A small microservice that turns HTML into a PDF file. You can run this:
- on AWS Lambda
- with Docker
- I didn't bother making a
though, since I didn't need it. PR welcome!
- I didn't bother making a
- as a standalone binary
There also exists a small client library for Go
While we're confident in this project's code, ultimately this is a wrapper to wkhtmltopdf, and thus you should be aware of its status and its security considerations:
- Do not use with untrusted HTML. Only render HTML that you control.
- whtmltopdf uses QtWebKit that hasn’t been updated since 2012
- Qt abandoned QtWebkit in favor or QtWebEngine which uses Chromium internally
You can start a local server process with:
$ html2pdf server
Then call it from the client:
$ export HTML2PDF_TOKEN="doesntMatter" # optionally you can put the service behind authentication
$ html2pdf client-localhost '<h1>hello world</h1>' > out.pdf
Usage from curl is also simple:
$ curl -d '{"html_base64": "PGgxPmhlbGxvIHdvcmxkPC9oMT4="}' http://localhost/render > out.pdf
$ apt install -y libxrender1 libxext6 libfontconfig1
(Fortunately, these exist in Lambda's AMI)
- https://weasyprint.org/ (Python, self-implemented rendering)
- https://github.com/shouldbee/docker-html2pdf (go, wkhtmltox)
- https://github.com/carlescliment/html2pdf-service (PHP, wkhtmltopdf)
- https://github.com/spipu/html2pdf (PHP, self-implemented HTML rendering)
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