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Extracting the constants from the PersistentVector and use larger bit…
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forki committed May 29, 2012
1 parent c29d4bf commit 71946b9
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Showing 3 changed files with 77 additions and 72 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/FSharpx.Core/DataStructures/PersistentVector.fs
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ let inline cons<'a> (x:'a) (vector:PersistentVector<'a>) = vector.cons x

let inline pop<'a> (vector:PersistentVector<'a>) = vector.pop()

let inline assocN<'a> i (x:'a) (vector:PersistentVector<'a>) : PersistentVector<'a> = vector.assocN i x
let inline assocN<'a> i (x:'a) (vector:PersistentVector<'a>) : PersistentVector<'a> = vector.assocN(i,x)

open FSharpx.DataStructures.TransientVector

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/FSharpx.Core/DataStructures/TransientVector.fs
Expand Up @@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ let inline conj<'a> (x:'a) (vector:TransientVector<'a>) = vector.conj x

let inline pop<'a> (vector:TransientVector<'a>) = vector.pop()

let inline assocN<'a> i (x:'a) (vector:TransientVector<'a>) : TransientVector<'a> = vector.assocN i x
let inline assocN<'a> i (x:'a) (vector:TransientVector<'a>) : TransientVector<'a> = vector.assocN(i,x)
145 changes: 75 additions & 70 deletions src/FSharpx.Core/DataStructures/Vector.fs
Expand Up @@ -4,11 +4,16 @@ module FSharpx.DataStructures.Vector
open FSharpx
open System.Threading

let is64BitProcess = System.IntPtr.Size = 8
let blockSizeShift = if is64BitProcess then 6 else 5
let blockSize = 1 <<< blockSizeShift
let blockIndexMask = blockSize - 1

type Node(thread,array:obj[]) =
let thread = thread
new() = Node(ref null,Array.create 32 null)
new() = Node(ref null,Array.create blockSize null)
static member InCurrentThread() = Node(ref Thread.CurrentThread,Array.create 32 null)
static member InCurrentThread() = Node(ref Thread.CurrentThread,Array.create blockSize null)
member this.Array = array
member this.Thread = thread
member this.SetThread t = thread := t
Expand All @@ -19,7 +24,7 @@ type TransientVector<'a> (count,shift:int,root:Node,tail:obj[]) =
let mutable tail = tail
let mutable shift = shift

new() = TransientVector<'a>(0,5,Node.InCurrentThread(),Array.create 32 null)
new() = TransientVector<'a>(0,blockSizeShift,Node.InCurrentThread(),Array.create blockSize null)

member internal this.EnsureEditable(node:Node) =
Expand All @@ -28,8 +33,8 @@ type TransientVector<'a> (count,shift:int,root:Node,tail:obj[]) =

member internal this.NewPath(level,node:Node) =
if level = 0 then node else
let ret = Array.create 32 null
ret.[0] <- this.NewPath(level - 5,node) :> obj
let ret = Array.create blockSize null
ret.[0] <- this.NewPath(level - blockSizeShift,node) :> obj

member internal this.PushTail(level,parent:Node,tailnode) =
Expand All @@ -38,17 +43,17 @@ type TransientVector<'a> (count,shift:int,root:Node,tail:obj[]) =
// else alloc new path
//return nodeToInsert placed in copy of parent
let parent = this.EnsureEditable parent
let subidx = ((count - 1) >>> level) &&& 0x01f
let subidx = ((count - 1) >>> level) &&& blockIndexMask
let ret = parent

let nodeToInsert =
if level = 5 then tailnode else
if level = blockSizeShift then tailnode else

let child = parent.Array.[subidx]
if child <> null then
this.PushTail(level-5,child :?> Node,tailnode)
this.PushTail(level-blockSizeShift,child :?> Node,tailnode)

ret.Array.[subidx] <- nodeToInsert :> obj
Expand All @@ -59,9 +64,9 @@ type TransientVector<'a> (count,shift:int,root:Node,tail:obj[]) =
let mutable node = root
let mutable level = shift
while level > 0 do
let pos = (i >>> level) &&& 0x01f
let pos = (i >>> level) &&& blockIndexMask
node <- node.Array.[pos] :?> Node
level <- level - 5
level <- level - blockSizeShift

else raise Exceptions.OutOfBounds
Expand All @@ -73,38 +78,38 @@ type TransientVector<'a> (count,shift:int,root:Node,tail:obj[]) =
let mutable node = root
let mutable level = shift
while level > 0 do
let pos = (i >>> level) &&& 0x01f
let pos = (i >>> level) &&& blockIndexMask
node <- this.EnsureEditable(node.Array.[pos] :?> Node)
level <- level - 5
level <- level - blockSizeShift

else raise Exceptions.OutOfBounds

member this.nth i =
let node = this.ArrayFor i
node.[i &&& 0x01f] :?> 'a
node.[i &&& blockIndexMask] :?> 'a

member this.conj<'a> (x:'a) =

//room in tail?
if count - this.TailOff() < 32 then
tail.[count &&& 0x01f] <- x :> obj
if count - this.TailOff() < blockSize then
tail.[count &&& blockIndexMask] <- x :> obj
//full tail, push into tree
let tailNode = Node(root.Thread,tail)
let newShift = shift
let newTail = Array.create 32 null
let newTail = Array.create blockSize null
newTail.[0] <- x :> obj

//overflow root?
let newRoot =
if (count >>> 5) > (1 <<< shift) then
let newRoot = Node(root.Thread,Array.create 32 null)
if (count >>> blockSizeShift) > (1 <<< shift) then
let newRoot = Node(root.Thread,Array.create blockSize null)
newRoot.Array.[0] <- root :> obj
newRoot.Array.[1] <- this.NewPath(shift,tailNode) :> obj
shift <- shift + 5
shift <- shift + blockSizeShift
Expand All @@ -119,17 +124,17 @@ type TransientVector<'a> (count,shift:int,root:Node,tail:obj[]) =
let node = this.EnsureEditable(node)
let ret = node
if level = 0 then
ret.Array.[i &&& 0x01f] <- x :> obj
ret.Array.[i &&& blockIndexMask] <- x :> obj
let subidx = (i >>> level) &&& 0x01f
ret.Array.[subidx] <- this.doAssoc(level - 5, node.Array.[subidx] :?> Node, i, x) :> obj
let subidx = (i >>> level) &&& blockIndexMask
ret.Array.[subidx] <- this.doAssoc(level - blockSizeShift, node.Array.[subidx] :?> Node, i, x) :> obj

member this.assocN<'a> i (x:'a) : TransientVector<'a> =
member this.assocN<'a>(i,x:'a) : TransientVector<'a> =
if i >= 0 && i < count then
if i >= this.TailOff() then
tail.[i &&& 0x01f] <- x :> obj
tail.[i &&& blockIndexMask] <- x :> obj
root <- this.doAssoc(shift, root, i, x)
Expand All @@ -140,9 +145,9 @@ type TransientVector<'a> (count,shift:int,root:Node,tail:obj[]) =

member internal this.PopTail(level,node:Node) : Node =
let node = this.EnsureEditable(node)
let subidx = ((count-2) >>> level) &&& 0x01f
if level > 5 then
let newchild = this.PopTail(level - 5, node.Array.[subidx] :?> Node)
let subidx = ((count-2) >>> level) &&& blockIndexMask
if level > blockSizeShift then
let newchild = this.PopTail(level - blockSizeShift, node.Array.[subidx] :?> Node)
if newchild = Unchecked.defaultof<Node> && subidx = 0 then Unchecked.defaultof<Node> else
let ret = node
ret.Array.[subidx] <- newchild :> obj
Expand All @@ -160,18 +165,18 @@ type TransientVector<'a> (count,shift:int,root:Node,tail:obj[]) =
if count = 1 then count <- 0; this else

let i = count - 1
if (i &&& 0x01f) > 0 then count <- count - 1; this else
if (i &&& blockIndexMask) > 0 then count <- count - 1; this else

let newtail = this.EditableArrayFor(count - 2)

let mutable newroot = this.PopTail(shift, root)
let mutable newshift = shift
if newroot = Unchecked.defaultof<Node> then
newroot <- Node(root.Thread,Array.create 32 null)
newroot <- Node(root.Thread,Array.create blockSize null)

if shift > 5 && newroot.Array.[1] = null then
if shift > blockSizeShift && newroot.Array.[1] = null then
newroot <- this.EnsureEditable(newroot.Array.[0] :?> Node)
newshift <- newshift - 5
newshift <- newshift - blockSizeShift

root <- newroot
shift <- newshift
Expand All @@ -181,16 +186,16 @@ type TransientVector<'a> (count,shift:int,root:Node,tail:obj[]) =

member this.rangedIterator<'a>(startIndex,endIndex) : 'a seq =
let i = ref startIndex
let b = ref (!i - (!i % 32))
let b = ref (!i - (!i % blockSize))
let array = if startIndex < count then ref (this.ArrayFor !i) else ref null

seq {
while !i < endIndex do
if !i - !b = 32 then
if !i - !b = blockSize then
array := this.ArrayFor !i
b := !b + 32
b := !b + blockSize

yield (!array).[!i &&& 0x01f] :?> 'a
yield (!array).[!i &&& blockIndexMask] :?> 'a
i := !i + 1

Expand All @@ -208,8 +213,8 @@ type TransientVector<'a> (count,shift:int,root:Node,tail:obj[]) =
failwith "Transient used after persistent! call"

member internal this.TailOff() =
if count < 32 then 0 else
((count - 1) >>> 5) <<< 5
if count < blockSize then 0 else
((count - 1) >>> blockSizeShift) <<< blockSizeShift

interface System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'a> with
member this.GetEnumerator () =
Expand All @@ -224,14 +229,14 @@ type TransientVector<'a> (count,shift:int,root:Node,tail:obj[]) =
member this.Conj x = this.conj x :> IVector<'a>
member this.Pop() = this.pop() :> IVector<'a>
member this.Count() = this.EnsureEditable(); count
member this.AssocN(i,x) = this.assocN i x :> IVector<'a>
member this.AssocN(i,x) = this.assocN(i,x) :> IVector<'a>

and PersistentVector<'a> (count,shift:int,root:Node,tail:obj[]) =
let tailOff =
if count < 32 then 0 else
((count - 1) >>> 5) <<< 5
if count < blockSize then 0 else
((count - 1) >>> blockSizeShift) <<< blockSizeShift

new() = PersistentVector<'a>(0,5,Node(),[||])
new() = PersistentVector<'a>(0,blockSizeShift,Node(),[||])

static member ofSeq(items:'a seq) =
Expand All @@ -242,26 +247,26 @@ and PersistentVector<'a> (count,shift:int,root:Node,tail:obj[]) =

member internal this.NewPath(level,node:Node) =
if level = 0 then node else
let ret = Node(root.Thread,Array.create 32 null)
ret.Array.[0] <- this.NewPath(level - 5,node) :> obj
let ret = Node(root.Thread,Array.create blockSize null)
ret.Array.[0] <- this.NewPath(level - blockSizeShift,node) :> obj

member internal this.PushTail(level,parent:Node,tailnode) =
//if parent is leaf, insert node,
// else does it map to an existing child? -> nodeToInsert = pushNode one more level
// else alloc new path
//return nodeToInsert placed in copy of parent
let subidx = ((count - 1) >>> level) &&& 0x01f
let subidx = ((count - 1) >>> level) &&& blockIndexMask
let ret = Node(parent.Thread,Array.copy parent.Array)

let nodeToInsert =
if level = 5 then tailnode else
if level = blockSizeShift then tailnode else

let child = parent.Array.[subidx]
if child <> null then
this.PushTail(level-5,child :?> Node,tailnode)
this.PushTail(level-blockSizeShift,child :?> Node,tailnode)

ret.Array.[subidx] <- nodeToInsert :> obj
Expand All @@ -272,19 +277,19 @@ and PersistentVector<'a> (count,shift:int,root:Node,tail:obj[]) =
let mutable node = root
let mutable level = shift
while level > 0 do
let pos = (i >>> level) &&& 0x01f
let pos = (i >>> level) &&& blockIndexMask
node <- node.Array.[pos] :?> Node
level <- level - 5
level <- level - blockSizeShift

else raise Exceptions.OutOfBounds

member this.nth<'a> i : 'a =
let node = this.ArrayFor i
node.[i &&& 0x01f] :?> 'a
node.[i &&& blockIndexMask] :?> 'a

member this.cons<'a> (x:'a) =
if count - tailOff < 32 then
if count - tailOff < blockSize then
let newTail = Array.append tail [|x:>obj|]
PersistentVector<'a>(count + 1,shift,root,newTail)
Expand All @@ -293,29 +298,29 @@ and PersistentVector<'a> (count,shift:int,root:Node,tail:obj[]) =
let newShift = shift

//overflow root?
if (count >>> 5) > (1 <<< shift) then
let newRoot = Node(root.Thread,Array.create 32 null)
if (count >>> blockSizeShift) > (1 <<< shift) then
let newRoot = Node(root.Thread,Array.create blockSize null)
newRoot.Array.[0] <- root :> obj
newRoot.Array.[1] <- this.NewPath(shift,tailNode) :> obj
PersistentVector<'a>(count + 1,shift + 5,newRoot,[| x |])
PersistentVector<'a>(count + 1,shift + blockSizeShift,newRoot,[| x |])
let newRoot = this.PushTail(shift,root,tailNode)
PersistentVector<'a>(count + 1,shift,newRoot,[| x |])

member internal this.doAssoc(level,node:Node,i,x) =
let ret = Node(root.Thread,Array.copy node.Array)
if level = 0 then
ret.Array.[i &&& 0x01f] <- x :> obj
ret.Array.[i &&& blockIndexMask] <- x :> obj
let subidx = (i >>> level) &&& 0x01f
ret.Array.[subidx] <- this.doAssoc(level - 5, node.Array.[subidx] :?> Node, i, x) :> obj
let subidx = (i >>> level) &&& blockIndexMask
ret.Array.[subidx] <- this.doAssoc(level - blockSizeShift, node.Array.[subidx] :?> Node, i, x) :> obj

member this.assocN<'a> i (x:'a) : PersistentVector<'a> =
member this.assocN<'a>(i,x:'a) : PersistentVector<'a> =
if i >= 0 && i < count then
if i >= tailOff then
let newTail = Array.copy tail
newTail.[i &&& 0x01f] <- x :> obj
newTail.[i &&& blockIndexMask] <- x :> obj
PersistentVector(count, shift, root, newTail)
PersistentVector(count, shift, this.doAssoc(shift, root, i, x), tail)
Expand All @@ -324,9 +329,9 @@ and PersistentVector<'a> (count,shift:int,root:Node,tail:obj[]) =
else raise Exceptions.OutOfBounds

member internal this.PopTail(level,node:Node) : Node =
let subidx = ((count-2) >>> level) &&& 0x01f
if level > 5 then
let newchild = this.PopTail(level - 5, node.Array.[subidx] :?> Node)
let subidx = ((count-2) >>> level) &&& blockIndexMask
if level > blockSizeShift then
let newchild = this.PopTail(level - blockSizeShift, node.Array.[subidx] :?> Node)
if newchild = Unchecked.defaultof<Node> && subidx = 0 then Unchecked.defaultof<Node> else
let ret = Node(root.Thread, Array.copy node.Array);
ret.Array.[subidx] <- newchild :> obj
Expand All @@ -352,24 +357,24 @@ and PersistentVector<'a> (count,shift:int,root:Node,tail:obj[]) =
if newroot = Unchecked.defaultof<Node> then
newroot <- Node()

if shift > 5 && newroot.Array.[1] = null then
if shift > blockSizeShift && newroot.Array.[1] = null then
newroot <- newroot.Array.[0] :?> Node
newshift <- newshift - 5
newshift <- newshift - blockSizeShift

PersistentVector(count - 1, newshift, newroot, newtail)

member this.rangedIterator<'a>(startIndex,endIndex) : 'a seq =
let i = ref startIndex
let b = ref (!i - (!i % 32))
let b = ref (!i - (!i % blockSize))
let array = if startIndex < count then ref (this.ArrayFor !i) else ref null

seq {
while !i < endIndex do
if !i - !b = 32 then
if !i - !b = blockSize then
array := this.ArrayFor !i
b := !b + 32
b := !b + blockSize

yield (!array).[!i &&& 0x01f] :?> 'a
yield (!array).[!i &&& blockIndexMask] :?> 'a
i := !i + 1

Expand All @@ -386,4 +391,4 @@ and PersistentVector<'a> (count,shift:int,root:Node,tail:obj[]) =
member this.Conj x = this.cons x :> IVector<'a>
member this.Pop() = this.pop() :> IVector<'a>
member this.Count() = count
member this.AssocN(i,x) = this.assocN i x :> IVector<'a>
member this.AssocN(i,x) = this.assocN(i,x) :> IVector<'a>

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