_order_to_string (!current_compiler_options).field_order)
printf "Ordering Mode: %s\n%!" (Comp.field_order_to_string (!current_compiler_options).field_order)

(* Convenience function that checks that an ordering doesn't contain
* duplicates. This is used in favor of List.contains_dup so a better
Expand All @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ let rec check_duplicates (fs : Field.t list) (acc : Field.t list) : bool =
(* Given an ordering, sets the order reference.
* If a Static ordering is given with duplicates, the ordering
* is not updated and an error message is printed *)
let set_order (o : LC.order) : unit =
let set_order (o : Comp.order) : unit =
match o with
| `Heuristic ->
set_field_order `Heuristic;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,11 +232,11 @@ let print_policy () =

(* Given a policy, returns a pretty ascii table for each switch *)
let string_of_policy (pol : policy) : string =
let bdd = LC.compile ~options:(!current_compiler_options) pol in
let bdd = Comp.compile_local ~options:(!current_compiler_options) pol in
let switches = Frenetic_NetKAT_Semantics.switches_of_policy pol in
let switches' = if List.is_empty switches then [0L] else switches in
let tbls = switches'
(fun sw_id -> LC.to_table ~options:(!current_compiler_options) sw_id bdd |>
(fun sw_id -> Comp.to_table ~options:(!current_compiler_options) sw_id bdd |>
Frenetic_OpenFlow.string_of_flowTable ~label:(Int64.to_string sw_id)) in
String.concat ~sep:"\n\n" tbls

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion integration/
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ let main () = "Starting controller";
let layout = Frenetic_Fdd.Field.all_fields in
let compiler_opts = {default_compiler_options with field_order = `Default} in
let fdd = compile pol ~options:compiler_opts in
let fdd = compile_local pol ~options:compiler_opts in
let _ = Tcp.Server.create ~on_handler_error:`Raise (Tcp.on_port 6633)
(fun _ reader writer ->
let message_sender = send_message writer in
Expand Down
10 changes: 3 additions & 7 deletions lib/
Expand Up @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ let default_compiler_options = {
optimize = true;

let compile ?(options=default_compiler_options) pol =
let compile_local ?(options=default_compiler_options) pol =
(match options.cache_prepare with
| `Keep -> ()
| `Empty -> FDK.clear_cache Int.Set.empty
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -790,12 +790,8 @@ module NetKAT_Automaton = struct

let compile_global (pol : Frenetic_NetKAT.policy) : FDK.t =
let open NetKAT_Automaton in
let a = of_policy ~dedup:true pol in
let t = to_local Field.Vlan a in

(* NetKAT_Automaton.(to_local Field.Vlan (of_policy ~dedup:true pol)) *)
NetKAT_Automaton.of_policy ~dedup:true pol
|> NetKAT_Automaton.to_local Field.Vlan

(* multitable *)
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions lib/Frenetic_NetKAT_Compiler.mli
Expand Up @@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ exception Non_local

val default_compiler_options : compiler_options

val compile : ?options:compiler_options -> policy -> t
(** [compile p] returns the intermediate representation of the policy [p].
val compile_local : ?options:compiler_options -> policy -> t
(** [compile_local p] returns the intermediate representation of the local policy [p].
You can generate a flowtable from [t] by passing it to the {!to_table}
function below.
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions lib_test/
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ open Frenetic_NetKAT
open Frenetic_NetKAT_Pretty

let test_compile lhs rhs =
let tbl = Frenetic_NetKAT_Compiler.(restrict (Switch 0L) (compile lhs)) in
let tbl = Frenetic_NetKAT_Compiler.(restrict (Switch 0L) (compile_local lhs)) in
let rhs' = Frenetic_NetKAT_Compiler.to_local_pol tbl in
if rhs' = rhs then
Expand All @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ let test_compile lhs rhs =

let test_compile_table pol tbl =
let open Frenetic_NetKAT_Compiler in
let tbl' = to_table 0L (compile pol) in
let tbl' = to_table 0L (compile_local pol) in
if tbl = tbl' then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -324,8 +324,8 @@ let compare_eval_output p q pkt =
let compare_compiler_output p q pkt =
let open Frenetic_NetKAT_Semantics in
(Flowterp.Packet.eval pkt (Frenetic_NetKAT_Compiler.(to_table pkt.switch (compile p))))
(Flowterp.Packet.eval pkt (Frenetic_NetKAT_Compiler.(to_table pkt.switch (compile q))))
(Flowterp.Packet.eval pkt (Frenetic_NetKAT_Compiler.(to_table pkt.switch (compile_local p))))
(Flowterp.Packet.eval pkt (Frenetic_NetKAT_Compiler.(to_table pkt.switch (compile_local q))))
= 0

let check gen_fn compare_fn =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ TEST "semantics agree with flowtable" =
(Frenetic_NetKAT_Semantics.eval pkt (Frenetic_NetKAT_Optimize.specialize_policy pkt.switch p'))
(Flowterp.Packet.eval pkt
(Frenetic_NetKAT_Compiler.(to_table pkt.switch (compile p'))))
(Frenetic_NetKAT_Compiler.(to_table pkt.switch (compile_local p'))))
= 0 in
check gen_pol_1 prop_compile_ok

Expand Down
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions lib_test/
Expand Up @@ -7,33 +7,33 @@ open Frenetic_NetKAT_Compiler
TEST "Can test locations, even when they are set to pipes" =
let p = Filter (Test (Location (Pipe "web"))) in
let opt = { default_compiler_options with remove_tail_drops = false } in
List.length (to_table 0L ~options:opt (compile ~options:opt p)) == 1 (* that drops everything *)
List.length (to_table 0L ~options:opt (compile_local ~options:opt p)) == 1 (* that drops everything *)

TEST "clearing cache fails" =
let a = Test (IPProto 1) in
let b = Test (EthType 0x800) in
let fdd1 = compile (Filter a) in
let fdd1 = compile_local (Filter a) in
let compiler_options_empty = { default_compiler_options with cache_prepare = `Empty } in
let compiler_options_keep = { default_compiler_options with cache_prepare = `Keep } in
let fdd2 = compile ~options:compiler_options_empty (Filter b) in
let fdd2 = compile_local ~options:compiler_options_empty (Filter b) in
seq fdd1 fdd2 != compile ~options:compiler_options_keep (Filter (And (a, b)))
seq fdd1 fdd2 != compile_local ~options:compiler_options_keep (Filter (And (a, b)))
Not_found -> true

TEST "keeping cache_prepare works" =
let a = Test (IPProto 1) in
let b = Test (EthType 0x800) in
let fdd1 = compile (Filter a) in
let fdd1 = compile_local (Filter a) in
let compiler_options_keep = { default_compiler_options with cache_prepare = `Keep } in
let fdd2 = compile ~options:compiler_options_keep (Filter b) in
seq fdd1 fdd2 = compile ~options:compiler_options_keep (Filter (And (a, b)))
let fdd2 = compile_local ~options:compiler_options_keep (Filter b) in
seq fdd1 fdd2 = compile_local ~options:compiler_options_keep (Filter (And (a, b)))

TEST "keeping reachable nodes in cache_prepare works" =
let a = Test (IPProto 1) in
let b = Test (EthType 0x800) in
let fdd1 = compile (Filter a) in
let fdd1 = compile_local (Filter a) in
let compiler_options_keep = { default_compiler_options with cache_prepare = `Keep } in
let compiler_options_preserve = { default_compiler_options with cache_prepare = `Preserve fdd1 } in
let fdd2 = compile ~options:compiler_options_preserve (Filter b) in
seq fdd1 fdd2 = compile ~options:compiler_options_keep (Filter (And (a, b)))
let fdd2 = compile_local ~options:compiler_options_preserve (Filter b) in
seq fdd1 fdd2 = compile_local ~options:compiler_options_keep (Filter (And (a, b)))

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