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The least intrusive way to use Vault with your application. VaultExec will fetch secrets, add them to the environment, and then launch your application (passing along any signals it should receive). Ideally, most environments should be able to simply prefix the run command with vaultexec.


VaultExec can be configured both by command line options and environment variables:

  • Address of vault server:
    • Option: -address
    • Environment: VAULT_ADDR
  • Vault access token:
    • Option: -token xxxxxxxx-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-xxxxxxxxxxxx
    • Environment: VAULT_TOKEN
  • Vault secret path:
    • Option: -path secrets/for/my/app
    • Environment: VAULT_PATH
    • You can provide multiple comma-separated paths within the same argument.
    • Note that secret paths will be read in order, and if a key already exists it will be overwritten by a later secret if it has the same key.
    • If commas are required for your path names, you can change teh delimiter.
  • Vault secret path delimiter:
    • Option: -path-delim ,
    • Environment: VAULT_PATH_DELIM
  • Additionally, you can provide a binary command to run to generate a vault config:
    • Option: --generate-config some-binary
    • This will be run with the environment variables that were passed to VaultExec along with appending any address, token, or secret that was passed as command line arguments.
    • This command MUST return only JSON in stdout; it may have any of the following attributes: address, token, path
    • The returned values will be merged with the configuration that vaultexec was started with.


With environment variables:

export VAULT_ADDR=
export VAULT_TOKEN=a44cb316-4bf9-4c16-bbed-ae37e068683d
export VAULT_PATH=secrets/my-app/test/all
vaultexec myapp

With options:

vaultexec -address \
  -token a44cb316-4bf9-4c16-bbed-ae37e068683d \
  -path secrets/for/my/app \

With generate-config:

# some-generator must be in the PATH
vaultexec --generate-config some-generator myapp

With multiple secret paths:

vaultexec -address \
  -token a44cb316-4bf9-4c16-bbed-ae37e068683d \
  -path secrets/for/my/app,secrets/another/secret/path \

Or using a custom delimiter:

vaultexec -address \
  -token a44cb316-4bf9-4c16-bbed-ae37e068683d \
  -path secrets/for/my/app,1__secrets/for/my/app,2 \
  -path-delim __ \

In a Dockerfile:

FROM node:8.9.2-alpine

# Install VaultExec
ADD /usr/local/bin/vaultexec
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/vaultexec

# Add your files, etc.

CMD ["vaultexec", "node", "/app/server.js"]

Getting VaultExec

Check out the releases and grab the appropriately built binary:

Building VaultExec Locally


  • gox

Run the following to generate release binaries for all platforms:

gox -output="bin/{{.Dir}}_{{.OS}}_{{.Arch}}" -tags='netgo' -ldflags='-w'

Testing Locally


  • Docker Compose

Start up the docker container:

docker-compose up

This should print out the values from test/secrets.json along with the rest of the environment.

If you want to do more thorough testing, the easiest mechanism is to generate binaries from within docker and test there as well. For example:

docker-compose run app sh
cd test/
go build -o signal_echo signal_echo.go
cd ../
go build -o vaultexec main.go run.go vault.go
./vaultexec test/signal_echo

At this point you should have signal_echo running with the provided environment variables, and printing out any signals that are send. Hitting Control+C should print out an Interrupt message received from each binary.

Hit Control+Z to send the process to the background.

/go/src/vaultexec # ./vaultexec test/signal_echo
2017/12/28 18:43:19 VaultExec - Waiting for Signals
SignalEcho - Waiting for signals...
^C2017/12/28 18:43:20 VaultExec - Received Signal:  interrupt
SignalEcho - Received Signal:  interrupt
^Z[1]+  Stopped                    ./vaultexec test/signal_echo

Find the PID with ps aux:

/go/src/vaultexec # ps aux
    1 root       0:00 sh
   48 root       0:00 ./vaultexec test/signal_echo
   54 root       0:00 test/signal_echo
   62 root       0:00 ps aux

You can kill the process manually with kill -9:

/go/src/vaultexec # kill -9 54

And get any remaining output by bringing the vaultexec process back to the foreground:

/go/src/vaultexec # fg
./vaultexec test/signal_echo
2017/12/28 18:45:39 signal: killed