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Add factorial and factorialLn tests, codebase cleanup
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kMutagene committed Jun 22, 2022
1 parent 262f1ac commit 1673a01
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Showing 3 changed files with 41 additions and 52 deletions.
57 changes: 6 additions & 51 deletions src/FSharp.Stats/SpecialFunctions/Factorial.fs
Expand Up @@ -8,13 +8,7 @@ module Factorial =
// This is the largest integer value for which the factorial function doesn't overflow the floating point format.
let private FactorialMax = 170

//let inline facti n =
// let rec loop acc n =
// if n<=LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne
// then acc
// else loop (n*acc) (n-LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne)
// loop LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne n

//cache of all factorials in [0..170]
let private FactorialCache =
//let cache = [| 0 .. FactorialMax |] |> (fun a -> float a)
let cache = Array.zeroCreate (FactorialMax + 1)
Expand All @@ -29,61 +23,22 @@ module Factorial =
let private FactorialLnCache =
let cache = Array.zeroCreate (FactorialLnNTop + 1)
for i=0 to FactorialLnNTop do
cache.[i] <-Gamma.gammaLn ((float i) + 1.0)
cache.[i] <- Gamma.gammaLn ((float i) + 1.0)

/// The factorial functions takes an int x and computes x!. This function will not overflow
/// the floating point format as long as x is at most 170.
/// The factorial functions takes an int x and returns x!. This function will not overflow
/// the floating point format as long as x is at most 170, and will return +infinity for all values > 170
let factorial (x:int) =
if x <= FactorialMax then

/// Computes the natural logarithm of the factorial function.
/// Computes the natural logarithm of the factorial function,
let factorialLn (x: int) : float =
if x < 0 then failwith "Log factorial not defined for n < 0"
//if x <= 1 then 0.0 else Gamma.gammaLn ((float x) + 1.0)
if x <= FactorialLnNTop then
Gamma.gammaLn ((float x) + 1.0)

// let cacheFactorial size f =
// let cache = Array.zeroCreate size
// (fun x ->
// match cache.[x] with
// | 0 ->
// let v = f(x)
// cache.[x] <- v
// v
// | y -> y )
// let rec factorial =
// cacheFactorial FactorialMax (
// fun x ->
// if (x = 0) then
// 1
// else
// x * factorial(x - 1))
// let rec factorialLn =
// cacheFactorial FactorialMax (
// fun x ->
// if (x = 0) then
// 1
// else
// x * factorial(x - 1))
// let inline facti n =
// let rec loop acc n =
// if n<=LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne
// then acc
// else loop (n*acc) (n-LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne)
// loop LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne n

Gamma.gammaLn ((float x) + 1.0)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/FSharp.Stats.Tests/Main.fs
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ let main argv =
//=========================== Special Functions =========================================================
Tests.runTestsWithCLIArgs [] argv SpecialFunctionsTests.gammaFunctionsTests |> ignore
Tests.runTestsWithCLIArgs [] argv SpecialFunctionsTests.betaFunctionsTests |> ignore

Tests.runTestsWithCLIArgs [] argv SpecialFunctionsTests.factorialTests |> ignore
//================================ Algebra ==============================================================
Tests.runTestsWithCLIArgs [] argv LinearAlgebraTests.managedSVDTests |> ignore
Tests.runTestsWithCLIArgs [] argv LinearAlgebraTests.nullspace |> ignore
Expand Down
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions tests/FSharp.Stats.Tests/SpecialFunctions.fs
Expand Up @@ -68,4 +68,38 @@ let betaFunctionsTests =
let result = Beta.betaLn 0.0342 170.
Expect.floatClose Accuracy.veryHigh result 3.1811881124242447 "Should be equal (double precision)" //rtol=1e-14, atol=0


let factorialTests =
testList "SpecialFunctions.Factorial" [
testCase "Double overflow" (fun _ ->
Expect.equal (Factorial.factorial 171) infinity "Expected factorial of a number larger than 170 to result in infinity (171! is larger than max double)"
testCase "0! equals 1" (fun _ ->
Expect.equal (Factorial.factorial 0) 1. "Expected factorial of 0 to be 1."
testCase "69!" (fun _ ->
Expect.floatClose Accuracy.low (Factorial.factorial 69) 1.7112245e+98 "Expected factorial of 69 to be 1.7112245e+98"
testCase "factorial not defined for negative numbers" (fun _ ->
Expect.throws (fun _ -> Factorial.factorial -69421337 |> ignore) "Expected factorial to fail for negative values"

let FactorialLnTests =
testList "SpecialFunctions.lnFactorial" [
testCase "Large value" (fun _ ->
Expect.floatClose Accuracy.low (Factorial.factorialLn 6942) 54467.727976695301612523565124699078303834231913072759124392135342 "Expected factorial of a number larger than 170 to result in infinity (171! is larger than max double)"
testCase "ln(0!) equals 0" (fun _ ->
Expect.equal (Factorial.factorialLn 0) 0. "Expected factorial of 0 to be 1."
testCase "ln(69!)" (fun _ ->
Expect.floatClose Accuracy.low 226.19054832372759333227016852232261788323276357495863628461257077 (Factorial.factorialLn 69) "Expected factorialLn of 69 to be 226.19054832372759333227016852232261788323276357495863628461257077"
testCase "factorialLn not defined for negative numbers" (fun _ ->
Expect.throws (fun _ -> Factorial.factorialLn -69421337 |> ignore) "Expected factorialLn to fail for negative values"

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