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Member Meeting February 6, 2018

jenshane edited this page Apr 26, 2018 · 1 revision

Member Meeting

February 6, 2018

Minutes of the Regular Member Meeting of Fair Use Building and Research Labs A New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation held on February 6, 2018 at the Organization’s space. The meeting was brought to order at 8:10 pm by Eric Rivas, Chairperson and President. Quorum was established.

The following board members were present:

  • Eric Rivas, President
  • Beth Ritter-Guth, Vice President
  • Jenny Shane, Secretary
  • Rick Anderson, Trustee
  • Zoltan Sisko, Trustee
  • Jean Consorti, Trustee

The following board members were absent:

  • Neil Flynn, Treasurer

The following members were present: Phil Gilhaus, Bill George, Joe, Kung Lo, Ben Jorritsma

The following guests were present: George, Scarlett, John(JB), Gerald



Mario Cornejo - membership vote tabled

Space Stuff

New Membership Application with Sponsor

Added space on application to include name of sponsor with overlapping interests. This sponsor will serve as point of contact and representative at officers meeting. Members are responsible for filling in their info. First page of membership application is for the applicant to keep and should include date of membership vote. Any member can be a sponsor.

Shop Rules

New set of common-sense rules for the shop, to be posted in the shop. Notably, non-members need escorts, and all members are empowered to call out unsafe practices to anyone in the shop. Rules will be included with membership packet for accountability.


We are redoing the website, including the wiki. The wiki is being moved to github. We are starting fresh with content. Old wiki will be removed.


Any events during open hack on Sunday must happen in the office so that we don’t disturb guests here for open hack. The office can be reserved during open hack times for one-off events open to the public. People who schedule courses must arrive on time. Scheduling will be first come-first serve, and will close for the month when the secretary calls for agenda items for the agenda items. There has been discussion about reserving nights that are event-free, to make sure that members can enjoy the space without interruptions.

Member Wall

We still need photos of some members.

Past Events

Game Night

First game night went well. Played Settlers of Catan and Ticket to Ride. Next game night is upcoming saturday, playing Pandemic and Betrayal in the House on the Hill. Bringing your own games in encouraged. Fun begins at 7pm.

Women’s Coding Coalition

We have taken off for the month of February. WCC will begin again in March, starting with the women’s history month special event.

Upcoming Events

Travel Survey for USA Science and Engineering Festival

Fubar will be accompanying David Peins to the festival. Members must respond to Jean’s survey ASAP to organize group accomodations. Admission to the festival is free. David will have an event at fubar to teach all volunteers about paper circuits.

NJ Maker Day Open House, March 10 10 - 4 (call for volunteers)

We have soldering kits for the day, but we need volunteers to help with tours and soldering supervision. Eric will send out a form requesting volunteers.

Children's Specialized Hospital @ Toms River - GoBabyGo - April 14, 2018 10 - 5 pm

Request for volunteers. Modify power wheels toys for special needs children. If interested, contact Jean.

Build for Alexa (Feb 21)

Focus on the Alexa show. Will build a fact skill. Meetup page will include steps to take before the build and materials to bring.

Ethical Hacker Certification Course (March 12-16th, 8am-4 pm, FUBAR members: $1999; non-member $2900)

First of five certifications to become an ethical hacker. Run by ethical hacker council. Price includes cost of taking the exam, which participants have to schedule themselves.

Women’s Coding Coalition Special Edition: Women’s History Month Sister Sampler (March 5)

Looking for volunteers to run stations for various maker-related subjects. Need volunteers for 3D printing and tour guides.

Bell Works Building Steam Event: February 24, 25

PRS and autonomous exhibition. There will be a race track for demos. Guests are traveling to participate. 10AM start time. Packing will happen on Thursday, Feb 22. ##Something Cool


The meeting was adjourned at 9:11 pm.