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Public API: GustavBase

Lucas Krause edited this page Feb 17, 2015 · 6 revisions

##Static functions

###int|false getDateBegin( [ int|string|null $timestamp = null ] )

Get the first second of a day.

A unix timestamp or a datetime string whose day's first second should be calculated. If set to null, the current time is used.

Returns a unix timestamp representing the first second of the day specified by the passed timestamp or false on failure.

###int|false getDateEnd( [ int|string|null $timestamp = null ] )

Get the last second of a day.

A unix timestamp or a datetime string whose day's last second should be calculated. If set to null, the current time is used.

Returns a unix timestamp representing the last second of the day specified by the passed timestamp or false on failure.


###string KEY_TITLE

An often used key of associative arrays for a source file's title.

###string KEY_TAGS

An often used key of associative arrays for a source file's tags.

###string KEY_FILE

An often used key of associative arrays for a source or destination file's filename.

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