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Software for secure and federated genetic relatives detection, as described in:

Secure Discovery of Genetic Relatives across Large-Scale and Distributed Genomic Datasets
Matthew Man-Hou Hong, David Froelicher, Ricky Magner, Victoria Popic, Bonnie Berger, and Hyunghoon Cho, Genome Research 2024 (doi: 10.1101/gr.279057.124).

This work was orally presented at RECOMB 2024, where it received the Best Student Paper Award.

This repository contains a set of scripts for generating test cases for testing sf-relate.

  • In the branch sfkit (default), we provide the software for use on a single party on a machine in a federated study.
  • The branch mpc is similar to sfkit except that an MPC-based mode is enabled in the configuration.
  • In the branch 1KG, we demonstrate the software in detection of related samples in the publicly available 1000 Genomes Project. (See An Automatic Pipeline For Testing SF-Relate)
  • In the branch UKB, we provide scripts for generating the test cases based on the access-limited UK-Biobank. The UK Biobank files need to be stored at the correct paths for these scripts.

READMEs on the corresponding branches detail the different usages.

Install SF-Relate


SF-Relate requires that go and python3 are available in the exec path in shell. Here are the links for installation:


To install SF-Relate, clone the repository and try building as follows. It will automatically fetch dependencies.

git clone
cd sf-relate
go get relativeMatch
go build
go test -c -o goParty

If go build produces an error, run commands suggested by Go and try again. If the build finishes without any output, the package has been successfully configured.


Input data

Input to this workflow consists of the following files:

  • all_chrs.[pgen|psam|pvar] - Phased haplotype and metadata files encoding sample and variant information in the standard PLINK2 genotype format.
  • chr[1-22].gmap.gz - Gzipped genetic maps. The first line of the file contains pos\tchr\tcM, and each following line contains the bp location, the chromosome ID and the corresponding genetic location (separated by tabs). One can retrieve these files from shapeit4 or other public resources, but should be careful to make sure the genome build positions match the ones in haps/chr[1-22].pvar.
  • snpsForKING.txt - This file lists the RSIDs, one on each line, on which the KING estimator is computed. The RSIDs should be a subset of the variants in the .pvar file.
  • chr[1-22].txt - Allele frequency files. In the order of appearance in the all_chrs.pvar file, each line in the file stores a floating point number denoting the minor allele frequency of the base pair.


Exchanging secret keys

In the example configuration folder $FOLDER=config/demo we have the following:

  • $FOLDER/keys/shared_key_$i_$j.bin and $FOLDER/keys/shared_key_global.bin store example 32-byte secrets in a binary format (i and j denote the party's indices). However, it is necessary to use secure key exchange protocols to acquire shared key materials to derive cryptographic keys in real deployments.
  • $FOLDER/keys/seed.bin stores an example 16-byte random seed for locally generating shared parameters for hashing. Our script does not use this for cryptographic purposes, but it derives the shared seed from the shared secrets and cache it in this file.

Specify the input in the configurations files in FOLDER, before running any of the subsequent steps.

Preparing additional input files

We provided a helper script notebooks/ that creates intermediate cache files for the pipeline.

python3 notebooks/ -PARTY $i -FOLDER $FOLDER
  • It caches intermediate genotype and haplotype as haps/chr$i.npy and geno/all_chrs.bin files for faster Python and Go processing.
  • It extracts the list of base pairs positions as pos/chr$i.txt.

Example script for running the entire pipeline

We provided a Makefile that reads the path to the configuration files defined in and triggers the corresponding party's execution.

# for party 1
make party1 -j2
# for party 2
make party2

The two make commands should be executed on each of the two data-contributing parties (PID=1 and PID=2) separately. There is also a placeholder party 0 (PID=0) that is executed on party 1, and the first job party1 spawns 2 go jobs for this. The exact go and python commands also detailed in the following, can be found in [X,Y,Z]

Step 0: Sampling Shared Randomness

It generates the shared parameters by applying a non-cryptographic random number generator to the seed $FOLDER/keys/seed.bin and saves them in shared_param_dir and sketched_snps_dir.

Step 1: Hashing

Both parties locally execute step 1 to hash the input samples into buckets. They do it locally because this step handles sensitive data.


For party i, the list of buckets used in step 2 are stored as {hash_table_dir}/ID_table.npz.

Step 2: MHE

Step 2 performs the kinship evaluation and accumulation under encryption over networks. Use the following to run step 2

CONFIG=config/demo PARTY=1 ./goParty

Note that the binary executable re-runs step 0 to step 1.

Step 3: Post-process output

Step 3 locally clean up the decrypted results from step 2 into human-readable formats (see output).

python3 notebooks/ -PARTY $i -FOLDER $FOLDER


The parties only get their corresponding outputs. Once the script finishes, it stores the output at output_dir:

  • For mode == 0, the output is boolean_party{i}.tsv, storing the indicator for each local sample on party i, specifying whether they have a 3rd degree relative.
  • For mode == 1, the output is degree_party{i}.tsv, storing the closest degree for each local sample on party i.
  • For mode == 2, the output is bin_party{i}.tsv, storing the index of the non-zero bin corresponding to the greatest kinship for each local sample on party i.
  • For mode == 3, the output is kinship_block{i}.tsv, storing the computed distributed kinship computed.

For all those files, the header line contains ID\tResult, and each subsequent line contains two numbers separated by \t, containing the sample's IID (from .psam) and the decrypted result. Moreover, output_dir/[X,Y,Z]/test.txt stores the log of each party's execution. Finally, output_dir/raw/ stores The raw contents of the decrypted ciphertexts.


The path to the configuration files is $FOLDER. We show example configurations in config/demo/. There are both global configuration parameters ($FOLDER/configGlobal.toml) shared by all parties and local parameters ($FOLDER/configLocal.Party[0-2].toml).

Note party 0 is run on the same machine as party1, but there still needs to be a config file for party0 (with the same contents as the one for party 1) for the go code to work.

Customizing the location of the configuration files.

The helper script defines where to look for configuration files.

export t="demo"
export FOLDER="config/$t/"

Local Parameters (configLocal.Party[0-2].toml)

# input directories
haps_dir = "notebooks/trial/party1/haps/" # containing all_chrs.[pgen|pvar|psam]
snp_list = "notebooks/trial/snps_king.txt"
gmap_dir = "notebooks/trial/gmap/" # containing chr[1-22].gmap.gz

# where to save intermediate outputs
geno_dir = "notebooks/trial/party1/geno/" # genotypes (reconstructed from haplotypes in haps_dir)
sketched_snps_dir = "notebooks/trial/sketched/" ## share this with the other party
shared_param_dir = "notebooks/trial/params/" ## share this with the other party
hash_table_dir = "notebooks/trial/party1/table/" ## local hash table directory

Global Experimental Parameters (configGlobal.toml)

This step samples shared hashing parameters and sketching parameters, respectively.

# =================== EXPERIMENT CONFIGURATIONS ==================

## ==================== STEP 0 (BASIC) ===========================
N = 204928 # size of hash tables (recommend: 64 * total number of individuals on both parties)
# Increase N to improve recall, 
# at the cost of inicreasing number of comparisons and thus runtime in step 2

## ==================== STEP 0 (ADVANCED) ========================
# The following advanced parameters come with default values. 
# While the default values should work well on most datasets, 
# users can modify them based on their needs, notably when specific IBD structures are known about the datasets.
enclen = 80 # the number of snps in each encoded split haplotype segment
seglen = 8.0 # centi-Morgan length of each split haplotype segment
steplen = 4.0 # centi-Morgan spacing between the beginning of each split haplotype segment
k = 8 # number of SNPs in each kSNP token for hashing
l = 4 # number of hash tokens to construct every hash index
maxL = 6 # max number of repetitive hashing; increase and retry if table saturation is low (should be larger than the argument to
s = 0.7 # subsampling rate (i.e. num(outputSNPs)/num(SNPs in .pvar))

Configuring step 1: hashing

## ======================== STEP 1 ===============================
L = 3 # number of repetitive hashing; increase and retry if table saturation is low; if not enough repetition hash keys are sampled in step0 (default number of keys is maxL=6), redo step0 with a larger maxL.

Note that logs which include information about the table saturation is printed to stdout. The other parameters (L) need to be adjusted according to the local statistics (e.g. parties with a smaller number of individuals might need a larger L to saturate the local table).

Configuring step 2: MHE

## ======================== STEP 2 ===============================
use_mpc = false # if use MPC true, for HE --> false
PARA = 4 # Number of parallel processes to use. Set to 20 for the UKB dataset with 100K individual * 90K SNPs on the Google Cloud machine with 128 cores and 576GB memory. Should be set as large as possible to utilize all CPUs and memory. Exact value depends on the machine and dataset sizes. Users can provide reasonable parameters like 5 and retry with a smaller one if it fails due to memory constraints.
mpc_num_threads = 40 # communication channels.should be at least PARA*10

# select output modes
reveal = 0
# reveal = 1
# reveal = 2
# reveal = 3
# reveal = 0 is SF-Related's default (one indicator per individual per party) that computes whether the max kinship is larger than the degree 3 threshold
# reveal = 1 computes 4 indicators per individual per party, each meaning whether the max kinship is larger than the corresponding degree threshold in thres_value 
thresh_value= [1.8232, 1.6464, 1.2928, 0.5857] # correspond to degree 3, 2, 1, 0
# reveal = 2 computes 16 indicators per individual per party using the following thresholds (can be customized, but the runtime of phase 2 will scale accordingly.)
discretized_thresh= [2.0,1.9375,1.875,1.8125,1.75,1.6875,1.625,1.5625,1.5,1.375,1.25,1.125,1.0,0.75,0.5,0.25] # each sub-interval between the degrees are is split into 4
# reveal = 3 reveals all computed intermediate kinship and decrypt them.

Machine configurations.

# ================== MACHINE CONFIGURATIONS ==================
# num threads --- should be set to about 10 * num of cores for MHE; set to 1 for MPC
# nbr_threads = 1
nbr_threads = 1280

# Ports for listening to incoming connections from the other parties
# Party 0 & 1 are hosted on the same machine
ipaddr = "" #should be local IP of GCP machine
ports  = {party1 = "5110", party2 = "7320"}

ipaddr = ""
ports  = {party2 = "9210"}

ipaddr = ""
ports  = {}

Contact for Questions

Matthew Man-Hou Hong,; David Froelicher,; Hoon Cho,


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