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Converting source content

Lucas Krause edited this page Jan 25, 2015 · 2 revisions

The converters to apply to the content are retrieved from the final value of the _conv GvBlock option. The specified converters are applied from the left to the right.
A converter may either be a hardcoded converter or a user-defined one.
A few hardcoded converters are availabl. The list of user-defined converters can easily be extended. For more information on that topic see User-defined converters.

##Hardcoded converters

Hardcoded converters' names will never be empty and will never contain leading or trailing spaces, nor will they contain any dots.
A list (string) of all available hardcoded converters' names, separated by dots can be retrieved via the Gustav::CONVS constant.

###The HTML converter: html|htm

The hardcoded HTML converter actually doesn't do anything. It's kind of a placeholder or can be used in the _conv option to prevent Gustav from using the converter returned by another converter. A list (string) of the available names, separated by dots can be retrieved via the Gustav::CONV_HTML constant.

###The plain text converter: txt|text|plain

The hardcoded plain text converter encodes special HTML characters like <, >, &, " and ' to HTML entities. A list (string) of the available names, separated by dots can be retrieved via the Gustav::CONV_TEXT constant.

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