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Merge pull request #27 from howeyc/scrypt
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Add scrypt key derivation.
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froydnj committed Sep 16, 2012
2 parents ac2d33b + 77d4bd5 commit cd9717f
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Showing 8 changed files with 205 additions and 30 deletions.
31 changes: 23 additions & 8 deletions doc/ironclad-doc.txt
Expand Up @@ -425,23 +425,36 @@ passed to " @make-hmac " when " 'hmac' " was constructed.")
@insufficient-buffer-space " error will be signaled if there is
insufficient space in " 'buffer' ".")

(:h3 "PBKDF")
((:h2 id "kdfs") "Key derivation functions")

(:p "Ironclad comes with the basic PBKDF1 and PBKDF2 algorithms, as
well as convenience functions for using them to store passwords.")
(:p "Ironclad comes with the basic PBKDF1 and PBKDF2 algorithms, as well as
an implementation of the scrypt key derivation function as defined by
Colin Percival's " (:url
"The scrypt key derivation function."))

(:describe :function (ironclad:derive-key digest))

(:p "Given a key derivation function object (produced by " `make-kdf`
"), a password and salt (both must be of type " `(SIMPLE-ARRAY
(:p "Given a key derivation function object (produced by " `make-kdf` "),
a password and salt (both must be of type " `(SIMPLE-ARRAY
(UNSIGNED-BYTE 8) (*))` "), and number of digest iterations, returns
the password digest as a byte array of length " 'key-length' ".")

(:describe :function (ironclad:make-kdf kind))
(:p "Scrypt ignores " 'iteration-count' " parameter.")

(:describe :function (ironclad:make-kdf kdf))

(:p "Returns a key derivation function instance (" 'kind' " must
either be " 'pbkdf1' " or " 'pbkdf2' ") that uses the given "
'digest' ".")
either be " 'pbkdf1' ", " 'pbkdf2' " or " 'scrypt-kdf' "). The PBKDF
algorithms use " 'digest' ". The scrypt key derivation uses cost parameters "
'N' ", " 'r' " and " 'p' " (" 'N' " is a CPU cost parameter that must be a
power of 2, " 'r' " and " 'p' " are memory cost parameters that must be defined
such that " 'r' " * " 'p' " <= 2^30.)")

(:h3 "PBKDF Convenience functions")

(:p "Ironclad comes with well as convenience functions for using
PBKDF1 and PBKDF2 to store passwords.")

(:describe :function (ironclad:pbkdf2-hash-password password))

Expand All @@ -461,6 +474,8 @@ that encodes the given salt and PBKDF2 algorithm parameters.")
produced by " `pbkdf2-hash-password-to-combined-string` ", checks whether
the password is valid.")

(:p "Returns an scrypt key derivation function instance.")

(:h3 "CMACs")

(:p "Instances of CMACs are constructed by specifying a secret key and a
Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion ironclad.asd
Expand Up @@ -48,7 +48,9 @@
#+(or lispworks sbcl openmcl cmu allegro)
(:file "octet-stream" :depends-on ("common"))
(:file "padding" :depends-on ("common"))
(:file "pkcs5" :depends-on ("common"))
(:file "kdf-common" :depends-on ("package"))
(:file "pkcs5" :depends-on ("common" "kdf-common"))
(:file "scrypt" :depends-on ("kdf-common" "pkcs5"))
(:file "password-hash" :depends-on ("pkcs5"))
(:file "math" :depends-on ("prng" "public-key"))
(:module "sbcl-opt"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -226,6 +228,7 @@
(:file "digests")
(:file "padding")
(:file "pkcs5")
(:file "scrypt")
(:file "ironclad")
(:file "prng")
;; test vectors
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/conditions.lisp
Expand Up @@ -64,6 +64,15 @@ for a particular mode of operation but not supplied."))
(digest condition))))
(:documentation "Signaled when an invalid digest name is provided to MAKE-DIGEST."))

(define-condition unsupported-scrypt-cost-factors (ironclad-error)
((N :initarg :N :reader cost-N)
(r :initarg :r :reader cost-r)
(p :initarg :p :reader cost-p))
(:report (lambda (condition stream)
(format stream "Scrypt cost factors not supported. N=~A must be a power of two and (r=~A * p=~A) <= 2^30."
(cost-N condition) (cost-r condition) (cost-p condition))))
(:documentation "Signaled when a invalid cost factors are provided to MAKE-SCRYPT-KDF."))

(define-condition insufficient-buffer-space (ironclad-error)
((buffer :initarg :buffer :reader insufficient-buffer-space-buffer)
(start :initarg :start :reader insufficient-buffer-space-start)
Expand Down
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions src/kdf-common.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
;;;; -*- mode: lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
(in-package :crypto)

(defgeneric derive-key (kdf passphrase salt iteration-count key-length))

(defclass pbkdf1 ()
((digest :reader kdf-digest)))

(defclass pbkdf2 ()
((digest-name :initarg :digest :reader kdf-digest)))

(defclass scrypt-kdf ()
((N :initarg :N :reader scrypt-kdf-N)
(r :initarg :r :reader scrypt-kdf-r)
(p :initarg :p :reader scrypt-kdf-p)))

(defun make-kdf (kind &key digest (N 16384) (r 8) (p 1))
;; PBKDF1, at least, will do stricter checking; this is good enough for now.
"digest is used for pbkdf1 and pbkdf2.
N, p, and r are cost factors for scrypt."
(case kind
(unless (digestp digest)
(error 'unsupported-digest :name digest))
(make-instance 'pbkdf1 :digest digest))
(unless (digestp digest)
(error 'unsupported-digest :name digest))
(make-instance 'pbkdf2 :digest digest))
(when (or (<= N 1)
(not (zerop (logand N (1- N))))
(>= (* r p) (expt 2 30)))
(error 'unsupported-scrypt-cost-factors :N N :r r :p p))
(make-instance 'scrypt-kdf :N N :r r :p p))
(error 'unsupported-kdf :kdf kind))))
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/package.lisp
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
#:ecb #:cbc #:ctr #:ofb #:cfb #:stream

;; KDFs
#:pbkdf1 #:pbkdf2
#:pbkdf1 #:pbkdf2 #:scrypt-kdf
#:make-kdf #:derive-key

;; KDF convenience functions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
#:ironclad-error #:initialization-vector-not-supplied
#:invalid-initialization-vector #:invalid-key-length
#:unsupported-cipher #:unsupported-mode #:unsupported-digest
#:insufficient-buffer-space #:invalid-padding

Expand Down
20 changes: 0 additions & 20 deletions src/pkcs5.lisp
@@ -1,14 +1,9 @@
;;;; -*- mode: lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
(in-package :crypto)

(defgeneric derive-key (kdf passphrase salt iteration-count key-length))

;;; PBKDF1 from RFC 2898, section 5.1

(defclass pbkdf1 ()
((digest :reader kdf-digest)))

(defmethod shared-initialize :after ((kdf pbkdf1) slot-names &rest initargs
&key digest &allow-other-keys)
(declare (ignore slot-names initargs))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,9 +48,6 @@

;;; PBKDF2, from RFC 2898, section 5.2

(defclass pbkdf2 ()
((digest-name :initarg :digest :reader kdf-digest)))

(defun pbkdf2-derive-key (digest passphrase salt iteration-count key-length)
(unless (plusp iteration-count)
(error 'invalid-argument))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,15 +83,3 @@

(defmethod derive-key ((kdf pbkdf2) passphrase salt iteration-count key-length)
(pbkdf2-derive-key (kdf-digest kdf) passphrase salt iteration-count key-length))

(defun make-kdf (kind &key digest)
;; PBKDF1, at least, will do stricter checking; this is good enough for now.
(unless (digestp digest)
(error 'unsupported-digest :name digest))
(case kind
(make-instance 'pbkdf1 :digest digest))
(make-instance 'pbkdf2 :digest digest))
(error 'unsupported-kdf :kdf kind))))
74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions src/scrypt.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
;;;; -*- mode: lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
(in-package :crypto)

;;; scrypt from Colin Percival's
;;; "Stronger Key Derivation via Sequential Memory-Hard Functions"
;;; presented at BSDCan'09, May 2009.

(defmacro salsa-vector-4mix (x i4 i8 i12 i0)
`(setf (aref ,x ,i4) (ldb (byte 32 0) (logxor (aref ,x ,i4) (rol32 (mod32+ (aref ,x ,i0) (aref ,x ,i12)) 7)))
(aref ,x ,i8) (ldb (byte 32 0) (logxor (aref ,x ,i8) (rol32 (mod32+ (aref ,x ,i4) (aref ,x ,i0)) 9)))
(aref ,x ,i12) (ldb (byte 32 0) (logxor (aref ,x ,i12) (rol32 (mod32+ (aref ,x ,i8) (aref ,x ,i4)) 13)))
(aref ,x ,i0) (ldb (byte 32 0) (logxor (aref ,x ,i0) (rol32 (mod32+ (aref ,x ,i12) (aref ,x ,i8)) 18)))))

(defun scrypt-vector-salsa (b)
(let ((x (make-array 16 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)))
(w (make-array 16 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))))
(declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (16)) x w))
(declare (dynamic-extent x w))
(fill-block-ub8-le x b 0)
(replace w x)

(loop repeat 4 do
(salsa-vector-4mix x 4 8 12 0)
(salsa-vector-4mix x 9 13 1 5)
(salsa-vector-4mix x 14 2 6 10)
(salsa-vector-4mix x 3 7 11 15)
(salsa-vector-4mix x 1 2 3 0)
(salsa-vector-4mix x 6 7 4 5)
(salsa-vector-4mix x 11 8 9 10)
(salsa-vector-4mix x 12 13 14 15))

(dotimes (i 16)
(setf (nibbles:ub32ref/le b (* i 4)) (mod32+ (aref x i) (aref w i))))))

(defun block-mix (b xy xy-start r)
(let ((xs (make-array 64 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
(declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (64)) x w))
(declare (dynamic-extent x w))
(replace xs b :start2 (* 64 (1- (* 2 r))) :end1 64)
(dotimes (i (* 2 r))
(xor-block 64 xs b (* i 64) xs 0)
(scrypt-vector-salsa xs)
(replace xy xs :start1 (+ xy-start (* i 64)) :end2 64))
(dotimes (i r)
(replace b xy :start1 (* i 64) :end1 (+ 64 (* i 64)) :start2 (+ xy-start (* 64 2 i))))
(dotimes (i r)
(replace b xy :start1 (* 64 (+ i r)) :end1 (+ (* 64 (+ i r)) 64) :start2 (+ xy-start (* 64 (1+ (* i 2))))))))

(defun smix (b b-start r N v xy)
(let ((x xy)
(xy-start (* 128 r))
(smix-length (* 128 r)))
(replace x b :end1 smix-length :start2 b-start)
(dotimes (i N)
(replace v x :start1 (* i smix-length) :end2 smix-length)
(block-mix x xy xy-start r))
(dotimes (i N)
(let ((j (ldb (byte 32 0) (logand (nibbles:ub64ref/le x (* (1- (* 2 r)) 64)) (1- N)))))
(xor-block smix-length x v (* j smix-length) x 0)
(block-mix x xy xy-start r)))
(replace b x :start1 b-start :end1 (+ b-start smix-length))))

(defmethod derive-key ((kdf scrypt-kdf) passphrase salt iteration-count key-length)
(declare (ignore iteration-count))
(let* ((pb-kdf (make-kdf 'PBKDF2 :digest 'SHA256))
(xy (make-array (* 256 (scrypt-kdf-r kdf)) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
(v (make-array (* 128 (scrypt-kdf-r kdf) (scrypt-kdf-N kdf)) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
(b (derive-key pb-kdf passphrase salt 1 (* (scrypt-kdf-p kdf) 128 (scrypt-kdf-r kdf)))))
(dotimes (i (scrypt-kdf-p kdf))
(smix b (* i 128 (scrypt-kdf-r kdf)) (scrypt-kdf-r kdf) (scrypt-kdf-N kdf) v xy))
(reinitialize-instance pb-kdf :digest 'SHA256)
(derive-key pb-kdf passphrase b 1 key-length)))
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions testing/test-vectors/scrypt.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
;;;; -*- mode: lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
(in-package :crypto-tests)

;;; Test vectors based on calling crypto_scrypt library function in
;;; the original scrypt utility.

(defvar *scrypt1-password*
(coerce #(112 97 115 115 119 111 114 100)
'(vector (unsigned-byte 8))))
(defvar *scrypt1-salt*
(coerce #(115 97 108 116)
'(vector (unsigned-byte 8))))

(defvar *scrypt1-key*
(coerce #(116 87 49 175 68 132 243 35 150 137 105 237 162 137 174 238 0 91 89
3 172 86 30 100 165 172 161 33 121 123 247 115)
'(vector (unsigned-byte 8))))

(rtest:deftest scryptkdf1
(run-kdf-test (crypto:make-kdf 'crypto:scrypt-kdf :N 16384 :r 8 :p 1)
*scrypt1-password* *scrypt1-salt* 1000 (length *scrypt1-key*) *scrypt1-key*)

(defvar *scrypt2-password*
(coerce #(112 97 115 115 119 111 114 100)
'(vector (unsigned-byte 8))))
(defvar *scrypt2-salt*
(coerce #(115 97 108 116)
'(vector (unsigned-byte 8))))

(defvar *scrypt2-key*
(coerce #(243 198 84 124 73 207 248 197 175 189 52 186 30 224 136 138 229 99
59 58 111 136 95 54 139 227 241 159 14 126 231 215)
'(vector (unsigned-byte 8))))

(rtest:deftest scryptkdf2
(run-kdf-test (crypto:make-kdf 'crypto:scrypt-kdf :N 16384 :r 8 :p 2)
*scrypt2-password* *scrypt2-salt* 1000 (length *scrypt2-key*) *scrypt2-key*)

(defvar *scrypt3-password*
(coerce #(112 97 115 115 119 111 114 100)
'(vector (unsigned-byte 8))))
(defvar *scrypt3-salt*
(coerce #(115 97 108 116)
'(vector (unsigned-byte 8))))

(defvar *scrypt3-key*
(coerce #(136 189 94 219 82 209 221 0 24 135 114 173 54 23 18 144 34 78 116
130 149 37 177 141 115 35 165 127 145 150 60 55)
'(vector (unsigned-byte 8))))

(rtest:deftest scryptkdf3
(run-kdf-test (crypto:make-kdf 'crypto:scrypt-kdf :N 16 :r 100 :p 100)
*scrypt3-password* *scrypt3-salt* 1000 (length *scrypt3-key*) *scrypt3-key*)

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