I'm an electrical engineer with extensive experience as a freelance Smalltalk developer for government agencies and insurance companies. I've been using Smalltalk since 1993, including versions such as Digitalk/V, SmalltalkAgents, SmallScript, VisualAge, Squeak (Apple Smalltalk), Pharo, and VisualWorks. Additionally, I've worked with other programming languages over the years, including Realbasic, Objective-C, Scala, Dart, Elixir, and Swift. Before that, I used Basic, Pascal, Pearl, Lisp, and Assembler.
I believe that program design should be aesthetic but involve as little design as possible.
What else? Oh yes, I'm a passionate runner! πββοΈ
A Zed.dev theme for ElixirLang Developer.
A small tool to create an OmniFocus task from TODO, FIXME comments.
- A notifier to display unit test results in color in the editor. Depending on the result, parts are colored in green or red.
- A notifier that controls philips hue lamps that light up in red or green.
"If you want to run, run a mile. If you want to know a new
If you want to know a new life, run a marathon."
-- Emil Zatopek
"Marathon... if it were easy it would be called soccer"