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Anasquare Generator

What is an Anasquare puzzle?

To solve this puzzle, first answer the Across and Down clues. Then anagram each answer and enter the result into the grid in the correspondingly numbered row or column, using the given letters as a guide.

Across clues:

  • of great significance or value

  • of governing

  • preparation for life

  • three dots in logic

  • of grammatical arrangement

  • recall the past

  • diseases of widening arteries

  • of offending good taste

  • vibration at natural frequency

Down clues:

  • group convened to decide a matter

  • surely

  • jurisdiction over a subject

  • absolutely essential

  • institutions of business

  • institutions of statehood

  • involving capital

  • executive officer

  • worried

Getting the Words

The word dictionary is NOT included in this repository, you will need to find or make your own.

alias shuf=gshuf

>> Pick X words you like, each having X letters, or choose randomly:

shuf Dictionary/6.txt | head -n6

>> Find another set of words with these same letters:

./ cereal waffle coffee muffin butter pepper < Dictionary/6.txt

Making the Puzzle

>> Run the solver

./compose 6

>> If multiple solutions are found, add a letter to your puzzle to disambiguate, then try again

echo -e "hello\nnasty" | perl -e '$a=<>;$b=<>;$a=~s/[^a-z]//g;$b=~s/[^a-z]//g;$l=length($a);$c="."x$l;for($d=0;substr($a,$d,1) eq substr($b,$d,1);$d++){};substr($c,$d,1)=substr($a,$d,1);print $c;'

>> If unique solution is found you are done


>> Do cluing -- see


Batch Mode

for A in $(seq 100); do

bash ./auto.bash 6 Dictionary/6.txt

done >> out.tmp


for A in $(seq 100); do bash ./auto.bash 6 Dictionary/6.txt; done >> tmpresults



cp Dictionary/${SIZE}.txt tmpdict

seq 10 | parallel -n1 --sshlogin --eta --basefile tmpdict --basefile auto.bash --basefile --cleanup bash ./auto.bash ${SIZE} tmpdict


perl -pe 's/^(\w+)\W.*/\1/g'

How to strip clues from answers

perl -pe '$i || s/^(\w+)\W.*/\1/g || $i++' < Puzzles/Puzzle\ 2\ easy/attempt_5_18397_60.txt