var GasFreshdesk = (function () { 'use strict' /** * * GasFreshdesk - Freshdesk API Class for Google Apps Script * * GasFreshdesk is a easy to use Freshdesk API Class for GAS(Google Apps Script) * It provides a OO(Object-Oriented) way to use Freshdesk Ticket / Contacts, etc. * * Github - * * Example: ```javascript var MyFreshdesk = new GasFreshdesk('', 'Jrg0FQNzX3tzuHbiFjYQ') var ticket = new MyFreshdesk.Ticket({ description:'A description' , subject: 'A subject' , email: '' , attachments: [ Utilities.newBlob('TEST DATA').setName('test-data.dat') ] }) ticket.assign(9000658396) ticket.addNote({ body: 'Hi tom, Still Angry' , private: true }) ticket.setPriority(2) ticket.setStatus(2) ticket.del() ticket.restore() ``` */ var Freshdesk = function (url, key) { if (!key || !url) throw Error('options error: key or url not exist!') var http = new Http(url, key) /** * validateAuth: try to listTickets * if url & key is not right * exception will be thrown */ validateAuth() this.http = http this.Ticket = freshdeskTicket this.Contact = freshdeskContact this.Agent = freshdeskAgent this.listTickets = freshdeskListTickets this.listFields = listFields this.Ticket.list = freshdeskListTickets this.listContacts = freshdeskListContacts this.Contact.list = freshdeskListContacts this.listAgents = freshdeskListAgents this.Agent.list = freshdeskListAgents return this /********************************************************************** * * Freshdesk Instance Methods Implementation * */ /** * * make a http call to api, in order to confirm the auth token is right. * @tested */ function validateAuth() { // v1: return http.get('/helpdesk/tickets/filter/all_tickets?format=json') return http.get('/api/v2/tickets?per_page=1') } /** * * 1. Method Search Ticket * * @return {Array} Tickets of search. null for not found * * @param {Object} options * email: email address of requester * * @document * */ function freshdeskListTickets(options) { var data if (options && { // Requester email var email = validateEmail( data = http.get('/api/v2/tickets?order_by=created_at&order_type=asc&email=' + email) } else if (options && options.requester_id) { var requesterId = validateInteger(options.requester_id) data = http.get('/api/v2/tickets?order_by=created_at&order_type=asc&requester_id=' + requesterId) }else { // Uses the new_and_my_open filter. data = http.get('/api/v2/tickets') } if (!data || !data.length) return [] var tickets = (d) { return new freshdeskTicket( }) return tickets } /** * * 2. Method Search Contact * */ function freshdeskListContacts(options) { var email = var data = http.get('/api/v2/contacts?email=' + email) if (!data || !data.length) return [] var contacts = (d) { return new freshdeskContact( }) return contacts } /** * * 2.1. List Ticket Fields * */ function listFields() { // var data = http.get('/ticket_fields.json') if (!data || !data.length) return [] return data } /** * * 3. Method Search Agent * * @param * email of agent * * @return * of , or null for not found. * */ function freshdeskListAgents(options) { var email = var data = http.get('/api/v2/agents?email=' + email) if (!data || !data.length) return [] var agents = (d) { return new freshdeskAgent( }) return agents } /****************************************************************** * * Class Ticket * ------------ */ function freshdeskTicket (options) { if ((typeof this) === 'undefined') return new freshdeskTicket(options) var ticketObj = {} if ((typeof options) === 'number') { /** * 1. existing ticket, retried it by ID */ id = options reloadTicket(id) } else if ((typeof options) === 'object') { // { x: y } options /** * 2. new ticket. create it. */ if (!options.status) options.status = 2 // Status.Open if (!options.priority) options.priority = 1 // Priority.Low validateHelpdeskObject(options) // v1 ticketObj ='/helpdesk/tickets.json', options) ticketObj ='/api/v2/tickets', options) } else { // 3. error. throw Error('options must be integer or object') } this.getId = getTicketId this.getResponderId = getResponderId this.getRequesterId = getRequesterId this.assign = assignTicket this.note = noteTicket this.reply = replyTicket this.setCustomField = setTicketCustomField //this.listFields = listFields this.del = deleteTicket this.restore = restoreTicket this.getPriority = getTicketPriority this.setPriority = setTicketPriority this.getStatus = getTicketStatus this.setStatus = setTicketStatus = function () { return setTicketStatus(2) } this.pend = function () { return setTicketStatus(3) } this.resolv = function () { return setTicketStatus(4) } this.close = function () { return setTicketStatus(5) } this.lowPriority = function () { return setTicketPriority(1) } this.mediumPriority = function () { return setTicketPriority(2) } this.highPriority = function () { return setTicketPriority(3) } this.getRawObj = function () { return ticketObj } // this.setTag = setTicketTag return this /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getTicketId() { // Logger.log(JSON.stringify(ticketObj)) if (ticketObj && { return } return null } function getResponderId() { if (ticketObj && ticketObj.responder_id) { return ticketObj.responder_id } return null } function getRequesterId() { if (ticketObj && ticketObj.requester_id) { return ticketObj.requester_id } return null } function assignTicket(responderId) { // v1: // http.put('/helpdesk/tickets/' // + getTicketId() // + '/assign.json?responder_id=' // + responderId // ) http.put('/api/v2/tickets/' + getTicketId(), { responder_id: responderId }) reloadTicket(getTicketId()) // refresh return this } function deleteTicket() { // v1: if ('deleted'==http.del('/helpdesk/tickets/' + getTicketId() + '.json')) { http.del('/api/v2/tickets/' + getTicketId()) reloadTicket(getTicketId()) // refresh return true } /** * * @tested */ function restoreTicket(id) { if (!id) id = getTicketId() if (id%1 !== 0) throw Error('ticket id(' + id + ') must be integer') // v1: var ret = http.put('/helpdesk/tickets/' + id + '/restore.json') var ret = http.put('/api/v2/tickets/' + id + '/restore') reloadTicket(getTicketId()) // refresh return this } /** * * Reload Ticket Object Raw Data * */ function reloadTicket(id) { if (id%1 !== 0) throw Error('ticket id(' + id + ') must be integer.') // Logger.log('loading id:' + id) // v1: ticketObj = http.get('/helpdesk/tickets/' + id + '.json') ticketObj = http.get('/api/v2/tickets/' + id + '?include=notes') // Logger.log(JSON.stringify(ticketObj)) return this } /** * * Note a Ticket * * @tested */ function noteTicket(data) { validateHelpdeskObject(data) // v1: var retVal ='/helpdesk/tickets/' + getTicketId() + '/conversations/note.json', data) var retVal ='/api/v2/tickets/' + getTicketId() + '/notes', data) if (retVal) { reloadTicket(getTicketId()) return true } return false } /** * * Reply a Ticket * * @testing */ function replyTicket(data) { validateHelpdeskObject(data) var retVal ='/api/v2/tickets/' + getTicketId() + '/reply', data) if (retVal) { reloadTicket(getTicketId()) return true } return false } /** * * * @tested */ function getTicketPriority() { return ticketObj.priority } function setTicketPriority(priority) { // v1: var retVal = http.put('/helpdesk/tickets/' + getTicketId() + '.json', { var retVal = http.put('/api/v2/tickets/' + getTicketId(), { priority: priority }) if (retVal) { reloadTicket(getTicketId()) return this } throw Error('set priority fail') } /** * * * @tested */ function getTicketStatus() { return ticketObj.status } function setTicketStatus(status) { // v1: var retVal = http.put('/helpdesk/tickets/' + getTicketId() + '.json', { var retVal = http.put('/api/v2/tickets/' + getTicketId(), { status: status }) if (retVal) { reloadTicket(getTicketId()) return this } throw Error('set status fail') } function setTicketCustomField(customFields) { // v1: var retVal = http.put('/helpdesk/tickets/' + getTicketId() + '.json', { var retVal = http.put('/api/v2/tickets/' + getTicketId(), { custom_fields: customFields }) if (retVal) { reloadTicket(getTicketId()) return this } throw Error('set custom field fail') } function setTicketTag(tags) { throw Error('not implenment yet') var ticketTags = ticketObj.tags // "tags":[ // {"name": "tag1"}, // {"name": "tag2"} // ] // v1: var retVal = http.put('/helpdesk/tickets/' + getTicketId() + '.json', { var retVal = http.put('/api/v2/tickets/' + getTicketId(), { helpdesk: { tags: ticketTags } }) if (retVal) { reloadTicket(getTicketId()) return this } throw Error('set tags fail') } //////////////////////////////// }// Seprator of Ticket Instance //////////////////////////////// /*************************************************************************** * * Class Contact * ------------- */ function freshdeskContact(options) { if ((typeof this) === 'undefined') return new freshdeskContact(options) var contactObj = {} if ((typeof options) === 'number') { /** * 1. existing contact, get it by ID */ id = options reloadContact(id) } else if ((typeof options) === 'object') { // { x: y } options /** * 2. new contact. create it. */ // v1: contactObj ='/contacts.json', options) contactObj ='/api/v2/contacts', options) } else { // 3. error. throw Error('options must be integer or options') } this.getId = getContactId this.del = deleteContact this.getName = getContactName this.setName = setContactName this.getEmail = getContactEmail this.getTitle = getContactTitle this.setTitle = setContactTitle this.getRawObj = function () { return contactObj } return this //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function getContactId() { if (contactObj && { return } return null } function deleteContact() { // v1: if ('deleted'==http.del('/contacts/' + getContactId() + '.json')) { if ('deleted'==http.del('/api/v2/contacts/' + getContactId())) { reloadContact(getContactId()) // refresh return true } return false } /** * * Reload Contact Object Raw Data * */ function reloadContact(id) { if ((typeof id)=='undefined') id = getContactId() if (id%1 !== 0) throw Error('contact id(' + id + ') must be integer.') // v1: contactObj = http.get('/contacts/' + id + '.json') contactObj = http.get('/api/v2/contacts/' + id) return this } /** * * * @testing */ function getContactName() { return } function setContactName(name) { // v1: var retVal = http.put('/contacts/' + getContactId() + '.json', { var retVal = http.put('/api/v2/contacts/' + getContactId(), { name: name }) if (retVal) { reloadContact() return this } throw Error('set name fail') } function getContactEmail() { return } /** * * * @testing */ function getContactTitle() { return contactObj.job_title } function setContactTitle(title) { // v1: var retVal = http.put('/contacts/' + getTicketId() + '.json', { var retVal = http.put('/api/v2/contacts/' + getTicketId(), { user: { job_title: title } }) if (retVal) { reloadContact() return this } throw Error('set status fail') } //////////////////////////////// }// Seprator of Contact Instance //////////////////////////////// /*************************************************************************** * * Class Agent * ----------- */ function freshdeskAgent(id) { if ((typeof this) === 'undefined') return new freshdeskAgent(options) var agentObj = {} if ((typeof id) === 'number') { /** * 1. existing agent, get it by ID */ // load #id to agentObj reloadAgent(id) } else { // 2. error. throw Error('id must be integer') } this.getId = getAgentId this.getName = getAgentName this.getRawObj = function () { return agentObj } return this /////////////////////////////////////////////// function getAgentId() { if (agentObj && { return } return null } function getAgentName() { return } /** * * Reload Agent Object Raw Data * */ function reloadAgent(id) { if ((typeof id)=='undefined') id = getAgentId() if (id%1 !== 0) throw Error('agent id(' + id + ') must be integer.') // v1: agentObj = http.get('/agents/' + id + '.json') agentObj = http.get('/api/v2/agents/' + id) return this } //////////////////////////////// }// Seprator of Agent Instance //////////////////////////////// } // export for testing only Freshdesk.Http = Http Freshdesk.validateHelpdeskObject = validateHelpdeskObject Freshdesk.validEmail = validateEmail Freshdesk.validateInteger = validateInteger return Freshdesk /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Class Static Methods Implementation // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*********************************************************************** * * Class Http * ---------- * Backend Class for Freshdesk Rest API * * options.key * options.type * */ function Http(url, key) { if (!url || !key) throw Error('url & key must set!') var URL = url var KEY = key var AUTH_HEADER = { 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + Utilities.base64Encode(KEY + ':X') } return { get: get , put: put , post: post , del: del , httpBackend: httpBackend , makeMultipartArray: makeMultipartArray , makeMultipartBody: makeMultipartBody , hasAttachment: hasAttachment } function get(path) { return httpBackend('get', path) } function put(path, data) { return httpBackend('put', path, data) } function post(path, data) { return httpBackend('post', path, data) } function del(path) { return httpBackend('delete', path) } /** * * HTTP Backend Engine * */ function httpBackend(method, path, data) { var contentType, payload if (method=='post' && hasAttachment(data)) { var BOUNDARY = '-----CUTHEREelH7faHNSXWNi72OTh08zH29D28Zhr3Rif3oupOaDrj' var multipartArray = makeMultipartArray(data) // log(JSON.stringify(multipartArray)) contentType = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + BOUNDARY payload = makeMultipartBody(multipartArray, BOUNDARY) } else if (!data || data instanceof Object) { /** * * When we pass a object as payload to UrlFetchApp.fetch, it will treat object as a key=value form-urlencoded type. * * If we want to post JSON object via fetch, we must: * 1. specify contentType to 'application/json' * 2. payload should already be JSON.stringify(ed) * */ contentType = 'application/json' payload = JSON.stringify(data) } else { contentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' payload = data } var options = { muteHttpExceptions: true , headers: AUTH_HEADER , method: method } switch (method.toLowerCase()) { case 'post': case 'put': options.contentType = contentType options.payload = payload break default: case 'get': case 'delete': break } if (/^http/.test(path)) { var endpoint = path } else { endpoint = URL + path } /** * * UrlFetch fetch API EndPoint * */ var TTL = 3 var response = undefined var retCode = undefined while (!retCode && TTL--) { try { response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(endpoint, options) retCode = response.getResponseCode() } catch (e) { log(log.DEBUG, 'UrlFetchApp.fetch exception(ttl:%s): %s, %s', TTL,, e.message) Utilities.sleep(50) // sleep 50 ms } // Logger.log('ttl:' + TTL + ', retCode:' + retCode) } switch (true) { case /^2/.test(retCode): // It's ok with 2XX break; case /^3/.test(retCode): // TBD: OK? NOT OK??? break; case /^4/.test(retCode): case /^5/.test(retCode): /** * * Get Detail Error Response from Freshdesk API v2 * * */ var apiErrorMsg try { var respObj = JSON.parse(response.getContentText()); var description = respObj.description var errors = respObj.errors var errorMsg if (errors && errors instanceof Array) { errorMsg = (e) { return Utilities.formatString('code[%s], field[%s], message[%s]' , e.code || '' , e.field || '' , e.message || '' ) }).reduce(function (v1, v2) { return v1 + '; ' + v2 }); } else if (respObj.code) { errorMsg = Utilities.formatString('code[%s], field[%s], message[%s]' , respObj.code || '' , respObj.field || '' , respObj.message || '' ) } // clean options if (options.payload) { options.payload = options.payload ? JSON.parse(options.payload) : {} if (options.payload.body_html) options.payload.body_html = '...STRIPED...' if (options.payload.description_html) options.payload.description_html = '...STRIPED...' } options = JSON.stringify(options) apiErrorMsg = Utilities .formatString('Freshdesk API v2 failed when calling endpoint[%s], options[%s], description[%s] with error: (%s)' , endpoint , options , description || '' , errorMsg || '' ) } catch (e) { Logger.log( + ',' + e.message + ',' + e.stack) } if (apiErrorMsg) throw Error(apiErrorMsg); throw Error('http call failed with http code:' + response.getResponseCode()); break; default: log(log.DEBUG, 'endpoint: ' + endpoint) log(log.DEBUG, 'options: ' + JSON.stringify(options)) log(log.DEBUG, response.getContentText().substring(0,1000)) throw Error('api call failed with http code:' + response.getResponseCode()) break; } var retContent = response.getContentText() /** * Object in object out * String in string out */ var retObj switch (true) { case /x-www-form-urlencoded/.test(contentType): try { retObj = JSON.parse(retContent) } catch (e) { // it's ok here, just let ret be string. retObj = retContent } break; default: case /multipart/.test(contentType): case /json/.test(contentType): try { retObj = JSON.parse(retContent) } catch (e) { /** * something went wrong here! * because we need: Object in object out */ retObj = { error: e.message , string: retContent } } break } // Freshdesk API will set `require_login` if login failed if (retObj && retObj.require_login) throw Error('auth failed to url ' + URL + ' with key ' + KEY) return retObj } /** * * @param object data * @return string a multipart body * * concat attachments for array [attachments][] * * @testing */ function makeMultipartBody(multipartArray, boundary) { var body = Utilities.newBlob('').getBytes() for (var i in multipartArray) { var [k, v] = multipartArray[i] // log('multipartArray[' + k + ']') if (v.toString() == 'Blob' || v.toString() == 'GmailAttachment' ) { // log(v.toString()) // log(v) // log(typeof v) // Object.keys(v).forEach(function (k) { // log('v[' + k + ']') // }) // attachment body = body.concat( Utilities.newBlob( '--' + boundary + '\r\n' + 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' + k + '"; filename="' + v.getName() + '"\r\n' + 'Content-Type: ' + v.getContentType() + '\r\n\r\n' ).getBytes()) body = body .concat(v.getBytes()) .concat(Utilities.newBlob('\r\n').getBytes()) } else { // string body = body.concat( Utilities.newBlob( '--'+boundary+'\r\n' + 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' + k + '"\r\n\r\n' + v + '\r\n' ).getBytes() ) } } body = body.concat(Utilities.newBlob('--' + boundary + "--\r\n").getBytes()) return body } /** * * @param object obj * * @return Array [ [k,v], ... ] * @tested */ function makeMultipartArray(obj) { var multipartArray = new Array() for (var k in obj) { recursion(k, obj[k]) } return multipartArray function recursion(key, value) { if ((typeof value)=='object' && !isAttachment(value)) { for (var k in value) { if (value instanceof Array) { // recursion for Array recursion(key + '[]', value[k]) } else { // recursion for Object recursion(key + '[' + k + ']', value[k]) } } } else { // Push result to Array multipartArray.push([key, value]) } } } /** * * Walk through a object, return true if there has any key named "attachments" * @tested */ function hasAttachment(obj) { if ((typeof obj) != 'object') return false var hasAtt = false var keys = Object.keys(obj) for (var i=0; i?$/i if (RE.test(email)) return email throw Error('invalid email: [' + email + ']') } function validateInteger(num) { if (num%1===0) return num else throw Error('invalid integer: [' + num + ']') } /** * freshdesk api v2 has better error checking for us. */ function validateHelpdeskObject(obj) { if (!obj || (typeof obj!=='object')) throw Error('invalid helpdesk object: it is not object.') if ( validateEmail( // unknown treat as ok return true } }())