Note: makeblog
is still very alpha-quality software. Most social media integration and commenting on posts are not yet implemented.
is a social media-aware static blog generator. It creates a set of HTML blog pages based on Markdown-formatted post files and a configurable set of your recent social media posts.
Compare makeblog
to traditional PHP-based blog software. makeblog
's advantages:
- Runs faster (mostly just HTML pages)
- Less stuff to maintain, especially for small blogs
- Easy to write themes
- Store your blog posts in version control!
On the other hand, you would be better off with a different blog platform if your blog:
- Gets a lot of comments (
is still not very efficient at handling comments)
To make your transition even easier, makeblog
includes a script to import your existing WordPress blog posts--just dump your SQL database into an XML file (using phpMyAdmin) and run the script!
- Install
(runpython install
in a virtualenv) - Create a directory to hold your blog. Optionally add it to version control. (TODO: automatic command for this.)
- Add posts to the
directory. - Create a configuration file (see
) - Compile your blog with
makeblog compile [config.ini]
- And you're done!
: holds your MD-formatted blog postsassets
: holds static assets, copied directly over to final site, except for .scss files which are compiled to CSS first.templates
: holds Jinja2-format templates
Version 0.4 (planned):
* Commenting
* WP import comments
* Almost-static -- update pages on command, etc.
* Pingbacks
* Generate new blog command
* Custom text on tag pages
Version 0.3 (planned):
* Tutorial on how to use makeblog
* Clean up config file structure
* Friendlier user-interface
* Make editor configurable
* Edit blog post command
Version 0.2 (2012/5/25):
* Archive by date
* RSS feeds
* New post command
* Twitter integration
* Fix WP import bugs (tags)
Version 0.1 (2012/5/10):
* WordPress import working
* Basic HTML blog generation working