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Advanced Settings

Env variables


Key Description Example
TOKEN Your bot token. Get it from @BotFather 1234567890:A1BCd2EF3gH45IJK6lMN7oPqr8ST9UvWX0Yz0
MANAGER Your Telegram user ID. Get it from @userinfobot 1234567890

API settings

Key Description Example Default
API_ID Your Telegram API ID 1025907 (predefined)
API_HASH Your Telegram API hash 452b0359b988148995f22ff0f4229750 (predefined)
TELEGRAPH_TOKEN Telegraph API access token. Get here. 1 1a23b456c78de90f1a23b456c78de90f1a23b456c78de90f1a23b456c78d 2

Network settings

Key Description Example Default
T_PROXY Proxy used to connect to the Telegram API 3 socks5://
R_PROXY Proxy used to fetch feeds 3 socks5://
PROXY_BYPASS_PRIVATE Bypass proxy for private IPs or not? 1 0
PROXY_BYPASS_DOMAINS Bypass proxy for listed domains; 2
USER_AGENT User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 RSStT/$VERSION RSS Reader
IPV6_PRIOR Enforce fetching feeds over IPv6 firstly or not? 4 1 0
TRAFFIC_SAVING Enable network traffic saving mode or not? 5 1 0
LAZY_MEDIA_VALIDATION Let Telegram DC to validate media or not? 6 1 0
HTTP_TIMEOUT HTTP request timeout in seconds 60 12
HTTP_CONCURRENCY HTTP request concurrency overall (0=unlimited) 0 1024
HTTP_CONCURRENCY_PER_HOST HTTP request concurrency per host (0=unlimited) 0 16

Misc settings

Key Description Example Default
MULTIUSER Enable multi-user feature or not? 0 1
CRON_SECOND Run the feed monitoring task at the n-th second of each minute? (0-59) 30 0
IMG_RELAY_SERVER Media relay server URL
DATABASE_URL Database URL 7 postgres:// sqlite://path/to/config/db.sqlite3
TABLE_TO_IMAGE Convert tables to image (causing higher CPU load) or just drop them? 1 0
MANAGER_PRIVILEGED Allow the bot manager to manipulate any users' subscriptions or not? 8 1 0
NO_UVLOOP Never enable uvloop (even if it is found) or not? 1 0
MULTIPROCESSING Enable multiprocessing (up to min(3, CPU_COUNT)) or not? 9 1 0
DEBUG Enable debug logging or not? 1 0

Manager options

Manager options are options stored in the database. The bot manager can change it by using the /set_option command.

Key Description Example Default
default_interval Default feed monitoring interval 10 15 10
minimal_interval Minimal feed monitoring interval 11 12 10 5
user_sub_limit Subscription number limit for ordinary user 13 12 150 -1 (unlimited)
channel_or_group_sub_limit Subscription number limit for channel or group 13 12 150 -1 (unlimited)
sub_limit_reached_message Additional message attached to the limit reached warning


  1. Refresh the page every time you get a new token. If you have a lot of subscriptions, make sure to get at least 5 tokens.

  2. Can be a list, separated by ;, ,, (space), (linebreak), or (tab) 2

  3. If you would like to use a proxy in a docker container, but your proxy is in your host machine, the hostname should be (Linux) or host.docker.internal (macOS/Windows). Note: your proxy program should also listen to it. 2

  4. Use with caution. Enabling it will enforce the bot to try to fetch feeds over IPv6 (fallback to IPv4 if failed), which may be helpful if your IPv4 address gets banned by some feed providers. If it is disabled (by default), the bot will still try to fetch feeds over IPv4 and IPv6, but there is no clear priority. You should firstly ensure that the bot has IPv6 connectivity, especially if run in docker.

  5. Use with caution. May cause media validating and sending slightly unreliable. Meanwhile, effectively disable webpage title detection for <iframe> tags, instead, the title will always be URL hostname.

  6. Use with caution. Help cut down network traffic further. If enabled, RSStT no longer fetches media and validates it. Effectively disable long-pic detection and partially disable icon detection.

  7. Ref: Note that will automatically fill this env variable.

  8. Use with caution. If enabled, the bot manager can bypass the permission check before manipulating any users'/channels'/groups' subscriptions. The command format is like /sub @username, /sub +9999999999 (ordinary user) or /sub -1009999999999 (channel/group). Should only be used temporarily and be disabled after finishing the manipulation. This option is considered safe for bot users since the bot manager can always manipulate their subscriptions by manipulating the database manually.

  9. Only valid when there are more than 1 CPU core, otherwise the process count is always 1. Enabling multiprocessing may help improve the performance on multicore CPUs if there are tons of subscriptions but consumes more memory. If your VPS comes with multiple cores but the performance of each is poor, you may want to enable this feature.

  10. After a user subscribes to a feed, the default monitoring interval is applied.

  11. The minimal monitoring interval a user can set for a subscription.

  12. The bot manager will not be limited by this value. 2 3

  13. Once reached the limit, no more subscriptions can be created. However, existing subscriptions will not be removed even if reaching the limit. As a bot manager, you can enable MANAGER_PRIVILEGED mode to manually unsubscribe their subscriptions. 2