A node.js wrapper for the Gracenote API - https://developer.gracenote.com
npm install ddanninger/node-gracenote
Request defaults can be sent as an extra parameter to the constructor. More information can be found at the Request Github page.
var api = new Gracenote(clientId,clientTag,userId,requestDefaults);
Function - api.register(req callback)
var Gracenote = require("node-gracenote");
var clientId = "XXX";
var clientTag = "YYY";
var userId = null;
var api = new Gracenote(clientId,clientTag,userId);
api.register(function(err, uid) {
// store this somewhere for the next session
Function - api.searchTrack(req artistName, req albumTitle, req trackTitle, req callback, opt matchMode)
var Gracenote = require("node-gracenote");
var clientId = "XXX";
var clientTag = "YYY";
var userId = "ZZZ";
var api = new Gracenote(clientId,clientTag,userId);
api.searchTrack("Kings of Leon", "Only by the Night", "Sex on fire", function(err, result) {
// Search Result as array
Function - api.searchArtist(req artistName, req callback, opt matchMode)
var Gracenote = require("node-gracenote");
var clientId = "XXX";
var clientTag = "YYY";
var userId = "ZZZ";
var api = new Gracenote(clientId,clientTag,userId);
api.searchArtist("Kings of Leon", function(result) {
// Search Result as array
Function - api.searchAlbum(req artistName, req albumTitle, req callback, opt matchMode)
var Gracenote = require("node-gracenote");
var clientId = "XXX";
var clientTag = "YYY";
var userId = "ZZZ";
var api = new Gracenote(clientId,clientTag,userId);
api.searchAlbum("Kings of Leon", "Only by the Night", function(err, result) {
// Search Result as array
- can be either Gracenote.BEST_MATCH_ONLY
or Gracenote.ALL_RESULTS