Log of Meson test suite run on 2024-04-08T06:55:41.763022 Inherited environment: SHELL=/bin/bash COLORTERM=truecolor SUDO_GID=1000 HOSTNAME=LabPC15 HISTSIZE=1000 SUDO_COMMAND=/usr/bin/su SUDO_USER=randy EDITOR=/usr/bin/nano PWD=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build LOGNAME=root MANPATH=./venv/dist/share/man: _=/usr/bin/meson XAUTHORITY=/root/.xauthH11HgW HOME=/root USERNAME=randy LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LS_COLORS='rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:mi=01;37;41:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=00:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arc=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lha=01;31:*.lz4=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.tzo=01;31:*.t7z=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lrz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.lzo=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.zst=01;31:*.tzst=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.war=01;31:*.ear=01;31:*.sar=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.alz=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.7z=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.cab=01;31:*.wim=01;31:*.swm=01;31:*.dwm=01;31:*.esd=01;31:*.avif=01;35:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.mjpg=01;35:*.mjpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.webm=01;35:*.webp=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.aac=01;36:*.au=01;36:*.flac=01;36:*.m4a=01;36:*.mid=01;36:*.midi=01;36:*.mka=01;36:*.mp3=01;36:*.mpc=01;36:*.ogg=01;36:*.ra=01;36:*.wav=01;36:*.oga=01;36:*.opus=01;36:*.spx=01;36:*.xspf=01;36:*~=00;90:*#=00;90:*.bak=00;90:*.old=00;90:*.orig=00;90:*.part=00;90:*.rej=00;90:*.swp=00;90:*.tmp=00;90:*.dpkg-dist=00;90:*.dpkg-old=00;90:*.ucf-dist=00;90:*.ucf-new=00;90:*.ucf-old=00;90:*.rpmnew=00;90:*.rpmorig=00;90:*.rpmsave=00;90:' VIRTUAL_ENV=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv TERM=xterm-256color LESSOPEN='||/usr/bin/lesspipe.sh %s' USER=root DISPLAY=:0 SHLVL=2 DEBUGINFOD_URLS='https://debuginfod.fedoraproject.org/ ' KDEDIRS=/usr XDG_DATA_DIRS=/root/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share:/usr/local/share:/usr/share:/var/lib/snapd/desktop PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin:/root/.local/bin:/root/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/var/lib/snapd/snap/bin SUDO_UID=1000 MAIL=/var/spool/mail/randy OLDPWD=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch ==================================== 1/45 ==================================== test: fwupd-exported-api start time: 10:55:41 duration: 0.01s result: exit status 0 command: ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=18 /usr/bin/diff -urNp /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/../../libfwupd/fwupd.map libfwupd/fwupd.map ============================================================================== ==================================== 2/45 ==================================== test: fwupd-context-test start time: 10:55:41 duration: 0.14s result: exit status 0 command: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd MALLOC_PERTURB_=4 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd/fwupd-context-test ----------------------------------- stderr ----------------------------------- Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.777: Created FwupdClient in thread 0x12d4360 with main context (nil) Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.777: fwupd_thread_test_idle_cb() in thread 0x12d4360 with main context (nil) Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.777: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x12f38e0 with main context 0x7f09c0000b70 (fwupd-context-test:61124): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. ============================================================================== ==================================== 3/45 ==================================== test: fwupd-thread-test start time: 10:55:41 duration: 0.14s result: exit status 0 command: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd MALLOC_PERTURB_=172 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd/fwupd-thread-test ----------------------------------- stderr ----------------------------------- Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.777: Created FwupdClient in thread 0x981fa0 with main context (nil) Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.777: fwupd_thread_test_idle_cb() in thread 0x981fa0 with main context (nil) Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.777: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9a38e0 with main context 0x7fda00000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.777: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9a7cc0 with main context 0x7fd9f4000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.777: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9a78d0 with main context 0x7fd9ec000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.778: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9a76d0 with main context 0x7fd9e8000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.778: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9a4af0 with main context 0x7fd9e0000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.778: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9ae840 with main context 0x7fd9dc000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.778: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9ba5d0 with main context 0x7fd9d4000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.779: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x980890 with main context 0x7fd9d0000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.780: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x983260 with main context 0x7fd9c8000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.780: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9805f0 with main context 0x7fd9c4000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.781: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9b96f0 with main context 0x7fd9bc000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.782: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x980350 with main context 0x7fd9b8000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.782: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x983ae0 with main context 0x7fd9b0000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.782: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x980400 with main context 0x7fd9ac000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.783: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9c0d20 with main context 0x7fd9a4000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.783: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9c0f00 with main context 0x7fd9a0000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.783: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9c1170 with main context 0x7fd998000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.784: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9c1460 with main context 0x7fd994000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.785: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9c1640 with main context 0x7fd98c000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.785: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9c1c40 with main context 0x7fd988000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.786: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9c1e20 with main context 0x7fd980000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.786: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9c2000 with main context 0x7fd97c000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.786: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9c21e0 with main context 0x7fd974000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.787: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9c23c0 with main context 0x7fd970000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.787: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9c25a0 with main context 0x7fd968000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.788: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9c2780 with main context 0x7fd964000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.788: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9c2960 with main context 0x7fd95c000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.802: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9c2f00 with main context 0x7fd94c000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.802: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9c2b40 with main context 0x7fd958000b70 Fwupd-Message: 06:55:41.802: Calling fwupd_client_get_devices() in thread 0x9c2d20 with main context 0x7fd950000b70 (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.907: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.908: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.908: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.908: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.908: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.908: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.908: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. (fwupd-thread-test:61123): Fwupd-WARNING **: 06:55:41.908: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. ============================================================================== ==================================== 4/45 ==================================== test: fwupd-self-test start time: 10:55:41 duration: 0.29s result: exit status 0 command: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=251 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupd ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd/fwupd-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02Sd89bea2f19348d5384ec28b800a00a1c # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) 1..15 # Start of fwupd tests ok 1 /fwupd/enums ok 2 /fwupd/common{machine-hash} ok 3 /fwupd/common{device-id} ok 4 /fwupd/common{guid} ok 5 /fwupd/common{history-report} ok 6 /fwupd/release ok 7 /fwupd/report ok 8 /fwupd/plugin # Fwupd-DEBUG: AppstreamId: org.freedesktop.fwupd.request.do-not-power-off # RequestKind: immediate # Flags: allow-generic-message # DeviceId: 950da62d4c753a26e64f7f7d687104ce38e32ca5 # Created: 2024-04-08 # UpdateMessage: foo # UpdateImage: bar # ok 9 /fwupd/request # # FwupdDevice: # DeviceId: USB:foo # Name: ColorHug2 # Guid: 18f514d2-c12e-581f-a696-cc6d6c271699 ← USB\VID_1234&PID_0001 ⚠ # Guid: 2082b5e0-7a64-478a-b1b2-e3404fab6dad # Guid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # Branch: community # Flags: updatable|require-ac # Checksum: SHA1(beefdead) # VendorId: USB:0x1234 # VendorId: PCI:0x5678 # Icon: input-gaming,input-mouse # Created: 1970-01-01 # Modified: 1970-01-02 # # [Release] # AppstreamId: org.dave.ColorHug.firmware # Description:

Hi there!

# Version: 1.2.3 # Filename: firmware.bin # Checksum: SHA1(deadbeef) # Tags: vendor-2021q1 # Tags: vendor-2021q2 # Size: 1.0 kB # Uri: http://foo.com # Uri: ftp://foo.com # Flags: trusted-payload ok 10 /fwupd/device ok 11 /fwupd/device{filter} ok 12 /fwupd/security-attr ok 13 /fwupd/bios-attrs # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation dconf (DConfSettingsBackend) for ‘gsettings-backend’ (/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd/fwupd-self-test:61122): dconf-DEBUG: 06:55:41.773: watch_fast: "/system/proxy/" (establishing: 0, active: 0) (/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd/fwupd-self-test:61122): dconf-DEBUG: 06:55:41.773: watch_fast: "/system/proxy/http/" (establishing: 0, active: 0) (/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd/fwupd-self-test:61122): dconf-DEBUG: 06:55:41.773: watch_fast: "/system/proxy/https/" (establishing: 0, active: 0) (/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd/fwupd-self-test:61122): dconf-DEBUG: 06:55:41.773: watch_fast: "/system/proxy/ftp/" (establishing: 0, active: 0) (/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd/fwupd-self-test:61122): dconf-DEBUG: 06:55:41.773: watch_fast: "/system/proxy/socks/" (establishing: 0, active: 0) (/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd/fwupd-self-test:61122): dconf-DEBUG: 06:55:41.774: unwatch_fast: "/system/proxy/" (active: 0, establishing: 1) (/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd/fwupd-self-test:61122): dconf-DEBUG: 06:55:41.774: unwatch_fast: "/system/proxy/http/" (active: 0, establishing: 1) (/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd/fwupd-self-test:61122): dconf-DEBUG: 06:55:41.774: unwatch_fast: "/system/proxy/https/" (active: 0, establishing: 1) (/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd/fwupd-self-test:61122): dconf-DEBUG: 06:55:41.774: unwatch_fast: "/system/proxy/ftp/" (active: 0, establishing: 1) (/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd/fwupd-self-test:61122): dconf-DEBUG: 06:55:41.774: unwatch_fast: "/system/proxy/socks/" (active: 0, establishing: 1) # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ‘gio-vfs’ # pxbackend-DEBUG: px_config_sysconfig_set_config_file: Could not read file /etc/sysconfig/proxy # pxbackend-DEBUG: Active config plugins: # pxbackend-DEBUG: - config-env # pxbackend-DEBUG: - config-kde # pxbackend-DEBUG: - config-gnome # pxbackend-DEBUG: - config-sysconfig # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Failed to initialize portal (GNetworkMonitorPortal) for gio-network-monitor: Not using portals # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation networkmanager (GNetworkMonitorNM) for ‘gio-network-monitor’ # pxbackend-DEBUG: px_manager_on_network_changed: Network connection changed, clearing pac data # pxbackend-DEBUG: px_manager_constructed: Up and running # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation libproxy (GLibproxyResolver) for ‘gio-proxy-resolver’ (/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd/fwupd-self-test:61122): dconf-DEBUG: 06:55:41.777: watch_established: "/system/proxy/" (establishing: 0) (/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd/fwupd-self-test:61122): dconf-DEBUG: 06:55:41.777: watch_established: "/system/proxy/http/" (establishing: 0) (/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd/fwupd-self-test:61122): dconf-DEBUG: 06:55:41.777: watch_established: "/system/proxy/https/" (establishing: 0) (/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd/fwupd-self-test:61122): dconf-DEBUG: 06:55:41.777: watch_established: "/system/proxy/ftp/" (establishing: 0) (/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd/fwupd-self-test:61122): dconf-DEBUG: 06:55:41.777: watch_established: "/system/proxy/socks/" (establishing: 0) # Fwupd-DEBUG: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. ok 14 /fwupd/client{remotes} # SKIP timeout connecting to daemon # Fwupd-DEBUG: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not activate remote peer: startup job failed. ok 15 /fwupd/client{devices} # SKIP timeout connecting to daemon # End of fwupd tests ============================================================================== ==================================== 5/45 ==================================== test: fwupdplugin-self-test start time: 10:55:42 duration: 0.40s result: exit status 0 command: G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin MALLOC_PERTURB_=181 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin/fwupdplugin-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02Sa8b7b57fb77a7f961cb34c91e522c4b1 1..119 # Start of fwupd tests # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/efi-lz77-tiano.bin of size 0x90 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiLz77DecompressorHeader: # src_size: 0x88 # dst_size: 0x114 # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/efi-lz77-legacy.bin of size 0x90 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiLz77DecompressorHeader: # src_size: 0x88 # dst_size: 0x114 ok 1 /fwupd/efi-lz77{decompressor} # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ?gio-vfs? ok 2 /fwupd/input-stream ok 3 /fwupd/input-stream{chunkify} ok 4 /fwupd/partial-input-stream # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x2 # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x5 ok 5 /fwupd/composite-input-stream # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSelfTest: # length: 0xdead # revision: 0xff [all] # owner: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # oem_table_id: X # oem_revision: 0x0 # asl_compiler_id: 0xDFDFDFDF # asl_compiler_revision: 0x0 ok 6 /fwupd/struct # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSelfTestWrapped: # less: 0x99 # base: FuStructSelfTest: # length: 0x33 # revision: 0xfe # owner: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # oem_revision: 0x0 # asl_compiler_id: 0xDFDFDFDF # asl_compiler_revision: 0x0 # more: 0x12 ok 7 /fwupd/struct{wrapped} # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/quirks.d # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.WW6UL2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: key=Plugin, value=one # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: key=Plugin, value=two ok 8 /fwupd/plugin{quirks-append} ok 9 /fwupd/string{password-mask} ok 10 /fwupd/lzma # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: TOKEN: [] (0) # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: TOKEN: [foo] (1) # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: TOKEN: [bar] (2) ok 11 /fwupd/common{strnsplit} # FuCommon-DEBUG: looking for timezone file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/localtime ok 12 /fwupd/common{olson-timezone-id} ok 13 /fwupd/common{memmem} ok 14 /fwupd/progress{scaling} # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: parent update #1 # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: child update #1 # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: child update #2 # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: parent update #2 ok 15 /fwupd/progress{child} ok 16 /fwupd/progress{child-finished} ok 17 /fwupd/progress{parent-1-step} ok 18 /fwupd/progress{no-equal} ok 19 /fwupd/progress{finish} # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: failed to load type: Failed to open file ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/bios-attrs/lenovo-p620/thinklmi/attributes/AMDMemoryGuard/type?: No such file or directory # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: failed to add string attrs: failed to load min_length: Failed to open file ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/bios-attrs/lenovo-p620-6.3/thinklmi/attributes/AlarmDate/min_length?: No such file or directory # FuBiosSettings-INFO: loaded 5 BIOS settings # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: AMDMemoryGuard: Disable # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: AlarmDate: [01/01/2019][Status:ShowOnly] # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: StartupSequence: Primary # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: WindowsUEFIFirmwareUpdate: Enable # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: pending_reboot: 0 # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: re-initializing attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: failed to load type: Failed to open file ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/bios-attrs/lenovo-p14s-gen1/thinklmi/attributes/SecureBoot/type?: No such file or directory # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: reset_bios is not supported # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/bios-attrs/dell-xps13-9310/strings.txt/attributes # FuBiosSettings-INFO: loaded 110 BIOS settings ok 20 /fwupd/bios-attrs{load} # FuSecurityAttrs-DEBUG: duplicate security attr org.fwupd.hsi.PRX from plugin test implicitly obsoleted by plugin other-plugin # FuSecurityAttrs-DEBUG: security attr org.fwupd.hsi.PRX:other-plugin obsoleted by org.fwupd.hsi.PRX:test # FuSecurityAttrs-DEBUG: security attr org.fwupd.hsi.PRX:other-plugin obsoleted by org.fwupd.hsi.PRX:test # FuSecurityAttrs-DEBUG: security attr org.fwupd.hsi.PRX:test obsoleted by org.fwupd.hsi.BIOSGuard:test # FuSecurityAttrs-DEBUG: security attr org.fwupd.hsi.PRX:other-plugin obsoleted by org.fwupd.hsi.BIOSGuard:test ok 21 /fwupd/security-attrs{hsi} ok 22 /fwupd/security-attrs{compare} # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc/fwupd # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # FuConfig-DEBUG: not loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc/fwupd/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc/fwupd/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-INFO: fixing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf from mode 0644 to 0640 # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc/fwupd/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: Failed to open file ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc/fwupd/fwupd/fwupd.conf?: No such file or directory # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0x30 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Key=false # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc/fwupd/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc/fwupd/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: Failed to open file ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc/fwupd/fwupd/fwupd.conf?: No such file or directory # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0x30 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Key=false ok 23 /fwupd/config ok 24 /fwupd/plugin ok 25 /fwupd/plugin{vfuncs} ok 26 /fwupd/plugin{device-gtype} # FuPlugin-INFO: has no updates, so ignoring device ok 27 /fwupd/plugin{backend-device} # FuDevice-DEBUG: using b7eccd0059d6d7dc2ef76c35d6de0048cc8c029d for testdev # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuHidDevice, FuDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuUsbDevice, FuDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from (null): b7eccd0059d6d7dc2ef76c35d6de0048cc8c029d ok 28 /fwupd/plugin{backend-proxy-device} # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc/fwupd/fwupd # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc/fwupd/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-INFO: fixing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc/fwupd/fwupd/fwupd.conf from mode 0644 to 0640 # FuConfig-INFO: fixing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf from mode 0644 to 0640 # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc/fwupd/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: failed to read as mapped file, so reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc/fwupd/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0x0: zero size # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: failed to read as mapped file, so reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0x0: zero size # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-00 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-01 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-02 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-03 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-04 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-05 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-06 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-07 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-08 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-09 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-10 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-11 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-12 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-13 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-14 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: fwupd-04 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: fwupd-05 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: fwupd-14 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuContext-INFO: added udev subsystem watch of firmware-attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: reset_bios is not supported # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/bios-attrs/dell-xps13-9310/strings.txt/attributes # FuBiosSettings-INFO: loaded 110 BIOS settings # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc/fwupd/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: failed to read as mapped file, so reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc/fwupd/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0x0: zero size # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0x10 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] Key=True ok 29 /fwupd/plugin{config} # FuDevice-DEBUG: using b7eccd0059d6d7dc2ef76c35d6de0048cc8c029d for testdev # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from (null): b7eccd0059d6d7dc2ef76c35d6de0048cc8c029d # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit removed from (null): b7eccd0059d6d7dc2ef76c35d6de0048cc8c029d # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 0e93069c40111cd62dac2cd02cd71daffdb01cc0 for child # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of child [0e93069c40111cd62dac2cd02cd71daffdb01cc0] to be testdev [b7eccd0059d6d7dc2ef76c35d6de0048cc8c029d] # FuPlugin-DEBUG: child 0e93069c40111cd62dac2cd02cd71daffdb01cc0 added to parent b7eccd0059d6d7dc2ef76c35d6de0048cc8c029d after setup, adding to daemon # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from (null): 0e93069c40111cd62dac2cd02cd71daffdb01cc0 # FuPlugin-DEBUG: child 0e93069c40111cd62dac2cd02cd71daffdb01cc0 removed from parent b7eccd0059d6d7dc2ef76c35d6de0048cc8c029d after setup, removing from daemon # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit removed from (null): 0e93069c40111cd62dac2cd02cd71daffdb01cc0 ok 30 /fwupd/plugin{devices} # FuDevice-DEBUG: using b7eccd0059d6d7dc2ef76c35d6de0048cc8c029d for testdev # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 821c07a03badb405e8ccaea45217e56e69e4f6e0 for child1 # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of child1 [821c07a03badb405e8ccaea45217e56e69e4f6e0] to be testdev [b7eccd0059d6d7dc2ef76c35d6de0048cc8c029d] # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 268c29732f90b4ddba639b3b0096cc468ceed2fb for child2 # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of child2 [268c29732f90b4ddba639b3b0096cc468ceed2fb] to be testdev [b7eccd0059d6d7dc2ef76c35d6de0048cc8c029d] ok 31 /fwupd/plugin{device-inhibit-children} # FuDevice-DEBUG: using b7eccd0059d6d7dc2ef76c35d6de0048cc8c029d for testdev # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from (null): b7eccd0059d6d7dc2ef76c35d6de0048cc8c029d # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit removed from (null): b7eccd0059d6d7dc2ef76c35d6de0048cc8c029d ok 32 /fwupd/plugin{delay} # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/quirks.d # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.G4F1L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small ok 33 /fwupd/plugin{quirks} # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: compatible # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdt: # totalsize: 0x77 # off_dt_struct: 0x38 # off_dt_strings: 0x6c # off_mem_rsvmap: 0x28 # version: 0x0 # last_comp_version: 0x2 # boot_cpuid_phys: 0x0 # size_dt_strings: 0xb # size_dt_struct: 0x34 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtReserveEntry: # address: 0x0 # size: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: mem_rsvmap: 0x0, 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x16 # nameoff: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x9 ok 34 /fwupd/plugin{fdt} # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/quirks.d # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.UAG1L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small lookup=3.846ms ok 35 /fwupd/plugin{quirks-performance} # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/quirks.d # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.46T0L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuDevice-DEBUG: using ef5791f75bea792344af5e07f52d4bb54563221c for usb:00:05 # FuDevice-DEBUG: using bd0f20e0f7b59a9f4ffd089cf38fe8a5d8ba7b2d for usb:00:05:USB\VID_0763&PID_2806&I2C_01 # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of HDMI [bd0f20e0f7b59a9f4ffd089cf38fe8a5d8ba7b2d] to be Hub [ef5791f75bea792344af5e07f52d4bb54563221c] ok 36 /fwupd/plugin{quirks-device} ok 37 /fwupd/backend # # # # XXXX # # # 0x1 # 0x4 # XX # # # 0x2 # 0x1 # YYYY # # # 0x3 # 0x1 # 0x4 # YY # # # 0x4 # 0x2 # ZZZZ # # # 0x5 # 0x2 # 0x4 # ZZ # # ok 38 /fwupd/chunk ok 39 /fwupd/chunks ok 40 /fwupd/common{align-up} ok 41 /fwupd/volume{gpt-type} ok 42 /fwupd/common{byte-array} ok 43 /fwupd/common{crc} ok 44 /fwupd/common{string-append-kv} ok 45 /fwupd/common{version-guess-format} ok 46 /fwupd/common{strtoull} ok 47 /fwupd/common{strtoll} ok 48 /fwupd/common{version} ok 49 /fwupd/common{version-semver} ok 50 /fwupd/common{vercmp} ok 51 /fwupd/common{strstrip} ok 52 /fwupd/common{endian} # FuCommon-DEBUG: failed to read as mapped file, so reading /tmp/fwupdzero of size 0x0: zero size ok 53 /fwupd/common{bytes-get-data} # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created ok 54 /fwupd/common{kernel-lockdown} # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/quirks.d # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd/quirks.xmlb # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: Failed to open file ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd/quirks.xmlb?: open() failed: No such file or directory ok 55 /fwupd/common{strsafe} # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiLoadOption: # attrs: 0x1 [active] # dp_size: 0x62 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiDevicePath: # type: 0x4 [media] # subtype: 0x1 # length: 0x2a # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiHardDriveDevicePath: # subtype: 0x1 [hard-drive] # partition_number: 0x1 # partition_start: 0x800 # partition_size: 0x12c000 # partition_signature: c7e198db-ec30-4a23-b0fd-8e2dbc092a01 # partition_format: 0x2 [guid-partition-table] # signature_type: 0x2 [guid] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiDevicePath: # type: 0x4 [media] # subtype: 0x4 # length: 0x34 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiDevicePath: # type: 0x4 [media] # subtype: 0x4 # length: 0x34 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiDevicePath: # type: 0x7f [end] # subtype: 0xff # length: 0x4 # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: # Linux-Firmware-Updater # [GInputStream] # 0x1 # XABmAHcAdQBwAGQAeAA2ADQALgBlAGYAaQAAAA== # # [GInputStream] # # 0x4 # 0x34 # 0x2a # [GInputStream] # 0x1 # 0x800 # 0x12c000 # c7e198db-ec30-4a23-b0fd-8e2dbc092a01 # guid-partition-table # guid # # # 0x4 # 0x5e # 0x34 # [GInputStream] # /EFI/fedora/shimx64.efi # # # # # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiLoadOption: # attrs: 0x1 [active] # dp_size: 0x62 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiDevicePath: # type: 0x4 [media] # subtype: 0x1 # length: 0x2a # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiHardDriveDevicePath: # subtype: 0x1 [hard-drive] # partition_number: 0x1 # partition_start: 0x800 # partition_size: 0x12c000 # partition_signature: c7e198db-ec30-4a23-b0fd-8e2dbc092a01 # partition_format: 0x2 [guid-partition-table] # signature_type: 0x2 [guid] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiDevicePath: # type: 0x4 [media] # subtype: 0x4 # length: 0x34 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiDevicePath: # type: 0x4 [media] # subtype: 0x4 # length: 0x34 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiDevicePath: # type: 0x7f [end] # subtype: 0xff # length: 0x4 # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: # Fedora # [GInputStream] # 0x1 # # [GInputStream] # # 0x4 # 0x14 # 0x2a # [GInputStream] # 0x1 # 0x800 # 0x12c000 # c7e198db-ec30-4a23-b0fd-8e2dbc092a01 # guid-partition-table # guid # # # 0x4 # 0x3e # 0x34 # [GInputStream] # /EFI/fedora/shimx64.efi # # # # # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiLoadOption: # attrs: 0x1 [active] # dp_size: 0x74 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiDevicePath: # type: 0x4 [media] # subtype: 0x1 # length: 0x2a # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiHardDriveDevicePath: # subtype: 0x1 [hard-drive] # partition_number: 0x1 # partition_start: 0x800 # partition_size: 0x32000 # partition_signature: c822f3ca-cfbc-4a61-b460-012f3d5be185 # partition_format: 0x2 [guid-partition-table] # signature_type: 0x2 [guid] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiDevicePath: # type: 0x4 [media] # subtype: 0x4 # length: 0x46 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiDevicePath: # type: 0x4 [media] # subtype: 0x4 # length: 0x46 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiDevicePath: # type: 0x7f [end] # subtype: 0xff # length: 0x4 # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: # Windows Boot Manager # [GInputStream] # 0x1 # V0lORE9XUwABAAAAiAAAAHgAAABCAEMARABPAEIASgBFAEMAVAA9AHsAOQBkAGUAYQA4ADYAMgBjAC0ANQBjAGQAZAAtADQAZQA3ADAALQBhAGMAYwAxAC0AZgAzADIAYgAzADQANABkADQANwA5ADUAfQAAAG8AAQAAABAAAAAEAAAAf/8EAA== # # [GInputStream] # # 0x4 # 0x30 # 0x2a # [GInputStream] # 0x1 # 0x800 # 0x32000 # c822f3ca-cfbc-4a61-b460-012f3d5be185 # guid-partition-table # guid # # # 0x4 # 0x5a # 0x46 # [GInputStream] # /EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi # # # # ok 56 /fwupd/efi-load-option # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created ok 57 /fwupd/efivar # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc/fwupd/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc/fwupd/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: failed to read as mapped file, so reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc/fwupd/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0x0: zero size # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0x10 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] Key=True # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosEp32: # anchor_str: _SM_ # entry_point_csum: 0xf0 # entry_point_len: 0x1f # smbios_major_ver: 0x2 # smbios_minor_ver: 0x7 # max_structure_sz: 0x8a # entry_point_rev: 0x0 # intermediate_anchor_str: _DMI_ # intermediate_csum: 0xc0 # structure_table_len: 0x9db # structure_table_addr: 0xbcd3d000 # number_smbios_structs: 0x3e # smbios_bcd_rev: 0x27 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x4 # length: 0x2a # handle: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x7 # length: 0x13 # handle: 0x1 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x7 # length: 0x13 # handle: 0x2 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x7 # length: 0x13 # handle: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x7 # length: 0x13 # handle: 0x4 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x10 # length: 0x17 # handle: 0x5 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x11 # length: 0x22 # handle: 0x6 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x11 # length: 0x22 # handle: 0x7 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x13 # length: 0x1f # handle: 0x8 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x81 # length: 0x8 # handle: 0x9 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x86 # length: 0xd # handle: 0xa # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x1 # length: 0x1b # handle: 0xc # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x2 # length: 0xf # handle: 0xd # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x3 # length: 0x16 # handle: 0xe # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0xf # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x10 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x11 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x12 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x13 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x14 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x15 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x16 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x17 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x18 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x19 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x1a # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x1b # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x1c # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x1d # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x9 # length: 0x11 # handle: 0x1e # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x7e # length: 0x11 # handle: 0x1f # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x9 # length: 0x11 # handle: 0x20 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xa # length: 0x6 # handle: 0x21 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xc # length: 0x5 # handle: 0x22 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xd # length: 0x16 # handle: 0x23 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x16 # length: 0x1a # handle: 0x24 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x16 # length: 0x1a # handle: 0x25 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x12 # length: 0x17 # handle: 0x26 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x15 # length: 0x7 # handle: 0x27 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x15 # length: 0x7 # handle: 0x28 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x83 # length: 0x16 # handle: 0x29 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x88 # length: 0x6 # handle: 0x2a # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x86 # length: 0x10 # handle: 0x2b # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x82 # length: 0x14 # handle: 0x2c # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x83 # length: 0x40 # handle: 0x2d # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x85 # length: 0x5 # handle: 0x2e # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x87 # length: 0x53 # handle: 0x2f # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x0 # length: 0x18 # handle: 0x30 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xf # length: 0x21 # handle: 0x31 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x43 # handle: 0x32 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x2f # handle: 0x33 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x3f # handle: 0x34 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x11 # handle: 0x35 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x13 # handle: 0x36 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x13 # handle: 0x37 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x17 # handle: 0x38 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x18 # length: 0x5 # handle: 0x39 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x84 # length: 0x7 # handle: 0x3a # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x87 # length: 0x12 # handle: 0x3b # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0xf # handle: 0x3c # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x2b # handle: 0x3d # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x7f # length: 0x4 # handle: 0xfeff # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS Manufacturer=LENOVO # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS EnclosureKind=a # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS Family=ThinkPad T440s # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS ProductName=20ARS19C0C # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS ProductSku=LENOVO_MT_20AR_BU_Think_FM_ThinkPad T440s # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS BiosVendor=LENOVO # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS BiosVersion=GJET75WW (2.25 ) # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS BiosMajorRelease=02 # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS BiosMinorRelease=19 # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS FirmwareMajorRelease=01 # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS FirmwareMinorRelease=09 # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS BaseboardManufacturer=LENOVO # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS BaseboardProduct=20ARS19C0C # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/quirks.d # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd/quirks.xmlb # XbSilo-DEBUG: file: 008a85d2-46a6-cb43-d8eb-1f4a0210f478, current:008a85d2-46a6-cb43-d8eb-1f4a0210f478, cached: (null) # XbSilo-DEBUG: loading silo with file contents # FuContext-INFO: added udev subsystem watch of firmware-attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: reset_bios is not supported # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/bios-attrs/dell-xps13-9310/strings.txt/attributes # FuBiosSettings-INFO: loaded 110 BIOS settings ok 58 /fwupd/hwids ok 59 /fwupd/context{flags} # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc/fwupd/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc/fwupd/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: failed to read as mapped file, so reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc/fwupd/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0x0: zero size # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0x10 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] Key=True # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # FuContext-DEBUG: unable to read SMBIOS data from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/board_vendor: Failed to open file ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/board_vendor?: No such file or directory # FuContext-DEBUG: unable to read SMBIOS data from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/board_name: Failed to open file ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/board_name?: No such file or directory # FuContext-DEBUG: unable to read SMBIOS data from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/bios_vendor: Failed to open file ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/bios_vendor?: No such file or directory # FuContext-DEBUG: unable to read SMBIOS data from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/bios_version: Failed to open file ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/bios_version?: No such file or directory # FuContext-DEBUG: unable to read SMBIOS data from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/product_family: Failed to open file ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/product_family?: No such file or directory # FuContext-DEBUG: unable to read SMBIOS data from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/product_name: Failed to open file ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/product_name?: No such file or directory # FuContext-DEBUG: unable to read SMBIOS data from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/product_sku: Failed to open file ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/product_sku?: No such file or directory # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-00 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-01 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-02 is not available, not available as 'ProductName' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-03 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-04 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-05 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-06 is not available, not available as 'ProductSku' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-07 is not available, not available as 'ProductSku' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-08 is not available, not available as 'ProductName' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-09 is not available, not available as 'ProductName' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-10 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-11 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-13 is not available, not available as 'BaseboardManufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: fwupd-04 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: fwupd-05 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: fwupd-14 is not available, not available as 'BiosVendor' unknown # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/quirks.d # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd/quirks.xmlb # XbSilo-DEBUG: file: 008a85d2-46a6-cb43-d8eb-1f4a0210f478, current:008a85d2-46a6-cb43-d8eb-1f4a0210f478, cached: (null) # XbSilo-DEBUG: loading silo with file contents # FuContext-INFO: added udev subsystem watch of firmware-attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: reset_bios is not supported # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/bios-attrs/dell-xps13-9310/strings.txt/attributes # FuBiosSettings-INFO: loaded 110 BIOS settings # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: # # ok 60 /fwupd/context{hwids-dmi} ok 61 /fwupd/context{firmware-gtypes} # FuContext-INFO: power state now battery-discharging # FuContext-INFO: lid state now closed # FuContext-INFO: display-state now connected # FuContext-INFO: battery level now 50 ok 62 /fwupd/context{state} ok 63 /fwupd/string{utf16} # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosEp32: # anchor_str: _SM_ # entry_point_csum: 0xf0 # entry_point_len: 0x1f # smbios_major_ver: 0x2 # smbios_minor_ver: 0x7 # max_structure_sz: 0x8a # entry_point_rev: 0x0 # intermediate_anchor_str: _DMI_ # intermediate_csum: 0xc0 # structure_table_len: 0x9db # structure_table_addr: 0xbcd3d000 # number_smbios_structs: 0x3e # smbios_bcd_rev: 0x27 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x4 # length: 0x2a # handle: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x7 # length: 0x13 # handle: 0x1 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x7 # length: 0x13 # handle: 0x2 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x7 # length: 0x13 # handle: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x7 # length: 0x13 # handle: 0x4 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x10 # length: 0x17 # handle: 0x5 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x11 # length: 0x22 # handle: 0x6 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x11 # length: 0x22 # handle: 0x7 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x13 # length: 0x1f # handle: 0x8 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x81 # length: 0x8 # handle: 0x9 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x86 # length: 0xd # handle: 0xa # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x1 # length: 0x1b # handle: 0xc # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x2 # length: 0xf # handle: 0xd # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x3 # length: 0x16 # handle: 0xe # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0xf # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x10 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x11 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x12 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x13 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x14 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x15 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x16 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x17 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x18 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x19 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x1a # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x1b # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x1c # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x1d # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x9 # length: 0x11 # handle: 0x1e # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x7e # length: 0x11 # handle: 0x1f # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x9 # length: 0x11 # handle: 0x20 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xa # length: 0x6 # handle: 0x21 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xc # length: 0x5 # handle: 0x22 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xd # length: 0x16 # handle: 0x23 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x16 # length: 0x1a # handle: 0x24 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x16 # length: 0x1a # handle: 0x25 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x12 # length: 0x17 # handle: 0x26 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x15 # length: 0x7 # handle: 0x27 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x15 # length: 0x7 # handle: 0x28 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x83 # length: 0x16 # handle: 0x29 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x88 # length: 0x6 # handle: 0x2a # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x86 # length: 0x10 # handle: 0x2b # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x82 # length: 0x14 # handle: 0x2c # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x83 # length: 0x40 # handle: 0x2d # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x85 # length: 0x5 # handle: 0x2e # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x87 # length: 0x53 # handle: 0x2f # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x0 # length: 0x18 # handle: 0x30 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xf # length: 0x21 # handle: 0x31 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x43 # handle: 0x32 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x2f # handle: 0x33 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x3f # handle: 0x34 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x11 # handle: 0x35 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x13 # handle: 0x36 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x13 # handle: 0x37 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x17 # handle: 0x38 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x18 # length: 0x5 # handle: 0x39 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x84 # length: 0x7 # handle: 0x3a # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x87 # length: 0x12 # handle: 0x3b # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0xf # handle: 0x3c # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x2b # handle: 0x3d # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x7f # length: 0x4 # handle: 0xfeff # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: # 2.7 # 0x207 # # 0x4 # 0x2a # Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 # Intel(R) Corporation # None # CPU Socket - U3E1 # None # None # # # 0x7 # 0x13 # 0x1 # L1-Cache # # # 0x7 # 0x13 # 0x2 # L1-Cache # # # 0x7 # 0x13 # 0x3 # L2-Cache # # # 0x7 # 0x13 # 0x4 # L3-Cache # # # 0x10 # 0x17 # 0x5 # # # # # 0x11 # 0x22 # 0x6 # ChannelA # BANK 0 # Elpida # None # None # EDJ8416E6MB-GN-F # # # 0x11 # 0x22 # 0x7 # ChannelB-DIMM0 # BANK 2 # Samsung # 15AF7001 # None # M471B1G73QH0-YK0 # # # 0x13 # 0x1f # 0x8 # # # # # 0x81 # 0x8 # 0x9 # Intel_ASF # Intel_ASF_001 # # # 0x86 # 0xd # 0xa # # # # # 0x1 # 0x1b # 0xc # LENOVO # 20ARS19C0C # ThinkPad T440s # PF01VVCA # LENOVO_MT_20AR_BU_Th # ThinkPad T440s # # # 0x2 # 0xf # 0xd # LENOVO # 20ARS19C0C # Not Defined # 1ZSUK45C1DZ # Not Available # Not Available # # # 0x3 # 0x16 # 0xe # LENOVO # Not Available # PF01VVCA # No Asset Information # LENOVO_MT_20AR_BU_Th # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0xf # Not Available # USB 1 # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x10 # Not Available # USB 2 # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x11 # Not Available # USB 3 # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x12 # Not Available # USB 4 # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x13 # Not Available # USB 5 # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x14 # Not Available # USB 6 # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x15 # Not Available # USB 7 # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x16 # Not Available # USB 8 # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x17 # Not Available # Ethernet # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x18 # Not Available # External Monitor # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x19 # Not Available # Mini DisplayPort # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x1a # Not Available # DisplayPort/DVI-D # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x1b # Not Available # DisplayPort/HDMI # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x1c # Not Available # Headphone/Microphone # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x1d # Not Available # Headphone/Microphone # # # 0x9 # 0x11 # 0x1e # Media Card Slot # # # 0x7e # 0x11 # 0x1f # SmartCard Slot # # # 0x9 # 0x11 # 0x20 # SimCard Slot # # # 0xa # 0x6 # 0x21 # IBM Embedded Securit # # # 0xc # 0x5 # 0x22 # # # # # 0xd # 0x16 # 0x23 # en-US # # # 0x16 # 0x1a # 0x24 # Front # SONY # 45N1111 # 03.01 # LiP # # # 0x16 # 0x1a # 0x25 # Rear # SANYO # 45N1777 # 03.01 # LION # # # 0x12 # 0x17 # 0x26 # # # # # 0x15 # 0x7 # 0x27 # # # # # 0x15 # 0x7 # 0x28 # # # # # 0x83 # 0x16 # 0x29 # TVT-Enablement # # # 0x88 # 0x6 # 0x2a # # # # # 0x86 # 0x10 # 0x2b # TPM INFO # System Reserved # # # 0x82 # 0x14 # 0x2c # # # # # 0x83 # 0x40 # 0x2d # # # # # 0x85 # 0x5 # 0x2e # KHOIHGIUCCHHII # # # 0x87 # 0x53 # 0x2f # # # # # 0x18 # 0x30 # LENOVO # GJET75WW (2.25 ) # 03/28/2014 # # # 0xf # 0x21 # 0x31 # # # # # 0x8c # 0x43 # 0x32 # # # # # 0x8c # 0x2f # 0x33 # # # # # 0x8c # 0x3f # 0x34 # # # # # 0x8c # 0x11 # 0x35 # # # # # 0x8c # 0x13 # 0x36 # # # # # 0x8c # 0x13 # 0x37 # # # # # 0x8c # 0x17 # 0x38 # # # # # 0x18 # 0x5 # 0x39 # # # # # 0x84 # 0x7 # 0x3a # # # # # 0x87 # 0x12 # 0x3b # # # # # 0x8c # 0xf # 0x3c # GJHT25WW # 11/07/2013 # # # 0x8c # 0x2b # 0x3d # # # # # 0x7f # 0x4 # 0xfeff # # # # # ok 64 /fwupd/smbios # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosEp64: # anchor_str: _SM3_ # entry_point_csum: 0xd8 # entry_point_len: 0x18 # smbios_major_ver: 0x3 # smbios_minor_ver: 0x0 # smbios_docrev: 0x0 # entry_point_rev: 0x1 # reserved0: 0x0 # structure_table_len: 0x16c5 # structure_table_addr: 0x6a162000 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xda # length: 0xfb # handle: 0xda00 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xda # length: 0xfb # handle: 0xda01 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xda # length: 0xfb # handle: 0xda02 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xda # length: 0xfb # handle: 0xda03 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xda # length: 0xfb # handle: 0xda04 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xda # length: 0xfb # handle: 0xda05 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xda # length: 0xfb # handle: 0xda06 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xda # length: 0x59 # handle: 0xda07 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x0 # length: 0x18 # handle: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x1 # length: 0x1b # handle: 0x100 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x2 # length: 0x11 # handle: 0x200 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x3 # length: 0x18 # handle: 0x301 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x4 # length: 0x30 # handle: 0x400 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x7 # length: 0x13 # handle: 0x700 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x7 # length: 0x13 # handle: 0x701 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x7 # length: 0x13 # handle: 0x702 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x800 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x801 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x802 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x803 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x804 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x805 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x806 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x807 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x808 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x809 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x80a # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x80b # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x80c # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x80d # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x80e # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x9 # length: 0x11 # handle: 0x900 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x9 # length: 0x11 # handle: 0x901 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x9 # length: 0x11 # handle: 0x902 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x9 # length: 0x11 # handle: 0x903 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xa # length: 0x6 # handle: 0xa00 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xb # length: 0x5 # handle: 0xb00 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xd # length: 0x16 # handle: 0xd00 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xe # length: 0x8 # handle: 0xe00 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xe # length: 0x14 # handle: 0xe01 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xe # length: 0x8 # handle: 0xe02 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x10 # length: 0x17 # handle: 0x1000 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x11 # length: 0x28 # handle: 0x1100 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x11 # length: 0x28 # handle: 0x1101 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x13 # length: 0x1f # handle: 0x1300 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x15 # length: 0x7 # handle: 0x1500 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x18 # length: 0x5 # handle: 0x1800 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x19 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x1900 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x1c # length: 0x16 # handle: 0x1c00 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x1c # length: 0x16 # handle: 0x1c01 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x1c # length: 0x16 # handle: 0x1c02 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x1c # length: 0x16 # handle: 0x1c03 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x1c # length: 0x16 # handle: 0x1c04 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x1c # length: 0x16 # handle: 0x1c05 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x20 # length: 0xb # handle: 0x2000 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x29 # length: 0xb # handle: 0x2900 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x29 # length: 0xb # handle: 0x2901 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x29 # length: 0xb # handle: 0x2902 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x29 # length: 0xb # handle: 0x2903 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x16 # length: 0x1a # handle: 0x1600 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x7e # length: 0x16 # handle: 0x300 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x82 # length: 0x14 # handle: 0x8200 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x83 # length: 0x40 # handle: 0x8300 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xb1 # length: 0xc # handle: 0xb100 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xb2 # length: 0x54 # handle: 0xb200 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xcb # length: 0x51 # handle: 0xcb00 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xcd # length: 0x1a # handle: 0xcd00 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xcd # length: 0x1a # handle: 0xcd01 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xcd # length: 0x4b # handle: 0xcd02 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xcd # length: 0x36 # handle: 0xcd03 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xcd # length: 0x67 # handle: 0xcd04 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xce # length: 0x10 # handle: 0xce00 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xd0 # length: 0x10 # handle: 0xd000 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xd8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0xd800 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xdc # length: 0x16 # handle: 0xdc00 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xdc # length: 0x16 # handle: 0xdc01 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xdc # length: 0x16 # handle: 0xdc02 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xdc # length: 0x16 # handle: 0xdc03 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xdc # length: 0x16 # handle: 0xdc04 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xdc # length: 0x16 # handle: 0xdc05 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xde # length: 0x10 # handle: 0xde00 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xff # length: 0x8 # handle: 0x1 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x7f # length: 0x4 # handle: 0xfeff # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: # 3.0 # # 0xda # 0xfb # 0xda00 # # # # # 0xda # 0xfb # 0xda01 # # # # # 0xda # 0xfb # 0xda02 # # # # # 0xda # 0xfb # 0xda03 # # # # # 0xda # 0xfb # 0xda04 # # # # # 0xda # 0xfb # 0xda05 # # # # # 0xda # 0xfb # 0xda06 # # # # # 0xda # 0x59 # 0xda07 # # # # # 0x18 # Dell Inc. # 99.01.21 # 08/21/2017 # # # 0x1 # 0x1b # 0x100 # XPS # Dell Inc. # XPS 13 9365 # 077A # 2R0Q2G2 # # # 0x2 # 0x11 # 0x200 # Dell Inc. # 0DVT6M # A00 # /2R0Q2G2/CN1296374E0 # # # 0x3 # 0x18 # 0x301 # Dell Inc. # 2R0Q2G2 # Convertible # # # 0x4 # 0x30 # 0x400 # CPU 1 # Intel(R) Corporation # Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 # To Be Filled By O.E. # To Be Filled By O.E. # To Be Filled By O.E. # # # 0x7 # 0x13 # 0x700 # L1 Cache # # # 0x7 # 0x13 # 0x701 # L2 Cache # # # 0x7 # 0x13 # 0x702 # L3 Cache # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x800 # JKBTP1 - Keyboard # None # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x801 # J1A2B # Video # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x802 # J3A2 # HDMI # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x803 # JUSB1 # USB1 # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x804 # JUSB2 # USB2 # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x805 # JTypeC # USB3 # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x806 # JSD1 # Cardreader # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x807 # JHP1 # Audio Jack # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x808 # JeDP1-eDP # None # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x809 # JNGFF1 - WLAN/BT/Wig # None # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x80a # JNGFF2 - HDD # None # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x80b # JSPK1 - Speaker # None # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x80c # JAPS1 - Automatic Po # None # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x80d # JDEG1 - Debug PORT # None # # # 0x8 # 0x9 # 0x80e # JRTC1 - RTC # None # # # 0x9 # 0x11 # 0x900 # PCI-Express 0 # # # 0x9 # 0x11 # 0x901 # PCI-Express 4 # # # 0x9 # 0x11 # 0x902 # PCI-Express 5 # # # 0x9 # 0x11 # 0x903 # PCI-Express 8 # # # 0xa # 0x6 # 0xa00 # "Intel HD Graphics" # # # 0xb # 0x5 # 0xb00 # Dell System # 1[077A] # 3[1.0] # 12[www.dell.com] # 14[1] # 15[0] # # # 0xd # 0x16 # 0xd00 # en-US # # # 0xe # 0x8 # 0xe00 # Intel(R) Silicon Vie # # # 0xe # 0x14 # 0xe01 # Firmware Version Inf # # # 0xe # 0x8 # 0xe02 # $MEI # # # 0x10 # 0x17 # 0x1000 # # # # # 0x11 # 0x28 # 0x1100 # System Board Memory # 0 # Micron # 00000000 # 0000000000 # MT52L1G32D4PG-107 # # # 0x11 # 0x28 # 0x1101 # System Board Memory # 0 # Micron # 00000000 # 0000000000 # MT52L1G32D4PG-107 # # # 0x13 # 0x1f # 0x1300 # # # # # 0x15 # 0x7 # 0x1500 # nptald IG0 # # # 0x18 # 0x5 # 0x1800 # # # # # 0x19 # 0x9 # 0x1900 # tald IGptal # # # 0x1c # 0x16 # 0x1c00 # CPU Thermal Sensor # # # 0x1c # 0x16 # 0x1c01 # Other Thermal Sensor # # # 0x1c # 0x16 # 0x1c02 # Other Thermal Sensor # # # 0x1c # 0x16 # 0x1c03 # Hdd Thermal Sensor # # # 0x1c # 0x16 # 0x1c04 # Ambient Thermal Sens # # # 0x1c # 0x16 # 0x1c05 # Memory Thermal Senso # # # 0x20 # 0xb # 0x2000 # # # # # 0x29 # 0xb # 0x2900 # Onboard IGD # # # 0x29 # 0xb # 0x2901 # Onboard LAN # # # 0x29 # 0xb # 0x2902 # Onboard SOUND # # # 0x29 # 0xb # 0x2903 # Onboard SATA CONTROL # # # 0x16 # 0x1a # 0x1600 # Sys. Battery Bay # SMP # 01/03/2017 # 0CE4 # DELL HMPFH62 # 1.0 # LiP # CN0HMPFHSLW00714I2DD # # # # # 0x7e # 0x16 # 0x300 # Dell Inc. # 2R0Q2G2 # Docking Station # # # 0x82 # 0x14 # 0x8200 # # # # # 0x83 # 0x40 # 0x8300 # # # # # 0xb1 # 0xc # 0xb100 # # # # # 0xb2 # 0x54 # 0xb200 # # # # # 0xcb # 0x51 # 0xcb00 # MEI1 # MEI2 # MEI3 # # # 0xcd # 0x1a # 0xcd00 # Reference Code - CPU # uCode Version # TXT ACM version # # # 0xcd # 0x1a # 0xcd01 # Reference Code - ME # MEBx version # ME Firmware Version # Corporate SKU # # # 0xcd # 0x4b # 0xcd02 # Reference Code - SKL # PCH-CRID Status # Disabled # PCH-CRID Original Va # PCH-CRID New Value # OPROM - RST - RAID # SKL PCH H Bx Hsio Ve # SKL PCH H Dx Hsio Ve # KBL PCH H Ax Hsio Ve # SKL PCH LP Bx Hsio V # SKL PCH LP Cx Hsio V # # # 0xcd # 0x36 # 0xcd03 # Reference Code - SA # Reference Code - MRC # SA - PCIe Version # SA-CRID Status # Disabled # SA-CRID Original Val # SA-CRID New Value # OPROM - VBIOS # # # 0xcd # 0x67 # 0xcd04 # Lan Phy Version # Sensor Firmware Vers # Debug Mode Status # Disabled # Performance Mode Sta # Disabled # Debug Use USB(Disabl # Disabled # ICC Overclocking Ver # UNDI Version # EC FW Version # GOP Version # BIOS Guard Version # Base EC FW Version # EC-EC Protocol Versi # Royal Park Version # BP1.3.3.0_RP02 # Platform Version # # # 0xce # 0x10 # 0xce00 # Memory Init Complete # End of DXE Phase # BIOS Boot Complete # # # 0xd0 # 0x10 # 0xd000 # 20170414 # 20170426 # # # 0xd8 # 0x9 # 0xd800 # "Intel Corp." # "2089" # # # 0xdc # 0x16 # 0xdc00 # # # # # 0xdc # 0x16 # 0xdc01 # # # # # 0xdc # 0x16 # 0xdc02 # # # # # 0xdc # 0x16 # 0xdc03 # # # # # 0xdc # 0x16 # 0xdc04 # # # # # 0xdc # 0x16 # 0xdc05 # # # # # 0xde # 0x10 # 0xde00 # # # # # 0xff # 0x8 # 0x1 # _SIDARMy7y63nZgZ # 077A # # # 0x7f # 0x4 # 0xfeff # # # # # ok 65 /fwupd/smbios3 ok 66 /fwupd/kernel{cmdline} ok 67 /fwupd/kernel{config} # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/hid-descriptor.bin of size 0x42 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # usage-page # 0x1 # 0x3 # [GInputStream] # global # 0xff0b # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # usage # 0x2 # 0x3 # [GInputStream] # local # 0x101 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # collection # 0x28 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # main # 0x1 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # logical-minimum # 0x5 # 0x1 # [GInputStream] # global # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # logical-maximum # 0x9 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0xff # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-id # 0x21 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0xf4 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-size # 0x1d # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0x8 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-count # 0x25 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0x3c # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # usage # 0x2 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # local # 0xc7 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # output # 0x24 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # main # 0x2 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-id # 0x21 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0xf5 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-count # 0x25 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0x10 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # usage # 0x2 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # local # 0xcc # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # input # 0x20 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # main # 0x2 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-id # 0x21 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0xf2 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # usage # 0x2 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # local # 0xdc # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # output # 0x24 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # main # 0x2 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-id # 0x21 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0xf3 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # usage # 0x2 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # local # 0xd8 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # input # 0x20 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # main # 0x2 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-id # 0x21 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0xf1 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-count # 0x25 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0x3c # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # usage # 0x2 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # local # 0xc8 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # feature # 0x2c # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # main # 0x2 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-id # 0x21 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0xf9 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-count # 0x25 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0x18 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # usage # 0x2 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # local # 0xdd # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # output # 0x24 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # main # 0x2 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-id # 0x21 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0xf8 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-count # 0x25 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0x14 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # usage # 0x2 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # local # 0xde # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # input # 0x20 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # main # 0x2 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # end-collection # 0x30 # 0x1 # [GInputStream] # main # # ok 68 /fwupd/hid{descriptor} # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/hid-descriptor2.bin of size 0x12 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # usage-page # 0x1 # 0x3 # [GInputStream] # global # 0xff02 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # usage # 0x2 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # local # 0x1 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # collection # 0x28 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # main # 0x1 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-size # 0x1d # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0x8 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-count # 0x25 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0x14 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-id # 0x21 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0x9 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # usage # 0x2 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # local # 0x1 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # feature # 0x2c # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # main # 0x2 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # end-collection # 0x30 # 0x1 # [GInputStream] # main # # ok 69 /fwupd/hid{descriptor-container} ok 70 /fwupd/firmware ok 71 /fwupd/firmware{common} # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: # no-auto-detection # [GInputStream] # true # # sbat # [GInputStream] # # 1 # SBAT Version # sbat # 1 # https://github.com/rhboot/shim/blob/main/SBAT.md # # # # grub # 0x1 # [GInputStream] # # 1 # Free Software Foundation # grub # 2.04 # https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/ # # # # ok 72 /fwupd/firmware{csv} # FuArchive-DEBUG: adding firmware.bin [8000] # FuArchive-DEBUG: adding firmware.bin.asc [473] ok 73 /fwupd/firmware{archive} # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructOprom: # image_size: 0x1 # init_func_entry_point: 0x0 # subsystem: 0x0 # machine_type: 0x0 # compression_type: 0x0 # efi_image_offset: 0x0 # pci_header_offset: 0x1c # expansion_header_offset: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructOpromPci: # vendor_id: 0x0 # device_id: 0x0 # device_list_pointer: 0x0 # structure_length: 0x0 # structure_revision: 0x0 # class_code: 0x0 # image_length: 0x1 # image_revision: 0x0 # code_type: 0x0 # indicator: 0x80 # max_runtime_image_length: 0x0 # conf_util_code_header_pointer: 0x0 # dmtf_clp_entry_point_pointer: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructOprom: # image_size: 0x1 # init_func_entry_point: 0x0 # subsystem: 0x0 # machine_type: 0x0 # compression_type: 0x0 # efi_image_offset: 0x0 # pci_header_offset: 0x1c # expansion_header_offset: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructOpromPci: # vendor_id: 0x0 # device_id: 0x0 # device_list_pointer: 0x0 # structure_length: 0x0 # structure_revision: 0x0 # class_code: 0x0 # image_length: 0x1 # image_revision: 0x0 # code_type: 0x0 # indicator: 0x80 # max_runtime_image_length: 0x0 # conf_util_code_header_pointer: 0x0 # dmtf_clp_entry_point_pointer: 0x0 # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: # # 0x200 # [GInputStream] # FuOpromFirmware # # has-stored-size # 0x200 # [GInputStream] # # # has-stored-size # 0x200 # [GInputStream] # # # ok 74 /fwupd/firmware{linear} ok 75 /fwupd/firmware{dedupe} ok 76 /fwupd/firmware{build} ok 77 /fwupd/firmware{raw-aligned} # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x04 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00004000 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x10 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00004008 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: filling address 0x00004004 to 0x00004007 on line 2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x10 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00004018 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x10 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00004028 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x10 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00004038 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x10 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00004048 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x10 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00004058 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x10 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00004068 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x10 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00004078 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: EOF: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x00 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00000000 # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/firmware.bin of size 0x88 ok 78 /fwupd/firmware{ihex} # FuFirmware-DEBUG: EXTENDED_LINEAR: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x02 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00000000 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: abs_addr: 0x80000000 on line 1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x04 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x80000000 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: EOF: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x00 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x80000000 ok 79 /fwupd/firmware{ihex-offset} # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/firmware.shex of size 0x1a4 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x10 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00000000 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x10 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00000010 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x10 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00000020 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x10 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00000030 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x10 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00000040 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x10 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00000050 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x10 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00000060 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x10 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00000070 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x08 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00000080 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: SIGNATURE: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x08 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00000000 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: EOF: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x00 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00000000 ok 80 /fwupd/firmware{ihex-signed} # FuFirmware-DEBUG: line 001 S3 addr:0x0014 datalen:0x01 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: line 002 S3 addr:0x0002 datalen:0x0b # FuFirmware-DEBUG: line 003 S3 addr:0x0014 datalen:0x01 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: line 004 S7 addr:0x0000 datalen:0x00 ok 81 /fwupd/firmware{srec-tokenization} # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/firmware.srec of size 0x19b # FuFirmware-DEBUG: line 001 S0 addr:0x0000 datalen:0x1f # FuFirmware-DEBUG: line 002 S1 addr:0x0000 datalen:0x20 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: line 003 S1 addr:0x0020 datalen:0x20 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: line 004 S1 addr:0x0040 datalen:0x20 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: line 005 S1 addr:0x0060 datalen:0x20 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: line 006 S1 addr:0x0080 datalen:0x08 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: line 007 S5 addr:0x0005 datalen:0x00 # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/firmware.bin of size 0x88 ok 82 /fwupd/firmware{srec} # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/fdt.bin of size 0x114 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdt: # totalsize: 0x114 # off_dt_struct: 0x38 # off_dt_strings: 0x110 # off_mem_rsvmap: 0x28 # version: 0x11 # last_comp_version: 0x2 # boot_cpuid_phys: 0x0 # size_dt_strings: 0x4 # size_dt_struct: 0xd8 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtReserveEntry: # address: 0x0 # size: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: mem_rsvmap: 0x0, 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0xc # nameoff: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x4 # nameoff: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x9 # nameoff: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x7 # nameoff: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x9 # nameoff: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x9 # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: # has-vid-pid # 0x11 # 0x114 # [GInputStream] # # 0x5 # aGVsbG8gd29ybGQA # # images # 0x2b # # firmware-1 # 0x3b # AAABIw== # # hash-1 # 0x57 # aGVsbG8gd29y # # # # # configurations # 0x8f # Y29uZi0xAA== # # conf-1 # 0xaf # aGVsbG8gd29y # # # # # ok 83 /fwupd/firmware{fdt} # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/fit.bin of size 0x258 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdt: # totalsize: 0x256 # off_dt_struct: 0x38 # off_dt_strings: 0x1e8 # off_mem_rsvmap: 0x28 # version: 0x11 # last_comp_version: 0x2 # boot_cpuid_phys: 0x0 # size_dt_strings: 0x6e # size_dt_struct: 0x1b0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtReserveEntry: # address: 0x0 # size: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: mem_rsvmap: 0x0, 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x4 # nameoff: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x10 # nameoff: 0xa # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x9 # nameoff: 0x16 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x7 # nameoff: 0xa # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x5 # nameoff: 0x1e # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x9 # nameoff: 0x2a # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x6 # nameoff: 0x2f # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x4 # nameoff: 0x34 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x7 # nameoff: 0x39 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x3 # nameoff: 0x3c # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x0 # nameoff: 0x41 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x4 # nameoff: 0x47 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x6 # nameoff: 0x4d # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x7 # nameoff: 0x52 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0xb # nameoff: 0x5a # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x10 # nameoff: 0x63 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x9 # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: # has-checksum|has-vid-pid # 0x11 # 0x256 # [GInputStream] # # 0x5 # FIT test # FIT description # 0x629d4abd # # images # 0x57 # # firmware-1 # 0x67 # # # u-boot # YWJj # 0x100 # arm64 # firmware # none # v1.2.4 # # hash-1 # 0x107 # crc32 # NSRBwg== # # # # # configurations # 0x14b # conf-1 # # conf-1 # 0x16b # alice:bob:clara # firmware-1 # # # # # ok 84 /fwupd/firmware{fit} # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/ifwi-cpd.bin of size 0x5a # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructIfwiCpd: # num_of_entries: 0x2 # header_version: 0x1 # entry_version: 0x2 # header_length: 0x14 # checksum: 0x0 # partition_name: 0x1234 # crc32: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructIfwiCpdEntry: # name: one # offset: 0x44 # length: 0xb # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructIfwiCpdEntry: # name: two # offset: 0x4f # length: 0xb ok 85 /fwupd/firmware{ifwi-cpd} # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/ifwi-fpt.bin of size 0x76 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructIfwiFpt: # num_of_entries: 0x2 # header_version: 0x20 # header_length: 0x20 # flags: 0x0 # ticks_to_add: 0x0 # tokens_to_add: 0x0 # uma_size: 0x0 # crc32: 0x0 # fitc_major: 0x0 # fitc_minor: 0x0 # fitc_hotfix: 0x0 # fitc_build: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructIfwiFptEntry: # partition_name: 0x4f464e49 # offset: 0x60 # length: 0xb # partition_type: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructIfwiFptEntry: # partition_name: 0x4d495746 # offset: 0x6b # length: 0xb # partition_type: 0x0 ok 86 /fwupd/firmware{ifwi-fpt} # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/oprom.bin of size 0x400 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructOprom: # image_size: 0x2 # init_func_entry_point: 0x0 # subsystem: 0x0 # machine_type: 0x1 # compression_type: 0x0 # efi_image_offset: 0x0 # pci_header_offset: 0x1c # expansion_header_offset: 0x200 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructOpromPci: # vendor_id: 0x8086 # device_id: 0x0 # device_list_pointer: 0x0 # structure_length: 0x0 # structure_revision: 0x0 # class_code: 0x0 # image_length: 0x2 # image_revision: 0x0 # code_type: 0x1 # indicator: 0x80 # max_runtime_image_length: 0x0 # conf_util_code_header_pointer: 0x0 # dmtf_clp_entry_point_pointer: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: did not find magic ok 87 /fwupd/firmware{oprom} # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/firmware.dfu of size 0x98 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDfuFtr: # release: 0xdead # pid: 0x4321 # vid: 0x1234 # ver: 0x100 # len: 0x10 # crc: 0xc6e75934 # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/firmware.bin of size 0x88 ok 88 /fwupd/firmware{dfu} # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/firmware.dfu of size 0x98 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDfuFtr: # release: 0xdead # pid: 0x4321 # vid: 0x1234 # ver: 0x100 # len: 0x10 # crc: 0xc6e75934 ok 89 /fwupd/firmware{dfu-patch} # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/firmware.dfuse of size 0x278 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDfuFtr: # release: 0x8642 # pid: 0x5678 # vid: 0x1234 # ver: 0x11a # len: 0x10 # crc: 0x15715d50 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDfuseHdr: # image_size: 0x268 # targets: 0x2 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDfuseImage: # alt_setting: 0x0 # target_named: 0x1 # target_name: one # target_size: 0x26 # chunks: 0x2 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDfuseElement: # address: 0x8001234 # size: 0xb # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDfuseElement: # address: 0x8005678 # size: 0xb # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDfuseImage: # alt_setting: 0x0 # target_named: 0x1 # target_name: two # target_size: 0x13 # chunks: 0x1 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDfuseElement: # address: 0x8000000 # size: 0xb ok 90 /fwupd/firmware{dfuse} # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x80 # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x2 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x62 # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0x766a5e42 # comp: 0x16 # uncomp: 0x16 # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0xb # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0xb # uoffset: 0xb # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x7b # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x2 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x62 # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x1 [mszip] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0xe57b84ff # comp: 0x11 # uncomp: 0x16 # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0xb # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0xb # uoffset: 0xb # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDfuFtr: # release: 0x8642 # pid: 0x5678 # vid: 0x1234 # ver: 0x11a # len: 0x10 # crc: 0x70c260f8 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDfuseHdr: # image_size: 0x268 # targets: 0x2 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDfuseImage: # alt_setting: 0x1 # target_named: 0x1 # target_name: one # target_size: 0x26 # chunks: 0x2 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDfuseElement: # address: 0x8001234 # size: 0xb # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDfuseElement: # address: 0x8005678 # size: 0xb # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDfuseImage: # alt_setting: 0x0 # target_named: 0x1 # target_name: two # target_size: 0x13 # chunks: 0x1 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDfuseElement: # address: 0x8000000 # size: 0xb # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructPeDosHeader: # cblp: 0x90 # cp: 0x3 # crlc: 0x0 # cparhdr: 0x4 # minalloc: 0x0 # maxalloc: 0xffff # sp: 0xb8 # lfarlc: 0x40 # lfanew: 0x80 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructPeCoffFileHeader: # machine: 0x8664 [amd64] # number_of_sections: 0x4 # pointer_to_symbol_table: 0x1f8 # number_of_symbols: 0x0 # size_of_optional_header: 0x70 # characteristics: 0x2022 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructPeCoffOptionalHeader64: # magic: 0x20b [pe32-plus] # major_linker_version: 0xe # minor_linker_version: 0xe # size_of_code: 0x0 # size_of_initialized_data: 0x0 # size_of_uninitialized_data: 0x0 # addressofentrypoint: 0x0 # base_of_code: 0x0 # image_base: 0x0 # section_alignment: 0x200 # file_alignment: 0x200 # size_of_image: 0x0 # size_of_headers: 0x0 # check_sum: 0x0 # subsystem: 0xa [efi-application] # loader_flags: 0x0 # number_of_rva_and_sizes: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructPeCoffSection: # name: .text # virtual_size: 0xb # virtual_address: 0x0 # size_of_raw_data: 0x10 # pointer_to_raw_data: 0x1a8 # characteristics: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructPeCoffSection: # name: /0 # virtual_size: 0xb # virtual_address: 0x0 # size_of_raw_data: 0x10 # pointer_to_raw_data: 0x1b8 # characteristics: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructPeCoffSection: # name: .sbat # virtual_size: 0x7 # virtual_address: 0x0 # size_of_raw_data: 0x10 # pointer_to_raw_data: 0x1c8 # characteristics: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructPeCoffSection: # name: /16 # virtual_size: 0x1c # virtual_address: 0x0 # size_of_raw_data: 0x20 # pointer_to_raw_data: 0x1d8 # characteristics: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSbatLevelSectionHeader: # previous: 0x8 # latest: 0x10 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x5 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x9 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1d # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x5 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x9 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1d # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x25 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x5 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x9 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1d # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x25 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x5 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x9 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1d # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x5 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x9 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1d # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x5 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x9 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1d # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x5 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x9 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x21 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1d # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x25 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x5 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x9 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1d # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x5 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x9 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1d # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x25 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x5 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x9 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1d # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x25 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x5 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x9 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1d # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x5 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x9 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1d # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x5 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x9 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1d # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x5 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x9 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x21 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1d # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x25 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # usage-page # 0x1 # 0x3 # [GInputStream] # global # 0xff0b # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # usage # 0x2 # 0x3 # [GInputStream] # local # 0x101 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # collection # 0x28 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # main # 0x1 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # logical-minimum # 0x5 # 0x1 # [GInputStream] # global # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # logical-maximum # 0x9 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0xff # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-id # 0x21 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0xf4 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-size # 0x1d # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0x8 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-count # 0x25 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0x3c # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # usage # 0x2 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # local # 0xc7 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # output # 0x24 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # main # 0x2 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-id # 0x21 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0xf5 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-count # 0x25 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0x10 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # usage # 0x2 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # local # 0xcc # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # input # 0x20 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # main # 0x2 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-id # 0x21 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0xf2 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # usage # 0x2 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # local # 0xdc # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # output # 0x24 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # main # 0x2 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-id # 0x21 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0xf3 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # usage # 0x2 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # local # 0xd8 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # input # 0x20 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # main # 0x2 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-id # 0x21 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0xf1 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-count # 0x25 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0x3c # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # usage # 0x2 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # local # 0xc8 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # feature # 0x2c # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # main # 0x2 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-id # 0x21 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0xf9 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-count # 0x25 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0x18 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # usage # 0x2 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # local # 0xdd # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # output # 0x24 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # main # 0x2 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-id # 0x21 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0xf8 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # report-count # 0x25 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # global # 0x14 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # usage # 0x2 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # local # 0xde # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # input # 0x20 # 0x2 # [GInputStream] # main # 0x2 # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: add to table-state: # # no-auto-detection # end-collection # 0x30 # 0x1 # [GInputStream] # main # # # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x5 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x9 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1d # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x5 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x9 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1d # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x25 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x5 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x9 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1d # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x25 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x5 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x9 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1d # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x5 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x9 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1d # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x5 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x9 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1d # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x5 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x9 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x21 # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x1d # FuHidDevice-DEBUG: skipping duplicate global tag 0x25 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSbatLevelSectionHeader: # previous: 0x8 # latest: 0x10 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: key # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: key # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdt: # totalsize: 0x114 # off_dt_struct: 0x38 # off_dt_strings: 0x110 # off_mem_rsvmap: 0x28 # version: 0x11 # last_comp_version: 0x2 # boot_cpuid_phys: 0x0 # size_dt_strings: 0x4 # size_dt_struct: 0xd8 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtReserveEntry: # address: 0x0 # size: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: mem_rsvmap: 0x0, 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0xc # nameoff: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x4 # nameoff: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x9 # nameoff: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x7 # nameoff: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x9 # nameoff: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x9 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: key # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: timestamp # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: description # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: creator # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: compression # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: type # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: arch # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: load # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: os # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: data # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: entry # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: value # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: algo # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: default # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: firmware # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: compatible # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: timestamp # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: description # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: creator # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: compression # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: type # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: arch # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: load # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: os # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: data # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: entry # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: value # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: algo # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: default # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: firmware # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: compatible # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdt: # totalsize: 0x256 # off_dt_struct: 0x38 # off_dt_strings: 0x1e8 # off_mem_rsvmap: 0x28 # version: 0x11 # last_comp_version: 0x2 # boot_cpuid_phys: 0x0 # size_dt_strings: 0x6e # size_dt_struct: 0x1b0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtReserveEntry: # address: 0x0 # size: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: mem_rsvmap: 0x0, 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x4 # nameoff: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x10 # nameoff: 0xa # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x9 # nameoff: 0x16 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x7 # nameoff: 0xa # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x5 # nameoff: 0x1e # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x9 # nameoff: 0x2a # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x6 # nameoff: 0x2f # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x4 # nameoff: 0x34 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x7 # nameoff: 0x39 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x3 # nameoff: 0x3c # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x0 # nameoff: 0x41 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x4 # nameoff: 0x47 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x6 # nameoff: 0x4d # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x7 # nameoff: 0x52 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0xb # nameoff: 0x5a # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFdtProp: # len: 0x10 # nameoff: 0x63 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x2 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: token: 0x9 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: timestamp # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: description # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: creator # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: compression # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: type # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: arch # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: load # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: os # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: data # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: entry # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: value # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: algo # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: default # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: firmware # FuFirmware-DEBUG: adding strtab: compatible # FuFirmware-DEBUG: line 001 S0 addr:0x0000 datalen:0x03 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: line 002 S1 addr:0x0000 datalen:0x0b # FuFirmware-DEBUG: line 003 S5 addr:0x0001 datalen:0x00 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: line 004 S9 addr:0x0000 datalen:0x00 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x10 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00000000 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x10 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00000010 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x10 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00000020 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x10 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00000030 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x10 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00000040 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: DATA: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x0c # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00000050 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: SIGNATURE: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x04 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00000000 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: EOF: # FuFirmware-DEBUG: length: 0x00 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: addr: 0x00000000 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFmap: # ver_major: 0x1 # ver_minor: 0x1 # base: 0x0 # size: 0x9d # nareas: 0x2 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFmapArea: # offset: 0x8c # size: 0xb # name: FMAP # flags: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFmapArea: # offset: 0x97 # size: 0x6 # name: TEST # flags: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiLoadOption: # attrs: 0x1 [active] # dp_size: 0x4a # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiDevicePath: # type: 0x4 [media] # subtype: 0x1 # length: 0x2a # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiHardDriveDevicePath: # subtype: 0x1 [hard-drive] # partition_number: 0x1 # partition_start: 0x800 # partition_size: 0x12c000 # partition_signature: c7e198db-ec30-4a23-b0fd-8e2dbc092a01 # partition_format: 0x2 [guid-partition-table] # signature_type: 0x2 [guid] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiDevicePath: # type: 0x4 [media] # subtype: 0x4 # length: 0x1c # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiDevicePath: # type: 0x4 [media] # subtype: 0x4 # length: 0x1c # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiDevicePath: # type: 0x7f [end] # subtype: 0xff # length: 0x4 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEdid: # manufacturer_name: 0x0000 # product_code: 0x1234 # serial_number: 0x87654321 # week_of_manufacture: 0x0 # year_of_manufacture: 0x0 # revision_number: 0x3 # data_blocks: 0x000000FF0030783837363534333231000000000000FE0048756768657300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # extension_block_count: 0x0 # checksum: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEdidDescriptor: # kind: 0x0 # subkind: 0x0 # tag: 0xff [display-product-serial-number] # data: 0x30783837363534333231000000 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEdidDescriptor: # kind: 0x0 # subkind: 0x0 # tag: 0xfe [alphanumeric-data-string] # data: 0x48756768657300000000000000 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEdidDescriptor: # kind: 0x0 # subkind: 0x0 # tag: 0x0 # data: 0x00000000000000000000000000 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEdidDescriptor: # kind: 0x0 # subkind: 0x0 # tag: 0x0 # data: 0x00000000000000000000000000 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiSection: # size: 0x23 # type: 0x2 [guid-defined] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiSectionGuidDefined: # name: ced4eac6-49f3-4c12-a597-fc8c33447691 # offset: 0x18 # attr: 0x0 # FuEfiSection-DEBUG: ignoring guid-defined [0x2] EFI section as self test # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiSection: # size: 0x23 # type: 0x2 [guid-defined] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiSectionGuidDefined: # name: ced4eac6-49f3-4c12-a597-fc8c33447691 # offset: 0x18 # attr: 0x0 # FuEfiSection-DEBUG: ignoring guid-defined [0x2] EFI section as self test # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiFile: # name: ced4eac6-49f3-4c12-a597-fc8c33447691 # hdr_checksum: 0x9f # data_checksum: 0x7d # type: 0xb [firmware-volume-image] # attrs: 0x0 # size: 0x28 # state: 0xf8 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiSection: # size: 0xf # type: 0x19 [raw] # FuEfiSection-DEBUG: ignoring raw [0x19] EFI section # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiFile: # name: ced4eac6-49f3-4c12-a597-fc8c33447691 # hdr_checksum: 0xae # data_checksum: 0xa4 # type: 0x1 [raw] # attrs: 0x0 # size: 0x23 # state: 0xf8 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiFile: # name: ced4eac6-49f3-4c12-a597-fc8c33447691 # hdr_checksum: 0xae # data_checksum: 0xa4 # type: 0x1 [raw] # attrs: 0x0 # size: 0x23 # state: 0xf8 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiSignatureList: # type: c1c41626-504c-4092-aca9-41f936934328 # list_size: 0x7c # header_size: 0x0 # size: 0x20 # FuEfiSignatureList-DEBUG: ignoring non-Microsoft dbx hash: ffb3e4fe-e62b-d235-1a5c-0852bdea635c # FuEfiSignatureList-DEBUG: ignoring non-Microsoft dbx hash: 0abd9e81-8feb-730b-d237-a02d9344ad1f # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiVolume: # zero_vector: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # guid: fff12b8d-7696-4c8b-a985-2747075b4f50 # length: 0x58 # attrs: 0x3feff # hdr_len: 0x48 # checksum: 0x88b # ext_hdr: 0x0 # FuEfiVolume-DEBUG: volume GUID: fff12b8d-7696-4c8b-a985-2747075b4f50 [Volume:NvramEvsa] # FuEfiVolume-DEBUG: ignoring fff12b8d-7696-4c8b-a985-2747075b4f50 [Volume:NvramEvsa] EFI FV # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiVolumeBlockMap: # num_blocks: 0x58 # length: 0x1 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiVolumeBlockMap: # num_blocks: 0x0 # length: 0x0 # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x0000 -> 0x0fff = 0x00000000 # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x1000 -> 0x1fff = 0x00010001 # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x2000 -> 0x2fff = 0x00020002 # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x7fff000 -> 0x0000 = 0x00007fff # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x7fff000 -> 0x0000 = 0x00007fff # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x7fff000 -> 0x0000 = 0x00007fff # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x7fff000 -> 0x0000 = 0x00007fff # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x7fff000 -> 0x0000 = 0x00007fff # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x7fff000 -> 0x0000 = 0x00007fff # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x7fff000 -> 0x0000 = 0x00007fff # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x0000 -> 0x0fff = 0x00000000 # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x1000 -> 0x1fff = 0x00010001 # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x2000 -> 0x2fff = 0x00020002 # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x7fff000 -> 0x0000 = 0x00007fff # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x7fff000 -> 0x0000 = 0x00007fff # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x7fff000 -> 0x0000 = 0x00007fff # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x7fff000 -> 0x0000 = 0x00007fff # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x7fff000 -> 0x0000 = 0x00007fff # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x7fff000 -> 0x0000 = 0x00007fff # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x7fff000 -> 0x0000 = 0x00007fff # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructIfdFdbar: # descriptor_map0: 0x40003 # descriptor_map1: 0x58100208 # descriptor_map2: 0x310330 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructIfdFcba: # flcomp: 0x325c00f5 # flill: 0x42 # flill1: 0x0 # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg desc 0x0000 -> 0x0fff # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg bios 0x1000 -> 0x1fff # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiVolume: # zero_vector: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # guid: 8c8ce578-8a3d-4f1c-9935-896185c32dd3 # length: 0x800 # attrs: 0xbfeff # hdr_len: 0x48 # checksum: 0xe6c7 # ext_hdr: 0x0 # FuEfiVolume-DEBUG: volume GUID: 8c8ce578-8a3d-4f1c-9935-896185c32dd3 [Volume:Ffs2] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiFile: # name: ced4eac6-49f3-4c12-a597-fc8c33447691 # hdr_checksum: 0x7b # data_checksum: 0xb7 # type: 0xb [firmware-volume-image] # attrs: 0x0 # size: 0x4c # state: 0xf8 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiSection: # size: 0x23 # type: 0x2 [guid-defined] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiSectionGuidDefined: # name: ced4eac6-49f3-4c12-a597-fc8c33447691 # offset: 0x18 # attr: 0x0 # FuEfiSection-DEBUG: ignoring guid-defined [0x2] EFI section as self test # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiSection: # size: 0xf # type: 0x19 [raw] # FuEfiSection-DEBUG: ignoring raw [0x19] EFI section # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiFile: # name: ced4eac6-49f3-4c12-a597-fc8c33447691 # hdr_checksum: 0xae # data_checksum: 0xa4 # type: 0x1 [raw] # attrs: 0x0 # size: 0x23 # state: 0xf8 # DEBUG: ignoring free space @0x78 of 0x7b8 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiVolumeBlockMap: # num_blocks: 0x800 # length: 0x1 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiVolumeBlockMap: # num_blocks: 0x0 # length: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiVolume: # zero_vector: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # guid: fff12b8d-7696-4c8b-a985-2747075b4f50 # length: 0x800 # attrs: 0xbfeff # hdr_len: 0x48 # checksum: 0xf933 # ext_hdr: 0x0 # FuEfiVolume-DEBUG: volume GUID: fff12b8d-7696-4c8b-a985-2747075b4f50 [Volume:NvramEvsa] # FuEfiVolume-DEBUG: ignoring fff12b8d-7696-4c8b-a985-2747075b4f50 [Volume:NvramEvsa] EFI FV # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiVolumeBlockMap: # num_blocks: 0x800 # length: 0x1 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiVolumeBlockMap: # num_blocks: 0x0 # length: 0x0 # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg me 0x2000 -> 0x2fff # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x0000 -> 0x0fff = 0x00000000 # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x1000 -> 0x1fff = 0x00010001 # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x2000 -> 0x2fff = 0x00020002 # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x7fff000 -> 0x0000 = 0x00007fff # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x7fff000 -> 0x0000 = 0x00007fff # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x7fff000 -> 0x0000 = 0x00007fff # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x7fff000 -> 0x0000 = 0x00007fff # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x7fff000 -> 0x0000 = 0x00007fff # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x7fff000 -> 0x0000 = 0x00007fff # FuIfdFirmware-DEBUG: freg 0x7fff000 -> 0x0000 = 0x00007fff # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCfuOffer: # segment_number: 0x42 # flags1: 0xc0 # component_id: 0xab # token: 0xcd # version: 0x4567 # compat_variant_mask: 0xface # flags2: 0xf4 # flags3: 0x40 # product_id: 0xdead # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCfuPayload: # addr: 0x8001234 # size: 0xb # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCfuPayload: # addr: 0x8005678 # size: 0xb # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructIfwiCpd: # num_of_entries: 0x2 # header_version: 0x1 # entry_version: 0x2 # header_length: 0x14 # checksum: 0x0 # partition_name: 0x1234 # crc32: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructIfwiCpdEntry: # name: one # offset: 0x44 # length: 0xb # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructIfwiCpdEntry: # name: two # offset: 0x4f # length: 0xb # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructIfwiFpt: # num_of_entries: 0x2 # header_version: 0x20 # header_length: 0x20 # flags: 0x0 # ticks_to_add: 0x0 # tokens_to_add: 0x0 # uma_size: 0x0 # crc32: 0x0 # fitc_major: 0x0 # fitc_minor: 0x0 # fitc_hotfix: 0x0 # fitc_build: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructIfwiFptEntry: # partition_name: 0x4f464e49 # offset: 0x60 # length: 0xb # partition_type: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructIfwiFptEntry: # partition_name: 0x4d495746 # offset: 0x6b # length: 0xb # partition_type: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructOprom: # image_size: 0x2 # init_func_entry_point: 0x0 # subsystem: 0x0 # machine_type: 0x1 # compression_type: 0x0 # efi_image_offset: 0x0 # pci_header_offset: 0x1c # expansion_header_offset: 0x200 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructOpromPci: # vendor_id: 0x8086 # device_id: 0x0 # device_list_pointer: 0x0 # structure_length: 0x0 # structure_revision: 0x0 # class_code: 0x0 # image_length: 0x2 # image_revision: 0x0 # code_type: 0x1 # indicator: 0x80 # max_runtime_image_length: 0x0 # conf_util_code_header_pointer: 0x0 # dmtf_clp_entry_point_pointer: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: did not find magic # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructUswid: # hdrver: 0x1 # hdrsz: 0x17 # payloadsz: 0x136 # flags: 0xbf # compression: 0xf # FuFirmware-DEBUG: unhandled tag lang from root # FuFirmware-DEBUG: unhandled tag corpus from root # FuFirmware-DEBUG: unhandled tag generator from software-meta # FuFirmware-DEBUG: unhandled tag lang from root # FuFirmware-DEBUG: unhandled tag corpus from root # FuFirmware-DEBUG: unhandled tag generator from software-meta # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructUswid: # hdrver: 0x3 # hdrsz: 0x19 # payloadsz: 0x10c # flags: 0x1 # compression: 0x1 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: unhandled tag lang from root # FuFirmware-DEBUG: unhandled tag corpus from root # FuFirmware-DEBUG: unhandled tag generator from software-meta ok 91 /fwupd/firmware{builder-round-trip} # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/fmap-offset.bin of size 0xad # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFmap: # ver_major: 0x1 # ver_minor: 0x1 # base: 0x0 # size: 0xad # nareas: 0x2 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFmapArea: # offset: 0x9c # size: 0xb # name: FMAP # flags: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructFmapArea: # offset: 0xa7 # size: 0x6 # name: TEST # flags: 0x0 ok 92 /fwupd/firmware{fmap} # FuFirmware-DEBUG: text must be UTF-8 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: did not find magic # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDfuFtr: # release: 0xdead # pid: 0x4321 # vid: 0x1234 # ver: 0x100 # len: 0x10 # crc: 0xc6e75934 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: text must be UTF-8 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: text must be UTF-8 ok 93 /fwupd/firmware{gtypes} # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/metadata.xml of size 0x1fb ok 94 /fwupd/archive{invalid} # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin/tests/colorhug/colorhug-als-3.0.2.cab of size 0x268f # FuArchive-DEBUG: adding firmware.bin [8000] # FuArchive-DEBUG: adding firmware.bin.asc [473] # FuArchive-DEBUG: adding firmware.metainfo.xml [1246] ok 95 /fwupd/archive{cab} ok 96 /fwupd/device ok 97 /fwupd/device{vfuncs} # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/quirks.d # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.GMI0L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small ok 98 /fwupd/device{instance-ids} # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 3b42553c4e3241e8f3f8fbc19a69fa2f95708a9d for dev1 # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 87835653f7f79d15420fc69988bdadcd623b1314 for dev2 # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of (null) [87835653f7f79d15420fc69988bdadcd623b1314] to be (null) [3b42553c4e3241e8f3f8fbc19a69fa2f95708a9d] # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 3bb52d4d229f2dce69eed0f9d35e381b964c2c2e for dev3 # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 12b5b7a6d476f78e1efa85479983640ff5cf486f for dev4 # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of (null) [12b5b7a6d476f78e1efa85479983640ff5cf486f] to be (null) [3bb52d4d229f2dce69eed0f9d35e381b964c2c2e] # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of (null) [3bb52d4d229f2dce69eed0f9d35e381b964c2c2e] to be (null) [87835653f7f79d15420fc69988bdadcd623b1314] # FuDevice-DEBUG: using a4c8efc6a0a58c2dc14c05fd33186703f7352997 for dev1-NEW ok 99 /fwupd/device{composite-id} # FuDevice-DEBUG: propagating emulated from proxy ok 100 /fwupd/device{flags} ok 101 /fwupd/device{private-flags} ok 102 /fwupd/device{inhibit} ok 103 /fwupd/device{inhibit-updateable} # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 829c3804401b0727f70f73d4415e162400cbe57b for dummy # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of (null) [829c3804401b0727f70f73d4415e162400cbe57b] to be (null) [(null)] # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 829c3804401b0727f70f73d4415e162400cbe57b for dummy # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of (null) [829c3804401b0727f70f73d4415e162400cbe57b] to be (null) [829c3804401b0727f70f73d4415e162400cbe57b] ok 104 /fwupd/device{parent} # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/quirks.d # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.UEH0L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 829c3804401b0727f70f73d4415e162400cbe57b for dummy # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of (null) [829c3804401b0727f70f73d4415e162400cbe57b] to be (null) [(null)] ok 105 /fwupd/device{children} # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/quirks.d # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.MPH0L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small ok 106 /fwupd/device{incorporate} # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuUsbDevice, FuDevice) ok 107 /fwupd/device{incorporate-descendant} # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: poll cnt=0 # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: poll cnt=1 # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: poll cnt=2 # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: poll cnt=3 # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: poll cnt=4 # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: poll cnt=5 # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: poll cnt=6 # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: poll cnt=7 # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: poll cnt=8 # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: poll cnt=9 # FuSelfTest-DEBUG: poll cnt=10 # FuDevice-DEBUG: ignoring poll callback as an action is in progress # FuDevice-DEBUG: ignoring poll callback as an action is in progress # FuDevice-DEBUG: ignoring poll callback as an action is in progress # FuDevice-DEBUG: ignoring poll callback as an action is in progress # FuDevice-DEBUG: ignoring poll callback as an action is in progress ok 108 /fwupd/device{poll} ok 109 /fwupd/device-locker{success} # FuDeviceLocker-DEBUG: ignoring close error on aborted open: busy ok 110 /fwupd/device-locker{fail} # FuDevice-DEBUG: removing vendor prefix of 'Hughski' from 'HUGHSKI ColorHug? Pro' # FuDevice-DEBUG: removing vendor prefix of 'Hughski' from 'Hughski ColorHug? Pro' # FuDevice-DEBUG: unknown device overwriting name value: ColorHug? Pro->Intel Core? i7-10850H CPU @ 2.70GHz # FuDevice-DEBUG: removing vendor prefix of 'Intel' from 'Intel Core? i7-10850H CPU @ 2.70GHz' ok 111 /fwupd/device{name} ok 112 /fwupd/device{metadata} # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 for test_device ok 113 /fwupd/device{open-refcount} # FuDevice-DEBUG: converted 'Ver1.2.3 RELEASE' to '1.2.3' ok 114 /fwupd/device{version-format} ok 115 /fwupd/device{retry-success} ok 116 /fwupd/device{retry-failed} # FuDevice-INFO: failed on try 1 of 3: failed # FuDevice-INFO: failed on try 2 of 3: failed ok 117 /fwupd/device{retry-hardware} # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/libfwupdplugin/tests/quirks.d # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.QQMYL2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small ok 118 /fwupd/device{cfi-device} ok 119 /fwupd/device{progress} # End of fwupd tests ============================================================================== ==================================== 6/45 ==================================== test: VeryBasicTest.test_get_devices start time: 10:55:42 duration: 0.44s result: exit status 0 command: DAEMON_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/src LIBFWUPD_BUILD_DIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd STATE_DIRECTORY=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/state UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 CACHE_DIRECTORY=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/cache ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=67 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/python3 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/../../data/tests/fwupd_test.py VeryBasicTest.test_get_devices ----------------------------------- stderr ----------------------------------- /usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gi/overrides/__init__.py:108: DeprecationWarning: 'pkgutil.get_loader' is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.14; use importlib.util.find_spec() instead override_loader = get_loader(override_package_name) /usr/lib64/python3.12/pkgutil.py:291: DeprecationWarning: 'pkgutil.find_loader' is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.14; use importlib.util.find_spec() instead return find_loader(fullname) . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.337s OK ============================================================================== ==================================== 7/45 ==================================== test: VeryBasicTest.test_properties start time: 10:55:42 duration: 0.43s result: exit status 0 command: DAEMON_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/src MALLOC_PERTURB_=55 LIBFWUPD_BUILD_DIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd STATE_DIRECTORY=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/state UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 CACHE_DIRECTORY=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/cache ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/python3 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/../../data/tests/fwupd_test.py VeryBasicTest.test_properties ----------------------------------- stderr ----------------------------------- /usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gi/overrides/__init__.py:108: DeprecationWarning: 'pkgutil.get_loader' is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.14; use importlib.util.find_spec() instead override_loader = get_loader(override_package_name) /usr/lib64/python3.12/pkgutil.py:291: DeprecationWarning: 'pkgutil.find_loader' is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.14; use importlib.util.find_spec() instead return find_loader(fullname) . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.318s OK ============================================================================== ==================================== 8/45 ==================================== test: uefi-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.05s result: exit status 0 command: G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/uefi-capsule UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/uefi-capsule LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd FWUPD_LOCALSTATEDIR=/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var MALLOC_PERTURB_=197 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/uefi-capsule/uefi-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02Sbef692e602c5d87edd03b89da32935fb 1..6 # Start of uefi tests ok 1 /uefi/bgrt ok 2 /uefi/framebuffer ok 3 /uefi/bitmap # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ?gio-vfs? # FuPluginUefiCapsule-DEBUG: FuUefiCodDevice: # Summary: UEFI System Resource Table device (Updated via caspule-on-disk) # Protocol: org.uefi.capsule # Flags: none # UpdateState: failed-transient # UpdateError: failed to update to 0: error-pwr-evt-batt # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # InternalFlags: md-set-signed|md-set-flags # Kind: unknown # FwClass: cc4cbfa9-bf9d-540b-b92b-172ce31013c1 # CapsuleFlags: 0x0 # FwVersion: 0x0 # FwVersionLowest: 0x0 # LastAttemptStatus: error-pwr-evt-batt # LastAttemptVersion: 0x0 # RequireESPFreeSpace: 0 # ok 4 /uefi/cod-device # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiUpdateInfo: # version: 0x7 # guid: 697bd920-12cf-4da9-8385-996909bc6559 # flags: 0x50000 # hw_inst: 0x0 # time_attempted: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 # status: 0x1 [attempt-update] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiDevicePath: # type: 0x4 [media] # subtype: 0x1 # length: 0x2a # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiHardDriveDevicePath: # subtype: 0x1 [hard-drive] # partition_number: 0x1 # partition_start: 0x800 # partition_size: 0x64000 # partition_signature: 5a97aa5a-d510-497e-990b-ca8d354dc86d # partition_format: 0x2 [guid-partition-table] # signature_type: 0x2 [guid] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiDevicePath: # type: 0x4 [media] # subtype: 0x4 # length: 0x86 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiDevicePath: # type: 0x4 [media] # subtype: 0x4 # length: 0x86 # FuEfiDevicePath-DEBUG: fixing up DP length from 0x86 to 0x80, because of a bug in efiboot # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructEfiDevicePath: # type: 0x7f [end] # subtype: 0xff # length: 0x4 ok 5 /uefi/update-info # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/../dist/share/fwupd/quirks.d # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.GBI0L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small ok 6 /uefi/plugin # End of uefi tests ============================================================================== ==================================== 9/45 ==================================== test: acpi-dmar-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.05s result: exit status 0 command: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=81 G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/acpi-dmar G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/acpi-dmar ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/acpi-dmar/acpi-dmar-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02S5168e7000a44db68c9b8362c7b9af022 1..2 # Start of acpi-dmar tests ok 1 /acpi-dmar/opt-in # SKIP Missing DMAR ok 2 /acpi-dmar/opt-out # SKIP Missing DMAR-OPTOUT # End of acpi-dmar tests ============================================================================== =================================== 10/45 ==================================== test: acpi-facp-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.05s result: exit status 0 command: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=166 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/acpi-facp ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/acpi-facp /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/acpi-facp/acpi-facp-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02Sf17d99e9a8a9ab06b3d4e018742c6839 1..2 # Start of acpi-facp tests ok 1 /acpi-facp/s2i{disabled} # SKIP Missing FACP ok 2 /acpi-facp/s2i{enabled} # SKIP Missing FACP-S2I # End of acpi-facp tests ============================================================================== =================================== 11/45 ==================================== test: acpi-ivrs-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.04s result: exit status 0 command: G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/acpi-ivrs G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/acpi-ivrs MALLOC_PERTURB_=159 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/acpi-ivrs/acpi-ivrs-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02Saf1c47928413536c0932f700aab3e1c2 1..2 # Start of acpi-ivrs tests ok 1 /acpi-ivrs/dma-remap-support # SKIP Missing IVRS-REMAP ok 2 /acpi-ivrs/no-dma-remap-support # SKIP Missing IVRS-NOREMAP # End of acpi-ivrs tests ============================================================================== =================================== 12/45 ==================================== test: acpi-phat-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.04s result: exit status 0 command: MALLOC_PERTURB_=183 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/acpi-phat G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/acpi-phat ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/acpi-phat/acpi-phat-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02S860e27a445a91c8ffbc4b6c987c30073 1..1 # Start of acpi-phat tests ok 1 /acpi-phat/parse # SKIP missing PHAT # End of acpi-phat tests ============================================================================== =================================== 13/45 ==================================== test: ata-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.04s result: exit status 0 command: FWUPD_DATADIR_QUIRKS=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/ata UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd MALLOC_PERTURB_=106 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/ata ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/ata /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/ata/ata-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02S2263acd1705ceb0f15ec4a27a1367642 1..2 # Start of fwupd tests # Start of ata tests # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/ata # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file README.md # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-ata-device.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-ata-device.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-ata-plugin.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-ata-plugin.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-self-test.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file meson.build # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ?gio-vfs? # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/../dist/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.6SO0L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small ok 1 /fwupd/ata/id # SKIP Missing StarDrive-SBFM61.2.bin # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/ata # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file README.md # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-ata-device.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-ata-device.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-ata-plugin.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-ata-plugin.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-self-test.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file meson.build # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/../dist/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.8HN0L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small ok 2 /fwupd/ata/oui # SKIP Missing Samsung SSD 860 EVO 500GB.bin # End of ata tests # End of fwupd tests ============================================================================== =================================== 14/45 ==================================== test: bcm57xx-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.04s result: exit status 0 command: G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/bcm57xx UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/bcm57xx MALLOC_PERTURB_=101 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/bcm57xx/bcm57xx-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02Sa8cf49cc87ac896f05b97d13320cc71d 1..3 # Start of fwupd tests # Start of bcm57xx tests ok 1 /fwupd/bcm57xx/firmware{xml} ok 2 /fwupd/bcm57xx/firmware{talos} # SKIP missing file ok 3 /fwupd/bcm57xx/common{veritem} # End of bcm57xx tests # End of fwupd tests ============================================================================== =================================== 15/45 ==================================== test: ccgx-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.04s result: exit status 0 command: G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/ccgx G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/ccgx LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=58 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/ccgx/ccgx-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02S6973fcb2e13d84b0d59c02bf8a77adcb 1..1 # Start of ccgx tests ok 1 /ccgx/firmware{xml} # End of ccgx tests ============================================================================== =================================== 16/45 ==================================== test: ccgx-dmc-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.04s result: exit status 0 command: MALLOC_PERTURB_=22 G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/ccgx-dmc LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/ccgx-dmc ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/ccgx-dmc/ccgx-dmc-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02Sb24d691aa2e1c3249149599bc847d263 1..1 # Start of ccgx-dmc tests ok 1 /ccgx-dmc/firmware{xml} # End of ccgx-dmc tests ============================================================================== =================================== 17/45 ==================================== test: fu-dfu-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.04s result: exit status 0 command: G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/dfu LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/dfu MALLOC_PERTURB_=82 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/dfu/fu-dfu-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02S2630e0a4171c847b4b010ab6a10728fa 1..1 # Start of dfu tests # FuDevice-DEBUG: unknown device overwriting name value: Flash3->Internal Flash # FuDevice-DEBUG: unknown device overwriting name value: Internal Flash->Flash1 # FuDevice-DEBUG: unknown device overwriting name value: Flash1->Flash2 # FuDevice-DEBUG: unknown device overwriting name value: Flash2->Internal Flash ok 1 /dfu/target(DfuSe} # End of dfu tests ============================================================================== =================================== 18/45 ==================================== test: elantp-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.04s result: exit status 0 command: MALLOC_PERTURB_=183 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/elantp LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/elantp ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/elantp/elantp-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02S75226e04a3c1f2de69c8c9e1e2876b70 1..1 # Start of elantp tests ok 1 /elantp/firmware{xml} # End of elantp tests ============================================================================== =================================== 19/45 ==================================== test: lenovo-thinklmi-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.03s result: exit status 0 command: UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/lenovo-thinklmi MALLOC_PERTURB_=50 FWUPD_LOCALSTATEDIR=/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/lenovo-thinklmi ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/lenovo-thinklmi/lenovo-thinklmi-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02Sa9aecc241755747540530c637acfd932 # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/../dist/share/fwupd/quirks.d # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ?gio-vfs? # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.DS6ZL2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/lenovo-thinklmi/tests/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/lenovo-thinklmi/tests/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/lenovo-thinklmi/tests/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0x1c # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=LENOVO # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0x10 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] Key=True # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-00 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-01 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-02 is not available, not available as 'ProductName' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-03 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-04 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-05 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-06 is not available, not available as 'ProductSku' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-07 is not available, not available as 'ProductSku' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-08 is not available, not available as 'ProductName' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-09 is not available, not available as 'ProductName' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-10 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-11 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-12 is not available, not available as 'EnclosureKind' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-13 is not available, not available as 'BaseboardManufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: fwupd-04 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: fwupd-05 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: fwupd-14 is not available, not available as 'BiosVendor' unknown # FuContext-INFO: added udev subsystem watch of firmware-attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: failed to load type: Failed to open file ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/lenovo-thinklmi/tests/firmware-attributes/locked/thinklmi/attributes/BootOrderLock/type?: No such file or directory # FuContext-DEBUG: failed to load type: Failed to open file ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/lenovo-thinklmi/tests/firmware-attributes/locked/thinklmi/attributes/BootOrderLock/type?: No such file or directory # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: failed to load type: Failed to open file ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/lenovo-thinklmi/tests/firmware-attributes/locked/thinklmi/attributes/BootOrderLock/type?: No such file or directory ============================================================================== =================================== 20/45 ==================================== test: linux-swap-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.03s result: exit status 0 command: MALLOC_PERTURB_=129 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/linux-swap G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/linux-swap ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/linux-swap/linux-swap-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02Sea4109d75126b835504dda7019b796fe 1..3 # Start of linux-swap tests ok 1 /linux-swap/none # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuPluginLinuxSwap-DEBUG: /dev/nvme0n1p4 partition is unencrypted ok 2 /linux-swap/plain # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) ok 3 /linux-swap/encrypted # SKIP no volumes for device /dev/dm-1 # End of linux-swap tests ============================================================================== =================================== 21/45 ==================================== test: logitech-hidpp-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.03s result: exit status 0 command: G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/logitech-hidpp MALLOC_PERTURB_=41 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/logitech-hidpp LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/logitech-hidpp/logitech-hidpp-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02S0c35e39be5e2c59a54f80510ee241a42 1..1 # Start of unifying tests ok 1 /unifying/common # End of unifying tests ============================================================================== =================================== 22/45 ==================================== test: nitrokey-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.03s result: exit status 0 command: G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/nitrokey G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/nitrokey MALLOC_PERTURB_=79 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/nitrokey/nitrokey-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02S54b0f9d7ea0564a80d19bbf759fb9ad9 1..3 # Start of fwupd tests ok 1 /fwupd/nitrokey ok 2 /fwupd/nitrokey-version-static ok 3 /fwupd/nitrokey-version # End of fwupd tests ============================================================================== =================================== 23/45 ==================================== test: nvme-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.03s result: exit status 0 command: MALLOC_PERTURB_=103 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/nvme UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd FWUPD_DATADIR_QUIRKS=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/nvme G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/nvme ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/nvme/nvme-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02S23bc392e215799d158424004ebda1501 1..2 # Start of fwupd tests # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/nvme # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file README.md # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-nvme-common.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-nvme-common.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-nvme-device.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-nvme-device.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-nvme-plugin.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-nvme-plugin.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-self-test.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file meson.build # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file nvme_ioctl.py # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file nvme_test.py # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file __pycache__ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ?gio-vfs? # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/../dist/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.Z3E0L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small ok 1 /fwupd/cns # SKIP Missing TOSHIBA_THNSN5512GPU7.bin ok 2 /fwupd/cns{all} # End of fwupd tests ============================================================================== =================================== 24/45 ==================================== test: pxi-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.03s result: exit status 0 command: MALLOC_PERTURB_=173 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/pixart-rf LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/pixart-rf UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/pixart-rf/pxi-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02Se8f02d3a2b0ab0aa793218158884ef3b 1..1 # Start of pxi tests ok 1 /pxi/firmware{xml} # End of pxi tests ============================================================================== =================================== 25/45 ==================================== test: synaptics-mst-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.02s result: exit status 0 command: FWUPD_DATADIR_QUIRKS=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/synaptics-mst G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/synaptics-mst UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd MALLOC_PERTURB_=141 FWUPD_LOCALSTATEDIR=/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/synaptics-mst ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/synaptics-mst/synaptics-mst-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02S5e3250b3370e2d08663065a7766c820c 1..3 # Start of fwupd tests # Start of plugin tests # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/synaptics-mst # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file README.md # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-self-test.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-synaptics-mst-common.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-synaptics-mst-common.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-synaptics-mst-device.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-synaptics-mst-device.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-synaptics-mst-firmware.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-synaptics-mst-firmware.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-synaptics-mst-plugin.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-synaptics-mst-plugin.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-synaptics-mst.rs # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file meson.build # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file tests # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ?gio-vfs? # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.J2SZL2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuConfig-DEBUG: not loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/synaptics-mst/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/synaptics-mst/tests/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/synaptics-mst/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: Failed to open file ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/synaptics-mst/tests/fwupd.conf?: No such file or directory # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0x10 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] Key=True # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-00 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-01 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-02 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-03 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-04 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-05 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-06 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-07 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-08 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-09 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-10 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-11 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-12 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-13 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-14 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: fwupd-04 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: fwupd-05 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: fwupd-14 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuContext-INFO: added udev subsystem watch of firmware-attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/synaptics-mst/tests/.gitignore/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/synaptics-mst/tests/dmi/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/synaptics-mst/tests/synaptics-mst.bin/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/synaptics-mst/tests/synaptics-mst.builder.xml/attributes # FuBiosSettings-INFO: loaded 0 BIOS settings # FuPlugin-DEBUG: constructed(synaptics_mst) # FuContext-INFO: added udev subsystem watch of drm # FuContext-INFO: added udev subsystem watch of drm_dp_aux_dev for plugin synaptics_mst ok 1 /fwupd/plugin/synaptics_mst{none} # SKIP Missing no_devices # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/synaptics-mst # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file README.md # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-self-test.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-synaptics-mst-common.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-synaptics-mst-common.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-synaptics-mst-device.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-synaptics-mst-device.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-synaptics-mst-firmware.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-synaptics-mst-firmware.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-synaptics-mst-plugin.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-synaptics-mst-plugin.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-synaptics-mst.rs # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file meson.build # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file tests # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.LJXZL2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuConfig-DEBUG: not loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/synaptics-mst/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/synaptics-mst/tests/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/synaptics-mst/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: Failed to open file ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/synaptics-mst/tests/fwupd.conf?: No such file or directory # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0x10 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] Key=True # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-00 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-01 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-02 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-03 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-04 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-05 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-06 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-07 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-08 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-09 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-10 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-11 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-12 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-13 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-14 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: fwupd-04 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: fwupd-05 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: fwupd-14 is not available, not available as 'Manufacturer' unknown # FuContext-INFO: added udev subsystem watch of firmware-attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/synaptics-mst/tests/.gitignore/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/synaptics-mst/tests/dmi/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/synaptics-mst/tests/synaptics-mst.bin/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/synaptics-mst/tests/synaptics-mst.builder.xml/attributes # FuBiosSettings-INFO: loaded 0 BIOS settings # FuPlugin-DEBUG: constructed(synaptics_mst) # FuContext-INFO: added udev subsystem watch of drm # FuContext-INFO: added udev subsystem watch of drm_dp_aux_dev for plugin synaptics_mst ok 2 /fwupd/plugin/synaptics_mst{tb16} # SKIP Missing tb16_dock # Start of synaptics_mst tests ok 3 /fwupd/plugin/synaptics_mst/firmware{xml} # End of synaptics_mst tests # End of plugin tests # End of fwupd tests ============================================================================== =================================== 26/45 ==================================== test: synaptics-prometheus-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.02s result: exit status 0 command: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=31 G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/synaptics-prometheus G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/synaptics-prometheus ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/synaptics-prometheus/synaptics-prometheus-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02S1f1390845859162bdcfb3cd94c097dbb 1..2 # Start of synaprom tests ok 1 /synaprom/firmware # SKIP Missing test.pkg ok 2 /synaprom/firmware{xml} # End of synaprom tests ============================================================================== =================================== 27/45 ==================================== test: synaptics-rmi-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.02s result: exit status 0 command: G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/synaptics-rmi UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/synaptics-rmi ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=104 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/synaptics-rmi/synaptics-rmi-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02Saf9ef21f07d97e41038c957290ece231 1..2 # Start of synaptics-rmi tests ok 1 /synaptics-rmi/firmware{0x} ok 2 /synaptics-rmi/firmware{10} # End of synaptics-rmi tests ============================================================================== =================================== 28/45 ==================================== test: uefi-dbx-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.01s result: exit status 0 command: G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/uefi-dbx MALLOC_PERTURB_=120 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/uefi-dbx /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/uefi-dbx/uefi-dbx-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02S35f1667459d806bb00ed22cdc3c409b5 1..1 # Start of uefi-dbx tests ok 1 /uefi-dbx/image # SKIP Missing fwupdx64.efi # End of uefi-dbx tests ============================================================================== =================================== 29/45 ==================================== test: uf2-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.01s result: exit status 0 command: G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/uf2 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/uf2 MALLOC_PERTURB_=217 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/uf2/uf2-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02S1f5c720625941d068e8f2d89efb0852b 1..1 # Start of uf2 tests ok 1 /uf2/firmware{xml} # End of uf2 tests ============================================================================== =================================== 30/45 ==================================== test: mtd-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.03s result: exit status 0 command: MALLOC_PERTURB_=245 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/mtd ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/mtd /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/mtd/mtd-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02S4f3b1b6de262aeef5086ad6bf5c88046 1..1 # Start of mtd tests # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/../dist/share/fwupd/quirks.d # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ?gio-vfs? # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/../dist/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.HMG0L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuConfig-DEBUG: not loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/mtd/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: not loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/../dist/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/mtd/tests/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/../dist/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/mtd/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: Failed to open file ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/mtd/tests/fwupd.conf?: No such file or directory # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/../dist/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: Failed to open file ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/../dist/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf?: No such file or directory # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosEp32: # anchor_str: _SM_ # entry_point_csum: 0xf0 # entry_point_len: 0x1f # smbios_major_ver: 0x2 # smbios_minor_ver: 0x7 # max_structure_sz: 0x8a # entry_point_rev: 0x0 # intermediate_anchor_str: _DMI_ # intermediate_csum: 0xc0 # structure_table_len: 0x9db # structure_table_addr: 0xbcd3d000 # number_smbios_structs: 0x3e # smbios_bcd_rev: 0x27 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x4 # length: 0x2a # handle: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x7 # length: 0x13 # handle: 0x1 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x7 # length: 0x13 # handle: 0x2 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x7 # length: 0x13 # handle: 0x3 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x7 # length: 0x13 # handle: 0x4 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x10 # length: 0x17 # handle: 0x5 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x11 # length: 0x22 # handle: 0x6 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x11 # length: 0x22 # handle: 0x7 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x13 # length: 0x1f # handle: 0x8 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x81 # length: 0x8 # handle: 0x9 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x86 # length: 0xd # handle: 0xa # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x1 # length: 0x1b # handle: 0xc # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x2 # length: 0xf # handle: 0xd # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x3 # length: 0x16 # handle: 0xe # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0xf # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x10 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x11 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x12 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x13 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x14 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x15 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x16 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x17 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x18 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x19 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x1a # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x1b # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x1c # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8 # length: 0x9 # handle: 0x1d # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x9 # length: 0x11 # handle: 0x1e # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x7e # length: 0x11 # handle: 0x1f # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x9 # length: 0x11 # handle: 0x20 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xa # length: 0x6 # handle: 0x21 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xc # length: 0x5 # handle: 0x22 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xd # length: 0x16 # handle: 0x23 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x16 # length: 0x1a # handle: 0x24 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x16 # length: 0x1a # handle: 0x25 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x12 # length: 0x17 # handle: 0x26 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x15 # length: 0x7 # handle: 0x27 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x15 # length: 0x7 # handle: 0x28 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x83 # length: 0x16 # handle: 0x29 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x88 # length: 0x6 # handle: 0x2a # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x86 # length: 0x10 # handle: 0x2b # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x82 # length: 0x14 # handle: 0x2c # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x83 # length: 0x40 # handle: 0x2d # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x85 # length: 0x5 # handle: 0x2e # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x87 # length: 0x53 # handle: 0x2f # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x0 # length: 0x18 # handle: 0x30 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0xf # length: 0x21 # handle: 0x31 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x43 # handle: 0x32 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x2f # handle: 0x33 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x3f # handle: 0x34 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x11 # handle: 0x35 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x13 # handle: 0x36 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x13 # handle: 0x37 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x17 # handle: 0x38 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x18 # length: 0x5 # handle: 0x39 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x84 # length: 0x7 # handle: 0x3a # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x87 # length: 0x12 # handle: 0x3b # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0xf # handle: 0x3c # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x8c # length: 0x2b # handle: 0x3d # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructSmbiosStructure: # type: 0x7f # length: 0x4 # handle: 0xfeff # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS Manufacturer=LENOVO # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS EnclosureKind=a # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS Family=ThinkPad T440s # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS ProductName=20ARS19C0C # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS ProductSku=LENOVO_MT_20AR_BU_Think_FM_ThinkPad T440s # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS BiosVendor=LENOVO # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS BiosVersion=GJET75WW (2.25 ) # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS BiosMajorRelease=02 # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS BiosMinorRelease=19 # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS FirmwareMajorRelease=01 # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS FirmwareMinorRelease=09 # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS BaseboardManufacturer=LENOVO # FuContext-INFO: SMBIOS BaseboardProduct=20ARS19C0C # FuContext-INFO: added udev subsystem watch of firmware-attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/mtd/tests/dmi/attributes # FuBiosSettings-INFO: loaded 0 BIOS settings ok 1 /mtd/device # SKIP could not find mtdram device # End of mtd tests ============================================================================== =================================== 31/45 ==================================== test: vli-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.01s result: exit status 0 command: G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/uf2 MALLOC_PERTURB_=247 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/uf2 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/vli/vli-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02Sa61d62ae37965224ac74b0e5a6b9f344 1..1 # Start of vli tests # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0x00 # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0x01 # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0x02 # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0x03 # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0x04 # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0x05 # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0x06 # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0x07 # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0x08 # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0x09 # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0x0A # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0x0B # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0x0C # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0x0D # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0x0E # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0x0F # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0xA0 # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0xA1 # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0xA2 # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0xA3 # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0xA4 # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0xB1 # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0xB2 # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0xB3 # FuPluginVliUsbhub-DEBUG: checking fwver 0xB4 ok 1 /vli/pd-common # End of vli tests ============================================================================== =================================== 32/45 ==================================== test: wacom-usb-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.01s result: exit status 0 command: G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/wacom-usb LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=250 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/wacom-usb ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/wacom-usb/wacom-usb-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02S9d021e8fdea86f49e12380adf86a6a4a 1..2 # Start of wac tests ok 1 /wac/firmware{parse} # SKIP no data file found ok 2 /wac/firmware{xml} # End of wac tests ============================================================================== =================================== 33/45 ==================================== test: redfish-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.03s result: exit status 0 command: UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/redfish MALLOC_PERTURB_=206 FWUPD_LOCALSTATEDIR=/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/redfish /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/redfish/redfish-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02S0f241e8482d85b88013398ed2a060468 # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/../dist/share/fwupd/quirks.d # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ?gio-vfs? # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.CIE0L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuPlugin-DEBUG: constructed(redfish) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: startup(redfish) # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructRedfishSmbiosType42: # length: 0x76 # handle: 0x1234 # interface_type: 0x40 [network] # data_length: 0x9 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: interface_type: usb-network [0x2] # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: protocol_rcds: 1 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructRedfishProtocolOverIp: # service_uuid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # host_ip_assignment_type: 0x0 # host_ip_address_format: 0x0 # host_ip_address: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 # host_ip_mask: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 # service_ip_assignment_type: 0x0 # service_ip_address_format: 0x1 # service_ip_address: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 # service_ip_mask: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 # service_ip_port: 0x1234 # service_ip_vlan_id: 0x0 # service_hostname_len: 0x9 # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: device 0: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/1 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: /sys/devices/virtual/net/lo: 0x0000, 0x0000 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: device 1: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/2 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.2/0000:03:00.0/net/enp3s0: 0x8086, 0x15f3 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: device 2: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/3 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.3/net/wlo1: 0x8086, 0x7a70 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: failed to get device: missing 0x9876:0x5678: could not find device # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: (null) [0] # FuPlugin-DEBUG: constructed(redfish) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: startup(redfish) # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructRedfishSmbiosType42: # length: 0x76 # handle: 0x1234 # interface_type: 0x40 [network] # data_length: 0x9 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: interface_type: usb-network [0x2] # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: protocol_rcds: 1 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructRedfishProtocolOverIp: # service_uuid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # host_ip_assignment_type: 0x0 # host_ip_address_format: 0x0 # host_ip_address: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 # host_ip_mask: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 # service_ip_assignment_type: 0x0 # service_ip_address_format: 0x1 # service_ip_address: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 # service_ip_mask: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 # service_ip_port: 0x1234 # service_ip_vlan_id: 0x0 # service_hostname_len: 0x9 # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: device 0: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/1 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: /sys/devices/virtual/net/lo: 0x0000, 0x0000 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: device 1: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/2 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.2/0000:03:00.0/net/enp3s0: 0x8086, 0x15f3 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: device 2: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/3 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.3/net/wlo1: 0x8086, 0x7a70 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: failed to get device: missing 0x9876:0x5678: could not find device # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: (null) [0] # FuPlugin-DEBUG: constructed(redfish) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: startup(redfish) # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructRedfishSmbiosType42: # length: 0x76 # handle: 0x1234 # interface_type: 0x40 [network] # data_length: 0x9 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: interface_type: usb-network [0x2] # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: protocol_rcds: 1 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructRedfishProtocolOverIp: # service_uuid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # host_ip_assignment_type: 0x0 # host_ip_address_format: 0x0 # host_ip_address: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 # host_ip_mask: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 # service_ip_assignment_type: 0x0 # service_ip_address_format: 0x1 # service_ip_address: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 # service_ip_mask: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 # service_ip_port: 0x1234 # service_ip_vlan_id: 0x0 # service_hostname_len: 0x9 # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: device 0: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/1 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: /sys/devices/virtual/net/lo: 0x0000, 0x0000 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: device 1: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/2 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.2/0000:03:00.0/net/enp3s0: 0x8086, 0x15f3 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: device 2: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/3 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.3/net/wlo1: 0x8086, 0x7a70 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: failed to get device: missing 0x9876:0x5678: could not find device # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: (null) [0] 1..11 # Start of redfish tests ok 1 /redfish/ipmi # SKIP no IPMI hardware ok 2 /redfish/common # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: using 1.2.3 for P50 v1.2.3 PROD # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: using 1.2.3 for P50 1.2.3 DEV ok 3 /redfish/common{version} ok 4 /redfish/common{lenovo} # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: device 0: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/1 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: mac_addr=00:00:00:00:00:00 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: device 1: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/2 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: mac_addr=D8:43:AE:24:62:46 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: device 2: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/3 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: mac_addr=5E:AC:48:76:40:36 ok 5 /redfish/network{mac_addr} # SKIP no hardware # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: device 0: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/1 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: /sys/devices/virtual/net/lo: 0x0000, 0x0000 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: device 1: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/2 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.2/0000:03:00.0/net/enp3s0: 0x8086, 0x15f3 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: device 2: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/3 # FuPluginRedfish-DEBUG: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.3/net/wlo1: 0x8086, 0x7a70 ok 6 /redfish/network{vid_pid} # SKIP no hardware ok 7 /redfish/unlicensed_plugin{devices} # SKIP no redfish support ok 8 /redfish/smc_plugin{devices} # SKIP no redfish support ok 9 /redfish/smc_plugin{update} # SKIP no redfish support ok 10 /redfish/plugin{devices} # SKIP no redfish support ok 11 /redfish/plugin{update} # SKIP no redfish support # End of redfish tests ============================================================================== =================================== 34/45 ==================================== test: tpm-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 0.12s result: exit status 0 command: G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/tpm MALLOC_PERTURB_=224 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/tpm FWUPD_LOCALSTATEDIR=/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/tpm/tpm-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02Se5e6c43c9433b627c5bcba28fdcd71f1 1..5 # Start of tpm tests # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/../dist/share/fwupd/quirks.d # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ?gio-vfs? # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.3W0ZL2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuPlugin-DEBUG: constructed(tpm) # FuContext-INFO: added udev subsystem watch of tpm for plugin tpm # FuPlugin-DEBUG: startup(tpm) # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-00=3c979920c90099600927d5dab381eb951e7fc868 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-01=ce9fa4b20109d88114ea1a6d1394cd455f526923 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-02=47097a9aadc326a493912663a16fdf53d788968e # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-03=b2a83b0ebf2f8374299a5b2bdfc31ea955ad7236 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-04=a4a5874c59948d9b93660af419d86ff8943620cc # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-05=000b58008972ef6c2aac7933c4ae676ba6efcf6a # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-06=b2a83b0ebf2f8374299a5b2bdfc31ea955ad7236 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-07=0a2a6815850dacb2d1f4e0c1f456d5e281086dea # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-08=dba7294e49bad79e53990a6e3acb5297b9083a66 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-09=19f96f1083f55b509826c314734335211fe639e9 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-10=373d899e100ddd2d21b5f4968d4fdca76d1ac7bd # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-11=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-12=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-13=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-14=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-15=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-16=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-17=ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-18=ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-19=ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-20=ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-21=ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-22=ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-23=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # FuDevice-DEBUG: using dfb1a4db3787a1799167fb68010ef732c71041f9 for tpm # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from tpm: dfb1a4db3787a1799167fb68010ef732c71041f9 # FuPlugin-DEBUG: add_security_attrs(tpm) # Fwupd-DEBUG: auto-setting org.fwupd.hsi.Tpm.EmptyPcr result valid ok 1 /tpm/pcrs1.2 # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 829c3804401b0727f70f73d4415e162400cbe57b for dummy # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/../dist/share/fwupd/quirks.d # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd/quirks.xmlb # XbSilo-DEBUG: file: 008a85d2-46a6-cb43-d8eb-1f4a0210f478, current:3fbbe2bc-3f6a-d1f4-0741-7b145dbdec80, cached: (null) # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: CAP_COMMANDS: 0x011f, 0x0120, 0x0121, 0x0122, 0x0124, 0x0126, 0x0127, 0x0128, 0x0129, 0x012a, 0x012b, 0x012e, 0x0130, 0x0131, 0x0132, 0x0134, 0x0135, 0x0136, 0x0137, 0x0138, 0x0139, 0x013a, 0x013b, 0x013c, 0x013d, 0x013e, 0x013f, 0x0142, 0x0143, 0x0144, 0x0145, 0x0146, 0x0147, 0x0148, 0x0149, 0x014a, 0x014b, 0x014c, 0x014d, 0x014e, 0x014f, 0x0150, 0x0151, 0x0153, 0x0154, 0x0155, 0x0156, 0x0157, 0x0158, 0x0159, 0x015b, 0x015c, 0x015d, 0x015e, 0x0160, 0x0161, 0x0162, 0x0163, 0x0164, 0x0165, 0x0167, 0x0168, 0x0169, 0x016a, 0x016b, 0x016c, 0x016d, 0x016e, 0x016f, 0x0170, 0x0171, 0x0172, 0x0173, 0x0174, 0x0176, 0x0177, 0x0178, 0x017a, 0x017b, 0x017c, 0x017d, 0x017e, 0x017f, 0x0180, 0x0181, 0x0182, 0x0184, 0x0185, 0x0186, 0x0188, 0x0189, 0x018a, 0x018b, 0x018c, 0x018d, 0x018e, 0x018f, 0x0190, 0x0191, 0x0192, 0x0193 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-00=8fd3d52837626866569b5f46b244de43d39e852cc0680e7323b68e43b977a736 # GLib-DEBUG: unsetenv() is not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created ok 2 /tpm/pcrs2.0 # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/../dist/share/fwupd/quirks.d # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.67QXL2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # FuPlugin-DEBUG: constructed(tpm) # FuContext-INFO: added udev subsystem watch of tpm for plugin tpm # FuPlugin-DEBUG: startup(tpm) # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-00=3c979920c90099600927d5dab381eb951e7fc868 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-01=ce9fa4b20109d88114ea1a6d1394cd455f526923 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-02=47097a9aadc326a493912663a16fdf53d788968e # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-03=b2a83b0ebf2f8374299a5b2bdfc31ea955ad7236 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-04=a4a5874c59948d9b93660af419d86ff8943620cc # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-05=000b58008972ef6c2aac7933c4ae676ba6efcf6a # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-06=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-07=0a2a6815850dacb2d1f4e0c1f456d5e281086dea # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-08=dba7294e49bad79e53990a6e3acb5297b9083a66 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-09=19f96f1083f55b509826c314734335211fe639e9 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-10=373d899e100ddd2d21b5f4968d4fdca76d1ac7bd # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-11=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-12=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-13=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-14=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-15=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-16=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-17=ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-18=ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-19=ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-20=ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-21=ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-22=ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff # FuPluginTpm-DEBUG: added PCR-23=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # FuDevice-DEBUG: using dfb1a4db3787a1799167fb68010ef732c71041f9 for tpm # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from tpm: dfb1a4db3787a1799167fb68010ef732c71041f9 # FuPlugin-DEBUG: add_security_attrs(tpm) # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created ok 3 /tpm/empty-pcr ok 4 /tpm/eventlog-parse{v1} # SKIP Missing binary_bios_measurements-v1 ok 5 /tpm/eventlog-parse{v2} # SKIP Missing binary_bios_measurements-v2 # End of tpm tests ============================================================================== =================================== 35/45 ==================================== test: thunderbolt-self-test start time: 10:55:43 duration: 3.27s result: exit status 0 command: FWUPD_DATADIR_QUIRKS=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/thunderbolt MALLOC_PERTURB_=195 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/thunderbolt FWUPD_LOCALSTATEDIR=/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/thunderbolt ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 LD_PRELOAD=libumockdev-preload.so.0 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/plugins/thunderbolt/thunderbolt-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02S4c3de3a5e41e19b4cba02a7a84c3d117 1..7 # Start of thunderbolt tests # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/thunderbolt # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file README.md # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-self-test.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-common.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-common.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-controller.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-controller.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-device.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-device.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-plugin.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-plugin.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-retimer.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-retimer.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file meson.build # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file tests # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ?gio-vfs? # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.1S0ZL2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:127: Created udev test bed /tmp/umockdev.640ZL2 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: mock sysfs at /tmp/umockdev.640ZL2/sys # FuPlugin-DEBUG: constructed(thunderbolt) # FuContext-INFO: added udev subsystem watch of thunderbolt # FuPlugin-DEBUG: startup(thunderbolt) # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: * Laptop [2df68bf0-001e-44df-8df4-3ac83f528a44] 0 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: * Thunderbolt Cable [ce338e54-abfa-448b-8033-7539d8daedb4] 1 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: * Thunderbolt Dock [1569bc9f-0bb7-4cd0-90fc-71a9c57de0ef] 2 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: * Thunderbolt Cable [ce582f3b-65d2-4ef8-a779-77d477de5303] 3 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: * Thunderbolt SSD [ebb502af-057a-4794-9d98-509fc110b5ca] 4 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: Looking for 2df68bf0-001e-44df-8df4-3ac83f528a44 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: Looking for ce338e54-abfa-448b-8033-7539d8daedb4 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: Looking for 1569bc9f-0bb7-4cd0-90fc-71a9c57de0ef # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: Looking for ce582f3b-65d2-4ef8-a779-77d477de5303 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: Looking for ebb502af-057a-4794-9d98-509fc110b5ca # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:781: umockdev_testbed_uevent: lazily initializing uevent_sender # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: failed to add: too many GTypes to choose a default, got: FuThunderboltController,FuThunderboltRetimer # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_non_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_active0 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 7ed83b2d2739a932b51c5243592a4c282e92411f for 2df68bf0-001e-44df-8df4-3ac83f528a44 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 7ed83b2d2739a932b51c5243592a4c282e92411f # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_non_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_non_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_active3 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 41057a8fdd4bbe3540609816bb27e8c649b59ee0 for ce338e54-abfa-448b-8033-7539d8daedb4 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 41057a8fdd4bbe3540609816bb27e8c649b59ee0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_non_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_non_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_active4 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 8102e7be043afcc30e600b71ae57840d56c7d6e9 for ce582f3b-65d2-4ef8-a779-77d477de5303 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 8102e7be043afcc30e600b71ae57840d56c7d6e9 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 9c3664aea84e86c278911702d462837e9d7e6fd9 for 1569bc9f-0bb7-4cd0-90fc-71a9c57de0ef # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 9c3664aea84e86c278911702d462837e9d7e6fd9 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 5a7621fd7a2ee3348f9cee4d295a9b1d1b56a420 for ebb502af-057a-4794-9d98-509fc110b5ca # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 5a7621fd7a2ee3348f9cee4d295a9b1d1b56a420 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_non_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_non_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_non_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_non_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_non_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:154: Removing test bed /tmp/umockdev.640ZL2 # GLib-DEBUG: unsetenv() is not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created ok 1 /thunderbolt/basic # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/thunderbolt # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file README.md # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-self-test.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-common.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-common.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-controller.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-controller.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-device.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-device.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-plugin.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-plugin.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-retimer.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-retimer.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file meson.build # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file tests # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.X33ZL2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:127: Created udev test bed /tmp/umockdev.LV3ZL2 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: mock sysfs at /tmp/umockdev.LV3ZL2/sys # FuPlugin-DEBUG: constructed(thunderbolt) # FuContext-INFO: added udev subsystem watch of thunderbolt # FuPlugin-DEBUG: startup(thunderbolt) # FuFirmware-DEBUG: detected digital section begins at 0x1 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: expected image validation error [ctl]: unknown NVM family # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:154: Removing test bed /tmp/umockdev.LV3ZL2 # GLib-DEBUG: unsetenv() is not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created ok 2 /thunderbolt/image-validation # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/thunderbolt # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file README.md # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-self-test.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-common.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-common.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-controller.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-controller.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-device.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-device.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-plugin.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-plugin.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-retimer.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-retimer.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file meson.build # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file tests # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.U73ZL2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:127: Created udev test bed /tmp/umockdev.M52ZL2 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: mock sysfs at /tmp/umockdev.M52ZL2/sys # FuPlugin-DEBUG: constructed(thunderbolt) # FuContext-INFO: added udev subsystem watch of thunderbolt # FuPlugin-DEBUG: startup(thunderbolt) # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:781: umockdev_testbed_uevent: lazily initializing uevent_sender # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: failed to add: too many GTypes to choose a default, got: FuThunderboltController,FuThunderboltRetimer # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_non_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_active0 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 832bf4d5f027be7b1f8cdf45b0b46d6760f33210 for df2f073c-79e1-4534-ae12-22c4c8e91342 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 832bf4d5f027be7b1f8cdf45b0b46d6760f33210 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_non_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_non_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_active3 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 9ff31775f4af50f197c2a0ec39fa1a188b4dc04d for 6d528f37-3797-4965-8021-e221b8f7dd9a # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 9ff31775f4af50f197c2a0ec39fa1a188b4dc04d # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_non_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_non_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_active4 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 6e5159ccd7bca5cf090ed57808d8a4fa375e42ec for ee3c72da-9303-4d9f-96fa-50ca92e5d1ec # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 6e5159ccd7bca5cf090ed57808d8a4fa375e42ec # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 890529776e1b9926c09202248431cd33b050aa52 for 2632e53a-d418-4f61-afc6-8eb0a299d384 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 890529776e1b9926c09202248431cd33b050aa52 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 66700e81928447cabdee7b39c4b3d9667ce59c0c for 6c5975fe-4b48-44fc-b407-c5587475a72a # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 66700e81928447cabdee7b39c4b3d9667ce59c0c # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent change for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0 # FuUdevDevice-DEBUG: FuUdevDevice emit changed # FuDevice-DEBUG: changing version for 832bf4d5f027be7b1f8cdf45b0b46d6760f33210: 20.02->42.23 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_non_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_non_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_non_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_non_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_non_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:154: Removing test bed /tmp/umockdev.M52ZL2 # GLib-DEBUG: unsetenv() is not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created ok 3 /thunderbolt/change-uevent # slow test /thunderbolt/change-uevent executed in 0.51 secs # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/thunderbolt # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file README.md # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-self-test.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-common.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-common.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-controller.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-controller.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-device.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-device.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-plugin.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-plugin.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-retimer.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-retimer.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file meson.build # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file tests # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.GLNBM2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:127: Created udev test bed /tmp/umockdev.WQMBM2 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: mock sysfs at /tmp/umockdev.WQMBM2/sys # FuPlugin-DEBUG: constructed(thunderbolt) # FuContext-INFO: added udev subsystem watch of thunderbolt # FuPlugin-DEBUG: startup(thunderbolt) # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:781: umockdev_testbed_uevent: lazily initializing uevent_sender # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: failed to add: too many GTypes to choose a default, got: FuThunderboltController,FuThunderboltRetimer # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_non_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_active0 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 76e4232bf5d2fc0f1edd684dbd6861c6360d0c84 for 5cde35ec-b82b-4e43-9dc2-4d1e4c375100 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 76e4232bf5d2fc0f1edd684dbd6861c6360d0c84 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_non_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_non_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_active3 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 32eccdb4ac88ff4d4eff57f5078b09b110c9148b for 67486516-4115-4cfc-bd02-9b0ac8636e8c # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 32eccdb4ac88ff4d4eff57f5078b09b110c9148b # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_non_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_non_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_active4 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 6681618abe915b67551a49ceda7b0e73f4e940a8 for 86167a07-47ad-46fd-8013-38a15a010315 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 6681618abe915b67551a49ceda7b0e73f4e940a8 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 16da1bf0e5dd77bc0a9732e19fca36a44e64f0a4 for 79795ca1-8dfb-4e17-8d55-28bd1b8ba94d # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 16da1bf0e5dd77bc0a9732e19fca36a44e64f0a4 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using abd46cd4a5da323d27b81984f251ef1f0032cdee for a22562cb-0b41-4a77-851d-38986c9b4538 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: abd46cd4a5da323d27b81984f251ef1f0032cdee # FuPlugin-DEBUG: superclassed write_firmware(thunderbolt) # FuFirmware-DEBUG: detected digital section begins at 0x1 # FuDevice-INFO: installing onto 76e4232bf5d2fc0f1edd684dbd6861c6360d0c84: # # has-vid-pid # 0x1 # [GInputStream] # 0x8086 # 0x15d3 # 0x1234 # alpine-ridge-c # true # false # 0x3 # 0x2 # true #
# # payload # [GInputStream] # #
# # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: Got update trigger # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: Removing tree below and including: /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_non_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_non_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_non_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_non_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_non_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: Simulating update to '42.23' with result: 0x0 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: Device tree reattachment in 1.00 seconds # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit removed from thunderbolt: 76e4232bf5d2fc0f1edd684dbd6861c6360d0c84 # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit removed from thunderbolt: 76e4232bf5d2fc0f1edd684dbd6861c6360d0c84 # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit removed from thunderbolt: 76e4232bf5d2fc0f1edd684dbd6861c6360d0c84 # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit removed from thunderbolt: 76e4232bf5d2fc0f1edd684dbd6861c6360d0c84 # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit removed from thunderbolt: 76e4232bf5d2fc0f1edd684dbd6861c6360d0c84 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: Mock update done, reattaching tree... # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_non_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_active0 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 76e4232bf5d2fc0f1edd684dbd6861c6360d0c84 for 5cde35ec-b82b-4e43-9dc2-4d1e4c375100 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 76e4232bf5d2fc0f1edd684dbd6861c6360d0c84 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_non_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_non_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_active3 # FuPlugin-DEBUG: attach(thunderbolt) # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: version after update: 42.23 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 32eccdb4ac88ff4d4eff57f5078b09b110c9148b for 67486516-4115-4cfc-bd02-9b0ac8636e8c # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 32eccdb4ac88ff4d4eff57f5078b09b110c9148b # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_non_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_non_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_non_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_non_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_non_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_non_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_non_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:154: Removing test bed /tmp/umockdev.WQMBM2 # GLib-DEBUG: unsetenv() is not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created ok 4 /thunderbolt/update{working} # slow test /thunderbolt/update{working} executed in 1.12 secs # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/thunderbolt # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file README.md # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-self-test.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-common.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-common.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-controller.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-controller.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-device.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-device.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-plugin.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-plugin.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-retimer.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-retimer.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file meson.build # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file tests # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.OCWWL2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:127: Created udev test bed /tmp/umockdev.27BWL2 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: mock sysfs at /tmp/umockdev.27BWL2/sys # FuPlugin-DEBUG: constructed(thunderbolt) # FuContext-INFO: added udev subsystem watch of thunderbolt # FuPlugin-DEBUG: startup(thunderbolt) # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:781: umockdev_testbed_uevent: lazily initializing uevent_sender # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: failed to add: too many GTypes to choose a default, got: FuThunderboltController,FuThunderboltRetimer # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_non_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_active0 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 9bab99101e6665be40df2486035b1e2eddbf8b2b for 0786d312-48cb-4b2a-a296-6c889a7319af # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 9bab99101e6665be40df2486035b1e2eddbf8b2b # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_non_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_non_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_active3 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 6a4131d6e4258c9ed2fb3ff6d01e3986bf785668 for 7b3b960e-b733-4a75-8c16-1c31de0d68d6 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 6a4131d6e4258c9ed2fb3ff6d01e3986bf785668 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_non_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_non_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_active4 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using d854c34c0675a907a65dcbab097fa092a077eb01 for 80e88761-c949-4d64-8aef-c643b11eab2d # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: d854c34c0675a907a65dcbab097fa092a077eb01 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using c28b14c49d61c30f8da4cb57fc71f1e2f246836a for 7c57dbe6-72d4-44f4-bd22-ae11ec83a506 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: c28b14c49d61c30f8da4cb57fc71f1e2f246836a # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 51777b4ed3aa6a65caf8be1d27e7043051c905ef for 3db89750-2122-499c-bded-424fd1b6bf45 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 51777b4ed3aa6a65caf8be1d27e7043051c905ef # FuPlugin-DEBUG: superclassed write_firmware(thunderbolt) # FuFirmware-DEBUG: detected digital section begins at 0x1 # FuDevice-INFO: installing onto 9bab99101e6665be40df2486035b1e2eddbf8b2b: # # has-vid-pid # 0x1 # [GInputStream] # 0x8086 # 0x15d3 # 0x1234 # alpine-ridge-c # true # false # 0x3 # 0x2 # true #
# # payload # [GInputStream] # #
# # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: Got update trigger # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: Removing tree below and including: /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_non_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_non_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_non_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_non_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_non_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: Simulating update to '42.23' with result: 0x1 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: Device tree reattachment in 1.00 seconds # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit removed from thunderbolt: 9bab99101e6665be40df2486035b1e2eddbf8b2b # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit removed from thunderbolt: 9bab99101e6665be40df2486035b1e2eddbf8b2b # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit removed from thunderbolt: 9bab99101e6665be40df2486035b1e2eddbf8b2b # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit removed from thunderbolt: 9bab99101e6665be40df2486035b1e2eddbf8b2b # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit removed from thunderbolt: 9bab99101e6665be40df2486035b1e2eddbf8b2b # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: Mock update done, reattaching tree... # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_non_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_active0 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 9bab99101e6665be40df2486035b1e2eddbf8b2b for 0786d312-48cb-4b2a-a296-6c889a7319af # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 9bab99101e6665be40df2486035b1e2eddbf8b2b # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_non_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_non_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_active3 # FuPlugin-DEBUG: attach(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 6a4131d6e4258c9ed2fb3ff6d01e3986bf785668 for 7b3b960e-b733-4a75-8c16-1c31de0d68d6 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 6a4131d6e4258c9ed2fb3ff6d01e3986bf785668 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_non_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_non_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_active4 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: version after update: 20.02 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_non_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_non_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_non_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_non_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_non_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:154: Removing test bed /tmp/umockdev.27BWL2 # GLib-DEBUG: unsetenv() is not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created ok 5 /thunderbolt/update{failing} # slow test /thunderbolt/update{failing} executed in 1.11 secs # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/thunderbolt # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file README.md # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-self-test.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-common.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-common.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-controller.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-controller.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-device.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-device.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-plugin.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-plugin.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-retimer.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-retimer.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file meson.build # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file tests # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.8GFUL2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:127: Created udev test bed /tmp/umockdev.6SFUL2 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: mock sysfs at /tmp/umockdev.6SFUL2/sys # FuPlugin-DEBUG: constructed(thunderbolt) # FuContext-INFO: added udev subsystem watch of thunderbolt # FuPlugin-DEBUG: startup(thunderbolt) # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:781: umockdev_testbed_uevent: lazily initializing uevent_sender # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: failed to add: too many GTypes to choose a default, got: FuThunderboltController,FuThunderboltRetimer # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_non_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_active0 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 1e9ab6f7c3703e988f5cba14b8587662aad51a55 for 70e11fc9-fda1-4291-82cc-b66a4b4491b6 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 1e9ab6f7c3703e988f5cba14b8587662aad51a55 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_non_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_non_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_active3 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 5f515f713a0fe5b8a39e062f243038113b5cf75c for 22d181da-fec2-4ee7-9b9b-5788a4c8207d # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 5f515f713a0fe5b8a39e062f243038113b5cf75c # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_non_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_non_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_active4 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 72c31eb8712ca0d54d066b1cfe431eb1c901e45f for 2427449c-f1f1-41a6-a2bc-246e008249e7 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 72c31eb8712ca0d54d066b1cfe431eb1c901e45f # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 1ea9d27358446a7e9370903da1e494f5cb7f2438 for 02327e80-57ad-4aa9-8f25-da5227c08f83 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 1ea9d27358446a7e9370903da1e494f5cb7f2438 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using c011f2f972d3a3931eef4fecef625f9cab21db72 for dd622219-d4af-42e7-ab3c-e945af384836 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: c011f2f972d3a3931eef4fecef625f9cab21db72 # FuPlugin-DEBUG: superclassed write_firmware(thunderbolt) # FuFirmware-DEBUG: detected digital section begins at 0x1 # FuDevice-INFO: installing onto 1e9ab6f7c3703e988f5cba14b8587662aad51a55: # # has-vid-pid # 0x1 # [GInputStream] # 0x8086 # 0x15d3 # 0x1234 # alpine-ridge-c # true # false # 0x3 # 0x2 # true #
# # payload # [GInputStream] # #
# # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: Got update trigger # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: Removing tree below and including: /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_non_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_non_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_non_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_non_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_non_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: Simulating update to '42.23' with result: 0x2 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: Simulating no-show fail: device tree will not reappear # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit removed from thunderbolt: 1e9ab6f7c3703e988f5cba14b8587662aad51a55 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:154: Removing test bed /tmp/umockdev.6SFUL2 # GLib-DEBUG: unsetenv() is not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created ok 6 /thunderbolt/update{failing-noshow} # slow test /thunderbolt/update{failing-noshow} executed in 0.51 secs # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/plugins/thunderbolt # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file README.md # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-self-test.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-common.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-common.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-controller.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-controller.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-device.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-device.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-plugin.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-plugin.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-retimer.c # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file fu-thunderbolt-retimer.h # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file meson.build # FuQuirks-DEBUG: skipping invalid file tests # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.LF25L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:127: Created udev test bed /tmp/umockdev.HH15L2 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: mock sysfs at /tmp/umockdev.HH15L2/sys # FuPlugin-DEBUG: constructed(thunderbolt) # FuContext-INFO: added udev subsystem watch of thunderbolt # FuPlugin-DEBUG: startup(thunderbolt) # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:781: umockdev_testbed_uevent: lazily initializing uevent_sender # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: failed to add: too many GTypes to choose a default, got: FuThunderboltController,FuThunderboltRetimer # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_non_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_active0 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using bc8ecf3109ddddaff087c75a27f88a82f9d32652 for a2b162e7-7bea-48ef-bfef-db56001377fa # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: bc8ecf3109ddddaff087c75a27f88a82f9d32652 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_non_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_non_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_active3 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 92e3484c94d33faf7ff77d5f26b28b123f2c6300 for 67886b96-04cd-401e-b226-aefa83d55df8 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: 92e3484c94d33faf7ff77d5f26b28b123f2c6300 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_non_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_non_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent add for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_active4 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using f8d2001e517a0e4036cb57a4888d9f779adc3e1e for 267851b2-3913-4bb1-91a8-506fd15ddc7a # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: f8d2001e517a0e4036cb57a4888d9f779adc3e1e # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using f5190248ceae7731253b0e8798b2197e76c47818 for d7002c72-8f74-475c-b05c-70273445f32a # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: f5190248ceae7731253b0e8798b2197e76c47818 # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltController, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: not calling ->incorporate(FuThunderboltDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuDevice-DEBUG: calling ->incorporate(FuUdevDevice, FuUdevDevice) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_created(thunderbolt) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using d41e763c1716f40610c6f6149cd76f08ca0b4f67 for a4014c82-b635-4c5d-ab80-0db6ee717ef4 # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: unable to read generation: attribute generation returned no data # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from thunderbolt: d41e763c1716f40610c6f6149cd76f08ca0b4f67 # FuPlugin-DEBUG: superclassed write_firmware(thunderbolt) # FuFirmware-DEBUG: detected digital section begins at 0x1 # FuDevice-INFO: installing onto bc8ecf3109ddddaff087c75a27f88a82f9d32652: # # has-vid-pid # 0x1 # [GInputStream] # 0x8086 # 0x15d3 # 0x1234 # alpine-ridge-c # true # false # 0x3 # 0x2 # true #
# # payload # [GInputStream] # #
# # FuPluginThunderbolt-DEBUG: skipping Thunderbolt reset per quirk request # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2/nvm_non_active2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/0-2 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1/nvm_non_active1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-1 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4/nvm_non_active4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/0-4 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3/nvm_non_active3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/0-3 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0/nvm_non_active0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:785: umockdev_testbed_uevent: sending uevent remove for device /sys/devices/usb4_port1/0-0 # DEBUG: umockdev.vala:154: Removing test bed /tmp/umockdev.HH15L2 # GLib-DEBUG: unsetenv() is not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created ok 7 /thunderbolt/update{delayed_activation} # End of thunderbolt tests ============================================================================== =================================== 36/45 ==================================== test: AmdPmcTest.test_amd_pmc_broken_kernel start time: 10:55:46 duration: 0.41s result: exit status 0 command: DAEMON_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/src LIBFWUPD_BUILD_DIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd PYTHONPATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/data/tests STATE_DIRECTORY=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/state UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 FWUPD_DATADIR_QUIRKS=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build CACHE_DIRECTORY=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/cache MALLOC_PERTURB_=7 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/python3 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/../../plugins/amd-pmc/amd_pmc_test.py AmdPmcTest.test_amd_pmc_broken_kernel ----------------------------------- stderr ----------------------------------- . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.307s OK ============================================================================== =================================== 37/45 ==================================== test: AmdPmcTest.test_amd_pmc_device start time: 10:55:47 duration: 0.38s result: exit status 0 command: DAEMON_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/src LIBFWUPD_BUILD_DIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd MALLOC_PERTURB_=211 PYTHONPATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/data/tests STATE_DIRECTORY=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/state UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 FWUPD_DATADIR_QUIRKS=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build CACHE_DIRECTORY=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/cache ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/python3 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/../../plugins/amd-pmc/amd_pmc_test.py AmdPmcTest.test_amd_pmc_device ----------------------------------- stderr ----------------------------------- . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.289s OK ============================================================================== =================================== 38/45 ==================================== test: AmdPmcTest.test_amd_pmc_old_kernel start time: 10:55:47 duration: 0.41s result: exit status 0 command: DAEMON_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/src LIBFWUPD_BUILD_DIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd MALLOC_PERTURB_=191 PYTHONPATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/data/tests STATE_DIRECTORY=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/state UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 FWUPD_DATADIR_QUIRKS=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build CACHE_DIRECTORY=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/cache ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/python3 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/../../plugins/amd-pmc/amd_pmc_test.py AmdPmcTest.test_amd_pmc_old_kernel ----------------------------------- stderr ----------------------------------- . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.302s OK ============================================================================== =================================== 39/45 ==================================== test: AmdGpuApuTest.test_apu_device start time: 10:55:47 duration: 0.45s result: exit status 0 command: DAEMON_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/src LIBFWUPD_BUILD_DIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd PYTHONPATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/data/tests STATE_DIRECTORY=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/state UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 FWUPD_DATADIR_QUIRKS=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build CACHE_DIRECTORY=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/cache MALLOC_PERTURB_=194 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/python3 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/../../plugins/amd-gpu/amd_gpu_test.py AmdGpuApuTest.test_apu_device ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- FwupdDevice: DeviceId: 83eba1fa14bdefee1f6b4bcf06069b298e1c338f CompositeId: 4bde70ba4e39b28f9eab1628f9dd6e6244c03027 Name: Phoenix1 Guid: 6c23af4f-d6cd-5ffc-a502-0b85e472e7cb ← AMD\113-PHXGENERIC-001 Summary: AMD AMD_PHOENIX_GENERIC Plugin: amd_gpu Flags: internal|registered Vendor: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] VendorId: PCI:0x1002 Version: VersionFormat: plain Icon: video-display Created: 2024-04-08 ----------------------------------- stderr ----------------------------------- . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.331s OK ============================================================================== =================================== 40/45 ==================================== test: NmveTest.test_nvme_device start time: 10:55:48 duration: 0.41s result: exit status 0 command: DAEMON_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/src LIBFWUPD_BUILD_DIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd PYTHONPATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/data/tests STATE_DIRECTORY=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/state UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 FWUPD_DATADIR_QUIRKS=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build CACHE_DIRECTORY=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/cache MALLOC_PERTURB_=102 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/python3 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/../../plugins/nvme/nvme_test.py NmveTest.test_nvme_device ----------------------------------- stderr ----------------------------------- . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.301s OK ============================================================================== =================================== 41/45 ==================================== test: PciPspNoHsi.test_pci_psp_device start time: 10:55:48 duration: 0.40s result: exit status 0 command: DAEMON_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/src LIBFWUPD_BUILD_DIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd MALLOC_PERTURB_=92 PYTHONPATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/data/tests STATE_DIRECTORY=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/state UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 FWUPD_DATADIR_QUIRKS=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build CACHE_DIRECTORY=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/cache ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/python3 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/../../plugins/pci-psp/pci_psp_test.py PciPspNoHsi.test_pci_psp_device ----------------------------------- stderr ----------------------------------- . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.297s OK ============================================================================== =================================== 42/45 ==================================== test: PciPspNoHsi.test_pci_psp_hsi start time: 10:55:49 duration: 0.45s result: exit status 0 command: DAEMON_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/src LIBFWUPD_BUILD_DIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd PYTHONPATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/data/tests STATE_DIRECTORY=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/state UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 FWUPD_DATADIR_QUIRKS=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build CACHE_DIRECTORY=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/cache MALLOC_PERTURB_=9 ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/python3 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/../../plugins/pci-psp/pci_psp_test.py PciPspNoHsi.test_pci_psp_hsi ----------------------------------- stderr ----------------------------------- . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.323s OK ============================================================================== =================================== 43/45 ==================================== test: PciPspWithHsi.test_pci_psp_device start time: 10:55:49 duration: 0.41s result: exit status 0 command: MALLOC_PERTURB_=117 DAEMON_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/src LIBFWUPD_BUILD_DIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd STATE_DIRECTORY=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/state PYTHONPATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/data/tests UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 FWUPD_DATADIR_QUIRKS=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build CACHE_DIRECTORY=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/cache ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/python3 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/../../plugins/pci-psp/pci_psp_test.py PciPspWithHsi.test_pci_psp_device ----------------------------------- stderr ----------------------------------- . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.304s OK ============================================================================== =================================== 44/45 ==================================== test: PciPspWithHsi.test_pci_psp_hsi start time: 10:55:49 duration: 0.42s result: exit status 0 command: DAEMON_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/src LIBFWUPD_BUILD_DIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd PYTHONPATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/data/tests STATE_DIRECTORY=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/state MALLOC_PERTURB_=30 UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 CACHE_DIRECTORY=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/cache FWUPD_DATADIR_QUIRKS=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/bin/python3 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/../../plugins/pci-psp/pci_psp_test.py PciPspWithHsi.test_pci_psp_hsi ----------------------------------- stderr ----------------------------------- . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.320s OK ============================================================================== =================================== 45/45 ==================================== test: fu-self-test start time: 10:55:50 duration: 2.04s result: exit status 0 command: G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/src G_TEST_SRCDIR=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/src:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupdplugin:/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/libfwupd UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1:print_stacktrace=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=169 FWUPD_LOCALSTATEDIR=/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:abort_on_error=1:print_summary=1 /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/venv/build/src/fu-self-test ----------------------------------- stdout ----------------------------------- TAP version 13 # random seed: R02S741f5cd2d2bd7e384da147da3cfcc7c0 # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/fwupd # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc/fwupd # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/etc/fwupd/fwupd # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/quirks.d # FuQuirks-INFO: loading quirks from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ?gio-vfs? # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.WDDZL2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuQuirks-DEBUG: no quirk data, not creating prepared queries # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: not loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: Failed to open file ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf?: No such file or directory # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-00 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-01 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-02 is not available, not available as 'ProductName' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-03 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-04 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-05 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-06 is not available, not available as 'ProductSku' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-07 is not available, not available as 'ProductSku' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-08 is not available, not available as 'ProductName' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-09 is not available, not available as 'ProductName' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-10 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-11 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-12 is not available, not available as 'EnclosureKind' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: HardwareID-13 is not available, not available as 'BaseboardManufacturer' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: fwupd-04 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: fwupd-05 is not available, not available as 'Family' unknown # FuHwids-DEBUG: fwupd-14 is not available, not available as 'BiosVendor' unknown # FuContext-INFO: added udev subsystem watch of firmware-attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/auth.conf/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/auth/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/bios-attrs/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/colorhug/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/conf-migration-1.7/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/dell-esrt.conf/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/disabled.conf/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/dmi/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fakedevice123.bin/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/firmware-nopath.conf/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/history_v1.db/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/history_v2.db/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/host-emulate/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/meson.build/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/metadata-report1.xml/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/metadata-report2.xml/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/metadata-report3.xml/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/metadata-report4.xml/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/metadata.xml/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/missing-hwid/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/multiple-rels/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/os-release/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes2.d/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/spawn.sh/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/stable.conf/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/usb-devices-bootloader.json/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/usb-devices-invalid.json/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/usb-devices-replace.json/attributes # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: skipping non-directory /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/usb-devices.json/attributes # FuBiosSettings-INFO: loaded 0 BIOS settings 1..90 # Start of fwupd tests # FuIdle-DEBUG: inhibiting: timeout,signals by (null) # FuIdle-DEBUG: now inhibited: timeout,signals # FuIdle-DEBUG: uninhibiting: timeout,signals by (null) # FuIdle-DEBUG: now inhibited: none # FuIdle-DEBUG: inhibiting: timeout by (null) # FuIdle-DEBUG: now inhibited: timeout # FuIdle-DEBUG: inhibiting: signals by (null) # FuIdle-DEBUG: now inhibited: timeout,signals # FuIdle-DEBUG: uninhibiting: signals by (null) # FuIdle-DEBUG: now inhibited: timeout # FuIdle-DEBUG: uninhibiting: timeout by (null) # FuIdle-DEBUG: now inhibited: none ok 1 /fwupd/idle # FuClientList-DEBUG: client :hello added ok 2 /fwupd/client-list ok 3 /fwupd/remote{download} ok 4 /fwupd/remote{no-path} ok 5 /fwupd/remote{local} ok 6 /fwupd/remote{duplicate} # Fwupd-INFO: changing metadata URI from https://cdn.fwupd.org/downloads/firmware.xml.gz to https://cdn.fwupd.org/downloads/metadata.xml.gz ok 7 /fwupd/remote{auth} # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd/metainfo.xmlb # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: Failed to open file ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd/metainfo.xmlb?: open() failed: No such file or directory # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/remotes.d does not exist # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/broken.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/directory.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy-lvfs.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: auto-fixing remote legacy-lvfs MetadataURI from http://localhost/stable.xml.gz to http://localhost/stable.xml.xz # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/stable.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/testing.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/broken.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote broken already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/broken.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/directory.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote directory already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/directory.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy-lvfs.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote legacy-lvfs already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy-lvfs.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote legacy already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/stable.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote stable already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/stable.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/testing.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote testing already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/testing.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: enabled remotes: broken[0], directory[0], stable[0], testing[0] ok 8 /fwupd/remote-list{repair} ok 9 /fwupd/unix-seekable-input-stream # libgusb-DEBUG: emitting ::device-added(usb:01:00:06) # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDs20: # guid: d8dd60df-4589-4cc7-9cd2-659d9e648a9f # platform_ver: 0x6030000 # total_length: 0x4e0 # vendor_code: 0x15 # alt_code: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: did not find magic # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDs20: # guid: d8dd60df-4589-4cc7-9cd2-659d9e648a9f # platform_ver: 0x6030000 # total_length: 0x4e0 # vendor_code: 0x15 # alt_code: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDs20: # guid: d8dd60df-4589-4cc7-9cd2-659d9e648a9f # platform_ver: 0x6030000 # total_length: 0x4e0 # vendor_code: 0x15 # alt_code: 0x0 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: PlatformVersion=0x06030000, TotalLength=0x04e0, VendorCode=0x15, AltCode=0x00 # FuUsbDevice-DEBUG: DS20: # has-stored-size # d8dd60df-4589-4cc7-9cd2-659d9e648a9f # 0x15 # 0x6030000 # 0x4e0 # [GInputStream] # # # libgusb-DEBUG: found in-order ControlTransfer:Direction=0x00,RequestType=0x02,Recipient=0x00,Request=0x15,Value=0x0000,Idx=0x0007,Data=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,Length=0x4e0 at position 5 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructMsDs20: # size: 0xa # type: 0x0 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: USB OS descriptor type 0x0000 [set-header-descriptor], length 0x000a # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructMsDs20: # size: 0x8 # type: 0x1 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: USB OS descriptor type 0x0001 [subset-header-configuration], length 0x0008 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructMsDs20: # size: 0x8 # type: 0x2 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: USB OS descriptor type 0x0002 [subset-header-function], length 0x0008 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructMsDs20: # size: 0x80 # type: 0x4 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: USB OS descriptor type 0x0004 [feature-reg-property], length 0x0080 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructMsDs20: # size: 0x5e # type: 0x4 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: USB OS descriptor type 0x0004 [feature-reg-property], length 0x005e # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructMsDs20: # size: 0x3c # type: 0x4 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: USB OS descriptor type 0x0004 [feature-reg-property], length 0x003c # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructMsDs20: # size: 0x3e # type: 0x4 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: USB OS descriptor type 0x0004 [feature-reg-property], length 0x003e # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructMsDs20: # size: 0x32 # type: 0x4 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: USB OS descriptor type 0x0004 [feature-reg-property], length 0x0032 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructMsDs20: # size: 0x8 # type: 0x2 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: USB OS descriptor type 0x0002 [subset-header-function], length 0x0008 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructMsDs20: # size: 0x80 # type: 0x4 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: USB OS descriptor type 0x0004 [feature-reg-property], length 0x0080 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructMsDs20: # size: 0x5e # type: 0x4 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: USB OS descriptor type 0x0004 [feature-reg-property], length 0x005e # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructMsDs20: # size: 0x30 # type: 0x4 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: USB OS descriptor type 0x0004 [feature-reg-property], length 0x0030 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructMsDs20: # size: 0x3a # type: 0x4 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: USB OS descriptor type 0x0004 [feature-reg-property], length 0x003a # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructMsDs20: # size: 0x3e # type: 0x4 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: USB OS descriptor type 0x0004 [feature-reg-property], length 0x003e # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructMsDs20: # size: 0x32 # type: 0x4 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: USB OS descriptor type 0x0004 [feature-reg-property], length 0x0032 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructMsDs20: # size: 0x8 # type: 0x2 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: USB OS descriptor type 0x0002 [subset-header-function], length 0x0008 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructMsDs20: # size: 0x32 # type: 0x4 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: USB OS descriptor type 0x0004 [feature-reg-property], length 0x0032 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructMsDs20: # size: 0x32 # type: 0x4 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: USB OS descriptor type 0x0004 [feature-reg-property], length 0x0032 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructMsDs20: # size: 0x36 # type: 0x4 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: USB OS descriptor type 0x0004 [feature-reg-property], length 0x0036 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructMsDs20: # size: 0x46 # type: 0x4 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: USB OS descriptor type 0x0004 [feature-reg-property], length 0x0046 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructMsDs20: # size: 0x14 # type: 0x3 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: USB OS descriptor type 0x0003 [feature-compatible-id], length 0x0014 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructMsDs20: # size: 0x80 # type: 0x4 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: USB OS descriptor type 0x0004 [feature-reg-property], length 0x0080 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDs20: # guid: 010aec63-f574-52cd-9dda-2852550d94f0 # platform_ver: 0x10805 # total_length: 0x20 # vendor_code: 0x2a # alt_code: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDs20: # guid: 010aec63-f574-52cd-9dda-2852550d94f0 # platform_ver: 0x10805 # total_length: 0x20 # vendor_code: 0x2a # alt_code: 0x0 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: PlatformVersion=0x00010805, TotalLength=0x0020, VendorCode=0x2a, AltCode=0x00 # FuUsbDevice-DEBUG: DS20: # has-stored-size # 010aec63-f574-52cd-9dda-2852550d94f0 # 0x2a # 0x20000 # 0x20 # [GInputStream] # # # libgusb-DEBUG: found in-order ControlTransfer:Direction=0x00,RequestType=0x02,Recipient=0x00,Request=0x2a,Value=0x0000,Idx=0x0007,Data=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=,Length=0x20 at position 6 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: setting ds20 device quirk 'Plugin'='dfu' # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: setting ds20 device quirk 'Icon'='computer' # DEBUG: FuUsbDevice: # Guid: 2fa8891f-3ece-53a4-adc4-0dd875685f30 ? USB\VID_273F&PID_1004 ? # Flags: emulated # VendorId: USB:0x273F # Version: 0.2 # VersionFormat: bcd # VersionRaw: 0x00000002 # Icon: computer # Guid[quirk]: 8f319d4e-1596-5c1f-9066-eb6f25a51056 ? USB\VID_273F # Guid[quirk]: 4bd986bc-4aaf-5baf-8bc2-9f7928182387 ? USB\CLASS_FF # Guid[quirk]: d3a4ebcb-89bc-5dba-9a67-c2dc894afe81 ? USB\CLASS_FF&SUBCLASS_46 # Guid[quirk]: 0c3c9699-4570-552b-bebe-e2f1848c4306 ? USB\CLASS_FF&SUBCLASS_46&PROT_57 # Guid[quirk]: 594db5d2-6565-5907-9872-eb37b18fcec1 ? USB\CLASS_FF&SUBCLASS_47 # Guid[quirk]: 7aebfe02-b021-57c7-b208-59b8e4dbeab2 ? USB\CLASS_FF&SUBCLASS_47&PROT_55 # Guid[quirk]: 571229d5-caed-5cbc-91c1-5c216601a194 ? USB\CLASS_03 # Guid[quirk]: cee9c5bc-aa12-51eb-a220-d0ef588d7cb2 ? USB\CLASS_03&SUBCLASS_00 # Guid[quirk]: afa5518d-7c55-51cb-8e1c-bf3b11b67dfa ? USB\CLASS_03&SUBCLASS_00&PROT_00 # PhysicalId: usb:01:00:06 # AcquiesceDelay: 2500 # PossiblePlugin: dfu # ParentPhysicalIds: usb:01:00,usb:01 # UsbDeviceClass: interface-desc # # libgusb-DEBUG: emitting ::device-changed(usb:01:00:06) # libgusb-DEBUG: emitting ::device-removed(usb:01:00:06) # libgusb-DEBUG: emitting ::device-added(usb:01:00:06) ok 10 /fwupd/backend{usb} # libgusb-DEBUG: emitting ::device-added(usb:00) # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDs20: # guid: 010aec63-f574-52cd-9dda-2852550d94f0 # platform_ver: 0xa # total_length: 0x20 # vendor_code: 0x2a # alt_code: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDs20: # guid: 010aec63-f574-52cd-9dda-2852550d94f0 # platform_ver: 0xa # total_length: 0x20 # vendor_code: 0x2a # alt_code: 0x0 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: PlatformVersion=0x0000000a, TotalLength=0x0020, VendorCode=0x2a, AltCode=0x00 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: invalid platform version 0x0000000a, expected >= 0x00010805 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDs20: # guid: 010aec63-f574-52cd-9dda-2852550d94f0 # platform_ver: 0xa # total_length: 0x20 # vendor_code: 0x2a # alt_code: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: did not find magic # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDs20: # guid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # platform_ver: 0x10805 # total_length: 0x20 # vendor_code: 0x2a # alt_code: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: did not find magic # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDs20: # guid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # platform_ver: 0x10805 # total_length: 0x20 # vendor_code: 0x2a # alt_code: 0x0 # FuFirmware-DEBUG: did not find magic # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDs20: # guid: 010aec63-f574-52cd-9dda-2852550d94f0 # platform_ver: 0x10805 # total_length: 0x20 # vendor_code: 0x2b # alt_code: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructDs20: # guid: 010aec63-f574-52cd-9dda-2852550d94f0 # platform_ver: 0x10805 # total_length: 0x20 # vendor_code: 0x2b # alt_code: 0x0 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: PlatformVersion=0x00010805, TotalLength=0x0020, VendorCode=0x2b, AltCode=0x00 # FuUsbDevice-DEBUG: DS20: # has-stored-size # 010aec63-f574-52cd-9dda-2852550d94f0 # 0x2b # 0x20000 # 0x20 # [GInputStream] # # # libgusb-DEBUG: found in-order ControlTransfer:Direction=0x00,RequestType=0x02,Recipient=0x00,Request=0x2b,Value=0x0000,Idx=0x0007,Data=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=,Length=0x20 at position 2 # FuUsbDeviceDs20-DEBUG: setting ds20 device quirk 'Plugin'='XXX' # FuDevice-DEBUG: using b74efe76cee83c70a7009680bc448b2d396c2ba1 for usb:00 # libgusb-DEBUG: resetting event index # FuUsbDevice-DEBUG: failed to load manufacturer string for usb device 0:0: no matching event data for GetStringDescriptor:DescIndex=0x01 # libgusb-DEBUG: found in-order GetStringDescriptor:DescIndex=0x02 at position 0 ok 11 /fwupd/backend{usb-invalid} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xd3 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] RegistrationSupported=true # FuPlugin-DEBUG: constructed(test) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: coldplug(test) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 for FakeDevice # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit device-register from test: 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_registered(test) # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from test: 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 ok 12 /fwupd/plugin{module} # SKIP No offline update support ok 13 /fwupd/memcpy # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x2e9 # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x3 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x94 # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0x1297548 # comp: 0x24d # uncomp: 0x24d # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x9 # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x9 # uoffset: 0x9 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x23b # uoffset: 0x12 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify firmware.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: firmware.metainfo.xml # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.4 # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.3 ok 14 /fwupd/cabinet ok 15 /fwupd/security-attr # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a for device1 # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [(null)] # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 1a8d0d9a96ad3e67ba76cf3033623625dc6d6882 for device2 # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 1a8d0d9a96ad3e67ba76cf3033623625dc6d6882 [(null)] # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::removed 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [(null)] ok 16 /fwupd/device-list # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a for device1 # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [(null)] # FuDeviceList-INFO: found existing device 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a # FuDeviceList-DEBUG: # 0 [0x4e1430] # new: 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [0x4e5220] # # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::changed 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [(null)] # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a for device1 # FuDeviceList-INFO: found existing device 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a, reusing item # FuDeviceList-INFO: not adding GUID a050b517-6677-5119-9a77-2d26bbf30507 to device, use FWUPD_DEVICE_FLAG_ADD_COUNTERPART_GUIDS if required # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::changed 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [(null)] # FuDeviceList-DEBUG: # 0 [0x4e1430] # new: 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [0x4dc200] # old: 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [0x4e5220] # # FuDeviceList-DEBUG: # 0 [0x4e1430] # new: 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [0x4dc200] # old: 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [0x4e5220] # # FuDeviceList-INFO: waiting 100ms for (null) device removal # FuDeviceList-INFO: found old device 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a, swapping # FuDeviceList-DEBUG: # 0 [0x4e1430] # new: 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [0x4e5220] # old: 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [0x4dc200] # # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::changed 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [(null)] ok 17 /fwupd/device-list{delay} # FuDevice-DEBUG: using f3a929b3364b471a481f4f7cda0b4559ecde9aba for device # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 692e6e2e7e58843def1ef9cfa5a3afecbfca610d for device-child # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of (null) [692e6e2e7e58843def1ef9cfa5a3afecbfca610d] to be (null) [f3a929b3364b471a481f4f7cda0b4559ecde9aba] # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added f3a929b3364b471a481f4f7cda0b4559ecde9aba [(null)] ok 18 /fwupd/device-list{explicit-order} # FuDevice-DEBUG: using f3a929b3364b471a481f4f7cda0b4559ecde9aba for device # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 692e6e2e7e58843def1ef9cfa5a3afecbfca610d for device-child # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of (null) [692e6e2e7e58843def1ef9cfa5a3afecbfca610d] to be (null) [f3a929b3364b471a481f4f7cda0b4559ecde9aba] # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added f3a929b3364b471a481f4f7cda0b4559ecde9aba [(null)] # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 692e6e2e7e58843def1ef9cfa5a3afecbfca610d [(null)] ok 19 /fwupd/device-list{explicit-order-post} # FuDevice-DEBUG: using d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495 for parent # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 0e93069c40111cd62dac2cd02cd71daffdb01cc0 for child # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of (null) [0e93069c40111cd62dac2cd02cd71daffdb01cc0] to be (null) [d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495] # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495 [(null)] # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 0e93069c40111cd62dac2cd02cd71daffdb01cc0 [(null)] # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::removed 0e93069c40111cd62dac2cd02cd71daffdb01cc0 [(null)] # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::removed d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495 [(null)] # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495 [(null)] # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 0e93069c40111cd62dac2cd02cd71daffdb01cc0 [(null)] # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::removed d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495 [(null)] # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::removed 0e93069c40111cd62dac2cd02cd71daffdb01cc0 [(null)] ok 20 /fwupd/device-list{no-auto-remove-children} # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a for device1 # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [(null)] # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 1a8d0d9a96ad3e67ba76cf3033623625dc6d6882 for device2 # FuDeviceList-INFO: waiting 100ms for (null) device removal # FuDeviceList-INFO: found compatible device 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a recently removed, reusing item from plugin plugin-for-runtime for plugin plugin-for-bootloader # FuDeviceList-INFO: not adding GUID a050b517-6677-5119-9a77-2d26bbf30507 to device, use FWUPD_DEVICE_FLAG_ADD_COUNTERPART_GUIDS if required # FuDeviceList-INFO: copying old vendor ID USB:0x20A0 to new device # FuDeviceList-INFO: copying old version 1.2.3 to new device # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::changed 1a8d0d9a96ad3e67ba76cf3033623625dc6d6882 [(null)] # FuDeviceList-DEBUG: # 0 [0x4bc5f0] IN_TIMEOUT # new: 1a8d0d9a96ad3e67ba76cf3033623625dc6d6882 [0x4ec490] # old: 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [0x4ec200] # # FuDeviceList-DEBUG: # 0 [0x4bc5f0] # new: 1a8d0d9a96ad3e67ba76cf3033623625dc6d6882 [0x4ec490] # old: 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [0x4ec200] # ok 21 /fwupd/device-list{compatible} # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 0e93069c40111cd62dac2cd02cd71daffdb01cc0 for child # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 0e93069c40111cd62dac2cd02cd71daffdb01cc0 [(null)] # FuDevice-DEBUG: using d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495 for parent # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of (null) [0e93069c40111cd62dac2cd02cd71daffdb01cc0] to be (null) [d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495] # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495 [(null)] # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::removed 0e93069c40111cd62dac2cd02cd71daffdb01cc0 [(null)] # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::removed d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495 [(null)] ok 22 /fwupd/device-list{remove-chain} ok 23 /fwupd/release{compare} ok 24 /fwupd/release{uri-scheme} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuEngine-DEBUG: priority local and lvfs is not download remote, so bumping # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/metadata # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/remotes.d # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xd3 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] RegistrationSupported=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # Jcat-DEBUG: generating a 3072 bit RSA private key... # Jcat-DEBUG: writing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/secret.key with 2455 bytes # Jcat-DEBUG: writing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/client.pem with 1383 bytes # FuEngine-INFO: client certificate now exists: nothing to do # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: no schema version: no such table: schema # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 0 # FuHistory-INFO: building initial database # FuIdle-DEBUG: setting timeout to 300s # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/local.d?: No such file or directory # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/local.d?: No such file or directory # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.SK56L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuContext-INFO: battery threshold now 10 # FuEngine-INFO: FuUsbBackend: # Name: usb # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuUdevBackend: # Name: udev # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuBluezBackend: # Name: bluez # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuEngine-INFO: 1 components now in silo # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/tags/tag' # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 829c3804401b0727f70f73d4415e162400cbe57b for dummy # FuEngine-DEBUG: 2d47f29b-83a2-4f31-a2e8-63474f4d4c2e matched 1 components # FuEngine-DEBUG: add trusted-report to org.fwupd.something.device:1.2.3 as trusted: DistroId: fedora # DistroVariant: workstation # VendorId: 123 # RemoteId: lvfs # Flags: none # # FuEngine-DEBUG: 2d47f29b-83a2-4f31-a2e8-63474f4d4c2e matched 1 releases # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 829c3804401b0727f70f73d4415e162400cbe57b [(null)] # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuEngine-DEBUG: 2d47f29b-83a2-4f31-a2e8-63474f4d4c2e matched 1 components # FuEngine-DEBUG: add trusted-report to org.fwupd.something.device:1.2.3 as trusted: DistroId: fedora # DistroVariant: workstation # VendorId: 123 # RemoteId: lvfs # Flags: none # # FuEngine-DEBUG: 2d47f29b-83a2-4f31-a2e8-63474f4d4c2e matched 1 releases ok 25 /fwupd/release{trusted-report} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xd3 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] RegistrationSupported=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/secret.key with 2455 bytes # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/client.pem with 1383 bytes # FuEngine-INFO: client certificate now exists: nothing to do # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuIdle-DEBUG: setting timeout to 300s # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/local.d?: No such file or directory # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/local.d?: No such file or directory # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.GE96L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuEngine-INFO: FuUsbBackend: # Name: usb # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuUdevBackend: # Name: udev # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuBluezBackend: # Name: bluez # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuEngine-INFO: 1 components now in silo # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/tags/tag' # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 829c3804401b0727f70f73d4415e162400cbe57b for dummy # FuEngine-DEBUG: 2d47f29b-83a2-4f31-a2e8-63474f4d4c2e matched 1 components # FuEngine-DEBUG: add trusted-report to org.fwupd.something.device:1.2.3 as trusted: DistroId: chromeos # Flags: from-oem|is-upgrade # # FuEngine-DEBUG: 2d47f29b-83a2-4f31-a2e8-63474f4d4c2e matched 1 releases # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 829c3804401b0727f70f73d4415e162400cbe57b [(null)] # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuEngine-DEBUG: 2d47f29b-83a2-4f31-a2e8-63474f4d4c2e matched 1 components # FuEngine-DEBUG: add trusted-report to org.fwupd.something.device:1.2.3 as trusted: DistroId: chromeos # Flags: from-oem|is-upgrade # # FuEngine-DEBUG: 2d47f29b-83a2-4f31-a2e8-63474f4d4c2e matched 1 releases ok 26 /fwupd/release{trusted-report-oem} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xd3 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] RegistrationSupported=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/secret.key with 2455 bytes # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/client.pem with 1383 bytes # FuEngine-INFO: client certificate now exists: nothing to do # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuIdle-DEBUG: setting timeout to 300s # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/local.d?: No such file or directory # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/local.d?: No such file or directory # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.NKE7L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuEngine-INFO: FuUsbBackend: # Name: usb # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuUdevBackend: # Name: udev # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuBluezBackend: # Name: bluez # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuEngine-INFO: 1 components now in silo # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/tags/tag' # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 829c3804401b0727f70f73d4415e162400cbe57b for dummy # FuEngine-DEBUG: 2d47f29b-83a2-4f31-a2e8-63474f4d4c2e matched 1 components # FuEngine-DEBUG: 2d47f29b-83a2-4f31-a2e8-63474f4d4c2e matched 1 releases # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 829c3804401b0727f70f73d4415e162400cbe57b [(null)] # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuEngine-DEBUG: 2d47f29b-83a2-4f31-a2e8-63474f4d4c2e matched 1 components # FuEngine-DEBUG: 2d47f29b-83a2-4f31-a2e8-63474f4d4c2e matched 1 releases ok 27 /fwupd/release{no-trusted-report-upgrade} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xd3 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] RegistrationSupported=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/secret.key with 2455 bytes # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/client.pem with 1383 bytes # FuEngine-INFO: client certificate now exists: nothing to do # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuIdle-DEBUG: setting timeout to 300s # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/local.d?: No such file or directory # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/local.d?: No such file or directory # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.FSB7L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuEngine-INFO: FuUsbBackend: # Name: usb # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuUdevBackend: # Name: udev # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuBluezBackend: # Name: bluez # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuEngine-INFO: 1 components now in silo # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/tags/tag' # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 829c3804401b0727f70f73d4415e162400cbe57b for dummy # FuEngine-DEBUG: 2d47f29b-83a2-4f31-a2e8-63474f4d4c2e matched 1 components # FuEngine-DEBUG: 2d47f29b-83a2-4f31-a2e8-63474f4d4c2e matched 1 releases # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 829c3804401b0727f70f73d4415e162400cbe57b [(null)] # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuEngine-DEBUG: 2d47f29b-83a2-4f31-a2e8-63474f4d4c2e matched 1 components # FuEngine-DEBUG: 2d47f29b-83a2-4f31-a2e8-63474f4d4c2e matched 1 releases ok 28 /fwupd/release{no-trusted-report} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xd3 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] RegistrationSupported=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/secret.key with 2455 bytes # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/client.pem with 1383 bytes # FuEngine-INFO: client certificate now exists: nothing to do # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuIdle-DEBUG: setting timeout to 300s # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/local.d?: No such file or directory # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/local.d?: No such file or directory # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.IVG7L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuEngine-INFO: FuUsbBackend: # Name: usb # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuUdevBackend: # Name: udev # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuBluezBackend: # Name: bluez # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 for test_device # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 [test device] # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x21bb # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x2 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x6f # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0x63c01d64 # comp: 0x2144 # uncomp: 0x2144 # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x1f40 # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x204 # uoffset: 0x1f40 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify firmware.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: firmware.metainfo.xml # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.3 ok 29 /fwupd/engine{get-details-added} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xd3 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] RegistrationSupported=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/secret.key with 2455 bytes # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/client.pem with 1383 bytes # FuEngine-INFO: client certificate now exists: nothing to do # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuIdle-DEBUG: setting timeout to 300s # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/local.d?: No such file or directory # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/local.d?: No such file or directory # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.GEV6L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuEngine-INFO: FuUsbBackend: # Name: usb # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuUdevBackend: # Name: udev # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuBluezBackend: # Name: bluez # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x21bb # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x2 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x6f # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0x63c01d64 # comp: 0x2144 # uncomp: 0x2144 # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x1f40 # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x204 # uoffset: 0x1f40 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify firmware.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: firmware.metainfo.xml # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.3 ok 30 /fwupd/engine{get-details-missing} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xd3 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] RegistrationSupported=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/secret.key with 2455 bytes # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/client.pem with 1383 bytes # FuEngine-INFO: client certificate now exists: nothing to do # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuIdle-DEBUG: setting timeout to 300s # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/local.d?: No such file or directory # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/local.d?: No such file or directory # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.RPU6L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuEngine-INFO: FuUsbBackend: # Name: usb # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuUdevBackend: # Name: udev # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuBluezBackend: # Name: bluez # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuEngine-INFO: 1 components now in silo # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/tags/tag' # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 8330a096d9f1af8567c7374cb8403e1ce9cf3163 for UEFI-dummy-dev0 # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 8330a096d9f1af8567c7374cb8403e1ce9cf3163 [(null)] # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout ok 31 /fwupd/engine{device-unlock} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xd3 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] RegistrationSupported=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/secret.key with 2455 bytes # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/client.pem with 1383 bytes # FuEngine-INFO: client certificate now exists: nothing to do # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuIdle-DEBUG: setting timeout to 300s # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/local.d?: No such file or directory # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/local.d?: No such file or directory # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.QVS6L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuEngine-INFO: FuUsbBackend: # Name: usb # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuUdevBackend: # Name: udev # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuBluezBackend: # Name: bluez # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuEngine-INFO: 1 components now in silo # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/tags/tag' # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 8330a096d9f1af8567c7374cb8403e1ce9cf3163 for UEFI-dummy-dev0 # FuEngine-DEBUG: 2d47f29b-83a2-4f31-a2e8-63474f4d4c2e matched 1 components # FuEngine-DEBUG: no locations for AppstreamId: org.fwupd.8330a096d9f1af8567c7374cb8403e1ce9cf3163.device # Version: 1 # Flags: trusted-payload|trusted-metadata # # FuEngine-DEBUG: 2d47f29b-83a2-4f31-a2e8-63474f4d4c2e matched 0 releases # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 8330a096d9f1af8567c7374cb8403e1ce9cf3163 [(null)] # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout ok 32 /fwupd/engine{device-md-set-flags} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/metadata # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/remotes.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xb1 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/metadata # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/remotes.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xb1 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # Jcat-DEBUG: generating a 3072 bit RSA private key... # Jcat-DEBUG: writing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/secret.key with 2459 bytes # Jcat-DEBUG: writing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/client.pem with 1383 bytes # FuEngine-INFO: client certificate now exists: nothing to do # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: no schema version: no such table: schema # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 0 # FuHistory-INFO: building initial database # FuIdle-DEBUG: setting timeout to 300s # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/local.d?: No such file or directory # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/local.d?: No such file or directory # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.BLB3L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuEngine-INFO: FuUsbBackend: # Name: usb # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuUdevBackend: # Name: udev # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuBluezBackend: # Name: bluez # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuTestPlugin: # Name: test # Flags: test-only # # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 for test_device # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_registered(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 [Test Device] # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x2e9 # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x3 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x94 # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0x1297548 # comp: 0x24d # uncomp: 0x24d # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x9 # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x9 # uoffset: 0x9 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x23b # uoffset: 0x12 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify firmware.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: firmware.metainfo.xml # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.4 # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.3 # FuIdle-DEBUG: inhibiting: timeout,signals by update # FuIdle-DEBUG: now inhibited: timeout,signals # FuEngine-INFO: composite update 1: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 1.2.2->1.2.3 (n/a, order:0: priority:0) # FuEngine-INFO: composite update 2: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 1.2.2->1.2.4 (n/a, order:0: priority:0) # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now composite-prepare # FuPlugin-DEBUG: composite_prepare(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: failed to find CPU device # FuHistory-DEBUG: remove device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: add device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now prepare # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: prepare -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-busy # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|version-check-required|install-all-releases|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # Checksum: SHA1(0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567) # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now detach # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: detach -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-restart # Percentage: 1 # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|version-check-required|install-all-releases|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # Checksum: SHA1(0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567) # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: detach(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now install # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: update -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-write # Percentage: 2 # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|version-check-required|install-all-releases|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # Checksum: SHA1(0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567) # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDevice-DEBUG: changing version for 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8: 1.2.2->1.2.3 # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now attach # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: attach -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-restart # Percentage: 95 # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|version-check-required|install-all-releases|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.3 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: attach(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now reload # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: reload -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-busy # Percentage: 97 # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|version-check-required|install-all-releases|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.3 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now cleanup # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: cleanup -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-busy # Percentage: 99 # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: updatable|registered|version-check-required|install-all-releases|unsigned-payload # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.3 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateState: success # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: Updating Test Device took 0.003473 seconds # FuConfig-INFO: /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf changed, reloading all configs # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xb1 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration changed # FuConfig-INFO: /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf changed, reloading all configs # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xb1 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration changed # FuConfig-INFO: /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf changed, reloading all configs # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xb1 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration changed # FuConfig-INFO: /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf changed, reloading all configs # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xb1 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration changed # FuIdle-DEBUG: setting timeout to 300s # FuEngine-INFO: system acquiesced after 50ms # FuEngine-INFO: failed to find CPU device # FuHistory-DEBUG: remove device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: add device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now prepare # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: prepare -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-busy # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|version-check-required|install-all-releases|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.3 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateState: success # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now detach # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: detach -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-restart # Percentage: 1 # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|version-check-required|install-all-releases|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.3 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateState: success # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: detach(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now install # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: update -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-write # Percentage: 2 # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|version-check-required|install-all-releases|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.3 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateState: success # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDevice-DEBUG: changing version for 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8: 1.2.3->1.2.4 # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now attach # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: attach -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-restart # Percentage: 95 # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|version-check-required|install-all-releases|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.4 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateState: success # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 2 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: attach(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now reload # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: reload -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-busy # Percentage: 97 # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|version-check-required|install-all-releases|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.4 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateState: success # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 2 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now cleanup # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: cleanup -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-busy # Percentage: 99 # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: updatable|registered|version-check-required|install-all-releases|unsigned-payload # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.4 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateState: success # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 2 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: Updating Test Device took 0.004999 seconds # FuEngine-INFO: system acquiesced after 50ms # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now composite-cleanup # FuPlugin-DEBUG: composite_cleanup(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now setup # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuIdle-DEBUG: uninhibiting: timeout,signals by update # FuIdle-DEBUG: now inhibited: none # FuEngine-DEBUG: clearing device-changed allowlist as transaction done # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true ok 33 /fwupd/engine{multiple-releases} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xce # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] RequestSupported=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xce # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] RequestSupported=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/secret.key with 2459 bytes # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/client.pem with 1383 bytes # FuEngine-INFO: client certificate now exists: nothing to do # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuIdle-DEBUG: setting timeout to 300s # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/local.d?: No such file or directory # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/local.d?: No such file or directory # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd/metadata.xmlb # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: Failed to open file ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd/metadata.xmlb?: open() failed: No such file or directory # FuEngine-INFO: FuUsbBackend: # Name: usb # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuUdevBackend: # Name: udev # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuBluezBackend: # Name: bluez # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuTestPlugin: # Name: test # Flags: test-only # # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 for test_device # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_registered(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 [Test Device] # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x2123 # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x2 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x70 # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0x482c02d3 # comp: 0x20ab # uncomp: 0x20ab # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x1f40 # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x16b # uoffset: 0x1f40 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify firmware2.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: firmware2.metainfo.xml # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.3 # FuEngine-INFO: failed to find CPU device # FuHistory-DEBUG: remove device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: add device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now prepare # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: prepare -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # RequestFlags: allow-generic-message # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # DEBUG: status now device-write # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # DEBUG: status now device-restart # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now detach # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: detach -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-restart # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # RequestFlags: allow-generic-message # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: detach(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # DEBUG: status now device-write # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now install # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: update -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-write # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # RequestFlags: allow-generic-message # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # DEBUG: status now decompressing # DEBUG: status now waiting-for-user # FuEngine-INFO: Emitting DeviceRequest('Message'='Please pretend to remove the device you cannot see or touch and please re-insert it.') # DEBUG: status now device-write # DEBUG: status now device-verify # FuPluginTest-DEBUG: invalid version specified: cannot parse .1.( # FuDevice-DEBUG: changing version for 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8: 1.2.2->1.2.3 # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # DEBUG: status now device-restart # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now attach # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: attach -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-restart # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # RequestFlags: allow-generic-message # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.3 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: attach(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # DEBUG: status now device-busy # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now reload # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: reload -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-busy # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # RequestFlags: allow-generic-message # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.3 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now cleanup # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: cleanup -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-busy # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: updatable|registered|unsigned-payload # RequestFlags: allow-generic-message # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.3 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateState: success # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # DEBUG: status now unknown # FuEngine-INFO: Updating Test Device took 0.014928 seconds # DEBUG: status now device-busy # FuEngine-INFO: system acquiesced after 50ms ok 34 /fwupd/engine{install-request} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/metadata # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/remotes.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xb1 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xd2 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] AnotherWriteRequired=true # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/metadata # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/remotes.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xd2 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] AnotherWriteRequired=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # Jcat-DEBUG: generating a 3072 bit RSA private key... # Jcat-DEBUG: writing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/secret.key with 2455 bytes # Jcat-DEBUG: writing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/client.pem with 1383 bytes # FuEngine-INFO: client certificate now exists: nothing to do # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: no schema version: no such table: schema # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 0 # FuHistory-INFO: building initial database # FuIdle-DEBUG: setting timeout to 300s # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/local.d?: No such file or directory # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/local.d?: No such file or directory # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.G8MTL2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuEngine-INFO: FuUsbBackend: # Name: usb # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuUdevBackend: # Name: udev # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuBluezBackend: # Name: bluez # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuTestPlugin: # Name: test # Flags: test-only # # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 for test_device # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_registered(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 [Test Device] # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x2123 # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x2 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x70 # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0x482c02d3 # comp: 0x20ab # uncomp: 0x20ab # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x1f40 # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x16b # uoffset: 0x1f40 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify firmware2.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: firmware2.metainfo.xml # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.3 # FuEngine-INFO: failed to find CPU device # FuHistory-DEBUG: remove device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: add device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now prepare # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: prepare -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # Checksum: SHA1(0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567) # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now detach # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: detach -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-restart # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # Checksum: SHA1(0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567) # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: detach(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now install # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: update -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-write # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # Checksum: SHA1(0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567) # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPluginTest-DEBUG: invalid version specified: cannot parse .1.( # FuDevice-DEBUG: changing version for 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8: 1.2.2->1.2.3 # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now attach # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: attach -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-restart # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|another-write-required|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.3 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # DoneAnotherWriteRequired:true # nr-update: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: attach(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now reload # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: reload -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-busy # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|another-write-required|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.3 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # DoneAnotherWriteRequired:true # nr-update: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now detach # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: detach -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-restart # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.3 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # DoneAnotherWriteRequired:true # nr-update: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: detach(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now install # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: update -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-write # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.3 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # DoneAnotherWriteRequired:true # nr-update: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPluginTest-DEBUG: invalid version specified: cannot parse .1.( # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now attach # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: attach -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-restart # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.3 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # DoneAnotherWriteRequired:true # nr-update: 2 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: attach(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now reload # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: reload -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-busy # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.3 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # DoneAnotherWriteRequired:true # nr-update: 2 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now cleanup # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: cleanup -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-busy # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: updatable|registered|unsigned-payload # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.3 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateState: success # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # DoneAnotherWriteRequired:true # nr-update: 2 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: Updating Test Device took 0.006803 seconds # FuEngine-INFO: system acquiesced after 50ms # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] ok 35 /fwupd/engine{history-success} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xd2 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] AnotherWriteRequired=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/secret.key with 2455 bytes # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/client.pem with 1383 bytes # FuEngine-INFO: client certificate now exists: nothing to do # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuIdle-DEBUG: setting timeout to 300s # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/local.d?: No such file or directory # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/local.d?: No such file or directory # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.VG8RL2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuEngine-INFO: FuUsbBackend: # Name: usb # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuUdevBackend: # Name: udev # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuBluezBackend: # Name: bluez # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuTestPlugin: # Name: test # Flags: test-only # # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuDevice-DEBUG: changing verfmt for (null): triplet->number # FuDevice-DEBUG: changing version for (null): 0.1.27->65563 # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 for test_device # FuEngine-DEBUG: absorbing version format triplet into 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 from history database # FuDevice-DEBUG: changing verfmt for 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8: number->triplet # FuDevice-DEBUG: changing version for 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8: 65563->0.1.27 # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_registered(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 [(null)] # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout ok 36 /fwupd/engine{history-verfmt} # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 5f5513f8822fdbe5145af33b64d8d970dcf95c6e for foobarbaz # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuHistory-DEBUG: remove device (null) [5f5513f8822fdbe5145af33b64d8d970dcf95c6e] # FuHistory-DEBUG: remove device (null) [5f5513f8822fdbe5145af33b64d8d970dcf95c6e] # FuHistory-DEBUG: add device (null) [5f5513f8822fdbe5145af33b64d8d970dcf95c6e] # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device (null) [5f5513f8822fdbe5145af33b64d8d970dcf95c6e] # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 55c58c558364b75e568c535a14bf07bf69e63522 for DOES-NOT-EXIST # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device (null) [55c58c558364b75e568c535a14bf07bf69e63522] ok 37 /fwupd/engine{history-modify} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xe7 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] AnotherWriteRequired=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] WriteSupported=false # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xe7 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] AnotherWriteRequired=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] WriteSupported=false # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/secret.key with 2455 bytes # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/client.pem with 1383 bytes # FuEngine-INFO: client certificate now exists: nothing to do # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuIdle-DEBUG: setting timeout to 300s # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/local.d?: No such file or directory # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/local.d?: No such file or directory # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.04URL2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuEngine-INFO: FuUsbBackend: # Name: usb # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuUdevBackend: # Name: udev # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuBluezBackend: # Name: bluez # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuTestPlugin: # Name: test # Flags: test-only # # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 for test_device # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_registered(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 [Test Device] # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x2123 # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x2 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x70 # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0x482c02d3 # comp: 0x20ab # uncomp: 0x20ab # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x1f40 # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x16b # uoffset: 0x1f40 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify firmware2.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: firmware2.metainfo.xml # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.3 # FuEngine-INFO: failed to find CPU device # FuHistory-DEBUG: remove device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: add device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now prepare # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: prepare -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now detach # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: detach -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-restart # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: detach(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now install # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: update -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-write # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now attach # FuPlugin-DEBUG: attach(test) # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now cleanup # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: cleanup -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-write # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: updatable|registered|unsigned-payload # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateState: failed # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 ok 38 /fwupd/engine{history-error} # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a for device1 # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 1a8d0d9a96ad3e67ba76cf3033623625dc6d6882 for device2 # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [device1] # FuDeviceList-INFO: found existing device 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a # FuDeviceList-INFO: 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a device came back, clearing flag # FuDeviceList-DEBUG: # 0 [0x4ebff0] # new: 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [0x52db00] # # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::changed 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [device1] # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: waiting 40000ms for replug # FuDeviceList-INFO: waiting 40000ms for device1 device removal # FuDeviceList-INFO: found compatible device 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a recently removed, reusing item from plugin self-test for plugin self-test # FuDeviceList-INFO: not adding GUID b84ed8ed-a7b1-502f-83f6-90132e68adef to device, use FWUPD_DEVICE_FLAG_ADD_COUNTERPART_GUIDS if required # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::changed 1a8d0d9a96ad3e67ba76cf3033623625dc6d6882 [device2] # FuDeviceList-DEBUG: # 0 [0x4ebff0] IN_TIMEOUT # new: 1a8d0d9a96ad3e67ba76cf3033623625dc6d6882 [0x512130] # old: 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [0x52db00] WAIT_FOR_REPLUG # # FuDeviceList-INFO: 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a old device came back, clearing flag # FuDeviceList-DEBUG: # 0 [0x4ebff0] # new: 1a8d0d9a96ad3e67ba76cf3033623625dc6d6882 [0x512130] # old: 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [0x52db00] # # FuDeviceList-INFO: waited for replug # FuDeviceList-INFO: found old device 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a, swapping # FuDeviceList-INFO: 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a device came back, clearing flag # FuDeviceList-INFO: 1a8d0d9a96ad3e67ba76cf3033623625dc6d6882 old device came back, clearing flag # FuDeviceList-DEBUG: # 0 [0x4ebff0] # new: 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [0x52db00] # old: 1a8d0d9a96ad3e67ba76cf3033623625dc6d6882 [0x512130] # # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::changed 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [device1] # FuDeviceList-INFO: waiting 40000ms for device1 device removal # FuDeviceList-INFO: found existing device 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a # FuDeviceList-INFO: 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a device came back, clearing flag # FuDeviceList-INFO: 1a8d0d9a96ad3e67ba76cf3033623625dc6d6882 old device came back, clearing flag # FuDeviceList-DEBUG: # 0 [0x4ebff0] # new: 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [0x52db00] # old: 1a8d0d9a96ad3e67ba76cf3033623625dc6d6882 [0x512130] # # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::changed 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [device1] ok 39 /fwupd/device-list{replug-user} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xe7 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] AnotherWriteRequired=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] WriteSupported=false # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/secret.key with 2455 bytes # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/client.pem with 1383 bytes # FuEngine-INFO: client certificate now exists: nothing to do # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuIdle-DEBUG: setting timeout to 300s # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/local.d?: No such file or directory # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/local.d?: No such file or directory # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.RCEYL2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuEngine-INFO: FuUsbBackend: # Name: usb # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuUdevBackend: # Name: udev # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuBluezBackend: # Name: bluez # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x21bb # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x2 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x6f # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0x63c01d64 # comp: 0x2144 # uncomp: 0x2144 # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x1f40 # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x204 # uoffset: 0x1f40 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify firmware.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: firmware.metainfo.xml # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.3 # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 for test_device # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 [(null)] # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout ok 40 /fwupd/engine{require-hwid} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xb1 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xc9 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] NeedsReboot=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xc9 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] NeedsReboot=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/secret.key with 2455 bytes # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/client.pem with 1383 bytes # FuEngine-INFO: client certificate now exists: nothing to do # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuIdle-DEBUG: setting timeout to 300s # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/local.d?: No such file or directory # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/local.d?: No such file or directory # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd/metadata.xmlb # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: Failed to open file ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd/metadata.xmlb?: open() failed: No such file or directory # FuEngine-INFO: FuUsbBackend: # Name: usb # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuUdevBackend: # Name: udev # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuBluezBackend: # Name: bluez # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuTestPlugin: # Name: test # Flags: test-only # # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 for test_device # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_registered(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 [Test Device] # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x2123 # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x2 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x70 # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0x482c02d3 # comp: 0x20ab # uncomp: 0x20ab # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x1f40 # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x16b # uoffset: 0x1f40 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify firmware2.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: firmware2.metainfo.xml # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.3 # FuEngine-INFO: failed to find CPU device # FuHistory-DEBUG: remove device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: add device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now prepare # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: prepare -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now detach # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: detach -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-restart # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: detach(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now install # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: update -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-write # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now attach # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: attach -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-restart # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|needs-reboot|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: attach(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now reload # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: reload -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-busy # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|needs-reboot|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now cleanup # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: cleanup -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-busy # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: updatable|registered|needs-reboot|unsigned-payload # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateState: success # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: Updating Test Device took 0.006622 seconds # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] ok 41 /fwupd/engine{requires-reboot} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xb1 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xcd # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] NeedsActivation=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xcd # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] NeedsActivation=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/secret.key with 2455 bytes # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/client.pem with 1383 bytes # FuEngine-INFO: client certificate now exists: nothing to do # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: no schema version: no such table: schema # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 0 # FuHistory-INFO: building initial database # FuIdle-DEBUG: setting timeout to 300s # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/local.d?: No such file or directory # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/local.d?: No such file or directory # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.N0TXL2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuEngine-INFO: FuUsbBackend: # Name: usb # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuUdevBackend: # Name: udev # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuBluezBackend: # Name: bluez # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuTestPlugin: # Name: test # Flags: test-only # # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 for test_device # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_registered(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 [Test Device] # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x2123 # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x2 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x70 # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0x482c02d3 # comp: 0x20ab # uncomp: 0x20ab # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x1f40 # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x16b # uoffset: 0x1f40 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify firmware2.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: firmware2.metainfo.xml # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.3 # FuEngine-INFO: failed to find CPU device # FuHistory-DEBUG: remove device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: add device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now prepare # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: prepare -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now detach # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: detach -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-restart # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: detach(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now install # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: update -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-write # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now attach # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: attach -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-restart # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|needs-activation|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: Pending activation, An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [needs-activation] Pending activation # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: attach(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now reload # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: reload -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-busy # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|needs-activation|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: Pending activation, An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [needs-activation] Pending activation # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now cleanup # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: cleanup -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-busy # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|needs-activation|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateState: success # UpdateError: Pending activation # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [needs-activation] Pending activation # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: Updating Test Device took 0.004687 seconds # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: system acquiesced after 50ms # FuEngine-INFO: activate -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: idle # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|needs-activation|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateState: success # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [needs-activation] Pending activation # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: activate(test) # FuDevice-DEBUG: changing version for 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8: 1.2.2->1.2.3 # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuDevice-DEBUG: changing version for 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8: 1.2.3->1.2.2 # FuEngine-INFO: failed to find CPU device # FuHistory-DEBUG: remove device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: add device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now prepare # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: prepare -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: idle # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateState: success # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now detach # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: detach -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-restart # Percentage: 1 # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateState: success # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: detach(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now install # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: update -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-write # Percentage: 2 # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateState: success # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now attach # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: attach -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-restart # Percentage: 95 # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|needs-activation|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateState: success # UpdateError: Pending activation, An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [needs-activation] Pending activation # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: attach(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now reload # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: reload -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-busy # Percentage: 97 # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|needs-activation|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateState: success # UpdateError: Pending activation, An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [needs-activation] Pending activation # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now cleanup # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: cleanup -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 # Name: Test Device # Status: device-busy # Percentage: 99 # Guid: 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|needs-activation|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Created: 2018-01-07 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateState: success # UpdateError: Pending activation # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # nr-update: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [needs-activation] Pending activation # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: Updating Test Device took 0.004975 seconds # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Test Device [894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8] # FuEngine-INFO: system acquiesced after 50ms # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 for test_device # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuEngine-INFO: inheriting needs-activation for Test Device as version 1.2.2 != 1.2.3 # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_registered(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 [Test Device] # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 for test_device # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_registered(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 [Test Device] ok 42 /fwupd/engine{history-inherit} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a for device1 # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 99249eb1bd9ef0b6e192b271a8cb6a3090cfec7a [(null)] # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 934b4162a6daa0b033d649c8d464529cec41d3de for device21 # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 934b4162a6daa0b033d649c8d464529cec41d3de [(null)] ok 43 /fwupd/engine{partial-hash} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/metadata # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/remotes.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/metadata # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/remotes.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: not loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: Failed to open file ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf?: No such file or directory # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.TER6L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/broken.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuEngine-DEBUG: priority local and broken is not download remote, so bumping # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/directory.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuEngine-DEBUG: priority local and directory is not download remote, so bumping # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy-lvfs.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: auto-fixing remote legacy-lvfs MetadataURI from http://localhost/stable.xml.gz to http://localhost/stable.xml.xz # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/stable.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuEngine-DEBUG: priority local and stable is not download remote, so bumping # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/testing.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuEngine-DEBUG: priority local and testing is not download remote, so bumping # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/broken.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote broken already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/broken.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/directory.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote directory already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/directory.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy-lvfs.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote legacy-lvfs already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy-lvfs.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote legacy already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/stable.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote stable already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/stable.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/testing.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote testing already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/testing.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: enabled remotes: broken[1000], directory[1000], stable[1000], testing[1000] # Jcat-DEBUG: generating a 3072 bit RSA private key... # Jcat-DEBUG: writing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/secret.key with 2455 bytes # Jcat-DEBUG: writing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/client.pem with 1383 bytes # FuEngine-INFO: client certificate now exists: nothing to do # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: no schema version: no such table: schema # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 0 # FuHistory-INFO: building initial database # FuIdle-DEBUG: setting timeout to 300s # FuEngine-INFO: loading metadata for remote 'directory' # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/local.d?: No such file or directory # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/local.d?: No such file or directory # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.KCP3L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring invalid file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/broken.xml.gz:ctime=1712573751.602282:func-id=AppStreamUpgrade@3:value=/tmp/fwupd-self-test/broken.xml.gz:value=broken: Invalid compressed data # FuEngine-INFO: 2 components now in silo # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/tags/tag' # FuEngine-INFO: FuUsbBackend: # Name: usb # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuUdevBackend: # Name: udev # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuBluezBackend: # Name: bluez # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 for test_device # FuEngine-DEBUG: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee matched 2 components # FuEngine-DEBUG: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee matched 2 releases # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 [Test Device] # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuEngine-DEBUG: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee matched 2 components # FuEngine-DEBUG: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee matched 4 releases # FuEngine-DEBUG: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee matched 2 components # FuEngine-DEBUG: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee matched 4 releases # FuEngine-DEBUG: ignoring 1.2.3 == 1.2.3 # FuEngine-DEBUG: ignoring 1.2.2 < 1.2.3 # FuEngine-DEBUG: ignoring 1.2.5 as not approved as required by testing # FuEngine-DEBUG: ignoring 1.2.4 as not approved as required by testing # FuEngine-DEBUG: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee matched 2 components # FuEngine-INFO: checking deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdead3333 against approved list # FuEngine-INFO: checking deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdead4444 against approved list # FuEngine-DEBUG: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee matched 4 releases # FuEngine-DEBUG: ignoring 1.2.3 == 1.2.3 # FuEngine-DEBUG: ignoring 1.2.2 < 1.2.3 # FuEngine-DEBUG: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee matched 2 components # FuEngine-INFO: checking deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdead3333 against approved list # FuEngine-INFO: checking deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdead4444 against approved list # FuEngine-DEBUG: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee matched 4 releases # FuEngine-DEBUG: ignoring 1.2.3 as the same as 1.2.3 # FuEngine-DEBUG: ignoring 1.2.5 as newer than 1.2.3 # FuEngine-DEBUG: ignoring 1.2.4 as newer than 1.2.3 ok 44 /fwupd/engine{downgrade} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/metadata # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/remotes.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/metadata # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/remotes.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: not loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: Failed to open file ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf?: No such file or directory # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.7FN3L2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/broken.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuEngine-DEBUG: priority local and broken is not download remote, so bumping # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/directory.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuEngine-DEBUG: priority local and directory is not download remote, so bumping # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy-lvfs.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: auto-fixing remote legacy-lvfs MetadataURI from http://localhost/stable.xml.gz to http://localhost/stable.xml.xz # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/stable.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuEngine-DEBUG: priority local and stable is not download remote, so bumping # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/testing.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuEngine-DEBUG: priority local and testing is not download remote, so bumping # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/broken.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote broken already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/broken.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/directory.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote directory already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/directory.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy-lvfs.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote legacy-lvfs already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy-lvfs.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote legacy already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/stable.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote stable already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/stable.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/testing.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote testing already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/testing.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: enabled remotes: broken[1000], directory[1000], stable[1000], testing[1000] # Jcat-DEBUG: generating a 3072 bit RSA private key... # Jcat-DEBUG: writing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/secret.key with 2459 bytes # Jcat-DEBUG: writing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/client.pem with 1383 bytes # FuEngine-INFO: client certificate now exists: nothing to do # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: no schema version: no such table: schema # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 0 # FuHistory-INFO: building initial database # FuIdle-DEBUG: setting timeout to 300s # FuEngine-INFO: loading metadata for remote 'directory' # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/local.d?: No such file or directory # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/local.d?: No such file or directory # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.INFDM2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuEngine-INFO: 1 components now in silo # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/tags/tag' # FuEngine-INFO: FuUsbBackend: # Name: usb # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuUdevBackend: # Name: udev # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuBluezBackend: # Name: bluez # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 for test_device # FuEngine-DEBUG: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee matched 1 components # FuDevice-DEBUG: changing version for 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8: 16908291->1.2.3 # FuEngine-DEBUG: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee matched 1 releases # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 [Graphics Tablet] # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuEngine-DEBUG: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee matched 1 components # FuEngine-DEBUG: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee matched 1 releases ok 45 /fwupd/engine{md-verfmt} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuEngine-DEBUG: requirement 1.2.3 ge 1.2.3 -> org.test.dummy passed # FuEngine-DEBUG: HWID provided 6ff95c9c-ae41-5f59-9d90-3ec1ea66091e # FuEngine-DEBUG: requirement 1.0.1 ge 2.0.0 -> org.freedesktop.fwupd passed # FuEngine-DEBUG: requirement 1.9.10 ge 2.0.0 -> org.freedesktop.fwupd passed ok 46 /fwupd/engine{requirements-success} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring soft-requirement due to --force: no version available for not.going.to.exist ok 47 /fwupd/engine{requirements-soft} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? ok 48 /fwupd/engine{requirements-missing} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? ok 49 /fwupd/engine{requirements-client-fail} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? ok 50 /fwupd/engine{requirements-client-invalid} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuEngine-DEBUG: requirement 1.4.5 ge 2.0.0 -> org.freedesktop.fwupd passed ok 51 /fwupd/engine{requirements-client-pass} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuEngine-DEBUG: requirement 1.9.10 ge 2.0.0 -> org.freedesktop.fwupd passed ok 52 /fwupd/engine{requirements-not-hardware} ok 53 /fwupd/engine{requirements-version-require} ok 54 /fwupd/engine{requirements-version-lowest} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 0e93069c40111cd62dac2cd02cd71daffdb01cc0 for child # FuDevice-DEBUG: using d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495 for parent # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of child [0e93069c40111cd62dac2cd02cd71daffdb01cc0] to be parent [d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495] # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495 [parent] # FuEngine-DEBUG: requirement 1.3.4 ge 2.0.0 -> org.freedesktop.fwupd passed ok 55 /fwupd/engine{requirements-parent-device} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuDevice-DEBUG: using d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495 for parent # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 0e93069c40111cd62dac2cd02cd71daffdb01cc0 for child # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of child [0e93069c40111cd62dac2cd02cd71daffdb01cc0] to be parent [d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495] # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495 [parent] # FuEngine-DEBUG: requirement 1.9.7 ge 2.0.0 -> org.freedesktop.fwupd passed ok 56 /fwupd/engine{requirements-child-device} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuDevice-DEBUG: using e19ac77aba28248a3f4e37170531e0c69b4cf98e for NVME # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added e19ac77aba28248a3f4e37170531e0c69b4cf98e [NVME device] # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 4f0e158ef035547f055c65c2d1d611313c20c491 for UEFI # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 4f0e158ef035547f055c65c2d1d611313c20c491 [UEFI device] ok 57 /fwupd/engine{requirements_protocol_check_func} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 829c3804401b0727f70f73d4415e162400cbe57b for dummy # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of (null) [829c3804401b0727f70f73d4415e162400cbe57b] to be (null) [(null)] # FuEngine-DEBUG: requirement 1.2.11 ge 2.0.0 -> org.freedesktop.fwupd passed ok 58 /fwupd/engine{requirements-not-child} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 829c3804401b0727f70f73d4415e162400cbe57b for dummy # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of (null) [829c3804401b0727f70f73d4415e162400cbe57b] to be (null) [(null)] ok 59 /fwupd/engine{requirements-not-child-fail} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? ok 60 /fwupd/engine{requirements-unsupported} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuEngine-DEBUG: requirement 4.0.0 ge 6.7.9-200.fc39.x86_64 -> org.kernel passed # FuEngine-DEBUG: requirement 1.2.11 ge 2.0.0 -> org.freedesktop.fwupd passed # FuEngine-DEBUG: requirement 4.0.0 ge 6.7.9-200.fc39.x86_64 -> org.kernel passed # FuEngine-DEBUG: requirement 1.2.11 ge 2.0.0 -> org.freedesktop.fwupd passed # FuEngine-DEBUG: requirement 4.0.0 ge 6.7.9-200.fc39.x86_64 -> org.kernel passed # FuEngine-DEBUG: requirement 1.2.11 ge 2.0.0 -> org.freedesktop.fwupd passed # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring enforce-requires requirement due to --force ok 61 /fwupd/engine{requirements-device} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? ok 62 /fwupd/engine{requirements-device-plain} ok 63 /fwupd/engine{requirements-version-format} ok 64 /fwupd/engine{requirements-only-upgrade} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 821c07a03badb405e8ccaea45217e56e69e4f6e0 for child1 # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 821c07a03badb405e8ccaea45217e56e69e4f6e0 [Child1] # FuDevice-DEBUG: using d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495 for parent # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 268c29732f90b4ddba639b3b0096cc468ceed2fb for child2 # FuDevice-DEBUG: using f8bce896034a021c3513a365618c8b7ff0b219df for child-ID2 # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of Child2 [f8bce896034a021c3513a365618c8b7ff0b219df] to be Parent [d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495] # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of Child1 [821c07a03badb405e8ccaea45217e56e69e4f6e0] to be Parent [d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495] # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495 [Parent] # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 28b9aec1790a5f938ca75e64f04595548b7673f4 for child4 # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of Child4 [28b9aec1790a5f938ca75e64f04595548b7673f4] to be Parent [d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495] # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 28b9aec1790a5f938ca75e64f04595548b7673f4 [Child4] # FuDeviceList-INFO: found existing device 28b9aec1790a5f938ca75e64f04595548b7673f4 # FuDeviceList-DEBUG: # 0 [0x54f770] # new: 821c07a03badb405e8ccaea45217e56e69e4f6e0 [0x52db00] # 1 [0x4c3da0] # new: d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495 [0x528000] # 2 [0x4d2ec0] # new: 28b9aec1790a5f938ca75e64f04595548b7673f4 [0x540b50] # # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::changed 28b9aec1790a5f938ca75e64f04595548b7673f4 [Child4] # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 9520e2cb0c40c512b35a769f16522e084e3abe6c for child5 # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of Child5 [9520e2cb0c40c512b35a769f16522e084e3abe6c] to be Parent [d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495] # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 9520e2cb0c40c512b35a769f16522e084e3abe6c [Child5] # FuDeviceList-INFO: found existing device 9520e2cb0c40c512b35a769f16522e084e3abe6c # FuDeviceList-DEBUG: # 0 [0x54f770] # new: 821c07a03badb405e8ccaea45217e56e69e4f6e0 [0x52db00] # 1 [0x4c3da0] # new: d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495 [0x528000] # 2 [0x4d2ec0] # new: 28b9aec1790a5f938ca75e64f04595548b7673f4 [0x540b50] # 3 [0x52c430] # new: 9520e2cb0c40c512b35a769f16522e084e3abe6c [0x50bc10] # # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::changed 9520e2cb0c40c512b35a769f16522e084e3abe6c [Child5] ok 65 /fwupd/engine{device-auto-parent-id} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 0e93069c40111cd62dac2cd02cd71daffdb01cc0 for child # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 6140d813-33f8-593a-b54f-b18ec9df4d64 for parent-GUID # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 0e93069c40111cd62dac2cd02cd71daffdb01cc0 [(null)] # FuDevice-DEBUG: using d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495 for parent # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 268c29732f90b4ddba639b3b0096cc468ceed2fb for child2 # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 6140d813-33f8-593a-b54f-b18ec9df4d64 for parent-GUID # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of (null) [268c29732f90b4ddba639b3b0096cc468ceed2fb] to be (null) [d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495] # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of (null) [0e93069c40111cd62dac2cd02cd71daffdb01cc0] to be (null) [d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495] # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495 [(null)] # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 268c29732f90b4ddba639b3b0096cc468ceed2fb [(null)] ok 66 /fwupd/engine{device-auto-parent-guid} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/metadata # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/remotes.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/metadata # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/remotes.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: not loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: Failed to open file ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf?: No such file or directory # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.5VRCM2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/broken.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuEngine-DEBUG: priority local and broken is not download remote, so bumping # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/directory.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuEngine-DEBUG: priority local and directory is not download remote, so bumping # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy-lvfs.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: auto-fixing remote legacy-lvfs MetadataURI from http://localhost/stable.xml.gz to http://localhost/stable.xml.xz # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/stable.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuEngine-DEBUG: priority local and stable is not download remote, so bumping # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/testing.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuEngine-DEBUG: priority local and testing is not download remote, so bumping # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/broken.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote broken already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/broken.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/directory.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote directory already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/directory.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy-lvfs.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote legacy-lvfs already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy-lvfs.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote legacy already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/stable.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote stable already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/stable.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/testing.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote testing already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/testing.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: enabled remotes: broken[1000], directory[1000], stable[1000], testing[1000] # Jcat-DEBUG: generating a 3072 bit RSA private key... # Jcat-DEBUG: writing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/secret.key with 2455 bytes # Jcat-DEBUG: writing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/client.pem with 1383 bytes # FuEngine-INFO: client certificate now exists: nothing to do # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: no schema version: no such table: schema # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 0 # FuHistory-INFO: building initial database # FuIdle-DEBUG: setting timeout to 300s # FuEngine-INFO: loading metadata for remote 'directory' # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/local.d?: No such file or directory # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/local.d?: No such file or directory # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.4WYAM2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuEngine-INFO: 1 components now in silo # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/tags/tag' # FuEngine-INFO: FuUsbBackend: # Name: usb # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuUdevBackend: # Name: udev # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuBluezBackend: # Name: bluez # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 for test_device # FuEngine-DEBUG: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee matched 1 components # FuEngine-DEBUG: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee matched 1 releases # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 [(null)] # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuEngine-DEBUG: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee matched 1 components # FuEngine-DEBUG: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee matched 1 releases ok 67 /fwupd/engine{install-duration} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/metadata # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/remotes.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/metadata # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/remotes.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: not loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: Failed to open file ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf?: No such file or directory # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.R8DAM2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/broken.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuEngine-DEBUG: priority local and broken is not download remote, so bumping # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/directory.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuEngine-DEBUG: priority local and directory is not download remote, so bumping # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy-lvfs.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: auto-fixing remote legacy-lvfs MetadataURI from http://localhost/stable.xml.gz to http://localhost/stable.xml.xz # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/stable.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuEngine-DEBUG: priority local and stable is not download remote, so bumping # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/testing.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuEngine-DEBUG: priority local and testing is not download remote, so bumping # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/broken.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote broken already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/broken.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/directory.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote directory already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/directory.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy-lvfs.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote legacy-lvfs already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy-lvfs.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote legacy already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/stable.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote stable already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/stable.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/testing.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote testing already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/testing.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: enabled remotes: broken[1000], directory[1000], stable[1000], testing[1000] # Jcat-DEBUG: generating a 3072 bit RSA private key... # Jcat-DEBUG: writing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/secret.key with 2459 bytes # Jcat-DEBUG: writing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/client.pem with 1383 bytes # FuEngine-INFO: client certificate now exists: nothing to do # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: no schema version: no such table: schema # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 0 # FuHistory-INFO: building initial database # FuIdle-DEBUG: setting timeout to 300s # FuEngine-INFO: loading metadata for remote 'directory' # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/local.d?: No such file or directory # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/local.d?: No such file or directory # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.0OJTL2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuEngine-INFO: 1 components now in silo # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/tags/tag' # FuEngine-INFO: FuUsbBackend: # Name: usb # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuUdevBackend: # Name: udev # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuBluezBackend: # Name: bluez # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 for test_device # FuEngine-DEBUG: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee matched 1 components # FuEngine-DEBUG: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee matched 1 releases # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 894e8c17a29428b09d10cd90d1db74ea76fbcfe8 [(null)] # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout # FuEngine-DEBUG: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee matched 1 components # FuEngine-DEBUG: aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee matched 2 releases # FuEngine-DEBUG: found higher priority release for 1.2.3, skipping ok 68 /fwupd/engine{release-dedupe} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/colorhug/colorhug-als-3.0.2.cab of size 0x268f # FuCommon-DEBUG: writing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd/foo.cab with 0x268f bytes # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: not loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: Failed to open file ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf?: No such file or directory # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.2POTL2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/broken.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuEngine-DEBUG: priority local and broken is not download remote, so bumping # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/directory.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuEngine-DEBUG: priority local and directory is not download remote, so bumping # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy-lvfs.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: auto-fixing remote legacy-lvfs MetadataURI from http://localhost/stable.xml.gz to http://localhost/stable.xml.xz # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/stable.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuEngine-DEBUG: priority local and stable is not download remote, so bumping # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/testing.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: ::remote_list changed # FuEngine-DEBUG: priority local and testing is not download remote, so bumping # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/broken.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote broken already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/broken.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/directory.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote directory already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/directory.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy-lvfs.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote legacy-lvfs already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy-lvfs.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote legacy already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/legacy.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/stable.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote stable already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/stable.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: loading remote from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/testing.conf # FuRemoteList-DEBUG: remote testing already added from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/remotes.d/testing.conf # FuRemoteList-INFO: enabled remotes: broken[1000], directory[1000], stable[1000], testing[1000] # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/secret.key with 2459 bytes # Jcat-DEBUG: reading /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki/client.pem with 1383 bytes # FuEngine-INFO: client certificate now exists: nothing to do # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuIdle-DEBUG: setting timeout to 300s # FuEngine-INFO: loading metadata for remote 'directory' # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd/devices.json # FuEngine-INFO: using /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd/foo.cab as metadata source # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/local.d?: No such file or directory # FuEngine-INFO: ignoring: Error opening directory ?/home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/local.d?: No such file or directory # XbSilo-DEBUG: attempting to load /tmp/.Q6NTL2 # XbSilo-DEBUG: failed to load silo: blob too small # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x268f # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x3 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x90 # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0x3191e85 # comp: 0x25f7 # uncomp: 0x25f7 # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x1f40 # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x5354 # time: 0x4753 # fattr: 0x20 [arch] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x1d9 # uoffset: 0x1f40 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x5354 # time: 0x4753 # fattr: 0x20 [arch] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x4de # uoffset: 0x2119 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x5354 # time: 0x4753 # fattr: 0x20 [arch] # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify firmware.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: firmware.metainfo.xml # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 3.0.2 # Jcat-DEBUG: using gpgme v1.20.0 # Jcat-DEBUG: Using engine at /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/gnupg # Jcat-DEBUG: returned signature fingerprint AD8A528FEC44881E # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify payload firmware.bin using detached: Could not check signature 'AD8A528FEC44881E' as no public key # FuEngine-INFO: 2 components now in silo # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/tags/tag' # FuEngine-INFO: FuUsbBackend: # Name: usb # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuUdevBackend: # Name: udev # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # FuBluezBackend: # Name: bluez # Enabled: true # DoneSetup: false # CanInvalidate: false # # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: Using cross-namespace EXTERNAL authentication (this will deadlock if server is GDBus < 2.73.3) # FuEngine-INFO: resetting update motd timeout ok 69 /fwupd/engine{generate-md} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 867d5f8110f8aa79dd63d7440f21724264f10430 for id2 # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 867d5f8110f8aa79dd63d7440f21724264f10430 [Secondary firmware] # FuEngine-DEBUG: requirement 1.2.11 ge 2.0.0 -> org.freedesktop.fwupd passed ok 70 /fwupd/engine{requirements-other-device} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 4e89d81a2e6fb4be2578d245fd8511c1f4ad0b58 for id1 # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 4e89d81a2e6fb4be2578d245fd8511c1f4ad0b58 [(null)] # FuDevice-DEBUG: using d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495 for parent # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of (null) [4e89d81a2e6fb4be2578d245fd8511c1f4ad0b58] to be (null) [d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495] # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495 [(null)] # FuDevice-DEBUG: using c48feddbbcfee514f530ce8f7f2dccd98b6cc150 for id3 # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added c48feddbbcfee514f530ce8f7f2dccd98b6cc150 [Foo bar device] # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 867d5f8110f8aa79dd63d7440f21724264f10430 for id2 # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of Secondary firmware [867d5f8110f8aa79dd63d7440f21724264f10430] to be (null) [d8fd39d0bbdd2dcf322d8b11390a4c5825b11495] # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 867d5f8110f8aa79dd63d7440f21724264f10430 [Secondary firmware] # FuEngine-DEBUG: requirement 1.6.1 ge 2.0.0 -> org.freedesktop.fwupd passed # FuEngine-DEBUG: requirement 1.6.1 ge 2.0.0 -> org.freedesktop.fwupd passed ok 71 /fwupd/engine{fu_engine_requirements_sibling_device_func} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # DEBUG: creating acme.metainfo.xml with # com.acme.example.firmware # # b585990a-003e-5270-89d5-3705a17f9a43 # # # # # # DEBUG: creating acme.module1.metainfo.xml with # com.acme.example.firmware.module1 # # 7fddead7-12b5-4fb9-9fa0-6d30305df755 # # # # # # plain # # # DEBUG: creating acme.module2.metainfo.xml with # com.acme.example.firmware.module2 # # b8fe6b45-8702-4bcd-8120-ef236caac76f # # # # # # plain # # # DEBUG: creating firmware.bin with world # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x436 # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x4 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0xbf # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0x4e6f115e # comp: 0x36f # uncomp: 0x36f # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0xef # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x13d # uoffset: 0xef # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x13e # uoffset: 0x22c # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x5 # uoffset: 0x36a # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify acme.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: acme.metainfo.xml # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify acme.module1.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: acme.module1.metainfo.xml # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify acme.module2.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: acme.module2.metainfo.xml # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.3 # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 2 # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 11 # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xb1 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/fwupd.conf of size 0xb0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0xcc # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TrustedReports=VendorId=123&DistroId=fedora&RemoteId=lvfs&DistroVariant=workstation;VendorId=$OEM&DistroId=chromeos&Flags=is-upgrade # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] Manufacturer=ACME # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] TestDevices=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [test] CompositeChild=true # FuPlugin-DEBUG: coldplug(test) # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 for FakeDevice # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from test: 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 # FuDevice-DEBUG: using c0a0a4aa6480ac28eea1ce164fbb466ca934e1ff for fake:child1 # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from test: c0a0a4aa6480ac28eea1ce164fbb466ca934e1ff # FuDevice-DEBUG: using bf455e9f371d2608d1cb67660fd2b335d3f6ef73 for fake:child2 # FuPlugin-DEBUG: emit added from test: bf455e9f371d2608d1cb67660fd2b335d3f6ef73 # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 13 # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_registered(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 [Integrated Webcam?] # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of Module1 [c0a0a4aa6480ac28eea1ce164fbb466ca934e1ff] to be Integrated Webcam? [08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018] # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_registered(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added c0a0a4aa6480ac28eea1ce164fbb466ca934e1ff [Module1] # FuDevice-INFO: setting parent of Module2 [bf455e9f371d2608d1cb67660fd2b335d3f6ef73] to be Integrated Webcam? [08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018] # FuPlugin-DEBUG: fu_plugin_device_registered(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: ::added bf455e9f371d2608d1cb67660fd2b335d3f6ef73 [Module2] # DEBUG: requirement on c0a0a4aa6480ac28eea1ce164fbb466ca934e1ff:com.acme.example.firmware failed: No supported devices found # DEBUG: requirement on bf455e9f371d2608d1cb67660fd2b335d3f6ef73:com.acme.example.firmware failed: No supported devices found # DEBUG: requirement on 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018:com.acme.example.firmware.module1 failed: No supported devices found # DEBUG: requirement on bf455e9f371d2608d1cb67660fd2b335d3f6ef73:com.acme.example.firmware.module1 failed: No supported devices found # DEBUG: requirement on 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018:com.acme.example.firmware.module2 failed: No supported devices found # DEBUG: requirement on c0a0a4aa6480ac28eea1ce164fbb466ca934e1ff:com.acme.example.firmware.module2 failed: No supported devices found # FuIdle-DEBUG: inhibiting: timeout,signals by update # FuIdle-DEBUG: now inhibited: timeout,signals # FuEngine-INFO: composite update 1: 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 1.2.2->1.2.3 (n/a, order:0: priority:0) # FuEngine-INFO: composite update 2: bf455e9f371d2608d1cb67660fd2b335d3f6ef73 10->11 (child2, order:1: priority:0) # FuEngine-INFO: composite update 3: c0a0a4aa6480ac28eea1ce164fbb466ca934e1ff 1->2 (child1, order:1: priority:0) # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now composite-prepare # FuPlugin-DEBUG: composite_prepare(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: failed to find CPU device # FuHistory-DEBUG: remove device Integrated Webcam? [08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018] # FuHistory-DEBUG: add device Integrated Webcam? [08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018] # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now prepare # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: prepare -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 # Name: Integrated Webcam? # Status: device-busy # Guid: b585990a-003e-5270-89d5-3705a17f9a43 # Summary: Fake webcam # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme.test # Flags: require-ac|registered|can-verify|can-verify-image|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # RequestFlags: allow-generic-message # Vendor: ACME Corp. # VendorId: USB:0x046D # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionLowest: 1.2.0 # VersionBootloader: 0.1.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Icon: preferences-desktop-keyboard # Created: 2024-04-08 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # frimbulator: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now detach # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: detach -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 # Name: Integrated Webcam? # Status: device-restart # Percentage: 1 # Guid: b585990a-003e-5270-89d5-3705a17f9a43 # Summary: Fake webcam # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme.test # Flags: require-ac|registered|can-verify|can-verify-image|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # RequestFlags: allow-generic-message # Vendor: ACME Corp. # VendorId: USB:0x046D # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionLowest: 1.2.0 # VersionBootloader: 0.1.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Icon: preferences-desktop-keyboard # Created: 2024-04-08 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # frimbulator: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: detach(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now install # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: update -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 # Name: Integrated Webcam? # Status: device-write # Percentage: 2 # Guid: b585990a-003e-5270-89d5-3705a17f9a43 # Summary: Fake webcam # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme.test # Flags: require-ac|registered|can-verify|can-verify-image|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # RequestFlags: allow-generic-message # Vendor: ACME Corp. # VendorId: USB:0x046D # Version: 1.2.2 # VersionLowest: 1.2.0 # VersionBootloader: 0.1.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Icon: preferences-desktop-keyboard # Created: 2024-04-08 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # frimbulator: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDevice-DEBUG: changing verfmt for 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018: triplet->plain # FuPluginTest-DEBUG: invalid version specified: cannot parse world # FuDevice-DEBUG: changing verfmt for 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018: plain->triplet # FuDevice-DEBUG: changing version for 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018: 1.2.2->1.2.3 # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now attach # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: attach -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 # Name: Integrated Webcam? # Status: device-restart # Percentage: 95 # Guid: b585990a-003e-5270-89d5-3705a17f9a43 # Summary: Fake webcam # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme.test # Flags: require-ac|registered|can-verify|can-verify-image|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # RequestFlags: allow-generic-message # Vendor: ACME Corp. # VendorId: USB:0x046D # Version: 1.2.3 # VersionLowest: 1.2.0 # VersionBootloader: 0.1.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Icon: preferences-desktop-keyboard # Created: 2024-04-08 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # frimbulator: 1 # nr-update: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: attach(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now reload # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: reload -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 # Name: Integrated Webcam? # Status: device-busy # Percentage: 97 # Guid: b585990a-003e-5270-89d5-3705a17f9a43 # Summary: Fake webcam # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme.test # Flags: require-ac|registered|can-verify|can-verify-image|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # RequestFlags: allow-generic-message # Vendor: ACME Corp. # VendorId: USB:0x046D # Version: 1.2.3 # VersionLowest: 1.2.0 # VersionBootloader: 0.1.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Icon: preferences-desktop-keyboard # Created: 2024-04-08 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # frimbulator: 1 # nr-update: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Integrated Webcam? [08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018] # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now cleanup # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: cleanup -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 # Name: Integrated Webcam? # Status: device-busy # Percentage: 99 # Guid: b585990a-003e-5270-89d5-3705a17f9a43 # Summary: Fake webcam # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme.test # Flags: updatable|require-ac|registered|can-verify|can-verify-image|unsigned-payload # RequestFlags: allow-generic-message # Vendor: ACME Corp. # VendorId: USB:0x046D # Version: 1.2.3 # VersionLowest: 1.2.0 # VersionBootloader: 0.1.2 # VersionFormat: triplet # Icon: preferences-desktop-keyboard # Created: 2024-04-08 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateState: success # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 0 # frimbulator: 1 # nr-update: 0 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: Updating Integrated Webcam? took 0.003509 seconds # FuEngine-INFO: system acquiesced after 50ms # FuEngine-INFO: failed to find CPU device # FuHistory-DEBUG: remove device Module2 [bf455e9f371d2608d1cb67660fd2b335d3f6ef73] # FuHistory-DEBUG: add device Module2 [bf455e9f371d2608d1cb67660fd2b335d3f6ef73] # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now prepare # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: prepare -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: bf455e9f371d2608d1cb67660fd2b335d3f6ef73 # CompositeId: 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 # Name: Module2 # Status: device-busy # Guid: b8fe6b45-8702-4bcd-8120-ef236caac76f # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|install-parent-first|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 10 # VersionFormat: plain # Created: 2024-04-08 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # PhysicalId: fake # LogicalId: child2 # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 1 # frimbulator: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now detach # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: detach -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: bf455e9f371d2608d1cb67660fd2b335d3f6ef73 # CompositeId: 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 # Name: Module2 # Status: device-restart # Percentage: 1 # Guid: b8fe6b45-8702-4bcd-8120-ef236caac76f # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|install-parent-first|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 10 # VersionFormat: plain # Created: 2024-04-08 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # PhysicalId: fake # LogicalId: child2 # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 1 # frimbulator: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: detach(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now install # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: update -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: bf455e9f371d2608d1cb67660fd2b335d3f6ef73 # CompositeId: 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 # Name: Module2 # Status: device-write # Percentage: 2 # Guid: b8fe6b45-8702-4bcd-8120-ef236caac76f # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|install-parent-first|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 10 # VersionFormat: plain # Created: 2024-04-08 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # PhysicalId: fake # LogicalId: child2 # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 1 # frimbulator: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDevice-DEBUG: changing version for bf455e9f371d2608d1cb67660fd2b335d3f6ef73: 10->11 # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now attach # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: attach -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: bf455e9f371d2608d1cb67660fd2b335d3f6ef73 # CompositeId: 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 # Name: Module2 # Status: device-restart # Percentage: 95 # Guid: b8fe6b45-8702-4bcd-8120-ef236caac76f # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|install-parent-first|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 11 # VersionFormat: plain # Created: 2024-04-08 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # PhysicalId: fake # LogicalId: child2 # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 1 # frimbulator: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: attach(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now reload # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: reload -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: bf455e9f371d2608d1cb67660fd2b335d3f6ef73 # CompositeId: 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 # Name: Module2 # Status: device-busy # Percentage: 97 # Guid: b8fe6b45-8702-4bcd-8120-ef236caac76f # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|install-parent-first|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 11 # VersionFormat: plain # Created: 2024-04-08 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # PhysicalId: fake # LogicalId: child2 # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 1 # frimbulator: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Module2 [bf455e9f371d2608d1cb67660fd2b335d3f6ef73] # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now cleanup # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: cleanup -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: bf455e9f371d2608d1cb67660fd2b335d3f6ef73 # CompositeId: 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 # Name: Module2 # Status: device-busy # Percentage: 99 # Guid: b8fe6b45-8702-4bcd-8120-ef236caac76f # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: updatable|registered|install-parent-first|unsigned-payload # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 11 # VersionFormat: plain # Created: 2024-04-08 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateState: success # PhysicalId: fake # LogicalId: child2 # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 1 # frimbulator: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: Updating Module2 took 0.004475 seconds # FuEngine-INFO: system acquiesced after 50ms # FuEngine-INFO: failed to find CPU device # FuHistory-DEBUG: remove device Module1 [c0a0a4aa6480ac28eea1ce164fbb466ca934e1ff] # FuHistory-DEBUG: add device Module1 [c0a0a4aa6480ac28eea1ce164fbb466ca934e1ff] # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now prepare # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: prepare -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: c0a0a4aa6480ac28eea1ce164fbb466ca934e1ff # CompositeId: 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 # Name: Module1 # Status: device-busy # Guid: 7fddead7-12b5-4fb9-9fa0-6d30305df755 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|install-parent-first|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1 # VersionFormat: plain # Created: 2024-04-08 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # PhysicalId: fake # LogicalId: child1 # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 1 # frimbulator: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now detach # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: detach -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: c0a0a4aa6480ac28eea1ce164fbb466ca934e1ff # CompositeId: 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 # Name: Module1 # Status: device-restart # Percentage: 1 # Guid: 7fddead7-12b5-4fb9-9fa0-6d30305df755 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|install-parent-first|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1 # VersionFormat: plain # Created: 2024-04-08 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # PhysicalId: fake # LogicalId: child1 # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 1 # frimbulator: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: detach(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now install # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: update -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: c0a0a4aa6480ac28eea1ce164fbb466ca934e1ff # CompositeId: 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 # Name: Module1 # Status: device-write # Percentage: 2 # Guid: 7fddead7-12b5-4fb9-9fa0-6d30305df755 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|install-parent-first|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 1 # VersionFormat: plain # Created: 2024-04-08 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # PhysicalId: fake # LogicalId: child1 # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 1 # frimbulator: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDevice-DEBUG: changing version for c0a0a4aa6480ac28eea1ce164fbb466ca934e1ff: 1->2 # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now attach # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: attach -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: c0a0a4aa6480ac28eea1ce164fbb466ca934e1ff # CompositeId: 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 # Name: Module1 # Status: device-restart # Percentage: 95 # Guid: 7fddead7-12b5-4fb9-9fa0-6d30305df755 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|install-parent-first|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 2 # VersionFormat: plain # Created: 2024-04-08 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # PhysicalId: fake # LogicalId: child1 # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 1 # frimbulator: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuPlugin-DEBUG: attach(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now reload # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: reload -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: c0a0a4aa6480ac28eea1ce164fbb466ca934e1ff # CompositeId: 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 # Name: Module1 # Status: device-busy # Percentage: 97 # Guid: 7fddead7-12b5-4fb9-9fa0-6d30305df755 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: registered|install-parent-first|updatable-hidden|unsigned-payload # Problems: update-in-progress # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 2 # VersionFormat: plain # Created: 2024-04-08 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateError: An update is in progress # PhysicalId: fake # LogicalId: child1 # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 1 # frimbulator: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # Inhibit: [update-in-progress] An update is in progress # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuHistory-DEBUG: modifying device Module1 [c0a0a4aa6480ac28eea1ce164fbb466ca934e1ff] # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now cleanup # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: cleanup -> FuDevice: # DeviceId: c0a0a4aa6480ac28eea1ce164fbb466ca934e1ff # CompositeId: 08d460be0f1f9f128413f816022a6439e0078018 # Name: Module1 # Status: device-busy # Percentage: 99 # Guid: 7fddead7-12b5-4fb9-9fa0-6d30305df755 # Plugin: test # Protocol: com.acme # Flags: updatable|registered|install-parent-first|unsigned-payload # VendorId: USB:FFFF # Version: 2 # VersionFormat: plain # Created: 2024-04-08 # Modified: 2024-04-08 # UpdateState: success # PhysicalId: fake # LogicalId: child1 # AcquiesceDelay: 50 # Order: 1 # frimbulator: 1 # BestDevice: /dev/urandom # # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: Updating Module1 took 0.004736 seconds # FuEngine-INFO: system acquiesced after 50ms # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now composite-cleanup # FuPlugin-DEBUG: composite_cleanup(test) # FuDeviceList-INFO: no replug or re-enumerate required # FuEngine-INFO: install phase now setup # FuIdle-DEBUG: uninhibiting: timeout,signals by update # FuIdle-DEBUG: now inhibited: none # FuEngine-DEBUG: clearing device-changed allowlist as transaction done ok 72 /fwupd/plugin{composite} # FuDevice-DEBUG: using 2ba16d10df45823dd4494ff10a0bfccfef512c9d for self-test # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: no schema version: no such table: schema # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 0 # FuHistory-INFO: building initial database # FuHistory-DEBUG: remove device ColorHug [2ba16d10df45823dd4494ff10a0bfccfef512c9d] # FuHistory-DEBUG: add device ColorHug [2ba16d10df45823dd4494ff10a0bfccfef512c9d] # FuHistory-DEBUG: remove device ColorHug [2ba16d10df45823dd4494ff10a0bfccfef512c9d] # FuHistory-DEBUG: add device ColorHug [2ba16d10df45823dd4494ff10a0bfccfef512c9d] # FuHistory-DEBUG: remove device ColorHug [2ba16d10df45823dd4494ff10a0bfccfef512c9d] ok 73 /fwupd/history # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: no schema version: no such table: schema # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 1 # FuHistory-INFO: migrating v1 database by recreating table ok 74 /fwupd/history{migrate-v1} # FuHistory-DEBUG: trying to open database '/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pending.db' # FuHistory-DEBUG: got schema version of 2 # FuHistory-INFO: migrating v2 database by altering ok 75 /fwupd/history{migrate-v2} ok 76 /fwupd/plugin-list # FuPluginList-DEBUG: plugin1 [0] to be ordered after plugin2 [0] so promoting to [1] # FuPluginList-INFO: late disabling plugin2 as conflicts with plugin1 ok 77 /fwupd/plugin-list{depsolve} # DEBUG: creating acme.metainfo.xml with # com.acme.example.firmware # ACME Firmware # # ae56e3fb-6528-5bc4-8b03-012f124075d7 # # # # 5 # 7c211433f02071597741e6ff5a8ea34789abbf43 #

We fixed things

# # org.freedesktop.fwupd # #
# DEBUG: creating firmware.dfu with world # DEBUG: creating firmware.dfu.asc with signature # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x300 # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x3 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x8c # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0x4487a2f # comp: 0x26c # uncomp: 0x26c # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x25e # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x5 # uoffset: 0x25e # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x9 # uoffset: 0x263 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify acme.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: acme.metainfo.xml # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.3 # Jcat-DEBUG: using gpgme v1.20.0 # Jcat-DEBUG: Using engine at /root/.local/share/libjcat/gnupg # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify payload firmware.dfu using detached: failed to verify data: No data ok 78 /fwupd/common{cab-success} # DEBUG: creating acme.metainfo.xml with # com.acme.example.firmware # # # # # firmware.dfu # 486EA46224D1BB4FB680F34F7C9AD96A8F24EC88BE73EA8E5A6C65260E9CB8A7 # # # # # # DEBUG: creating firmware.dfu with world # DEBUG: creating firmware.dfu.asc with signature # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x23d # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x3 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x8c # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0x75c179db # comp: 0x1a9 # uncomp: 0x1a9 # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x19b # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x5 # uoffset: 0x19b # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x9 # uoffset: 0x1a0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify acme.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: acme.metainfo.xml # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/provides/firmware' # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/provides/firmware' # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.3 # Jcat-DEBUG: using gpgme v1.20.0 # Jcat-DEBUG: Using engine at /root/.local/share/libjcat/gnupg # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify payload firmware.dfu using detached: failed to verify data: No data # DEBUG: creating acme.metainfo.xml with # com.acme.example.firmware # # # # # firmware.dfu # 7c211433f02071597741e6ff5a8ea34789abbF43 # # # # # # DEBUG: creating firmware.dfu with world # DEBUG: creating firmware.dfu.asc with signature # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x223 # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x3 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x8c # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0x1dd851d2 # comp: 0x18f # uncomp: 0x18f # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x181 # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x5 # uoffset: 0x181 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x9 # uoffset: 0x186 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify acme.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: acme.metainfo.xml # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/provides/firmware' # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/provides/firmware' # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.3 # Jcat-DEBUG: using gpgme v1.20.0 # Jcat-DEBUG: Using engine at /root/.local/share/libjcat/gnupg # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify payload firmware.dfu using detached: failed to verify data: No data # DEBUG: creating acme.metainfo.xml with # com.acme.example.firmware # # # # # firmware.dfu # 11853df40f4b2b919d3815f64792e58d08663767a494bcbb38c0b2389d9140bbb170281b4a847be7757bde12c9cd0054ce3652d0ad3a1a0c92babb69798246ee # # # # # # DEBUG: creating firmware.dfu with world # DEBUG: creating firmware.dfu.asc with signature # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x27d # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x3 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x8c # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0xd772c8 # comp: 0x1e9 # uncomp: 0x1e9 # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x1db # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x5 # uoffset: 0x1db # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x9 # uoffset: 0x1e0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify acme.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: acme.metainfo.xml # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/provides/firmware' # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/provides/firmware' # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.3 # Jcat-DEBUG: using gpgme v1.20.0 # Jcat-DEBUG: Using engine at /root/.local/share/libjcat/gnupg # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify payload firmware.dfu using detached: failed to verify data: No data # DEBUG: creating acme.metainfo.xml with # com.acme.example.firmware # # # 486EA46224D1BB4FB680F34F7C9AD96A8F24EC88BE73EA8E5A6C65260E9CB8A7 # # # # DEBUG: creating firmware.dfu with world # DEBUG: creating firmware.dfu.asc with signature # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x1d0 # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x3 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x8c # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0x62483c0a # comp: 0x13c # uncomp: 0x13c # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x12e # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x5 # uoffset: 0x12e # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x9 # uoffset: 0x133 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify acme.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: acme.metainfo.xml # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/provides/firmware' # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/provides/firmware' # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.3 # Jcat-DEBUG: using gpgme v1.20.0 # Jcat-DEBUG: Using engine at /root/.local/share/libjcat/gnupg # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify payload firmware.dfu using detached: failed to verify data: No data ok 79 /fwupd/common{cab-success-artifact} # DEBUG: creating acme.metainfo.xml with # com.acme.example.firmware # # # # # DEBUG: creating firmware.bin with world # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0xff # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x2 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x6b # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0xe8d01fe # comp: 0x8c # uncomp: 0x8c # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x87 # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x5 # uoffset: 0x87 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify acme.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: acme.metainfo.xml # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/provides/firmware' # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/provides/firmware' # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.3 ok 80 /fwupd/common{cab-success-unsigned} # DEBUG: creating lvfs\acme.metainfo.xml with # com.acme.example.firmware # # # # # DEBUG: creating lvfs\firmware.bin with world # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x109 # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x2 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x75 # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0xe8d01fe # comp: 0x8c # uncomp: 0x8c # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x87 # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x5 # uoffset: 0x87 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify acme.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: acme.metainfo.xml # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/provides/firmware' # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/provides/firmware' # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.3 ok 81 /fwupd/common{cab-success-folder} # DEBUG: creating acme.metainfo.xml with # com.acme.example.firmware # # # 486ea46224d1bb4fb680f34f7c9ad96a8f24ec88be73ea8e5a6c65260e9cb8a7 # # # # DEBUG: creating firmware.bin with world # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x19a # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x2 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x6b # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0x3c7e7474 # comp: 0x127 # uncomp: 0x127 # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x122 # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x5 # uoffset: 0x122 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify acme.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: acme.metainfo.xml # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/provides/firmware' # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/provides/firmware' # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.3 ok 82 /fwupd/common{cab-success-sha256} # DEBUG: creating foo.txt with hello # DEBUG: creating bar.txt with world # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x6e # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x2 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x5c # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0x1e097e69 # comp: 0xa # uncomp: 0xa # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x5 # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x5 # uoffset: 0x5 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: silo has no data # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: silo has no data ok 83 /fwupd/common{cab-error-no-metadata} # DEBUG: creating acme.metainfo.xml with # com.acme.example.firmware # # # 7004701 # deadbeef # # # # DEBUG: creating firmware.bin with world # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x192 # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x2 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x6b # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0x61084d04 # comp: 0x11f # uncomp: 0x11f # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x11a # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x5 # uoffset: 0x11a # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify acme.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: acme.metainfo.xml # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/provides/firmware' # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/provides/firmware' # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.3 ok 84 /fwupd/common{cab-error-wrong-size} # DEBUG: creating acme.metainfo.xml with # com.acme.example.firmware # # # deadbeef # # # # DEBUG: creating firmware.bin with world # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x166 # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x2 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x6b # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0x34cc369b # comp: 0xf3 # uncomp: 0xf3 # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0xee # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x5 # uoffset: 0xee # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify acme.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: acme.metainfo.xml # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/provides/firmware' # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/provides/firmware' # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.3 ok 85 /fwupd/common{cab-error-wrong-checksum} # DEBUG: creating acme.metainfo.xml with # com.acme.example.firmware # # # # # # # DEBUG: creating firmware.bin with world # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabHeader: # size: 0x148 # off_cffile: 0x2c # nr_folders: 0x1 # nr_files: 0x2 # flags: 0x0 # set_id: 0x0 # idx_cabinet: 0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFolder: # offset: 0x6b # ndatab: 0x1 # compression: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabData: # checksum: 0x5ca35fc # comp: 0xd5 # uncomp: 0xd5 # FuCompositeInputStream-DEBUG: adding partial stream global_offset:0x0 # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0xd0 # uoffset: 0x0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuStruct-DEBUG: FuStructCabFile: # usize: 0x5 # uoffset: 0xd0 # index: 0x0 # date: 0x0 # time: 0x0 # fattr: 0x0 [none] # FuCabinet-INFO: failed to verify acme.metainfo.xml: no JcatItem # FuCabinet-INFO: processing file: acme.metainfo.xml # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/provides/firmware' # XbSilo-DEBUG: ignoring index: no results for XPath query 'components/component[@type='firmware']/provides/firmware' # FuCabinet-INFO: processing release: 1.2.3 ok 86 /fwupd/common{cab-error-missing-file} # DEBUG: creating acme.metainfo.xml with # com.acme.example.firmware # # # # # DEBUG: creating firmware.bin with world ok 87 /fwupd/common{cab-error-size} # FuEngine-INFO: starting fwupd 2.0.0? # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # FuBiosSettings-INFO: loaded 4 BIOS settings # FuEngine-DEBUG: com.fwupd-internal.Absolute is already set to Disabled # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: set com.fwupd-internal.Absolute to Enabled # FuEngine-INFO: pending_reboot is now 0 # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: set com.fwupd-internal.Absolute to Disabled # FuEngine-INFO: pending_reboot is now 0 # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: set com.fwupd-internal.Absolute to Enabled # FuEngine-INFO: pending_reboot is now 0 # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: set com.fwupd-internal.Absolute to Disabled # FuEngine-INFO: pending_reboot is now 0 # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: set com.fwupd-internal.Asset to 0 # FuEngine-INFO: pending_reboot is now 0 # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: set com.fwupd-internal.Asset to 1 # FuEngine-INFO: pending_reboot is now 0 # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: set com.fwupd-internal.CustomChargeStop to 75 # FuEngine-INFO: pending_reboot is now 0 # FuBiosSettings-DEBUG: set com.fwupd-internal.CustomChargeStop to 70 # FuEngine-INFO: pending_reboot is now 0 ok 88 /fwupd/write-bios-attrs # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/quirks.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/metadata # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/remotes.d # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/pki # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd/gnupg # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/cache/fwupd # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # GLib-DEBUG: unsetenv() is not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd # DEBUG: copying /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/conf-migration-1.7/fwupd/daemon.conf to /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/daemon.conf # DEBUG: copying /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/conf-migration-1.7/fwupd/msr.conf to /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/msr.conf # DEBUG: copying /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/conf-migration-1.7/fwupd/redfish.conf to /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/redfish.conf # DEBUG: copying /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/conf-migration-1.7/fwupd/thunderbolt.conf to /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/thunderbolt.conf # DEBUG: copying /home/randy/work/fwupd_my_new_branch/fwupd/src/tests/conf-migration-1.7/fwupd/uefi_capsule.conf to /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/uefi_capsule.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: not loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: not loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: Failed to open file ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf?: No such file or directory # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: Failed to open file ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf?: No such file or directory # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/daemon.conf of size 0x78a # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] DisabledDevices= # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] DisabledPlugins=test;test_ble;invalid # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] ArchiveSizeMax=0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] IdleTimeout=7200 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] VerboseDomains= # FuConfig-DEBUG: default config, ignoring [fwupd] UpdateMotd=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: default config, ignoring [fwupd] EnumerateAllDevices=false # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] ApprovedFirmware= # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] BlockedFirmware= # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] UriSchemes= # FuConfig-DEBUG: default config, ignoring [fwupd] IgnorePower=false # FuConfig-DEBUG: default config, ignoring [fwupd] OnlyTrusted=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] HostBkc= # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/msr.conf of size 0x5e # FuConfig-DEBUG: default config, ignoring [msr] MinimumSmeKernelVersion=5.18.0 # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/redfish.conf of size 0x1e6 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [redfish] IpmiDisableCreateUser=False # FuConfig-DEBUG: default config, ignoring [redfish] ManagerResetTimeout=1800 # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/thunderbolt.conf of size 0x112 # FuConfig-DEBUG: default config, ignoring [thunderbolt] MinimumKernelVersion=4.13.0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: default config, ignoring [thunderbolt] DelayedActivation=false # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/uefi_capsule.conf of size 0x26f # FuConfig-DEBUG: not migrating default value of [fwupd] ApprovedFirmware=(null) # FuConfig-DEBUG: not migrating default value of [fwupd] ArchiveSizeMax=0 # FuConfig-DEBUG: not migrating default value of [fwupd] BlockedFirmware=(null) # FuConfig-DEBUG: not migrating default value of [fwupd] DisabledDevices=(null) # FuConfig-DEBUG: not migrating default value of [fwupd] HostBkc=(null) # FuConfig-DEBUG: not migrating default value of [fwupd] IdleTimeout=7200 # FuConfig-DEBUG: not migrating default value of [fwupd] UriSchemes=file;https;http;ipfs # FuConfig-DEBUG: not migrating default value of [fwupd] VerboseDomains=(null) # FuConfig-DEBUG: not migrating default value of [fwupd] DisabledPlugins=test;test_ble;invalid # FuConfig-DEBUG: not migrating default value of [redfish] IpmiDisableCreateUser=false # FuConfig-INFO: renaming legacy config file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/daemon.conf to /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/daemon.conf.old # FuConfig-INFO: renaming legacy config file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/msr.conf to /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/msr.conf.old # FuConfig-INFO: renaming legacy config file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/redfish.conf to /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/redfish.conf.old # FuConfig-INFO: renaming legacy config file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/thunderbolt.conf to /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/thunderbolt.conf.old # FuConfig-INFO: renaming legacy config file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/uefi_capsule.conf to /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd/uefi_capsule.conf.old # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded ok 89 /fwupd/config_migrate_1_7 # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/lib/fwupd # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7 # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc # FuCommon-DEBUG: removing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/conf-migration-1.7/var/etc/fwupd # GLib-DEBUG: unsetenv() is not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/fwupd # FuConfig-DEBUG: loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: not loading config /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-INFO: fixing /tmp/fwupd-self-test/fwupd/fwupd.conf from mode 0644 to 0640 # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0x77 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] DisabledPlugins=test;test_ble # FuConfig-DEBUG: default config, ignoring [fwupd] OnlyTrusted=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: default config, ignoring [fwupd] AllowEmulation=false # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuConfig-DEBUG: Failed to open file ?/tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf?: No such file or directory # FuConfig-DEBUG: ::configuration loaded # FuConfig-DEBUG: not migrating default value of [fwupd] DisabledPlugins=test;test_ble # FuCommon-DEBUG: creating path /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd # FuConfig-DEBUG: skipping mode check for /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf as not writable # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0x77 # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] DisabledPlugins=test;test_ble # FuConfig-DEBUG: default config, ignoring [fwupd] OnlyTrusted=true # FuConfig-DEBUG: default config, ignoring [fwupd] AllowEmulation=false # FuConfig-DEBUG: trying to load config values from /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf # FuCommon-DEBUG: mapped file /tmp/fwupd-self-test/var/etc/fwupd/fwupd.conf of size 0x1c # FuConfig-DEBUG: setting config [fwupd] AllowEmulation=true ok 90 /fwupd/config_migrate_1_9 # End of fwupd tests # FuPluginTest-DEBUG: destroy ============================================================================== Ok: 45 Expected Fail: 0 Fail: 0 Unexpected Pass: 0 Skipped: 0 Timeout: 0