From 760bef72611f0aecc1a83ef1a1c8eb3f0c99c254 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Steve Krouse Date: Sat, 8 Sep 2018 17:46:41 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] ## Candlewood Lake Vacation, etc * TOC {: toc } As expected, I haven't gotten much done here the past few weeks. I was on vacation and wanted to do more freelance stuff, which I did. I'm also reading a great series of novels by Robin Hobb which are distracting. However, I'm excited about all the chatter around my podcast, tweeters, on the Slack group. Thanks to all that listen, and especially to those that write in - even just to say hi! ### Foundations I've been thinking a lot what we take for granted, and questioning everything. So why not the foundations. There's the Turing Machine (wah ich is the epitome of inelegant) and Lambda Calculus (which is a million times better by comparison). But can we do better? Are there other alternatives? I did some Wikipedia-ing, but didn't come up with much interesting. Here are some links: * _alternative_to_lambda_calculus_as_a/ * * ages I'm going to this [whacky workshop in Italy]( he-interface-with-machines-languages-and-systems) next month that will hopefully encourage me to think outside the box on these topics. What even *is* a computer program? ### Misc links * [Datafun]( - functional query language! Very cool. Along the lines of the question I've been having about why we have different data structures in databases vs in our languages. * [Wolfram on Math Notation]( tion-past-future/) - very good. Thought provoking! ### OAP - open authorial principle I've been having fun Twitter conversations with [Antranig]( (who I think lives in London!). He has [a really cool paper on this OAP]( 6.pdf), which is very similar in spirit to r0ml's notion of "liberal software." Many of the examples were in about object inherentance in Java which I am allergic to, but I love the idea of formalisizing this ideal. What are the key actions that need to be enabled for this principle: 1. Finding/understanding all relevant sections in the code. (This is related to my recent work.) 2. Making the change (including previewing it) 3. Managing various versions I also had two other interesting, random thoughts: 1. The "Settings Menu" is a list of global variables you can set to range of pre-defined constants 2. Where does composability play into the OAP? ### Todo 9/8/18 * "Future work" - better "notations" for higher-order streams (as in Reflex). I should be able to get 5-10 hours here this week. That's the goal at least. * Organize "FoC Thinking" - I've been collecting a list of things to think about in my inbox, but I'd like to get that somewhere public. * at the top: * Organize "FoC Research" - same idea but more for things to read for inspiration, like papers * at the top: --- | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/ b/ index 6bb9b63..6b48d20 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -88,3 +88,4 @@ The data for this page is pulled from the commit message history for this reposi ga('send', 'pageview'); +