From f29575e90f67ec81a6fc59eb0f100db115b16c1b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "gabriele.lana" Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 14:47:56 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Save and restore cpo options for highlights --- .vimrc | 3 +++ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+) diff --git a/.vimrc b/.vimrc index f96e0eb..01e40fe 100644 --- a/.vimrc +++ b/.vimrc @@ -35,8 +35,11 @@ nnoremap h :echo \ "lo<" . synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."),col("."),1)),"name") . ">" " tells you more information about the highlighting group of the item under cursor +let s:cpo_save = &cpo source .hilinks.vim nnoremap t :HLT! +let &cpo = s:cpo_save +unlet s:cpo_save if filereadable(expand("./.session.vim")) execute "source " . expand("./.session.vim")